1986 FEB 04 CC MINY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 4, 1986 CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Armstrong at 7:00, P.M. Tuesday, February 4, 1986, in the Council Chambers of the E1 Segundo City Hall. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Michael Lunsford, E.S.P.D. Sargeant. INVOCATION given by Reverend Dave Edwards of the El Segundo Four Square Church. PRESENTATIONS 1. Mayor Armstrong recognized Shirley Rafield as City Employee of the Month. 2. Councilman Siadek presented a plaque to Dennis Bradley in recognition for his volunteer service to Community Cable Television. Marty Ableser, Principal of Arena High School also recognized Mr. Bradley on behalf of the E1 Segundo Unified School District. 3. Mayor Armstrong read a letter of commendation to Arena High School Principal, Marty Ableser, its students and other school administrators for creating a flexible and successful alternative for our youth to achieve a high school diploma. 4. Delwin A. Biagi, Director of Bureau of Sanitation, City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works, introduced Donald L. Smith, Vice President of James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers who has been hired to analyze the Hyperion facility and provide recommendations which will ensure a "good neighbor" relationship with the City of E1 Segundo and the Hyperion Plant. ROLL CALL taken by City Clerk Ronald L. Hart: Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman Schuldt - present Councilman Siadek - present Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos - present Mayor Armstrong - present MINUTES 1. Minutes of the regular City Council Meeting of January 21, 1986 were held over for the next Council Meeting of February 18, 1986. Councilman Siadek asked the City Clerk if the motion on page 10 of the January 21, 1986 Minutes was accurate. City Clerk Hart said the minutes were correct and stated that the motion had been reviewed by the the City Attorney. Acting City Attorney, Scott Field advised Council that this matter could be discussed in Closed Session. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS -None Council Minutes February 4, 1986 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Second Reading of an Ordinance Repealing Chapter 9.16 of Title 9 and Adding New Chapter 5.38 to Title 5 of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code Relating to Fortune - telling Regulations. Introduced by Councilman Siadek. City Manager Nicholas Romaniello read the title of the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING CHAPTER 9.16 (FORTUNETELLING) OF TITLE 9 (PEACE, SAFETY AND MORALS) AND ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 5.38 (BUSINESS REGULATIONS AND LICENSING) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS 1. Councilman Schuldt announced the annual Sister City Guaymas Association excursion. This year will mark the 100th Anniversary of the Guaymas Carnaval, said Councilman Schuldt. 2. Mayor Armstrong commented on the Senior Housing Board by stating they were hard working "self giving" people. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - WRITTEN -None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ORAL 1. Dennis Martin 722 Indiana Court complimented the Planning Commissions's proposed height and density requirements in the C -3W zone property (west of Sepulveda between Imperial Highway and Grand Avenue). Mr. Martin expressed confidence in the City Council and Planning Commission and the existence of a fairness to both residents and businesses. Mr. Martin concluded by stating his belief was that the most vital function of City Government is to maintain the best interests of citizens, businesses, and property owners. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion unless a request is made for discussion, in which case, the item(s) will be considered separately following this portion of the Consent Agenda. Mayor Armstrong requested that item 416 be called from the Consent Agenda. Thereafter, MOTION was made by Councilman Jacobson and SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos that the remaining items listed on the Consent Agenda be approved. -MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 1. Warrant Nos. 251 -475 on Demand Register Summary No. 16 in total amount of $1,116,711.79 Ratified and approved. (2) Council Minutes February 4, 1986 6°'711 2. Warrant Nos. 10681 -10693 On Demand Register Summary No. 17 in amount of $259,885.43 Ratified and approved. 3. Claim of Joseph Levine vs. City of E1 Segundo Claim denied. 4. Claim of William E. Dial, III vs. City of E1 Segundo Claim denied. 5. Claim of John Traub & Diane M. Goodman vs. City of E1 Segundo Claim denied. 6. Claim of Enterprise Rent -A -Car vs. City of E1 Segundo Claim denied. 7. Claim of Eileen O'Brien and Tom Underhill vs. City of E1 Segundo Claim denied. 8. Claim of Geoffrey Gerney vs. City of E1 Segundo Claim Denied. 9. Application for Leave to Present a Late Claim Pursuant to Government Code 911.4 and Claim for Damages under Government Code 911.2 and 911.4 of Colich & Sons, Colich Bros., Inc., and Colich Construction Company Application for leave to present late claim denied. 10. Letter to Mrs. M. Brown, Director of Election Services, Los Angeles County Registrar- Recorder's Office - Amended Consolidation Plan for Precincts in Forthcoming Municipal Election to be held on April 8, 1986. Received and filed. 11. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, Ordering the Canvass of the General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, April 8, 1986 be made by the City Clerk. Resolution adopted. 12. Second Year Extension Request for a Temporary Trailer from Chevron U.S.A., Located at 324 W. E1 Segundo Blvd., Gate 7- Coord. 8 -A. Original Permit Expires 1- 17 -86; Extension Through 1- 16 -87. Extension awardeda 13. Award Bid to Lowest Bidder, the Monroe Company, for a Complete Portable Stage with Three Storage Trucks - Recreation Department. Resolution adopted. (3) Council Minutes February 4, 1986 14. Authorize the Recreation and Parks Department to make Application to the Block Grant Program Provided for by the Robert- Z'berg- Harris Urban Open Space Act. Resolution adopted. 15. Resolution of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, Authorizing the Destruction of Certain Records at the City Public Library. Resolution adopted. 17. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, Establishing Speed Limits On Sepulveda Blvd. As Requested by the California Department of Transportation Resolution adopted. 18. Approval of Agreement with the State of California for Fuel "Efficient Traffic Signal Management Program. Agreement approved. 19. Authorization to Reject All Bids for the Sweeping of Parking Lots and Bicycle Path and to Readvertise for Bids - Project PW 85 -11 Authorization granted. 20. Request for Approval of License Agreement with Vanguard Communications & Construction for installation of two four -foot antenna dishes on the exterior of the City Water Tower License agreement approved. 21. Status Report and Selection of Architect for the City Library Expansion Approved selection of architect: Charles Walton, Associates. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 16. Request Authorization to Request to Los Angeles County for Allocation of County Aid to Cities Funds -FY 85 -86. Mayor Armstrong expressed concern over the insufficiency of funds for the present repair work needed for arterial and collector streets. Mayor Armstrong MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to grant the authorization to request funds. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER ' City Manager Romaniello requested Closed Session regarding the upcoming potential litigation with Cable Television. §5496.9 (b) and §5496.9 (c). NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY -None (4) Council Minutes February 4, 1986 ` ° ti FURTHER NEW BUSINESS Councilman Siadek expressed concern over the lack oral of reports on the Council agenda regarding the status of pending projects occurring within the City. City Manager Nicholas Romaniello interjected by stating that Staff does not create agenda items. Their job is to respond to the requests of Council and maintain community relations. Councilman Siadek queried the status of plan check "turnaround " in the Building Department and requested a staff report on this matter. City Manager Nicholas Romaniello responded to Councilman Siadek by stating that a report could not be given at this time and requested of Council that this subject be deferred until such time could be devoted to Staff preparation and review by the City Manager. It was the consensus of Council to have a staff report at the next City Council Meeting of February 18, 1986 regarding the Plan Check "turnaround" time. GOOD OF THE ORDER -None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — ORAL 1. Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana Court said that lengthy Council Meetings can deter Council from addressing immediate policies; consequently "wasting" expensive staff and community time. Mayor Armstrong complimented Director of Public Works, William Glickman for his complete report on Fuel Efficient Traffic Signal Management Program which was item no. 18 on the Consent Agenda. CLOSED SESSION At 7:52 P.M. Council adjourned to the Mayor's office for Closed Session. §54956.9 (b) Community Cable. §54956.9 (c) Community Cable At 8:52 P.M. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members answering Roll Call. The Mayor announced that no decisions were made in Closed Session. (5) 7 Council Minutes February 4, 1986 ti ADJOURIM NT No other decisions appearing to come before Council at this Session, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:53 P.M. in memory of the following: Willa Chapman Gilbreath, a 35 year resident of El Segundo, who died January 15, at the age of 97. Edwin Joseph Ropeter, a 35 year resident, died January 26 at the age of 87. Stanley Newton Lyman, a 47 year resident, died January 27 one day short of his 88th birthday. Desiree Leigh Durell, a 21 year resident, died January 22 at age 27, following a lengthy illness. Helen Jay Cummings, a 15 year resident, died January 14 at age 86. The Mayor also asked for a "thoughtful moment of silence to pay tribute to the Challenger Crew who, in the our President's words 'reached out and touched the face of God'. What more can be said of these pioneers into space than has already been said - -these heroic seven: Michael Smith ... Francis Scobee ... Ronald Mc Nair... Ellison Onizuke... Christa Mc Auliffe ... Gregory Jarvis... and Judith Resnik. (6) Submitted by Ronald L. Hart City Clerk Council Minutes February 4, 1986 ti'71 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING- FEBRUARY 18, 1986 CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Armstrong at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Mr. Ara Avak. INVOCATION given by Father Rick Chunn, St. Patricks Celtic Church. PRESENTATIONS -None ROLL CALL was taken by City Clerk Hart: Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman Schuldt - present Councilman Siadek - present Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos - present Mayor Armstrong - present MINUTES 1. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of January 21, 1986 were approved as written. 2. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of February 4, 1986 were approved as written. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Zone Text Amendment #84 -2 and Certification of a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact EA -065 for proposed amendments to the City of E1 Segundo Zoning Ordinance for a Special Commercial District (C -3W) west of Sepulveda boulevard to reduce Maximum building area ratio from 2:1 to 1:1, to reduce the maximum building height from 200 feet to 45 ft., to reduce the maximum building height for C -3 lots adjoining a residential zone from 100 ft. to 40 ft., and require a landscape buffer in the setback between a C -3 parcel and any residential zone; petitioned by the City of E1 Segundo. Mayor Armstrong announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the hearing on the Proposed Zone Text Amendment #84 -2 and Certification of a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact EA -065 for proposed amendments to the City of E1 Segundo Zoning Ordinance for a Special Commercial District (C -3W) west of Sepulveda to reduce the maximum building area ratio from 2:1 to 1:1, to reduce the maximum building height from 200 feet to 45 ft., to reduce the maximum building height for C -3 lots adjoining a residential zone from 100 ft. to 40 ft.,and require a landscape buffer in the setback between a C -3 parcel and any residential zone; petitioned by the City of E1 Segundo. Mayor Armstrong asked the City Clerk if proper notice had been given. City Clerk Hart stated that proper notice had been published. Mayor Armstrong stated that those files would become part of the hearing. City Clerk Hart acknowledged receipt of the following written communication: 1. Myron E Harpole, President of Hacienda Hotel, 525 North Sepulveda expressed disapproval of downzoning and requested the consideration of R -3 property and the east side of Sepulveda Boulevard. 2. Ara Avak, 731 Pine Street favored the proposed downzoning amendment. 3. Carol Escobar, 815 California Street oppose the downzoning amendment and asked that all residents and property owners be considered in the final decision. 4. Janice L. Footer, 620 Illinois court favored the 45 ft. height limitation. Council Minutes February 18, 1986