1986 APR 23 CC MIN.Y MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL April 23, 1986 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened for an Adjourned Regular Meeting on Wednesday, April 23, 1986 at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers of the E1 Segundo City Hall. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Mr. Charles La Fleur ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt, West and Mayor Siadek. Absent: None Mayor Siadek announced that at the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting held on April 17, 1986 at 8:00 A.M., Arthur Jones was approved as Acting City Manager by a motion MOVED by Mayor Siadek, and SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. NEW BUSINESS 1. Joint Meeting- Senior Housing Board Council met with the Senior Housing Board to discuss the Senior Housing Operating Agreement. Council directed staff to expedite completion of the incorporation of the Senior Housing Board Non - Profit Corporation and further directed this be handled administratively. NEW BUSINESS CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, EXPRESSING ITS INTENTION TO JOIN THE INDEPENDENT'CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY LIABILITY POOLING PROGRAM. Councilman West MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt the subject resolution. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. At 8:00 P.M. the Mayor adjourned the meeting to the Mayor's Office for Closed Session, regarding Personnel Matters, Government Code 59596.9 (b). Council reconvened in the Council Chambers at 8:40 P.M. Roll Call was as follows: Present: Councilmembers Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt, West and Mayor Siadek. Absent: None The Mayor announced that no decisions were made in Closed Session. ADJOURNMENT Council adjourned at 8:40 P.M. i� l Mayor ld L. Hart