2CLOSED SESSION - t;nuucil recessed at 9:14 P.ii. co the tayor's Office to discuss the rollowing matter: Government Code 54956.9(b) Significant E-posure to Litigation Council reconvened at 9:33 P.M. I;oll call was taken by City Clerk Hart: Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman Schuldt - present Councilman Siadek - absent (in audience) Mayor Pro Tem Synadios - present :Mayor Armstrong - present Hayor Armstrong announced that no decisions were made during Closed Session. Mayor Armstrong reconfirmed that the best possible method was to uphold the appeal and refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for an assessment of the parking needs. Uhen this has been accomplished to the satisfaction of the City Council, the applicant can then resubmit an application to the Planning Commission for a change of condition No. 7. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, ;Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos SECONDED,to uphold the appeal. :Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong :foes :. None Not Voting: Councilman Siadek i Council expressed concern that the Planning Commission understood the urgency of this matter. City Manager Komaniello interjected the necessity for staff to go back and review the plan check process, the laws and rules in effect at the time the permits were issued, and have the Planning Commission look at those current areas brought before the City. Councilman Jacobson iiOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, to direct Planning Commission to look into the parking needs of Embassy Suites and report back to Council as soon as reasonably possible. _lotion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Noes: None Not Voting: Councilman Siadek ADJOURIN !EN? - No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. APPROVED: Ronald L. (tart City Clerk -2- Council Minutes October 2, 1985 X6651