1985 NOV 19 CC MINMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 19, 1985 CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Armstrong at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, November 19, 1985, in the Council Chambers of the E1 Segundo City Hall. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIARCE was led by First Sergeant James Edwards, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Long Beach Naval Station. INVOCATION was given by Dr. J. H. Greer, Pacific Baptist Church, E1 Segundo. PRESENTATIONS I. Ms. Leslie Kuplan, Assistant Manager, Automobile Club of Southern California presented the Pedestrian Safety Award to E1 Segundo Police Lt. Dave Johnson. 2. Councilman Jacobson presented a Proclamation declaring November 29 through December 23, 1985 as Toys for Tots Month to First Sergeant James Edwards, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Long Beach Naval Station. 3. Mayor Armstrong presented a Proclamation declaring November 18 -24, 1985 as League of Women Voters Week to Doris Rosenberg, Librarian, E1 Segundo High School and local member of the League of Women Voters. ROLL CALL was taken by Deputy City Clerk Juanita Carson. Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman Schuldt - present Councilman Siadek - present Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos - absent Mayor Armstrong - present MINUTES I. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of November 5, 1985 were approved as written. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Second Reading of a Transportation Systems Management Ordinance, Introduced by Councilman Siadek on November 5, 1985. City Attorney Dolley read the Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 20 (THE COMPREHENSIVE 'ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO CHAPTER 20.8 (DEFINITIONS); CHAPTER 20.54 (ON -SITE PARKING AND LOADING); AND ADDING CHAPTERS 20.55 (DEVELOPER TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT) AND CERTIFYING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT THEREOF. which title was read. Councilman Siadek, MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED to waive futher reading and adopt the proposed ordinance. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek and Mayor Armstrong Noes: None Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS, AND BOARDS - None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - WRITTEN - None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ORAL Dave Jones, 438 Maryland, E1 Segundo, Expressed disfavor at the attitude of the Planning Commission toward the citizens who spoke during the last meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Siadek requested that Item #2 be withdrawn. Councilman Jacobson requested that Item #7 be withdrawn. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED that the remaining items listed on the Consent Agenda be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek and Mayor Armstrong Noes: None Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos 1. Request Council Approval of a Fuel Efficient Traffic Signal Maintenance Program Grant Application. Resolution adopted. 3. Warrant Nos. 9778 -10018 on Demand Register Summary No. 10 in total amount of $811,753.87. Ratified and approved. 4. Request Council Ratification of Staff Action Regarding Christmas Decorations. Action ratified. 5. Recommendation to Endorse and Support the "Fair Responsibility Act of 1986 ". Resolution adopted. 6. Request Council to Grant to the Merchants on Main Street Permission to Schedule a "Sidewalk Sale" for November 29 and 30, 1985, Friday and Saturday, 9 -5 P.M. Request Approved. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 2. Implementation of Annual Salary and Fringe Adjustments. Councilman Siadek requested that this item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda, in order that the record show his abstention. -2- Council Minutes November 19, 1985 X ti 6674 Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, that this resolution be adopted. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, and Mayor Armstrong Noes: None Abstain: Councilman Siadek Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos 7. Request for Approval of License Agreement with Chevron U.S.A. Refinery for Phase II of Vapor Abatement Project Within the City. Councilman Jacobson was concerned about the traffic problem that might be incurred as a result of Phase II and suggested that the Sleepy Hollow area be coordinated during a weekend. Chevron agreed to this stipulation. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, that the agreement be approved and the resolution adopted. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek and Mayor Armstrong Noes: None Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos NEW BUSINESS — CITY MANAGER 1. Program Budget Orientation - Request for Councilmembers Time. City Manager Romaniello indicated that the Program Report is complete and that staff and consultant are requesting time for presentation to Council. It was the consensus of Council that December 2, 1985 tentatively be set for a 2 hour study session pending Mayor Pro Tem Synadino's schedule. Eileen Hunter was directed by Mayor Armstrong to coordinate the exact meeting time. NEW BUSINESS — CITY ATTORNEY 1. Presentation of Resolution Denying the Appeal of Crocker National Bank from the Planning Commission Decision to Deny the Application for Unclassified Use Permit 1184 -2 for a Helistop at 2121 E. Park Place within said City. City Attorney read the Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DENYING THE APPEAL OF CROCKER NATIONAL BANK FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY THE APPLICATION FOR UNCLASSIFIED USE PERMIT 1184 -2 FOR A HELISTOP AT 2121 EAST PARK PLACE WITHIN SAID CITY. which title was read. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Mayor Armstrong SECONDED, to waive further reading and adopt. -3- Council Minutes November 19, 1985 Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Councilman Siadek Abstain: Councilman Schuldt Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos It was the consensus of Council that this Resolution be held over to the December 3, 1985 City Council Meeting. FURTHER NEW BUSINESS - None GOOD OF THE ORDER - None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — ORAL - None CLOSED SESSION - None ADJOURNMENT - No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the meeting was adjourned at 7:21 P.M., until December 2, 1985 for the purpose of a Study Session. Council adjourned in memory of: APPROVED: Pauline Gilbert Patterson, who would have been 74 years old on this day and was a 74 year resident of El Segundo. AONALD L. HART CITY CLERK -4- Council Minutes November 19, 1985 X 667.55