1985 MAR 19 CC MINX 6503 i. MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL March 19, 1985 CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in a special session Tuesday, March 19, 1985, at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall.The City Clerk reported that a Notice of Adjournment had been posted as required by law and that an affidavit of posting was in the City Clerk's file. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Armstrong. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Schuldt,Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong. Absent: Councilmembers Jacobson and Siadek Councilman Jacobson entered the Council Chambers at 5:34 P.M. The Mayor announced that this meeting had been called pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California for the purpose of meeting with representatives from Ralph Andersen & Associates in regards to possible recruitment procedures for the City's City Manager position. The Mayor then announced that the Council would recess to the West Conference Room in closed session for this purpose. At the hour of 6:20 P.M., the .Council reconvened, with the following members present and answering roll call: Present: Councilmembers Jacobson,Schuldt,Synadinos,and Mayor Armstrong. Absent: Councilmember Siadek ADJOURNMENT No further business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned, the hour of adjournment being 6:25 P.M. APPROVED: Charles K. Armstro�ayor i504 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL 4 March 19, 1985 CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on Tuesday, March 19, 1985, at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pledge was led by Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, Fred Weiner. INVOCATION Invocation was given by Police Chief Clark Devilbiss. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Absent: Councilmembers None PRESENTATIONS None SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS The Mayor informed the City Clerk that due to very recent developments it would not now be necessary to convene Council to a Board of Examiners and Appeals, in the matter of the Spanish Tile roofing on various buildings that did not comply with Building Code Standards: Underwood Construction Company. GOOD OF THE ORDER George Ohara, Chief Engineer of Waste Water Treatment Plant of Hyperion, 1200 Vista del Mar, Playa Del Rey,addressed the Council. Mr. Ohara explained why there are odors emitting from the plant; that Hyperion recognizes the problems and is trying to correct them. He further stated that many of the questions raised by Mayor Armstrong and City Manager Jones would be addressed in writing. He indicated that some of the problem is due to breakage of equipment and recent construction. Mr. Ohara stated that anyone having complaints could call (213) 322 -3131 (24 hours a day) or (213) 772 -3394 (24 hours a day). At the filing of a complaint with them, they will investigate and see if there is any possible corrective action to be taken. City Manager Jones asked about the sewer gas. Mr. Ohara replied that there was a compressor failure (pilot light went out) and this was under investigation. The schedule of deadlines regarding construction will be presented at the next council meeting by the Los Angeles City Department of Public Works Bureau of Sanitation, and Mr. Ohara stated that the remainder of inquiries that Council may still have, and questions concerning future construction at the Hyperion Plant could best be answered, at that time. COUNCIL MINUTES X 6505 Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of March 5, 1985 were approved as corrected. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Richard Croxall, 355 Loma Vista, E1 Segundo, representing Prop A Transit Committee, and Chair Pro Tem of the Recreation & Parks Commission addressed the Council on the recommendation of the Committee. The recommendations were: (1) provide a fixed route in E1 Segundo from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (2) expand the present Dial -A -Ride service to include Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and (3) to provide transportation during the summer to the beach. Alternatives listed were (1) fixed route for special events (2) provide Dial -A -Ride service outside of E1 Segundo, and (3) provide special trips for residents to places of interests and special events. Councilman Siadek indicated that the ARC (handicapped) Program needed to be considered in the use of this transportation. Mr. Tony Arndt, 711 E. Pine, E1 Segundo, Vice Chair of the Prop A Committee and member of the Recreation & Parks Committee, addressed the Council regarding a meeting with representatives from Hermosa Beach, and Manhattan Beach and that he had also discussed the E1 Segundo program with a member of the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission. He stated that if a need exists, then something along the lines of Councilman Siadek's concern can be accommodated. A discussion ensued regarding this issue. Another discussion ensued regarding the use of this program for a beach run. Tony Arndt indicated that since the beach run will be an experimental program, it could be discontinued if it is not utilized. But he indicated that the purpose is to help reduce traffic and best serve the community along with the continuation of the Dial -A -Ride program; the usage of Prop A funds for the beach run. Mayor Armstrong inquired as to the insurance regardng the use of the program outside the City. City Manager Jones stated the current policy would probably cover this but he would check into it, and make a definte confirmation. City Manager Jones also indicated the possibility of charging a nominal fee. Mr. Arndt indicated that he felt it would be unfair to charge a fee to citizens for funds they have already paid for. Mayor Armstrong indicated disfavor to the concept of a beach run to be included in the new proposed program. Council indicated agreement to the beach run on a trial basis. Mr. Arndt stated in response, that the new bus is not just for the purpose of a beach run but is a replacement. Thereafter, the following motion was made: Councilman Siadek MOVED, and Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that the Prop A proposal be approved as recommended with the three programs outlined. -2- Council Minutes March 19, 1985 *6.510 6 The motion carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Siadek and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Councilmembers Schuldt and Synadinos PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ORAL - (5 MINUTE TIME LIMIT) Steve Wiley, 713 Hillcrest, E1 Segundo, stated he had some objections to the City purchasing outside of the City on goods and services. He suggested that the Council adopt a policy to purchase items within the City when possible. Mr. Jones indicated that is the current policy when goods and services are competitive - if the local merchandise is not more than 1% higher. He also stated that there is an open purchase order on small items and that local merchants are on a list with the City; suggested that if a merchant believes they may not be on the list to contact City Hall. Councilman Jacobson and Mayor Armstrong reaffirmed that the City use local merchants for purchase of items. Dennis Martin, 836 E. Grand, E1 Segundo, addressed the council regarding a smoke free environment for employees. Mayor Armstrong referred to Mr. Jones regarding the smoking survey that was to be given to City employees. Mr. Jones stated that this survey will be handed out in the next week. Walt Baynes, 1432 E. Sycamore, E1 Segundo, asked for further clarification on the purchasing of a new bus for the City's Dial - A -Ride Program. Mr. Jones indicated that the new one is in the replacement schedule. It is a replacement for the existing bus in service and the money is approved and accrued from Prop A money and from Revenue Sharing money. Further, the vehicle included in the recommendation would be an additional over and above the replacement bus in the schedule. Trial can be run with the replacement bus and the one currently in use and the existing backup. The City will have three buses, two in service and a backup. Mark Jones, 770 W. Imperial, El Segundo, representing 100 homeowners at this address. He indicated overwhelming problems regarding Group W Cable: poor service, violating rules of the building, damaging the building property and the personal property of the owners. Mayor Armstrong asked Mr. Dolley if this was being explored. Councilman Siadek indicated that he, Kevin Northcraft, and Mr. Jones met with the Group W representative last week and perhaps in closed session possible litigation could be discussed. Mr. Dolley recommended that this be done in this manner. Councilman Siadek then submitted to the City Clerk written communications pertaining to Group W's performance. CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Jacobson asked that Item 4 be discussed separately. Mayor Armstrong asked that Item 12 be discussed separately. -3- Council Minutes March 19, 1985 Thereafter.the following motion was made: Councilwoman Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that the balance of the Consent Calendar items be accepted as recommended. The motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek, Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong Noes: None 1. Warrant Nos. 86808 -86979 on Demand Register Summary No. 17, in total amount of $988,626.70. Ratified and Approved. 2. A Civil Preparedness Procedure for Providing for Continuation of Government in a State of Emergency in the event of the disability of the Mayor and other members of the Disaster Council. Ratified and Approved. 3. Request from the E1 Segundo Association of Christian Churches for a permit to utilize amplified sound for Easter Sunrise Services at Library Park. (Amplified sound cannot be used prior to 7 A.M. unless so authorized by permit approval.) Ratified and Approved. 5. Southern California Edison Company Notice of Application before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, for Authority to change its rates effective June 1, 1985. Ratified and Approved. 6. Request for Acceptance of the Work for Modification to Traffic Signals on Main Street and Grand Avenue, Project No. 84 -12 by Steiny and Company. Accept Completion. 7. 1985 -86 Slurry Seal Program, Project No. PW 85 -1, awarding the contract to the lowest bidder. Contract Awarded to Pavement Coatings and Company. 8. Support Tort Reform Bills that will limit a city's liability exposure: SB 433 (Bergeson), AB unnumbered (Connelly), AB 200 and AB 230 (McAlister), AB 934 (Seymour). Approved. 9. Request to award bid for Power Line Conditioner to Computer Power Systems (second lowest bidder); rejecting Cal Switch and Signal (lowest bidder) due to not being able to comply with the City's requested delivery date. Reject Lowest Bid of Cal Switch and Contract Awarded to Second Lowest Bidder, Computer Power Systems. 10. Claim of Mark Garden vs. City of E1 Segundo Claim Denied. -4- Council Minutes March 19, 1985 X 6 50 i K6 MS 11. Claim of Charles Bailey, a minor vs. City of E1 Segundo. Claim Denied. 13. Two Agreements Proposed by Infocomp Systems, Inc.: The City's Data Processing Software Supplier. Authorize the appropriate signatures of approval on the Nondisclosure and General Agreement, for a Joint Venture Participation. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 4. Councilman Jacobson indicated that the PUC has regulated the gas prices that Edison pays such that they will be competitive or below fuel oil prices which basically means that Edison will never be buying from Chevron again, and asked Mr. Jones for clarification. Mr.Jones indicated that this is something the PUC did 2 -3 years ago and tied it to categories of raw petroelum products to guarantee that whenever the price of petroleum products dropped that natural gas delivered to utilities would also drop. The purpose for that is for the clean air and that they will be burning the more abundant fuel rather than imported oil. The only way to change that is disruption in the gas supply. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Mayor Armstrong SECONDED that this be received and filed. The motion carried unanimously. 12. Mayor Armstrong stated that the Inaugural of the E1 Segundo Fun Run indicated that none of the city costs are reimbursed by the entry fees and that perhaps officials from the TAC organization could help. Kevin Northcraft, Assistant City Manager, indicated that the City is in the process of setting up assistance from TAC and would be appreciative of any help from anyone in the community. The City would be waiving the actual city costs on the day of the race The costs of putting barriers and cones, and a police officer is approximately $1,000 but that last year it was under $500 and again may be way under the $1,000. Mayor Armstrong indicated that perhaps next year we handle matters differently so that the City does get reimbursed. Mayor Armstrong MOVED, and Councilman Siadek SECONDED. The motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — ■BITTEN Letter from Mark Jones regarding Group W was received and filed. CITY MANAGER 1. Presention of Mid -year Adjustments for the 1984 -85 Budget City Manager Jones indicated th adjustment was mainly done for: registration fees which delayed March; the final revenues won't proposal is only adjustments to Fund that have been affected by Clerk's -5- at a minimal mid -year increase in business due date until the end of be known until April so the 5 departments in the General unusual cost factors: City Council Minutes March 19, 1985 X 6509 Office - increase of $10,000; Finance Department - increase of $24,000; Legal Department - $85,000; Police Department - $13,000; and Building and Safety - $119,000; for a total of $251,000. The increase in the Building and Safety should be funded through Plan Check fees so that will not impact tax revenue in the General Fund. Mayor Armstrong asked if this was on the basis of a loan. Mr. Jones stated that it was not a loan and would be recovered, however, not necessarily this year. One major reason is the backlog of plan checking and that the City incurred some extraordinary costs in obtaining outside plan check assistance. Mr. Jones indicated that at the end of the fiscal year an analysis will be done and given to Council. Discussion also ensued regarding the new developments that may occur. Mr. Jones said that this is on the basis of estimated workload; outside services may not be needed pending new developments. Mayor Armstrong indicated that he hoped the overage would be reimbursed from future litigation. Mr. Jones stated that there may be some recovery. Councilman Siadek indicated that he felt this litigation could have been projected more accurately. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED. The motion carrried unanimously. 2. Presentation of Auditor's Report: Accounting Records 1983 -84 Finance Director Jose Sanchez presented the following report: Mr. Sanchez indicated that the Financial Statements received an unqualified or clean opinion, indicating that the statements represent fairly the financial position of the City's various funds and accounts;are in conformance with accepted accounting principles. There has been no opinion rendered on the valuation of fixed assets for the general City since these assets have been maintained on a current basis however, it is the intention of the staff to pursue with the auditors what will be required and what can be accomplished to include these areas in future audits. Previously,a comment could not be rendered on the Water Utility Fixed Assets however,this has been corrected. This was done by bringing the assets to current status and allowing the auditor to render an opinion as to the valuation of the Water Fixed Assets. Director Sanchez stated that Financial Statements were prepared in the format to comply with the principles of Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting as recommended by the National Council on Governmental Accounting. -6- Council Minutes March 19, 1985 xt,i10 Mr. Sanchez referred to the Auditor's Comments and Recommendations and stated that these comments are based on observations and conclusions made by the auditor during the course of the audit and after discussion with staff. Current year comments addressed the Treasurer's Reports and Accounts Receivable Records. Staff does concur with the auditor's recommendations and either has taken the steps to implement those recommendations or will be taking steps to implement. Prior Year Comments refered to the status or implementation as of June 30, 1984;since then,2 items listed have been further addressed.Under Segregation of Duties, staff has implemented a procedure that provides for verification of bank reconciliations and under Investment Accounting Records, procedures have been implemented to satisfy this concern as of January 1985. Mayor Armstrong inquired regarding the City's lack of change in the Record Retention Policy and questioned as to whether this was due to not having the computer facility; after installation would the record retention be brought up to date. Mr. Sanchez indicated that this was part of the problem and the computer system will be very helpful. Councilman Siadek questioned why only two items had been implemented and why staff had not gone further with the others listed. Mr. Sanchez stated that some of the comments and recommenda- tions are geared toward developing the best controls and many times these recommendations cannot be implemented under the existing organization with existing staff. However, many of them need to be looked at and modified to coincide with the organization we have with the number of staff available. With the new system many can be implemented. Mr. Sanchez indicated that in regards to Revenue Sharing, the City was in compliance with Federal Regulations governing revenue sharing and the auditor has given a clean opinion. Mayor Armstrong MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED that the Auditor's Report be received and filed. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Cal- Insurance Group Liability Insurance Coverage for Sister City Committee Mr. Jones stated that there was a question of liability coverage for the Sister City Committee. He stated that earlier this year the City was informed that litigation was filed individually against the Sister City Committee and its President. In exploring the question, it was determined that because the Sister City Committee is a quasi - governmental agency and a non - profit corporation,(incorporated under the laws of California) it does not fall under the same liability coverage as other city operations. The City Attorney's analysis indicated that there is potential liability to the City for the Sister City operations under the current structure. The City's insurance broker has suggested a plan that provides $1,000,000 coverage for the Committee with a -7- Council Minutes March 19, 1985 / tj 5.t1 base premium of $500 per year which would provide in addition to coverage for their year around activities, coverage for three specij.l events which admission fees would be charged.For any event beyond three, at which admission is charged, there would be an additional premium charged of $150 to $200 per event. The Committee has requested that the Council consider providing the premium for that coverage and City Manager Jones recommened that the City provide base premium and that the committee for the special events, beyond the $500 base premium pay the additional premium that may be incurred. Discussion ensued as to the structure of the Sister City Committee and non - profit status and Attorney Dolley indicated that any City official or staff acting on behalf of the City is covered under the City's insurance, which includes trips to Mexico, as long as the official or staff member is acting in the scope of city duties. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, approval for coverage. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Presentation of Contract with the Planning Center for the Sleepy (Smokey) Hollow Specific Plan; Allocation of Additional Funds ($7,800) from the General Fund to Account No. 170008. Mr. Nicholas Romaniello, Director of Planning, addressed the Council on the interim zone of the Sleepy (Smokey) Hollow Area. Mr. Romaniello indicated that previously the Council was asked to extend the interim zoning for one year, which runs out on January 1, 1986. The intent was to show the Council the alternatives - (1) to do a specific planning, (2) to leave the interim zoning, or (3) to revert back to the M1. The decision was made to proceed with the specific plan alternative. Originally there was a request for $60,000 for budget which was reduced to $30,000. This was to assist in -house staff with a portion of the work. Since then there have been RFP's sent out to approximately 10 firms. Five of those firms responses were evaluated by a Committee and interviewed. The Committee consisted of the Mayor, the Chairman of the Planning Commission, Director of Public Works, City Manager, Planning Director and the Associate Planner. The Committee referred to the County (Community Development Block Grant) to inquire if a portion of the money could be used for the program. The County initially said yes, however Director Romaniello, stated there is still some doubt if the City could use the total amount of next year's allocation as well, which is only $7,000. The County recommended that there be a CDBG person exclusively to handle the allocated funds. The County reasoned that a CDBG person would perhaps formulate better ideas for the use of the concerned funds.Mr. Romaniello indicated that the City could loose out on their allocation,or be greatly reduced,due to it not being used. Councilman Siadek indicated that he felt a study should be done but that property owners, the Chamber, and other interested parties,-be present when the consultant interviews. Mr. Romaniello indicated that there would be several meetings which would be to gather input from all involved and concerned. He also stated that the consultants would be working the area on a lot by lot basis, which would permit a great deal of individual contact. - 8 - Council Minutes March 19, 1985 f)7_tti Mr. Romaniello summarized stating that the bid was reduced by approximately $13,000 therefore, a shortfall of $3800 is anticipated., and Planning needed Council approval for the additional funding. Councilman Siadek MOVE, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED that the additional $3800 be allocated. The motion was carried unanimously. CITY ATTORNEY 1. Oral Status Report on Possible Compliance Measures regarding Hyperion Odor Problems. Mr. Dolley stated that since a list of questions had been delivered to Hyperion, and since the answers would be forthcoming within a week, he recommended a closed session. 2. Oral Presentation on Current Litigation with LAX in reference to Aircraft Noise. Mr. Dolley reported that more than 10 years ago the City and LAX entered into a series of discussions which culminated last spring,seeking to have a noise control program that would assist reducing the noise in the City of E1 Segundo. Last May through August, such a program was adopted by LAX but in fact, that noise control program contains no operational measures which would benefit the citizens of E1 Segundo in the reduction of noise. He further stated that there is still alot to be done in regards to an unbalanced noise runway (north and south takeoffs) policy. The first part of the lawsuit, filed at the direction of the City Council, deals with the fact that the California Environmental Quality Act was not addressed. If LAX had gone through the CEQA process it would have shown that it was of no noise benefit. The staff of the airport, as alleged in the lawsuit, failed to bring before the Board of Airport Commissioners this change to the unbalanced noise policy. Mr. Mann has demonstrated in a report, that a significant impact has occured from the change to the unbalanced system. Mr. Dolley indicated that the most surprising is that the Commissioners were never presented the report formally, and yet that unbalanced noise policy has been forwarded to the Federal Government and they are in the midst of acting on that policy. Mr. Dolley further stated that the suit alleged the General Plan of Los Angeles and the Noise Control Program which was adopted are in conflict; that a key factor that was discovered by looking at the documents from Mr. Mann, is that the City of Los Angeles' Board of Airport Commissioners have failed to implement mitigation measures in the 1980 Plan. Mr. Dolley indicated that one cause of action,is that zoning of Los Angeles for the Imperial Terminal conflicts,with the General Plan. Part-of the cause of action that the City is seeking would be that the City of Los Angeles rezone the area as a buffer - so that no further terminals, no further M2 manufacturing type buildings could be put in. Also, the City is seeking the removal of Imperial Terminal. -9- Council Minutes March 19, 1985 X6»13 Lastly, the City is seeking to declare that because of the unbalanced runway, because of no action on early turns, no operational procedures - that the airport is being operated in effect as a public nuisance. Mr. Dolley stated that this case would be heard sometime the first part of May, possibly the first week of May. CITY CLERK No business presented. PUBLIC WOBHS 1. Presentation of Potential Computerized Public Works Management Programs Available. Director of Public Works Glickman indicated that computerized system for Public Works, preferably Harris and Associates, is an diversed program for several matters:sanitary sewers, pavement striping, street signs, street curbs, sidewalk management and street trees. In order to obtain the sanitary sewer apportion of that system, the basic strategies and materials are included in the pavement management part of the program. The total cost of the two programs,including the inventory, data entry, and the purchase of the software,is $31,050. The remainder of the programs can be acquired for $21,000. Presently, in the budget, Public Works had included an amount of $10,000 for the inventory and data entry and the report without the acquisition of the software, only for the pavement management area. Director Glickman stated that funding would be from the gasoline tax fund. The City Manager has indicated that Public Works seek other proposals, but Mr. Glickman expressed that what the depart- ment is looking for is some direction from Council about moving ahead with this or any other computerized inventory program for the--Public Works Department. Councilman Siadek asked to the cost effectiveness. Mr.Glickman reported that the system provides reports in several formats for action on budget, for staff, and in response to inquiries by citizens . He added that it is difficult to develop a true cost benefit analysis except to say that it would enable the department to know the total inventory and allow for a cost - saving replacement program; that it might be better to develop a long -term program and a capital improvement program for any of the Public Works activities mentioned. Mr. Glickman stated that he felt it was a help in budgeting for long -term improvement programs. This does not however, include televising of the sewer system, which will be needed sometime in the future. Mayor Armstrong MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED that this be received and filed. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Armstrong indicated that E1 Camino College Basketball Team and Paul Andro won their second State Championship in five years. He recommends that Council have a resolution commending the team. -10- Council Minutes March 19,1985 X ti 5.14 The Council concurred. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS -ORAL Gary Wallace, 516 Oregon Street, E1 Segundo, /Detroit Products, Co., 1601 E. Grand Avenue, E1 Segundo, requested that the Chamber be informed on all aspects of the scheduled consultations regarding Sleepy(Smokey) Hollow. It was noted that it was the intent of Council to keep citizens, the Chamber and businesses informed on all aspects, and notification of meetings. Mr. Wallace also felt that it was unfair that firms were interviewed and hired without citizen input. Jerry Saunders, Continental Development Co., 2041 Rosecrans, El Segundo, requested whether task presentations and informa- tion generated will be available for the public. Also he wanted to know whether meetings would be open to the public. Mr. Romaniello responded by stating that all presentations would be open, to the public, but that meetings called in -house would not necessarily be open. Mayor Armstrong asked that copies be available either in the Library or from the Planning Department. Mr. Saunders also indicated that residents needed to be informed of when work products would be available. Mr. Jones indicated that timelines and scheduled meetings would be helpful for the residents. Mr. Romaniello indicated that such information would be forthcoming. ADJOURNMENT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the meeting was adjourned to the West Conference Room of City Hall for Closed Session at the hour of 9:45 P.M. Government Code 54956.9(a)(b) - Litigation Contemplated Government Code 54956.8. - Personnel Matter At the hour of 10:45 P.M.,the Council reconvened, all answering roll call. The meeting adjourned to Wednesday,March 27, 1985 at 12:00 Noon in the Council Chambers. APPROVED: -11- espectfulWsu}) )pitted, Ronald L. Hart City Clerk Council Minutes March 19, 1985