1985 JUL 16 CC MIN060" MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JULY 16, 1985 CALL TO ORDER was made by Mayor Armstrong at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 16, 1985, in the Council Chambers of E1 Segundo City Hall. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mr. Norman LeRoy, Special Project Manager, Chevron. PRESENTATIONS 1. Councilman Schuldt presented a Resolution to Mr. Tib Sandoval, Facilities Property Manager, in recognition of Computer Sciences Corporation Contribution to the City's home - delivered meals program (Meals on Wheels). ROLL CALL was taken by City Clerk Hart: Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman Schuldt - present Councilman Siadek - present Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos - present Mayor Armstrong - present COUNCIL MINUTES 1. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting of June 20, 1985 - Budget Study Session approved as written. 2. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting of June 25, 1985- 4:00 P.M.- Budget Study Session approved as written. 3. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting of June 25, 1985- 7:00 P.M. -Group W Public Hearing approved as written. 4. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of July 2, 1985 approved as written. 5. Minute Action Follow -Up of Open Items as of July 10, 1985, received and filed. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Hydrocarbon Status Report- Chevron U.S.A. Mr. Norman LeRoy, Manager Environmental Affairs, Chevron, U.S.A. made the presentation. He summarized by stating that the Arena /Franklin area had shown an improvement over the past 6 months and that Chevron was now ready to enter into Phase II of the recovery program (liquid and vapor recovery). Councilman Jacobson asked staff if it would be possible to do ambient air testing before the HERS project at the Hyperion is on- line -and requested Chevron's assistance and the utilization of BCL. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 1985 -86, and any Relationship of Revenue Sharing Funds to the Budget. Mayor Armstrong announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the hearing on the proposed Fiscal Budget for 1985 -86. Mayor Armstrong asked the City Clerk if the proper notice had been given. City Clerk Hart stated that proper notice was published. Mayor Armstrong stated that those files would be part of the hearing. City Clerk Hart acknowledged the receipt of one letter from the E1 Segundo Senior Citizens' Club. City Manager Nicholas Romaniello gave a synopsis of the operating budget study sessions. He stated that the budget for the Capital Improvement Program would be submitted at some time in the future. He also stated though it had been traditional to submit Capital Improvements at the same time as the operating budget it was not legally required. He further explained that information in the public notice concerning Capital Improvements was required only as it related to revenue sharing funds. Discussion ensued regarding the possible elimination of the small business exemption. Deliberation regarding the five cents square foot fee and contract employees used by industry was also noted. Council addressed the $20.00 fee for Capital Improvement Revenues. Mayor Armstrong then invited public input. Jim Hurt, President, E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce, discussed the need for budget predictability for industry's financial planning. He asked the City to use $1,000,000 from City reserves to balance the operating budget; asked for a public hearing before adopting a Capital Improvement Program. Steve Wiley, President, E1 Segundo Small Business Association, wants small business per capita exemption increased to 20 employees, the per square foot fee exemption increased to 10,000 square feet, reduced fees for sales tax generators and abolition of exemption for long term guests at hotels. Jim McGoldrick; 640 California Street, E1 Segundo, favors gross sales tax or payroll tax and would like to see additional funds collected for airport noise and Hyperion. Jim Weber, 803 Virginia, E1 Segundo, wished to know what actual revenues were in place at the end of the year. Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana Court, E1 Segundo, asked that the budget reflect enlargement of Library staff and needs. Jerry Saunders, 2401 Rosecrans, Continental Development, E1 Segundo, asked for clarification of the difference between contractors and contract employees. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED to close the public hearing. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Council discussion again ensued regarding small business exemption and 5 cent square footage tax. City Attorney Dolley presented the resolution on adopting the budget: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JULY 1, 1985 AN ENDING JUNE 30, 1987. which title was read Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, to adopt the budget with a deletion on the recommendation of 10 employee exemption. Motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Schuldt and Siadek Noes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that a 2 year line item budget be adopted, future evaluation of a program budget and the 5 cent square footage and 10 employees or less exemption be left in place. Motion carried by the following vote: -2- Council Minutes July 16, 1985 • �t�6U1 �660ti Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Councilmembers Schuldt and Siadek City Attorney Dolley presented: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1985- 86/1986 -87. which title was read. Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, adoption of the resolution. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Councilmembers Schuldt and Siadek At 10:01 P.M. Council recessed. At 10:13 P.M. Council reconvened with the following roll call: Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman Schuldt - present Councilman Siadek - present Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos - present Mayor Armstrong - present 3. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Development Agreement and a Proposed Agreement Affecting Real Estate Property prepared for the approved 770,000 square foot multi -use development located on a 9.2 acre site at the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Continental Boulevard in the C -3 Zone. Petitioned by the Grand Way Partnership. At 10:15 P.M. Councilman Siadek left the Chambers and did not vote on this matter. Mayor Armstrong announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the hearing on the proposed development agreement and a proposed agreement affecting real estate property prepared for the approved 770,000 square foot multi -use development located on a 9.2 acre site at the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Continental Boulevard in the C -3 zone. Mayor Armstrong asked if proper notice had been given. City Clerk Hart stated that proper notice had been published. Mayor Armstrong stated that those files would be part of the hearing. City Clerk Hart stated that no written communication had been received. City Attorney Dolley presented background on the subject matter. -3- Council Minutes July 16, 1985 Mayor Armstrong then opened the public hearing. Mr. C. Edward Dilkes, Attorney for the Grand Way Partnership, spoke in favor of this matter and the benefits it would bring to the community. Mr. R. A. (Tim) Snow, General Manager, M&S Development, stated that the developers were looking to Council for assurances of Phase II and indicated there were amenities from Phase I (i.e., head tax, etc.) Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, to close public hearing. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. Ms. Lynn Harris, Director of Planning, indicated the Planning Commission recommendations regarding approval of this agreement. 1. Pedestrian Overpass 2. Traffic Mitigation 3. Other aspects included. Council discussion ensued on this matter for referral back to staff and /or the Planning Commission. City Manager Romaniello assured Council that this matter did not have to return to the Planning Commission, and that the developer had all the permits and could start building tomorrow without the agreement. However indication was made as to the benefits the City would receive as a result of the agreement being approved. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, that the agreement be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos Councilman Siadek was not present and did not vote on this matter. Councilman Siadek returned to the Chambers at 11:20 P.M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 1. Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos requested Council to consider joining with other South Bay cities in establishing a central Child Abuse Program. PUBLIC COMMMUNICATIONS - WRITTEN - None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ORAL Mabel Lutz, 514 W. Palm, E1 Segundo, President of the Senior Citizens, reflected how cut backs in funding for city transportation was creating adverse affects and requested reconsideration of the fees for the Dial -A -Ride Program. It was indicated from City Manager Romaniello that Mrs. Lutz and the senior citizens address the Recreation and Parks Commission. Jerry Saunders, 241 Rosecrans, E1 Segundo, Continental Development, stated that he supported the points made regarding CEQUA. Dr. Michael Bergman, 504 Franklin Street, E1 Segundo, expressed his desire for a public hearing on restricted smoking areas and addressed some facts regarding the health hazards of smoking. -4- Council Minutes July 16, 1985 A(4-6(W �() -bP4 Dr. Portia Choy, 322 E. Maple, E1 Segundo, stated that she concurred with Dr. Bergman and would like to see restricted smoking areas in City Hall. Jim Sloey, 123 Nevada, E1 Segundo, referred to the issue of Item #8 on the Consent Agenda. He indicated concern with the City's decision to contract with Redondo Towing. It was the consensus of Council that Consent Agenda Item #8 be held over until the next regular Council meeting, August 6, 1985. CONSENT AGENDA Item #8 was withdrawn by consensus of Council and carried over to the Regular August 6, 1985 Meeting. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED, that the remaining Consent Agenda Items be enacted upon as recommended. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 1. Warrant Nos. 88229 -88332 on Demand Register Summary No. 25 in total amount of $620,135.16 Ratified and approved. 2. Request Approval of Tri- Cities Westside Cab Company's Application to operate 10 cabs in E1 Segundo. Permit granted. 3. Request from Chevron U.S.A. Inc., for an extension of a temporary office trailer complex located at 324 E. E1 Segundo Blvd., in refinery coordinate 16-A. Extension approved through 7- 31 -86. 4. Request Approval to Advertise for Bids for Construction of the Senior Citizen Housing Project. Staff authorized to invite bids. 5. Implementation of Second Year of Memorandum of Understanding with the E1 Segundo Police Officers Association. Resolution adopted. 6. Approval to amend Resolution No. 3263 to install 2 additional stop signs on California at Palm. Amended resolution adopted. 7. Application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Saga Corporation Food Services, Park Plaza Cafe, 2101 Rosecrans Boulevard, Type 41- Original application. Received and filed, with notification to ABC of CUP requirement. 9. Accept and award the lowest bids for a Defibrillator and an Biocom Two -way Radio on a replacement basis. Defibrillator awarded to Physio Control. Biocom two -way radio awarded to Medical Communications and Instruments, Inc. -5- Council Minutes July 16, 1985 10. Accept and award Bid to lowest bidder General Electric for Emergency Operations Center and Mobil Command Center Communications Equipment, 2 desk top remote consoles and 5 mobile radios; Award Bid to lowest bidder Mobile Communications Service for installation of aforementioned equipment (except mobile radios); and Reject Bids and Waive Bid Process to Authorize Sole Source Purchase from Motorola for 5 VHF Protable Radio Vehicular Battery Chargers, 4 UHF Portable Radios and 1 UHF Battery Charger. Approved. 11. Request to Amend Appropriations for Water Purchases. Appropriations approved for $275,500 from the Water Fund Unappropriated Reserve. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA None NEW BUSINESS — CITY MANAGER 1. Recommendation Regarding Request of Caltrans for Approval of Right of Entry Permit for Property in the Imperial Strip East of California Street. City Manager Romaniello gave a brief history and stated that the staff recommendation was to grant right of entry to Caltrans. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED that Caltrans be granted right of entry(includes landscaping)on the Imperial Strip East of California Street. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 2. Recommendation to Accept Proposal of Daniel Boyle Engineering, Inc. for Professional Services to Prepare Master Plan for Lomita Street Reservoir Site. Councilman Schuldt indicated his concerns regarding the wide margin of discrepancy on the bids received. Brief discussion ensued. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED that Daniel Boyle Engineering, Inc. be approved to prepare a Master Plan for Lomita Street Reservoir Site. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. NEW BUSINESS — CITY ATTORNEY 1. Consideration of proposed revisions to Resolution 3184 regarding implementation of California Environmental Quality Act Recommendations. -6- Council Minutes July 16, 1985 A6605 66116 Brief Council discussion ensued regarding some language in the proposed Resolution. The following changes and amendments occurred: By consensus syntax changes were made on pp. 2 and 5 of the proposed resolution. Councilman Siadek MOVED to amend section 5.,B.,(2)(b)(ii) to read a floor space of 10,000 feet to apply to the area known as Sleepy Hollow; to read a floor space of 25,000 feet to apply to all areas east of Sepulveda. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos SECONDED, to amend section 5.,B.,(2)(b)(ii) to read a floor area of 15,000 square feet. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos SECONDED, to amend Resolution, section 5.,B.,(2)(b)(ii) to read multi - family residence with not more than 6 units. Motion carried by following vote; Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Councilman Siadek City Attorney Dolley read the resolution: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, AND RESCINDNG RESOLUTION NO. 3184. which title was read Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt the Resolution as amended. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. FURTHER NEW BUSINESS Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos expressed her concern with the article in the Daily Breeze concerning the Campbell Bill. PUBLIC CONM[UNICATIONS — ORAL Jerry Saunders, 2401 Rosecrans, E1 Segundo, Continental Development, indicated that he was upset with the decisions being made for revenue generation without being able to make comment. -7- Council Minutes July 16, 1985 CLOSED SESSION 12:05 A.M. Government Code 54956.9(c) Possible initiation of legislation Council reconvened at 12:10 A.M. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk with all Councilmembers present. Mayor Armstrong announced that no decisions were made in Closed Session. ADJOUYNM NT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the meeting was adjourned at 12:12 A.M. APPROVED: q mitted L N—'t ald L. Hart City Clerk Council Minutes July 16, 1985 .. -, ':ti