1985 JAN 15 CC MINX'6460 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL January 15, 1985 I CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on Tuesday, January 15, 1985 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mark Schweiger and flag bearers from Boy Scout Troop #773. III INVOCATION THE INVOCATION was delivered by Chief of Police, Clark J. Devilbiss. IV ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Absent: Council Members None V PRESENTATION A. Letter of Commendation to Commuter Computer, Inc. for Ridesharing Achievement On behalf of the E1 Segundo City Council, Mayor Armstrong read and presented a Letter of Commendation to Commuter Computer, Inc. and the E1 Segundo companies named, for outstanding ridesharing achievement. The Commendation was accepted by Ms. Kathleen Dawson, on behalf of Commuter Computer, Inc. B. Ridesharing Achievement Awards for: Cynthia Craig, Administrative Clerk, representing the City, presented Ridesharing Achievement Awards to the following companies. 1. Chevron USA, Inc. accepted by Brenda K. Smyth for Randy Maseur. 2. Hughes EDSG accepted by Barbara Lendman. 3. Hughes Corporate accepted by Bruce Roberts. 4. Hughes Space and Communication Group accepted by Ann Koval. 5. Xerox Corporation accepted by Mayor Armstrong for Tanna Manford. VI SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. At this time, the hour being 7:10 o'clock p.m., the Mayor declared a recess for the purpose of the Council acting as the Board of Examiners and Appeals to hear the continuing appeal of the Underwood Construction Company, Inc., regarding the Building Department's determination that Spanish roof tiles on various buildings do not meet Uniform Building Code Standards. At the hour of 7:20 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened all members being present and answering roll call. GOOD OF THE ORDER PRESENTATION 1. Public Service Award At this time, Mayor Armstrong read and presented an award to Marsha E. Stewart in the form of a resolution by the E1 Segundo City Council commemorating her outstanding public service, as a member of the Planning Commission. VII REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 1. Announcement of Appointment to the Community Cable Advisory Committee Mayor Armstrong called for a motion to appoint Glenna Ebaugh to the Community Cable Advisory Committee. Thereafter, the following motion was made. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that Glenna Ebaugh be appointed to the Community Cable Advisory Committee. The motion was carried by a unanimous vote. Mayor Armstrong suggested that Council direct staff to begin to contact interested citizens regarding the position on the Planning Commission, recently vacated by Marsha E.Stewart. The Cable Television Committee and The Board of Directors for The Senior Citizens Housing Project will also require position appointments in the future. VIII ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Steve Wiley, 713 Hillcrest Street, reported on suggestions made by the E1 Segundo Small Business Association, addressing parking situations in the downtown area. Dave Jones, 287 Main Street, questioned Council as to the status of development plans for the Velvet Turtle in the City of E1 Segundo. Mayor Armstrong informed Mr. Jones that it would not be in the best interest of the Council to speak on this issue at the present time. The reason being, a question of litigation. Walt Baynes, 1432 Sycamore Street, questioned Council as to the meaning of "vested rights" as it pertains to the development of a Velvet Turtle restaurant in the City of E1 Segundo. Councilwoman Synadinos commented that since the time of the "vested rights" discussions, the City was served with a copy of a lawsuit; Council was then advised not to enter into any further discussions of the matter. Mayor Armstrong stated that at the February 5, 1985 meeting of the City Council, there would be a prepared statement addressing the issue of the Velvet Turtle. Council Minutes January 15, 1985 X f;IIg I X 6 4 6 IX CONSENT CALENDAR Council requested that items C. and J. be discussed separately. Thereafter the following motion was made. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilwoman Synadinos SECONDED, that the balance of the Consent Calendar items be accepted as recommended. The motion was carried unanimously. A. Warrant Nos. 85995 - 86142 on Demand Register Summary No. 12 in total amount of $1,157,657.80 ... Ratified and Approved. B. Expense Checks Nos. 4612 - 4660 on Expense Checks Register No. 12 in total amount of $39,183.50 ... Ratified and Approved. D. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of November 20, 1984 ... Approved as written. E. Minutes of the Board of Examiners and Appeals Meeting of November 20, 1984 ... Approved as written. F. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of December 4, 1984 ... Approved as written. G. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of December 18, 1984 ... Approved as written. H. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of January 2, 1985 ... Approved as written. I. Application for Alcohol Beverage Control License from "Burgers, Etc." at 130 Main Street ... Approved as recommended. K. Approval of Resolutions formally acknowledging the respective employee associations as the exclusively recognized employee organizations for their appropriate units, as follows: 1. General Employees - California League of City Employee Associations, Inc. 2. Police Employees - E1 Segundo Police Officers Association 3. Fire Employees - Teamsters Public Professional, Medical Employees' Union, Local 911 ... Resolutions Adopted. Council Minutes January 15, 1985 IX X XI CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) L. Request for Waiver of Bidding Procedure for the Purchase of Eleven (11) OPTICOM Emitter Assembly Units, which are the only units meeting the City's needs ... Waiver Approved and authorization to purchase from the 3M Company, and an appropriation of $14,045 from Account No. 26 -2632 M. Grant permission to the Los Angeles County Flood Control District to Utilize its Existing Pressure Reduction Station located on E1 Segundo Boulevard to generate Electricity ... Approved as Recommended. N. Recommendation to Adopt Resolution of Intention and set date for Public Hearing on February 19, 1985 and to Vacate a portion of Penn Street at Holly Avenue and the Alley in Block 65 in connection with Senior Citizens' Housing ... Approved as Recommended. O. Recommendation to accept Contract for Construction of the Block Wall at Water Plant - Project No. 84- 13, Neff Contracting Company ... Approved as Recommended. P. Recommendation to Approve Change Order No. 1 and Accept Work for Removal and Replacement of Curb and Sidewalk at Various Locations - Project 84 -8 ... Approved as Recommended. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR C. Minutes of the Regular Adjourned City Council Meeting of November 14, 1984 Councilwoman Synadinos requested that proper spelling of Mr. Mike Wyatt's name be corrected in minutes. Thereafter, the following motion was made. Councilwoman Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that the minutes be approved as corrected. The motion was carried unanimously. J. Application for Alcohol Beverage Control License from the Southland Corporation, dba "7 -11 Store" at 961 Main Street Councilman Jacobson questioned staff as to the type of zoning designated to the subject location. City Manager Jones stated the location requires a conditional use permit for the sale of liquor by the drink, but it is not required for retail package sales. Thereafter the following motion was made. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilwoman Synadinos SECONDED that item J. of the Consent Calendar be approved as recommended. The motion was carried unanimously. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - None - 4 - /�h46.3 X 6464 XII REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. City Manager 1. Recommendation to Approve Contract with Infocomp Systems, Inc., the vendor selected to provide, install and maintain the software for the City's Information Systems City Manager Jones stated that at Council's last meeting, a contract with Hewlett- Packard was completed for acquisition of hardware which was scheduled for delivery in late March. Mr. Jones presented the second half of the Contract with Infocomp Systems, Inc. It was stated that this part of the contract contained an agreement that the software be provided by Infocomp Systems, Inc. at a cost of $147,428.00, of which 25% or $33,688 is to be paid upon signing of the contract and the balance to be paid as each of the software packages are implemented. Thereafter, the following motion was made. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED, that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign and the City Clerk to attest to the contract with Infocomp Systems, Inc. to provide computer software to the City as part of the City's implementation of its Information System Master Plan. The motion was carried unanimously. 2. Report on annual renewal of temporary certificate of occupancy for 111 Maryland Street (Wyle Laboratories) and recommendation to re -issue for one year City Manager Jones informed Council of the conditions on which this temporary certificate of occupancy was issued. The conditions were stated as follows: 1. That a temporary certificate of occupancy be issued and re- applied for after one year; 2. That Wyle Laboratories would deliver a certificate of deposit of $35,000 to insure conformance with the City's parking regulations; 3. A single site covenant agreement tying the two parcels of land together; and 4. That Wyle Laboratories continue to maintain the park in an acceptable manner. City Manager Jones stated that all conditions have been complied with. Further, the issue of whether adequate parking has been maintained has been reviewed by the City Department of Building and Safety and their conclusion is there is adequate parking available at this time. Thereafter, the following motion was made. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that the recommendation to re -issue for one year a renewal of temporary certificate of occcupancy for 111 Maryland Street (Wyle Laboratories) be approved. The motion was carried unanimously. 5 - Council Minutes January 15, 1985 XII REPORTS OF OFFICERS (Continued) B. Public Works 1. Recommendation to Accept Proposal and retain Harris & Associates for the development of Pavement Management System Director of Public Works Glickman stated that the subject issue is a budgeted item in the gasoline tax account, which is limited to use for highway related activities. Further stated was that this pavement program would provide the City with a computerized system of identifying priorities and cost over an extended period of time in regards to maintaining the street systems. Councilman Jacobson requested that staff evaluate the proposal, with the purchase of software, with expectations of having the hardware in the near future. After evaluation has been performed, staff should return to Council with the proposal. Staff and Council concurred with this request. 2: Request for Appropriation of Funds for the Protection of Elevated Water Tank at 400 Lomita. Funds allocated from the Water Fund Capital Reserve Fund Director Glickman presented a recommendation to appropriate funds for the protection of the City's elevated water tank. It was stated that the insurance carrier recommended that the water tank be fenced. Councilman Jacobson inquired as to the status of two additional recommendations made by the insurance carrier, which were in regards to exit lighting, and emergency lighting at the Recreation Park Clubhouse; the reason for requesting that the bidding procedure be waived. City Manager Jones informed Council that the Safety Committee and Director of The Water Division are investigating these issues. Councilman Jacobson inquired if prices had been checked and if an informal quote had been received. Director Glickman responded that an informal quote had been received by staff, in late November. Councilman Jacobson expressed concern that just one source had been consulted. Councilwoman Synadinos expressed concern regarding not going into public bid for the purchase of the protective fence. She stated she was supportive of the fence construction but also felt the City's bidding procedure principles should be followed. Councilman Jacobson requested that Staff investigate the possibility of purchasing the subject item for less money. Council Minutes January 15, 1985 X -6495 X 6466 XII REPORTS OF OFFFICERS (Continued) Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that funds in the amount of $2,850.00 be appropriated from the Water Fund for a ten foot chain link fence with three strands of barbed wire. It is also recommended that the normal bid procedure be waived (because of time elapsed since the receipt of letter dated August 15, 1984), and City Council authorize staff to arrange for the installation. The motion was carried by the following vote. Ayes: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Council Member Synadinos Absent: Council Members None 3. Recommendation to Approve Change Orders No. 1 and 2 and Accept Work for Widening of E1 Segundo Boulevard between Aviation and I -405 Freeway Ramp and Request for Additional Appropriation - Project No. 81 -14 Director Glickman advised that subject contract, for widening of E1 Segundo Boulevard between Aviation and I -405 Freeway Ramp had been completed on September 26, 1984 by Sully Miller Contracting Company and that justification for additional costs and time extensions have been reviewed and found to be satisfactory. It was recommended that the Change Orders be approved and the work accepted. Further stated, the cost of the subject project is shared with the Los Angeles County Road Department. Director Glickman stated that the Los Angeles County Road Department would be billed for their share of the cost following final payment to the contractors. The final payment amounts to $44,700.00. Councilman Siadek expressed a preference to have the Air Force share in the expense of the subject Change Orders. Thereafter, the following motion was made. Councilwoman Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, that the following motion be approved: 1. Accept the contract for the widening of E1 Segundo Boulevard between Aviation Boulevard and the I -405 Freeway Ramp as completed as of September 26, 1984. 2. Approve Change Orders 1 and 2 and authorize the Mayor to execute the documents and City Clerk to attest. 3. Appropriate an additional $44,700.00 in unappropriated Gas Tax Funds to the project. - 7 - Council Minutes January 15, 1985 XIII UNFINISHED BUSINESS The motion was carried by the following vote. Ayes: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Council Members Siadek Absent: Council Members None A. Adoption of Ordinance introduced December 18, 1984, extending the Interim C -M (Commercial Manufacturing) Zoning Designation in the M -1 (Light Manufacturing) Zone known as Sleepy (Smokey) Hollow City Attorney Dolley presented subject ordinance, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1067 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1038, WHICH SAID ORDINANCE PROVIDES FOR INTERIM ZONING FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE M -1 ZONE IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. which title was read. Upon motion duly made and carried, further reading of said ordinance was waived. Thereafter, Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion was carried unanimously. B. Adoption of Ordinance introduced December 18, 1984, amending Chapter 20.54 of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code, relating to On -Site Parking and Loading Standards City Attorney Dolley presented subject ordinance, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1068 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 20 (THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO CHAPTER 20.54 (ON -SITE PARKING AND LOADING) which title was read. Upon motion duly made and carried, further reading of said ordinance was waived. Thereafter, Councilwoman Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Council Member Siadek Absent: Council Members None Council Minutes January 15, 19885 X6497' 64ti,S XIII UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Continued) At this time, Attorney Dolley presented before Council new legislation relating to the Brown Act. He stated that when Council goes into closed session, it will now be required to announce what section of the State Code the closed session is being held under and also to announce, if there is a case filed,the name of the case. City Attorney Dolley recommended that Council go into closed session concerning the following items: Government Code §54956.9 - RIGHT TO BE IN CLOSED SESSION IN DECIDING WHETHER OR NOT TO INITIATE LITIGATION - , and Government Code §54956.9 - FILE CASE - SHELTON VS EL SEGUNDO - . Council concurred with this request and agreed to adjourn to Closed Session. XIV NEW BUSINESS Hyperion Treatment Plant Councilman Siadek expressed concern with the odor emanating from the Hyperion Treatment Plant. It was recommmended that a formal complaint be made to the proper authorities. Following discussion the following motion was made. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Mayor Armstrong SECONDED, that Council request City Attorney Dolley to research legal action regarding unpleasant odors emitting from waste treatment plants. The motion was carried unanimously. Chevron Land Development - Potential Use of Golf Course Councilman Schuldt informed council of the intention of Chevron Land Development to utilize the golf course and the surrounding area. Councilman Schuldt stated that he feels the golf course is a vital part of the community and he has written a letter in opposition to the potential use of the E1 Segundo Golf Course to Mr. Foster in San Francisco, a representative of Chevron Land Development. Senate Bill No. 46 Councilwoman Synadinos stated that this bill concerns the witnesses in the Manhattan Beach McMartin Case. It was reported that the bill was defeated but will be brought up again next week. Councilwoman Synadinos requested that the Council join with Hermosa and Manhattan Beach and endorse the passing of this bill. Thereafter the following motion was made. The time being 8:35 o'clock p.m., Mayor Armstrong left the Council Chambers. Councilwoman Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED, that Council speak in favor of Senate Bill No. 46 and its companion bill. The motion was unanimously carried. 9 - Council Minutes ..X6489 XIV NEW BUSINESS (Continued) XV XVI The time being 8:40 o'clock p.m., Mayor Armstrong entered the Council Chambers. Tax Overide Pension Costs Councilwoman Synadinos referred to a letter received from City Manager Jones and questioned the status of the subject item. City Manager Jones responded that the communication related to AB 377 that was passed in 1983 and it placed a moratorium on the levy of overide of property taxes for pension purposes. The moratorium expires July 1, 1985 and the League of Cities is considering a proposal on a bill coming before the League Board of Directors on January 25. The proposal would continue the moratorium on the levy of that tax overide for those cities that have never levied since 1968. Council and staff expressed favor to the continuation of the moratorium. ORAL DISCUSSION APPROVED: Pete Charland, expressed thanks to the Council and City residents for support he received during his illness. ADJOURNMENT At the hour of 8:47 o'clock p.m., the Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a closed session. Government Code - §54956.9C - RIGHT TO BE IN CLOSED SESSION IN DECIDING WHETHER OR NOT TO INITIATE LITIGATION. Government Code - §54956.9A - FILE CASE - SHELTON VS EL SEGUNDO. At the hour of 9:43 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members answering roll call. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 o'clock p.m. - 10 - Ronald L. Hart City Clerk Council Minutes January 15, 1985 itted,