1985 DEC 03 CC MIN - 13AINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 3, 1985 �X 667ell CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Armstrong at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, December 3, 1985, in the Council Chambers of the E1 Segundo City Hall. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Coach Henry Stuart, E1 Segundo High School Water Polo Team. INVOCATION was given by Police Chief J. Clark Devilbiss. PRESENTATIONS 1. Mayor Armstrong recognized Firefighter Jim Burdick as City Employee of the Month. 2. Mayor Armstrong presented a Proclamation declaring December 9 -15, 1985 as Bill of Rights Week and Councilman Siadek accepted on behalf of Ms. Lila Poppe of Coast Federal Savings. 3. Councilman Siadek presented a Letter of Recognition to Coach Henry Stuart and the Pioneer League Champions, the E1 Segundo Water Polo Team. ROLL CALL was taken by City Clerk Hart: Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman Schuldt - present Councilman Siadek - present ilayor Pro Ten Synadinos - present Mayor. Armstrong - present MINUTES 1. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting of November 18, 1985 were approved as written. 2. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of November 19, 1985 were approved as corrected. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. PUBLIC HEARING- Certification of a final Environmental Impact Report and Adoption of a Specific Plan for the Smoky !-follow (aka Sleepy Hollow) District in the City of El Segundo. The Plan will provide development regulations for 91 acres zoned Interim Commercial - Manufacturing (C -M) located in the area bounded by E1 Segundo Boulevard to the south, Sepulveda Boulevard to the east, Holly Avenue to the north and Standard Street to the west. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan has been proposed by the City of E1 Segundo. Mayor Armstrong announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the hearing of the Certification of a final Environmental Impact report and adoption of a specific plan for the Smoky Hollow (aka Sleepy Hollow) District in the City of El Segundo. The Plan will provide development regulations for 91 acres zoned Interim Commercial- Maufacturing (C -M) located in the area bounded by E1 Segundo Boulevard to the south, Sepulveda Boulevard to the east, (lolly Avenue to the north and Standard Street to the west. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan has been proposed by the City of E1 Segundo. Mayor Armstrong asked the City Clerk if the proper notice had been given. City Clerk Hart stated that proper notice was published. Mayor Armstrong stated that those files would be part of the hearing. 1lUl ►v�.� City Clerk Hart acknowledged that no written communication had been received. Ms. Lynn Harris, Director of Planning presented a brief summary of the Specific Plan and indicated that the current zoning was due to expire January 1, 1986. Mr. Al Bell, Planner, The Planning Center, 240 Newport Beach Drive, Newport Beach presented Council with a brief synopsis of the proposed Specific Plan. Mr. Bell highlighted the following areas: 1) Basic Guidelines, 2)Principles Used, 3) Process and Time Frames, and 4) Caretaker Project Procedure. He concluded by indicating that the Specific Plan was a direct attempt to implement a course of action that would utilize the existing assets and provide the means for changing the resistive areas. Mayor Armstrong then opened the public hearing to public comment. Gary Wallace, 516 Oregon Street, E1 Segundo, expressed concern regarding the Specific Plan and would like Council to consider the "effect and fallout" as a result of putting this Plan into action. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Council discussion ensued regarding the height requirement for redeveloped buildings, the target areas for change, the 180 day policy, and the discretionary powers granted to the Planning Director within the Specific Plan. It was the.consensus of Council that this matter be continued until the regular City Council Meeting of December 17, 1985. Council recessed at 8:55 P.M. At 9:05 P.M. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all Councilmembers answering roll call. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Presentation of Resolution Denying the Appeal of Crocker National Bank from the Planning Commission Decision to Deny the Application for Unclassified Use Permit #84 -2 for a Helistop at 2121 E. Park Place within said City. (a) Adopt resolution. City Attorney Dolley read the Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY -OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DENYING THE APPEAL OF CROCKER NATIONAL BANK FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY THE APPLICATION FOR USE PERMIT #84 -2 FOR A HELISTOP AT 2121 EAST PARK PLACE WITHIN SAID CITY. which title was read. Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilman Jacobson, Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Noes: None Abstain: Councilmembers Schuldt and Siadek -2- Council Minutes December 3, 1985 i 6(-)'81 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS 1. Council Recommendations Regarding the Establishment of a Public Works Commission. Mayor Armstrong requested with the consensus of Council that this item be removed from the Agenda. 2. Consideration of a Planning Commission Vacancy Mayor Armstrong requested that prospective candidate Mr. John Van (look return at the conclusion of the December 5th Study Session. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - WRITTEN - None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ORAL Jim Carr, 401 Richmond, El Segundo, addressed the Council with a planned presentation on the current status of the Richmond Bar and Grill Project Site. Ile stated that the staff had misread or misunderstood the plans which indicated a demolition of the building, not just a restoration. Greg Weiler, 233 Stanford Lane, Los Angeles, supported Jim Carr and urged Council to take positive action. Gary Shultz, 217 E. Oak, E1 Segundo expressed to the Council that the City was thwarting the efforts of a young entrepreneur and negating potential revenue for the City. Floyd Carr, 424 Hillcrest, E1 Segundo supported the efforts of his nephew Jim Carr and urged Council to immediately approve the project. The matter was referred to the City Attorney for disposition. CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Synadinos SECONDED, that all matters on the Consent Agenda be approved. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 1. Request Council Approval for Modification of Employee Group Insurance Company. Modification approved. 2. Claim of PACCAR, INC., vs City of E1 Segundo Claim denied. 3. Claim of William Hart c/o The Management Consultants vs City of E1 Segundo Claim denied. 4. Warrant Nos. 10042 -10246 on Demand Register Summary No. 11 in total amount of $1,068,407.91. Ratified and approved. 5. Request Council to Approve Specifications for Parking Lot and Bicycle Path Sweeping Contract and Authority to Advertise for Bids. Contract approved and staff authorized to advertise for bids. 6. Request Council to Adopt Revised and Updated Traffic Resolution. Resolution adopted. 7. Exoneration of Maintenance Bond for Subdivision Tract 39023. Maintenance bond exonerated with Arkenberg and Ball, Inc. -3- Council Minutes December 3, 1985 ;. Request Council to accept "Report of Cost Abatement of lJeeds, Rubbish, l;efuse and Dirt for the Purpose of Invoicing the .Affected Property Owners P.eport accepted. 9. Request Council Approval to Reject the Lowest Bidder on Bid No. 0785 (stump and root cutter) and Award Contract to the Second Lowest Bidder. Lowest bidder Hodges Company rejected and contract awarded to second lowest bidder, Vermeer Company - $5,420.85. UEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER 1. itequest for Policy Direction Study Session in Drafting Senior Housing Board Operating Agreement. It was the consensus of Council that this matter be held over to an Adjourned Council Meeting at 3:30 P.M., Thursday, December 5, 1985. 2. Presentation of Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 1985. It was the consensus of Council that this matter be held over to an Adjourned Council Meeting at 9:00 A.M., Monday, December 9, 1985. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK 1. Presentation of April 8, 1986 Municipal Election Dates. City Clerk Hart stated that April 8, 1986 was the date for the next [Municipal Election. The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M. -7:00 P.M. Clerk Kart presented to Council the options of increasing the candidate statements ,from 200 words to 400 words, and setting the candidate filing fees at $25.00. Council declined both options. NEW BUSINESS - City Attorney - City Attorney Dolley asked for Closed Session. FURTHER NEW BUSINESS - None GOOD OF THE ORDER - City Manager Romaniello announced that Carl Claussen from the California League of Cities would be at City Hall on December 10, 1985 at 10:30 A.M. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ORAL -None CLOSED SESSION At 10:03 P.M. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for Closed Session. Councilman Siadek left at 10:04 P.M. Government Code 54956.9(a) Government Code 54956.9(c) Freeman vs E1 Segundo Mathews vs E1 Segundo Shelton vs E1 Segundo hometel Matters Possible Litigation At 11:24 P.M. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all Councilmembers answering roll call with the exception of Councilman Siadek. Mayor Armstrong announced that no decisions were made in Closed Session. ADJOURNMENT - No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 P.M. to an Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) on December 5, 1985 at 3:30 M. RONALD L. HART CITY CLERK ADDUn(rvn - -4-