1985 APR 02 CC MINX6516
April 2, 1985
The E1 Segundo City Council convened in adjourned regular
session on Tuesday, April 2, 1985, at 5:30 P.M. in the Council
Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall.
Pledge was led by Mayor Armstrong.
Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt,
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Absent: Councilmember Siadek
Mr. Doug Ayres, President, Management Services Institute and Mr.
Rick Kermer, presented the report: A Water Rate Structure Model
for the City of E1 Segundo. The report indicated that MSI was
striving for three outcomes: 1) a rate structure that would
assure over the next 20 years the City water system could be
replaced, the system could be maintained properly, and the
City would have water; 2) that the charging structure was not
only adequate but was fair and equitable to all categories of
users - industry, business, larger and smaller businesses, and
residents and; 3) that this is a dynamic model - that would
reflect sudden changes, such as occurs in California (dry
winters -wet winters).
Councilmember Siadek entered at 5:52 P.M.
MSI concluded with six models and recommended Model #4. This
model would do three things: 1) would meet all the City's costs;
2) would be equitable as to categories - and by being equitable
would also make sure that the City is not threatened by a wet
winter and follow it with a tremendous rate increase and 3) it
does reflect the life line rates that the City Council has
adopted and requested to be continued.
It was the consensus of Council that although a public hearing
was not required, that one should be held in the month of July.
No other business appearing to come before the Council at this
session, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 P.M.
Re ect ully s bm'tted,
Ron L. Hart, City Clerk
e mstr ng, bi yor
,/� Fj 5 1 '7
APRIL 2, 1985
The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on
Tuesday, April 2, 1985 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber of
the E1 Segundo City Hall.
Pledge was led by City Manager Arthur E. Jones.
Invocation was given by Mr. Floyd Carr Junior
Present: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt,
Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong
Absent: Council Members None
Councilman Jack Siadek presented a proclamation to Ms. Ruth
Parks, President of the Board of Education, E1 Segundo Unified
School District, declaring that April 16, 1985 is the "Day of the
Teacher" and the City Council will recognize that April 16 will
also be declared "Day of the E1 Segundo Teacher ". Ms. Parks
thanked the City Council and introduced Mr. Oliver Kerns, Master,
Masons of El Segundo and Mr. Mark Marion, Vice President, E1
Segundo Teachers Association. Appreciation was extended to
Councilman Schuldt presented the Proclamation declaring April 14-
20 as Victims' Rights Week. Ms. Debbie Irizarry, Crime
Prevention Specialist, E1 Segundo Police Department, accepted
the Proclamation. She thanked Council on behalf of the many
victims in the South Bay area.
Mayor Armstrong presented the Proclamation declaring April 8 -13,
1985 as Health Fair Expos Week to Mr. Ralph Todd, Supervisor, E1
Segundo Recreation and Parks, on behalf of Memorial Hospital of
Hawthorne. Mr. Todd thanked Council on behalf of Ms. Judy Rubin,
Director of Public Relations, Memorial Hospital of Hawthorne.
Mayor Armstrong presented the Proclamation declaring April to be
Child Abuse Prevention Month, to Detective Roger Kahl, Juvenile
Officer, E1 Segundo Police Department. Detective Kahl thanked
the Council stating that such recognition is very helpful to the
children of our community.
Councilwoman Synadinos presented to Library Director Barbara
Kirby, the Proclamation declaring April 14 -20 as Library Week.
Ms. Kirby thanked the Council and those individuals who had
volunteered their time.
Xt }�18
Councilman Jacobson read the Proclamation declaring April 1 -5 as
Medal of Valor Week in E1 Segundo. Police Chief Clark Devilbiss
thanked the Council on behalf of all his officers. Fire Chief
Sheldon thanked the Council on behalf of the firefighters and
extended appreciation to the South Bay Chamber of Commerce for
the luncheon honoring them.
Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of March 19, 1985
were approved as corrected.
Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of March 19, 1985
were approved as written.
1. Report from the Los Angeles City Department of Public
Works Bureau of Sanitation - Hyperion Treatment Plant
Mr. Harry Sizemore, Assistant Director, Bureau of
Sanitation, Department of Public Works, City of Los
Angeles reported on the Hyperion Treatment Plant. He
began his presentation by stating that some of the most
recent problems at the plant had been related to
inadequate maintenance operations. Mr. Sizemore made
reference to a written report that was made available to
Council,-directly before the meeting, which he stated
would answer the questions received from Council since
the last council meeting.
Mr. Sizemore addressed the problems of odor and noise.
The plant, he stated, is taking a 3 phase approach: 1)
change of existing operations ( new construction of the
HERS project); 2) new construction which will be
underway next year (renovating and expanding the liquid
process portion of the plant); 3) instituting a new
awareness program for the personnel who are dealing with
minimizing odor problems. One plant engineer has been
designated to monitor all plant operations and see that
personnel are using proper procedures, tools and
Mr. Sizemore further indicated that the lab is expanding
on odor control sampling procedures and devices as well
as general atmosphere and that E1 Segundo residents
could assist by alerting the plant of any problems that
occur. He stated that it was important to know the
number of problems that exist and their locations.
In summary, Mr. Sizemore stated that the immediate
improvements included the solids handling by using
oxygen injections into the process, lime addition to
exposed material and removal of exposed material which
has potential for odor as soon as possible.
- 2 -
Council Minutes
April 2, 1985
Concluding, Mr. Sizemore stated that until the new
facilities with the automatic self- monitoring equipment
are completed, little more can be done on the odor
problem at this present time. He then introduced Mr.
Richard Wainer, Deputy City Engineer, Bureau of
Engineering, City of Los Angeles, who addressed the
issue of HERS construction. He indicated that
construction is now 80% complete,and will be finished
by early Spring of 1986.
He indicated that there were two 24 hour lines for
complaints, (213)322 -3131 or (213)772 -3394.
Report of Testing at Hyperion -Dan Wypisznski,
Supervisor, South Coast Air Quality Management District
Mr. Wypisznski indicated that there is an abnormal
amount of sulfur type emissions existing in the area
surrounding the Hyperion. When the reports are
comfirmed, the District may be obliged to look for a
Petition of Variance and use procedures which the
District has for corrective measures.
He offered two phone numbers for citizen complaints:
(213)532 -4102 (8:00 A.M.- 4:30 P.M.) and (1)- (800) -572-
6306 (24 hours)
Board of Examiners and Appeals
A. At this time, the hour being 8:10 P.M., the Mayor
declared a recess for the purpose of the Council acting
as the Board of Examiners and Appeals to hear the
appeal of the Underwood Construction Company, Inc.,
regarding the Building Department's determination that
Spanish Roof Tiles on various buildings do not meet
Uniform Building Code Standards.
At the hour of 8:20 P.M., the Council reconvened, all
members being present and answering roll call.
Status Update on Chevron - Hydrocarbon Migration
Mr. Norman R. LeRoy, Manager, Environmental Affairs,
Chevron, reported that the wells drilled on the
hydrocarbon pool below the refinery property all appear
to be dry hydrocarbon pools, with the exception of one
Three wells on the refinery property showed increases in
Council Minutes
April 2, 1985
t ')�Q
Mr. LeRoy stated, that at the levels tested, there
are no explosive problems because there are no high
concentrations of methane gas existing, and there will
be a complete site assessment by the State Health
Department and the Water Quality Control Board.
There will be a continued investigation into structures
within the City and into other cities in the surrounding
area. There will also be testing east of Sepulveda, near
the golf course and other industries in the area.
Director of Public Works Glickman referred to pump
station construction at the hydrocarbon site.
Representatives of Advanco, the contractor for Chevron
and the City staff, are not willing to proceed at this
time due to liability problems while there are
potentially hazardous conditions at the subject site.
There will be another meeting the latter part of May.
5. Report of Greer & Associates on the Neighborhood
Traffic Management Study (Mariposa- Center- Imperial-
Sepulveda Bounded Area).
With the consensus of Council: held
over until the next Council meeting.
1. Councilman Schuldt reported that during the next 2
weeks, 10 handicapped children from England will be
visting E1 Segundo. Their trip was sponsored by the
England Les Evans Holiday Fund. In the near future, 2
handicapped children from the United States will be
going to England and financial assistance for this trip
will be provided by the Southern California Dart
2. Request to Determine Recruitment Procedure for Expired
Terms on the Parks and Recreation Commission
Mayor Armstrong stated that the City will advertise for
the two positions that will soon expire.
It was Council's concensus that the positions be open
for public application and that the two persons
currently holding these positions be invited to reapply
for the positions.
1. Letter from H. Peter, Western Metal Decorating Company,
815 North Nash Street, E1 Segundo: License Fee Schedule
Council Minutes
April 2, 1985
City Clerk Ron Hart stated that Mr.Peter's letter
was received. City Manager Jones confirmed that the
Finance Department looked into the matter and the
billing is correct.
Mayor Armstrong indicated that the letter be received
and filed and a letter be sent indicating the City's
Mr. Rich Reed, 414 W. Oak, E1 Segundo, addressed the Council
indicating that normal education in American schools can be
viewed as child abuse. He indicated that perhaps there can be
or should be new approaches to enhance children's learning.
He invited the public to sit in on his class which meets on
Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3 -4 P.M. in the Band Room at E1
Segundo High School.
Dennis Martin, 836 E. Grand Avenue, E1 Segundo, asked for some
clarification as to the ownership of 2 oil wells in the
Franklin - Maryland -Grand area. He objected to the sounds and
odors that he felt the wells produced.
City Manager Jones responded by stating that the wells were
privately owned.
Mayor Armstrong ask City staff to investigate these complaints
and report back to Council.
The following motion was made:
Councilwoman Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Jacobson
SECONDED, that the Consent Calendar items be accepted
with the- following correction: That item #3 be changed
to read: deny application. The motion was carried
by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek,
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Noes: None
Warrant Nos. 86980 -87104 on Demand Register Summary No.
18, in total amount of $995,878.78
Ratified and Approved.
Expense Check Nos. 4728 -4755 on Expense Register No. 9
in total amount of $7,180.81
Ratified and Approved.
Application to File a Late Claim and Proposed Claim of
John Lee, Jr., Denise, and Tisa Boston
Application to File a Late Claim Denied.
Request to award contract of street marking materials
to the lowest bidder. Highway Marking Systems,
Contract Awarded to Highway Marking Systems, Inc.
Council Minutes
April 2, 1985
5. Application for Alcohol Beverage Control License from
"Fearless Clyde" (Ernest C. Wallace and Georgia Poyo)
at 139 Richmond Street. Transfer of a License Type 40
(on sale beer and eating place) to a License Type 41
(on sale beer, wine and eating place)
Received and Filed.
6. Request to Authorize Staff to advertise for Bids
regarding the Leasing of the City's Water Rights.
Present lease Terminates July 1, 1985
Authorization approved.
7. Request for Approval of Agreements for Professional
Services with Anthony and Langford Architects
a. Agreement for Architectural Services for the
Remodel and Expansion of Fire Station No. 1, Phase
II Program;
b. Agreement for Architectural Services for the
Development of Fire Station No. 2;
C. Agreement for Architectural Services for the Civic
Center Parking Structure.
Agreements Approved.
8. Approval to Purchase Computer Installation Equipment
Material from Nevada Western Co., single source vendor;
authorization to waive the bidding procedure.
Approved vendor and authorized waiving of bidding
9. Recommendation to extend a 5 year General Service
Agreement with the County of Los Angeles; expires June
30, 1985.
Extension Approved.
10. Request for New Chlorinator for the City Plunge and
authorization to waive the bidding procedure; that
$4,202.81 be appropriated from the unallocated General
Funds Approved and authorized waiving of bidding
11. Request to Authorize a Closed Promotional Examination
and Examination Plan for Fire Battalion Chief.
Request Approved.
1. Consideration of Projects for Community Development
Block Grant Funding - Follow -Up to Council Report of
February 19, 1985.
Ms. Joann Lombardo, Planning Department reported
that the City must use the monies that are remaining
(approximately $222,000) or the County of Los Angeles
will reclaim the funds. A portion of the monies must be
used for low and moderate income families to meet the
Community Development Block Grant requirements.
Council Minutes
April 2, 1985
Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED,
that the City appropriate the $222,820 of still
uncommitted CDBG funds for community- serving handicapped
improvements and other planned capital projects that
may require additional funding. A brief discussion then
ensued as to whether any portion the CDBG monies should
be used for an elevator at the library.
Council concluded that they did not have an adequate
number of projects to consider.
Councilman Siadek and Councilman Jacobson withdrew
their motions and the concensus of Council was that the
Planning Department present additional projects at the
next Council meeting.
1. Oral Report on Environmental Protection Agency
regulations held in Chemical Maufacturers Association,
et. al., Petitioners vs. Natural Resources Defense
Council, Inc. et. al, Respondents; and United States
Environmenal Protection Agency, Petitioner, v. Natural
Resources Defense Council Inc., et. al., Respondents,
regarding toxic pollutant effluent limitations
promulagated under the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.
1251, et. seq.)
At the request of Acting City Attorney Peter M.
Thorson, and with the consent of Council: item
held over to the next Council meeting.
He also asked for a closed session on matters of
1. With the concurrence of Council, the position of City
Manager will be opened for applications from City staff
either by confidential letter or by open letter of
application beginning April 3, 1985 through April 8,
2. Councilwoman Synadinos indicated that parents in the
community have expressed concerned about problems
regarding child care. She and other members of the
community met last week to discuss possible solutions.
Especially child care centers for working parents.
It was the concensus of Council that Councilwoman
Synadinos and city staff attend the next meeting on
April 8, 1985 at 3:00 P.M.
Council Minutes
April 2, 1985
X%5 23
Dick Finnell, 535 Maryland, E1 Segundo, complained
about the service of Group W Cable.
City Manager Jones suggested that Council consider a
writ of mandate or other legal action against Group W.
Also have a public hearing so that citizens complaints
may be discussed.
Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilwoman Syndinos SECONDED
and unanimous vote of Council was cast that a public
hearing be called in either May or June to discuss the
service of Group W Cable.
No other business appearing to come
session,the meeting was adjourned to
Hall for Closed session at the hour
Government Code 54956.9(a)
Government Code 54956.9(b)
Government Code 54957
before the Council at this
the Mayor's Office of City
of 9:36 P.M.
John Shelton,et al vs El
Pending Litigation
Personnel Matters
At the hour of 11:06 P.M., the Council reconvened, all- answering
roll call. The meeting adjourned to Tuesday, April 9, 1985 at
7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers.
C, I L,�L 9
Charles K. Armstrong or
Res ectfull st mitted,
Ronald L. Hart
City Clerk
Council Minutes
April 2, 1985