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1984 SEP 19 CC MIN - 42X 6394
September 19, 1984
The E1 Segundo City Council convened in an adjourned
regular session with the Recreation and Parks
Commission on Wednesday, September 19, 1984 at 5:30
o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the El Segundo
City Hall.
II. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mr. Jack Ruis,
Director of Recreation and Parks Department.
Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt,
Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor
Absent: Councilmembers None
Present: Commissioners Arndt, Doukakis,
McCaverty and Chairman Pro- Tempore,
Absent: Chairwoman walsh
Commissioner Croxall that the purpose of this meeting
was to discuss the increased usage of the recreational
and park facilities by the commercial /industrial sector
of the community. Also to be considered is the fee
structure of programs.
Increased Industrial Usage of Recreational Facilities
Vice - Chairman Croxall stated that industrial use of the
park was significantly increasing, after working hours
and on week -ends.
Commissioner Croxall stated there are approximately
100,000 industrial daytime residents and that
number is expected to increase by 50,000 next year.
Residents of the City are saying that the hours of
11:00 o'clock a.m. to 1:UU o'clock p.m. and 4:30 o'clock
p.m. to 8:30 o'clock p.m. are when the park is saturated
primarily with industrial users.
Commissioner Croxall stated after meetings with the
Recreation and Parks Commission, with all members
present, the following points were considered as
alternatives to the increased usage of the recreational
Expand the present facilities;
Development of an additional park on the west side
of Sepulveda;
Investigate what other outside organizations might
contribute to help with this situation; and
request that the YMCA service the area being
affected by the increased use.
Commissioner Croxall stated the Commission has looked
at Data provided by Rockwell, which company is-con-
sidered to be one of the leaders in providing
recreation for their employees.
Commissioner Croxall stated that he also met with some
hushes executives. Their policy is their tacility is
open to all employees, but they must call and reserve a
time in oraer to assure availability of the facility.
It was also reported that the Commission has a study
from the Centinella Valley YMCA. The study was
considered to contain what was necessary. The cost of
development for a YMCA facility is reported to be
The biggest problems were stated to be shower
facilities and parking.
Discussion was held regarding the problem at Recreation
Park in regards to the inadequate shower facilities being
overloaded during the lunch periods, after working hours,
and on weekends.
Councilwoman Synadinos questioned as to whether the
shower problem applied only to the two periods of time
previously stated.
Commissioner Croxall responded that there is a general
need that is increased by industrial use. There is the
same need on week -ends but not as critical as lunch and
after work hours. The users are a combination of 60%
industrial and 40% residential.
Councilman Siadek asked where the City's responsibility
begins and ends?
It was stated that the responsibility of the City is
first to the residents and secondly to the industrial
users. The City's responsibility is not necessarily to
provide facilities but to make sure the existing ones
are available to the City residents.
Commissioner Croxall expressed that the problem was
that there is not a set of established guidelines.
The Commission has received guidelines from the
National Recreation Association. The Association has
done a nation wide survey on this type of issue. The
Association's guidelines are based on residential
It was stated that what is needed is a set of
guidelines in the development plans for all the new
industrial developments east of Sepulveda, and to
provide a set of guidelines for new developers.
Councilman Siadek asked whether there was any
particular data or formula for determining recreation
needs for a company?
Response was that E1 Segundo would be the first
community to have guidelines for industrial
recreational use.
Council was informed that the need for guidelines were
reviewed at the last meeting of the Recreation and Parks
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Council Minutes
September 19, 1984
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Councilman Siadek asked what was the motivation for
needing such guidelines?
Commissioner Croxall stated that establishing
guidelines indicates an awareness of the problem of
overloading of recreational facilities, by industrial
It was stated that about 8 developers, with more on the
way, are bringing in 47,000 additional employees. The
developers were approached and presented with three
options, which were to builo their own facility, join
with a neighbor or give the City money to expand. In
order for the City to receive money, there would have
to be an adopted City plan which would indicate how the
money would be put to use.
Councilman Siadek stated that he had no objections to
the proposed guidelines and that he agreed with the
concept of guidelines being incorporated into
development plans.
At this time, Councilman Siadek and Jacobson announced
they had another meeting to which they must attend, and
therefore, left the Council Chamber.
Councilwoman Synadinos advised that one acre of land
had been donated to the City on the east side of
Sepulveda blvd., for construction of a new Fire
Station. Suggested the Commissioners encourage the
YMCA to consider purchasing the adjoining property for
new quarters. Also stated she would like to see
industry given the choice of purchasing the balance of
the available property for a public park or possibly
pay a fee to obtain the land for the park.
Planning Director Romaniello expressed that from the
planning point of view, there was no benefit in having
small recreational facilities throughout the town when
there is an option of having one large one. The main
reason being traffic.
The Commission would like to hear from the Council on
what they think the guidelines look like and whether
they should proceed.
Commissioner Croxall stated that the Recreation and
Parks Commission recommends the Guidelines as the most
effective method for developers to provide industrial
Fee Structure for Recreation Programs
Director Ruis informed the
charging for classes. The
direction that the Council
there should be more users
Council that they are now
Commission has moved in the
had earlier indicated, that
It was stated that the fees are users fees as opposed
to facility fees.
Council Minutes
September 19, 1984
(;3s "i
Councilwoman Synadinos inquired about priority use for
Director Ruis stated that there were ways to assure
that the residents would maintain priority use.
Councilwoman Synadinos asked if Council should
establish a fund or grant for people who can't afford
the fees.
Director Ruis stated that there was no need to
establish any fund, because of the close working
relationship with the Rotary Club.
Stated that there is now a requirement of proof of
residency upon registration.
Director Ruis stated that the Recreation Program will
add revenue to the City of $20,000. All of the money
will be turned over to Finance under the General Fund.
The Commission stated that they needed a response from
the Council as to whether a recreation element in the
City of E1 Segundo is needed.
Mayor Armstrong suggested putting this item on the
October 2nd City Council meeting agenda. At that time
it can be decided how the Commission will proceed:
There being no further business to come before the
Council at this meeting, the Mayor adjourned the
meeting at the hour of 7:15 o'clock p.m..
Respectfully submitted,
Valerie A.Burrowes,
City Clerk
- Council Minutes
September 19, 1984