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1984 NOV 20 CC MINX 641 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL November 20, 1984 I. CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on the above date at the hour of 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Captain Jeffery Wells of the Long Beach Naval Station. III. INVOCATION The Invocation was delivered by Chief of Police, Clark J. Devilbiss. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Absent: Councilmember Siadek V. PRESENTATIONS A. Proclamation declaring week of November 18, through November 24, 1984 as "FAMILY WEEK ". Councilman Schuldt reported on visiting, terminally ill children from the United Kingdom, who are being sponsored by the Les Evans Holiday Fund. The children are in the United States for a two week stay. Councilman Schuldt and his family were one of the hosting households. Councilman Schuldt informed, the program was an on -going one and in March there will be more children visiting. Councilman Schuldt read and presented the proclamation, which was accepted by Ms. Marilyn Johnson, President of the E1 Segundo Women's Club. At this point, the time being 7:1U o'clock p.m., Councilman Siadek entered the meeting and took his place at the Council table. B. Proclamation declaring week of November 26 through December 21, 1984 as "TOYS FOR TOTS MONTH ". Councilwoman Synadinos read and presented the proclamation, which was accepted by Captain Jeffery Wells of the United States Marine Reserve. VI. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. At this time, the hour being 7:15 o'clock p.m., the Mayor declared a recess for the purpose of the Council acting'as the Board of Examiners and Appeals to hear the appeal of the Underwood Construction Company, Inc., regarding the building Department's determination that Spanish roof tiles on various buildings do not meet Uniform Building Code Standards. At the hour of 7:55 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. X 418 VI. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS (Continued) B. Public Hearing for Expenditure of CDBG Funds for Meals on Wheels Program for Elderly and Handicapped Residents Mayor Armstrong announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the public hearing for expenditure of CDBG Funds for a Meals on Wheels Program for elderly and handicapped residents and inquired if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Hart replied that affidavits of publishing and mailing of the notice were on rile in the City Clerk's Office. The Mayor directed that said files become a part of this hearing and then inquired if any written communications had been received. The City Clerk replied that no written communication had been received. Joann Lombardo, Contract Planner for the E1 Segundo Planniny Department, stated there was $13,000+ allocated for the remainig six months of the fiscal year for a meals on wheels program. After talking with a number of local meal providers it was decided the City of Inglewood would best suit E1 Segundo's needs. The Inglewood program has been established for seven years and they serve 200+ meals a day. Inglewood will provide and deliver the meals to the Joslyn Center; help coordinate the paper work and train volunteers. Further stated, it is anticipated that the program will be available free of charge to all elderly persons that have incomes based on the County standards, below $16,000 a year for a family of one. Charlie LeFleur, 420 Richmond Street, stated he was representing Senior Citizen Club members. Further, this program was attempted before but failed because of a need for volunteers. Mr. LeFlour stated this is a good worth -while program and it is worth the Council's consideration. The following motion was made: Councilman Siadek MOVED, Mayor Armstrong SECONDED, that the public hearing be closed. The motion was unanimously carried. Ms. Lombardo expressed that other costs relating to the program are reimbursing the volunteers for mileage, hot boxes, and reimbursement of staff for their time. The following motion was made: Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that Council approve the implementation of a Meals on Wheels Program as described in the agreement, and; THAT Council authorize execution of the agreement with the Inglewood Senior Citizen Nutrition.Center. This Agreement proposes contracting with the City of Inglewood to provide the meals and associated services for a Meals on Wheels Program. The motion was unanimously carried. - 2 - Council Minutes November 20, 1984 VI. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS (Continued) C. Request for Approval of Senior Citizen Housing Schematic Design and Authorization to proceed with Design Development Drawings Joann Lombardo, Contract Planner for the El Segundo Planning Department, stated that the Schematic Design Plan for the Senior Housing Program is intended to layout the ground work for the final design, and all input can still be reflected in the project. Further, the drawings have been reviewed by Blue Ribbon Design Review Committee. The Committee offered their input and a favorable response. At this point, Ms. Lombardo introduced architects Dave Ferguson and Ty Miller. Dave Ferguson, Kamnitzer and Cotton, stated the concerns on this site were the glare from the lights in the park, accentuating the view toward the park during the day, staying within the existing R3 planning code requirement, views of the neighbors, and not increasing the density beyond that stated in the RFP. Ty Miller, Kamnitzer and Cotton, referred to four drawings on the wall and a model depicting the preliminary schematic design of the Senior Housing Project, which is 96 units and a manager's apartment. Mr. Miller stated that what was proposed is to develop an organization that maximizes the view toward the west of the park and across the park to the hills on the other side, for as many units as possible. This is done by developing an organization of units that hug the parameter of the site and allows us to develop a view corridor, running east and west through the site. Further, the other main characteristic of the site is that there is a slope that will be moved approximately 10 feet changing grade over 300 along Holly Avenue and then another 8 feet change as you move north along Sierra. Councilman Schuldt asked about the actual cost of the project as opposed to the cost estimate. Mr. Ferguson responded that the cost estimate was based upon costs which would be received from a medium sized building under current market conditions. City Manager Jones informed Council there is an off site drainage problem in the area that needs to be addressed through storm drainage construction. The Public Works Department is currently developing a program and their rough calculation is there will be an expense of approximately $85,000. Mr. Jones informed the Council that a precise recommendation would be forthcoming. At this point the following motion was made: Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED that the Council approve the schematic design plans as proposed and to authorize proceeding with the project's design development drawings. The motion was carried unanimously. - 3 - Council Minutes November 20, 1984 /10419 X 6420 VII. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES A. Cable Advisory Committee Councilman Siadek reported that the Cable Advisory Committee met last week and discussed E1 Segundo's participation in the consortium, where there was a Prop. 36 message delivered. The Committee feels that participation in the consortium was favorable and it gives an opportunity to share ideas. The Committee also discussed committee revision and whether Council should be approached to discuss this matter. Mayor Armstrong stated that the City's position is to reduce the Committee to a five member board. VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 11 There was no oral communication. IX. CONSENT CALENDAR An additional item was added to the Consent Calendar and designated as item G., by concensus of the Council. Request was made to withdraw items (C), (D) and (E) from the Consent Calendar for individual discussion. Thereafter motion was made as follows: Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED, that the balance of the items be approved as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. A. Warrants Nos. 85471 - 85654 on Demand Register Summary No. 9 in Total Amount of $1,0000,447.49 ...Ratified and approved. B. Expense Checks Nos. 4584 - 4611 on Expense Checks Register No. 4 in Total Amount of $11,383.25 ...Ratified and approved. F. Application of Western Stage Lines, Inc., dba Eagle Lines, for Authority to operate as a passenger Stage Corporation ...Received and filed. G. Ratification of staff's action regarding a business license fee for the E1 Segundo Junior Women's Club ...Ratified and approved. - 4 - Council Minutes November 20, 1984 X. XI. XI I. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR C. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting of September 19, 1984 Councilwoman Synadinos acknowledged changes previously made in the minutes and stated there is a need for additional changes. Councilwoman Synadinos requested these minutes be held over. D. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of October 2, 1984 E. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of October 16, 1984 Councilwoman Synadinos noted spelling errors in these minutes and made the following motion: Councilwoman Synadinos Jacobson SECONDED that 2, and October 16, 1984 corrected. The motion unanimously. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION MOVED, Councilman the minutes of October be approved as was carried There was no written communication. REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. City Manager 1. Presentation of Report on Merits and Structure of Public Works Commission City Manager Jones stated this report sets forth the functions of the Public Works Department at this time and outlines advantages and disadvantages of appointing another commission. This report suggests a structure for the commission based upon the structure of the Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission. Councilman Siadek expressed that he was in favor of the current procedure and did not feel a Public Works Commission was necessary. Councilwoman Synadinos spoke in favor of a Public Works Commission in hopes that it would eliminate the necessity of hiring consultants for major project. Mr. Jones replied that most of the consultants are employed for specific design and supervision of projects, which could not be done through a committee type of structure. Mr. Jones stated that if Council decides upon a Public Works Commission they must make it clear what functions are desired, how it should be structured and what activities it would perform. After this is completed, staff will be able to bring a resolution to Council for adoption. - 5 - Council Minutes November 20, 1984 ,X G4?1 XI i 4 '--''' XII. REPORTS OF OFFICERS (Continued) After discussion of this issue the following motion was made: Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED that the request for a Public Works Commission be denied. The motion failed by the following vote: Noes: Councilmembers Siadek and Schuldt Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Councilwoman Synadinos stated she would like to receive information on the duties performed by a Public Works Commission. It was agreed on by Council that Councilman Jacobson and Mayor Armstrong would gather background on this issue and return to Council with the information. 2. Presentation of Insurance Bid for Renewal of Real and Personal Property Coverage, Effective November 20, 1984 City Manager Jones stated that this item is more commonly referred to as fire and extended coverage insurance for city buildings, content and larger items of equipment in the city. Further, Cal Surance recommended and staff concurred that coverage this year be awarded to the Fireman's Fund which submitted the most competitive proposal cost wise and coverage wise. The premium would be $13,931 which is an increase of 12 1/2% over the coverage in the previous year. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED that the City Council authorize the renewal of the real and personal property insurance coverage and that said coverage be awarded to the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company with the following limits: real and personal $19,067,975, equipment floater $192,070, appraisal adjustment and inventory $10,000, transit coverage $5,000, and money and securities $3,000; for a premium not to exceed $13,931. IT IS ALSO RECOMMENDED that an additional appropriation of $1,231 be athorized from the General Fund to cover the premium cost. The motion was carried by a unanimous vote. 3. Presentation of Insurance Bid for Renewal of Excess Liability Insurance Coverage, Effective December 1, 1984 Mr. Jones stated currently the City has been self insured with a $50,000 retention. Many of the insurance companies the City has been used to bidding with have gone out of business in the Council Minutes November 20, 1984 XII. REPORTS OF OFFICERS (Continued) state or refused to bid because of the large award and increased liabilities that all cities are experiencing. As a result, only four companies submitted bids to the City for consideration on liability coverage this year. The option recommended by Cal Surance and which staff concurred with is the proposal submitted by the First State Insurance Company. Councilwoman Synadinos requested that staff bring Council a bid on non -city owned automobile coverage. The following motion was made: Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman 5iadek SECONDED that the following recommendation be approved, that liability coverage be awarded to First State Insurance Company under the quotation shown in Program I, Option II of the attached tabulation. The basic premium for coverage up to $10 million is $66,110; THAT Council include a $300,000 aggregate stop -loss provision for the additional annual premium of $8,390; THAT staff negotiate for coverage of non -city owned automobiles. The motion was carried unanimously. B. Department of Public Works 1. Recommendation regarding award of contract for the constructions of block Wall at Water Facilities Building, Project No. 84 -13 Director Glickman stated that Mr. Brandlin, an adjacent property owner, stated he would share the cost of the construction along his property. Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED that the City Council appropriate $10,000.00 from the Water Fund Capital Reserve and award a contract to Neff Contracting in the amount of $12,886.00 for the construction of the concrete block wall. Upon approval to award a contract, an invoice will be submitted to Mr. Brandlin for $2,900.00. The motion was carried unanimously. 2. Recommendation to adopt Resolution amending the Traffic Resolution regarding establishment of a three -way stop at the westerly intersection of Mariposa Avenue and Loma Vista Street Director Glickman informed that there was a request to study the intersection of Mariposa and Loma Vista. Resulting from this study is a recommendation trom the Traffic Committee to - 7 - Council Minutes November 20, 1984 X x 64-3#4 XII. REPORTS OF OFFICERS (Continued) install a three way stop sign at the westerly T intersection. An amending resolution was prepared providing for this change. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Schuldt SECONDED that the tollowing resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3287 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CERTAIN SUBSECTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 3263 (THE TRAFFIC RESOLUTION) RELATING TO THROUGH STREETS AND STOP INTERSECTIONS. be adopted. The motion was carried unanimously. XIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS City Attorney informed Qouncil of two matters of litigation. XIV. NEW BUSINESS Council optioned not to meet on the first regular scheduled meeting in January 1985. The January 15, 1985, 7:00 o'clock p.m., meeting stands as scheduled. XV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There was no oral communication. XVI. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED: No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the meeting was adjourned, until Wednesday, December 4, 1984 at 7:U0 o'clock p.m. The hour of adjournment being 9:40 o'clock p.m. Charles K. Armstrongy Mailqr City Clerk Council Minutes November 20, 1984