1984 MAY 31 CC MIN,,� 622-1. MINUTES Ur' THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL May 31, 1984 I. CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in an adjourned regular session Thursady, May 31,1984 at the hour of 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the E1 Segundo City Hall. The Clerk reported that an Order of Adjournment of Meetings of the City Council had been posted as required by law, and that a Declaration of Posting was in the City Clerk's file. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Barbara Kirby III. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong Absent: Councilman Siadek IV. A continued Budget Study Session reconvened with the Operating Budget. The Library account recommended $465,459 in the Operating Budget. Four supplementals were requested. There being no further discussion, the session continued to Recreation and Parks. The Recreation and Park Department, which is divided into three major divisions and many sections within the Recreation area. The divisions in order of appearance in the budget are Administration, Park and Recreation. 34A and B represent the summary of the overall department, 35A begins the Rec and Park Administation Division for which there are no supplemental requests this year. Total recommendation is $146,963. There is one minor correction, we did not get in the preliminary budget. On page 35L, which is the budget worksheet for Travel and Meetings. The second line says 5 Recreation Commissioners, that should be Recreation Supervisors. Commissioners are in the first line. It there aren't any questions on the Administration, the next mayor division is the Park Division, recommeding $785,178. There are three supplementals. In the Park Division there are several supplementals and also a substantial Professional and Technical con- tractual services for a variety of maintenances. Supplemental #2, for $3U,ODU, was questioned. Mr. Northcraft stated that this was the tree trimming service. Request is for yearly service versus every other year. The next division is the Recreation Division beginning on page 37A. There is 37A & B including the perform- X 6230 ance statistics, this is a summary of the entire Re- creation Division. The first section within the Re- creation Division begins on 37E and it is called the Recreation Division. Recommending $161,596 in the basic and three supplementals have been requested. The next division is the Recreation Division beginning on page 37A. There is 37A & B including the perform- ance statistics, this is a summary of the entire Re- creation Division. The first section within the Re- creation Division begins on 37E and it is called the Recreation Division. Recommending $161,596 in the basic and three supplementals have been requested. The Fire Department is being recommended at a total operating cost of $3,952,575, there are 11 supplemental requests. Capital Improvement Program The question was raised as to how the funds ae put into the program. Mr. Northcraft stated that that dates back, obviously, pre -1978. There were additional opportunities after '78 because of the large sales tax years we had. In the last two years, and this year, we have not had that money, so we've been drawing down on the Capital Im- provement Fund until the recommendation this year would draw it under $200,000. As you know, the Capital Improvement Program is for a 5 year period, and what we're looking at tonight is for 1984 -89. Those projects proposed for 84 -85 fiscal year are included as part of the operating budget and are reflected in the summary sheet and also the sheets in the back of the budget. For the past two years, we have not been able to support the Capital Improvement Fund within the Capital Improvement Program and have been drawing down on the existing reserves built up in that fund. That cannot continue because of this current year would virtually wipe out the remaining reserves and ring it down to under $300,000. Projects recommended for inclusion in the 5 year program are funded for the most part either from those available reserves remaining or unidentified future revenues. The additional capital construction beyond 84 -85 will depend upon identifica- tion of new or increased sources of revenues for capital funding. For 1985 -86 what is being recommended requires approximately $943,000 in the Capital Improvement Fund minus the $200,000 or so that would be remaining at the end of this year. For the 1986 -87 budget, an additional $450,000 would be required to fund those projects listed for those years be funded from the Capital Improvement Fund. That federal revenue sharing was extended for three years and effective October 1, 1983. We are estimating a revenue of approximately $280,000. We are now starting to feel the effects of our sales tax loss which began over two years ago. A portion of the revenue sharing money is used in the operating budget as we've just gone over the Dial -A -Ride and the -2- Council Minutes Mav 31, 1984 Juvenile Diversion. The remainder of the money is recommendea to be part of the Capital Improvement Program. Recommended projects in the Capital Improvement Pr_ for the tiscal year 84 -85 totals $6,985,786. In addition to that there is approximately *1.5 million budgeted by the Council in the preceeding years ana not yet under contract. Those projects have been adjusted for inflationary factors. Mr. Northcraft stated that all those programs in 84 -85 that are recommended to be tunded trom the Capital Im- provement tund, have the small c in the tootnote, ana can be funded with existing reserves in that fund. There's no money to fund anything in 85 -86 That the $1.2 million is simply the operating budget. It does not take into account needed supplementals that are not tunded currently that will have to be funded eventually. It does not take into account that the fact that the capital improvement fund will need some support from the general fund at some point. Council recessed at 8:10 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:20 p.m. Roll was called with the following present: Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, 5chuldt, biadek, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Absent: Councilmembers None Lengthy discussion followed. Subject matter related to possible options available for producing revenue. III. ADJOURNMENT No further business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the Mayor adjourned the meeting until June 4, 1984 at 6:UU p.m. Time of adjournment was APPROVED: - r�kk RJ,AA�I)Sl- Crrdrles K. Armstrong, or Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. hurrowes, City Clerk -3- Council Minutes May 31, 1984 X 6231