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1984 MAY 08 CC MINI
May 8, 1984
The El Segundo City Council convened in adjourned ses-
sion on Tuesday, May 8, 1984, at 8:30 a.m. in the
Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mr. Richard Patterson.
Present: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt,
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Absent: Councilman Siadek
At the hour of 8:35 o'clock a.m., a MOTION WAS MADE BY
UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED that they recess until Councilman
Siadek arrived. At the hour of 9:05 o'clock a.m., the
City Council reconvened with the following answering
roll call:
Present: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt,
Siadek, Synadinos, and Mayor Arin-
Absent: None
The Mayor inquired of the Council as to their desire to
proceed with the agenda as listed. Councilman Jacobson
stated ghat he would like to include the item continued
from the previous meeting relating to consideration of
establishing a Public Works Commission. So ordered.
1. Consideration of Public Works Commission
Councilman Jacobson stated that in his investiga-
tion, it appears that other cities have several more
commissions in operation. He further stated that he
feels the Council is not as knowledgable in the area
of Public Works as in others and with the amount of
monies that are spent from this department, a
commission could be of great value and assistance.
Following discussion on the merits of commissions,
it was agreed that a staff report be prepared based
on other cities with the following data:
a) how many commissions
b) type of commissions
c) responsibilities, duties and purpose of
d) advantages and disadvantages
2. Recreation Park - Development Fees for Users East of
Sepulveda Boulevard
Councilwoman Synadinos shared that she receives on-
going complaints from citizens with regards to the
lack of facilities available in the City parks due
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to the heavy use by industry and commercial employ-
ees. She continued that she sees a great need for
additional facilities to allow for this overload.
Discussion followed with emphasis on the merits of
restricting current facilities versus expanding
facilities. Councilman Schuldt Felt that the few
complaints being registered do not speak for the
majority of citizens, but rather a few.
Mayor Armstrong invited Mr. Richard Patterson, a re-
presentative of industry in town as well as a resi-
dent, to share his views on this subject matter. Mr.
Patterson stated that he concurred with Mrs.
Synadinos' comments, that there is a serious pro -blem
with citizens using the facilities and a great need
for additional facilities with possible locations
east of Sepulveda blvd. to share the needs of that
community sector.
Following further discussion on this matter, it was
agreed that the Recreation and Park Commission be
requested to evaluate these needs and concerns and
that possibly a joint meeting be considered in the
near future. In addition, Councilman Jacobson re-
quested that staff report back on the rules /policy
for use of Recreation Cards, and by what method(s)
facilities may currently be reserved.
3. Economic Analysis with Envirotur•.ental Quality Board
(EQB) Review
Councilwoman Synadinos stated that she feels it's
important to know that each new development in the
City will be paying their fair share and their own
It was felt that it may be time to once again iden-
tify the purpose and need of the EQB. It was further
stated that consideration might be given to adding
the City Manager and Director of Finance to this
It was agreed that daytime population has increased,
and that there certainly has been an increase in the
needs to be met.
Mr. Richard Patterson shared his concerns in pre-
senting items to the EQB. Stated that a prepared
list of questions to be answered would save in staff
time, however there is a need to know the Base Line,
if any, established by the City.
There appears to be a need for the establishment of
guidelines, an identification of costs, and a base
line. Acting City Manager, Kevin Northci:aft, stated
that he would address these matters.
Councilwoman Synadinos stated that she has received
comments from management people in industry that it
appears Council is attempting to balance the City
Budget at their (industry) expense. She further
stated that she feels El Segundo is well below what
other cities charge for similar services and that her
only concern is that those using services are paying
their fair share for receiving saine.
Council Minutes
May S, 1984
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The Mayor made reference to the fact that the time
agreed upon for adjournment was fast approaching. He
further stated that the remaining items on the agenda
were all funding items and inquire? if there was any par-
ticular item that needed to 6T addressed today.
4. Traffic Soiutions and Fundin
Concern was registered over the Traffic Study that
had been made. '"?sere was agreement that although
the study has been completed, nothing has been imple-
Acting City Manacer Northcraft stated that there had
been a memo apprnxiinatly a year .ago, advising of some
implementation of the study. He further stated that
some recommendations were not our responsibility. He
will re -issue this memo for information.
Councilman Schuldt stated that he has not seen a copy
of the study that. was performed and would appreciate
time to do so. Mayor Armstrong stated that this item
would be continued to allow for Councilman Schuldt
to review same.
5. Parking in the R -3 Zone
Councilwoman Syna:iinos stated that she feels there
are many projects being rushed through by developers
in order to avoid the new parking codes that are
being proposed.
Councilman Siadek questioned whether all members of
the Council were :)eing kept informed on projects,
and or directives. He stated that he oftentimes
feels that he is not in tune with what is currenty
taking place clue to a lack of communication. Mr.
Siadek made reference to a statement he had heard
relating to ratio of FAR.
Mayor informed the Council that this item and the remain-
ing portions of the Agenda would be completed at the
next study session.
It being the hour of 1.1:00 o'clock a.m., A MOTION WAS
SCHULDT AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, that the meeting be ad-
journed until Tuesday, May 15, 1984, at 6:00 o'clock
p.m. in the Council C;Iamber of the City Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Va erie A. Burrowes, City Clerk
Council Minutes
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