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1984 MAY 01 CC MINX 6188 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MAY 1, 1984 I. CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session at 7 :00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 1, 1984 in the Council Chamber of E1 Segundo City ball. II. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE; was led by Mr. David Jones. III. THE INVOCATION was delivered by Reverend David Tinoco of the United Methodist Church. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Council members Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Absent: Council members None V. PRESENTATIONS A. Councilwoman bynadinos read a proclamation declaring May 1 through May 7, 1984 as RESPECT FOR LAW WEEK. The proclamation was accepted by Mr. Scott Graham, President -elect of the Optimist Club, who thanked the Council and invited members to attend his group's May 17 meeting, at which police officers and others who have been active in helping the community to stay crime free will be honored. 8. Mayor Armstrong read a proclamation declaring May 13 throuyh May 19, 1984 as SHATTER SILENCE WEEK. The Proclamation was accepted by Mrs. Barbara Kirby who thanked the Mayor on behalf of Quota Club, which has contributed $1,500 for the purchase of equipment to aid the hearing impaired. C. Councilman Siadek read a letter of Commendation to Continental Development Corporation, which commended that organization on receiving the prestigious State of California building Officials' Award of Excellence. The letter of commendation was accepted by Mr. Richard Lund4uist, Senior Vice President of Continental Development, whoc thanked the Council and invited everyone to walk through the new building, which includes over one mile of planters and 400,000 square feet or tiled terraces. u. Councilman Jacobson read a proclamaticn declaring May 12, 1984 as FIRS; SERVICE; RECUGNITIUN DAY. The rroclamation was accepted by Captain Barry Johnson of the El Segundo Fire Department, who thanked the Council on behalf of Chiet Sheldon and members of the Fire Department. X - AlRr V1. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Presentation and Status Report of the Senior Citizen housing Project Acting City Manaager Kevin Northcratt introduced Ms. Joanne Lombardo, who presented a progress report and reviewed various aevelopment options for the prooposed Senior Citizenn housny Project. Ms. Lombardo began by noting that two recent events have provided additional impetus and definition to the project: the acquisition of sufficient adjacent property on Sierra Street, and the public vote approving use of approximately $2,250,000 in Vann revenues for aesign and construction of senior citizen housing. Ms. Lombardo then reviewed the central issues relevant to the development of the project, and outlined the recommendations of the Planning Department. The tirst issue is whether to build the entire 97 units in a single phase, or to separate the project into two segments, with aproximately 57 units built initially and the remaining units constructed at a later date. Advantages to developing the project in a snglee phase include: a cost savings of aproximately $400,000 (a development cost of $3,619,000 v. $4,043,000) by avoiding escalation of material and labor costs during the two -year interval between the first and second phases and by taking advantage of the economies of scale of construction; construction of the project in a single phase will permit approximately 40 senior citizens earlier access to affordable housing. The importance of this second advantage is underscored by the tact that there are at least 559 senior renters in the City who require affordable housing. The only disadvantage to single -phase development is that approximately $1.4 million in tunding in addition to the $2,250,000 in Cann revenues will be required at the outset. The first option for the tinanciny of this $1.4 million is to use tax - exempt mortgage revenue bonds. because these bonds are tax exempt, they are able to provide interest rates between 10% and 11% versus the 13 -1/2$ rate on conventional financing. The average minimum monthly rent for the i-,roject would be,arouna $245 per unit with mortgage revenue t)ond tinanciny, versus a minimum monthly rent of $280 per unit required to break even with conventional financing. An additional advantage of using mortgage revenue bond financing is that it would allow the City to maintain absolute control over the project. This type of tinanciny does, however, require that at least 20% of the units in the project be rented at or below the fair market rent level for the area; because the average monthly rent for a one - bedroom apartment in E1 Segundo is $463, there is considerable leeway here. -2- Council Minutes May 1, 1984 X'stq`' Councilwoman Synadinos inquired as to how complete control could be retained by the City if it were to participate in bond issuance through the Los Angeles County Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bond Program. Ms. Lombardo responded that the County has provided assurance that this woulld be the case; additional assurance is provided by the language of the mortgage legislation. It a decision is made to use mortgage revenue bonds through the County program, it would be advisable to make a commitment by the end of May: Both the County and California Federal anticipate that the June bond issue will offer particularly favorable interest rates. Another funding option would be to make use of the City's $6 million contingency Lund. The City Council may utilize these funds for projects which preserve the public welfare; the proposed senior housing project could be designated by Council as serving this function. Contingency funds could then be used to pay the complete cost of development, or to reduce the amount of the mortgage revenue bond issue. The City also has the option of designating funds from the contingency account as a loan to the housing project, and setting an interest rate which it feels is appropriate. The final funding option would be to borrow funds from the State of California Rental Housing Construction Program; the maximum loan for the senior housng project would be approximately $637,000. Applications for these funds are competitive; there is a deadline for submission of May 4. Ms. Lombardo also noted that the City miyht consider pursing corporate contributions as supplements to other funding sources. Ms. Lombardo then referred Council members to the Development Timeline contained in the progress report, which assumes the City will act as developer for the project, and that the development will occur in a single phase spanning aproximately two years. As indicated in the timeline, the most immediate task is to contract for a soils analysis of the old City Yard and adjacent Sierra Street properties which would help uncover potential developmental constraints that could delay the project it not addressed at the outset. The final issue to be decided relates to how the project will be managed once the units have been completed and are occupied. This is an area in which there should be advance planning. Regardless of the specific type of management arrangement, it will be necessary to designate an administrative body to oversee the project's ongoing management. -3- Council Minutes May 1, 1984 One option would be the creation of a Senior Housing Commission; a further reduction of City involvement in the project's ongoing operation could be achieved by assignment of administrative conrol to a qualified nonprofit group or to a nonprofit entity organized specifically for this purpose. Ms. Lombardo then summarized the Planning Department's five recommendations for the development of the senior housing project: 1. The City should consider developing the entire 97 units of senior housing a single phase in order to increase the project's cost effectiveness and better assist its senior residents in need of attordable housing. 2. The City may obtain additional financing if required for the project through either the Los Angels County Mortgage Revenue Mond Program, its General Emergency Contingency Fund or a combination of the two. Should Council decide to participate in the County MRb Program, the Cooperative Agreement for participation in the program and the Resolution adopting the Cooperative Agreement will require Council's approval and adoption prior to May 25, 1984. Additionally, the City may pursue corporate donations to further assist the project. Application for a deferred loan through the State of California Rental housing Construction Program may also be considered. 3. The City should contract with Osborne Engineering to perform a soils analysis of the project site. The contract fee, not to exceed X3,780, should be appropriated out of the Voters' Trust Fund Account. 4. The City should approve proceeding with the development plans outlined in this report and the preliminary development timeline. 5. The City should consider setting up a nonprofit organization to administer the project's manaagement. Following discussion, there was consensus that development of all 97 units in a single phase was the preferred way to proceed. Question was raised as to whether the Gann funds would be returned to the City as a revolving fund. Mr. Romaniello stated that it has always been the philosophy to pay back funds which are used, regardless of their source. Some questions were raised regarding specific tiyures contained in the progress report. Mr. Romaniello emphasized the importance of beginning with common assumptions and usny similar methods of calculation in attempting to make comparisons. Ms. Lombardo offered to review any computations about which there were questions. -4- Council Minutes sly'' Mr. xomaniello clarified that formal action by Council is required only on Recommmendation #3, authorizing a soils analysis; with regard to the other recommendations, direction from Council is being sought. Councilwoman Synadinos inquired whetner a nonprofit organization was favored over a City commission to oversee the management operations of the project. Ms. Lombardo stated tnat a nonprofit organization was recommended because it offered a way of making this activity more autonomous; it would also reduce the degree of necessary Council and staff involvement. Councilwoman Synadinos inquired about the procedures for establishing a trust fund for donations to this project. Ms. Lombardo stated that she would re- search and report back. Mr. Romaniello cautioned against over - estimating the contribution that coporate donations might involve; this is not now anticipated to consitute a significant portion of project funding. Mr. Northcraft suggested providing potential donors with a list of items needed for the project, together with their associated costs. The Planning Department's five recommendations were then treated individually. Recommendation #1 IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Siadek, SECONDED by Councilman Jacobson, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT Recommendation #1 authorizing construction of all 97 units of senior housing in a single phase BE APPROVED. Recommendation #2 Councilman Siadek raised question regarding advantages and disadvantages of borrowing funds from private-sources versus usny reserve funds and charging interest. Mr. xomaniello stated, because the interest rate to be charged on funds borrowed from the contingency reserve could be set at any level the City wished, the question becomes, "Are you willing to charge the senior nousing project less than you would have to pay to another lender ?" Councilwoman Synadinos requested City Attorney Dolley's analysis of the proposed Cooperative Ayreement between the County of Los Angeles and the City. In response to a question, it was clarified that the May 15, 1984 deadline was only for participation in the June issue of the Los Angeles County Mortyaye Revenue bond Program, for which a comparatively favorable interest rate is expected. -b- council Minutes May 1, 1984 VII. Participation in subsequent issues is certainly possible, but a less favorable interest .rate is anticipated. X. 61'92 �r Councilman Siadek then requested an analysis of the relative merits of borrowing trom private sources or issuing mortgage revenue bonds versus using City contingency tunds. because there seemed to be a consensus that the option of borrowing trom the State's Rental Housing Construction Program would not be pursued, this option need not be included in the analysis. Recommendation #3 IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Siadek, SECONDED by Councilman Jacobson, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT Recommendation #3, authorizing the execution of a contract with Osborne Engineering for performance of a soils analysis of the project site. Recommendation #4 Ms. Lombardo stated that the Architectural Request for Proposals would be presented to the Council at its next meeting. Recommendation #5 Council members indicated their awareness that various options for overseeing the management tunction for the project are being analyzed; specific recommendations will be presented at a later meeting. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES A. The Mayor announced the Council's unanimous request that tormer Councilman Marvin Johnson be requested continue his work on the Century Freeway Committee. B. Appointment of Council Members to Committees The Mayor announced the tollowny committee assignments: Councilman Siadek League of California Cities Juvenile Diversion Project National League of Cities Community Cable Advisory Committee South tray Cities (Alt.) southern California Rapid Transit District vest basin water Association (Alt.) beach Cities Commission (Alt.) Council Minutes May 1, 1984 X 6.19 .1 Councilwoman Synadinos Municipal Fine Arts Committee beach Cities Committee day Cities Transit Authority South bay Regional Communications (Alt.) Southern California Rapid Transit District ( Alt. ) Community CATV Advisory Commission (Alt.) Proposition A Transportation Committee Councilman Jacobson League of California Cities (Alt.) South bay Reginal Communication Committee South day Cities and Keyion V Sanitation District (Alt.) Southwest Area Planniny Commission West basin water Association Noise Abatement Committee (Alt.) Councilman Schuldt I -1U5 Freeway Advisory Committee (Alt.) South bay Corridor Study Steering Committee (SCAG) Southern California Association of Governments bay Cities Transit Authority Sister City board of Directors Independent Cities Association South bay Cities Association Mayor Armstrong Juvenile Diversion (Alt.) Noise Abatement Committee Airport Noise Control & Land Use Steering Committee Sister City Committee board of Directors (Alt.) South tray Corridor Study Steering Committee (Alt.) South tray Cities & Region 5 Sanitation District (SCAG) Southern California Association of Governments Southwest Area Planniny (Alt.) Independent Cities Association (Alt.) Proposition A Transportation Committee (Alt.) The Mayor noted that he had attended a meeting of the Independent Cities Committee, which appears to be a very worthwhile organization. Councilman Jacobson reported that he had attened an RCC meeting with Councilwoman Synadinos. Councilman biadek reported that the Ad hoc Committee on County Property Tax Recovery had met three times since the last Council meeting. Althouyh the group is still in the data - gathering stage, they are aware that the City is recovering much less.ot its property tax revenues than other cities. mrm Council Minutes May 1, 1984 k; 6 99 The Committee is in the process of documenting the City's relative position in terms of recovery rate. Councilwoman Synadinos announced that the Los Angeles - Westchester Chamber of Commerce had invited her to attend a May 16 meeting concerning helicopters. The Mayor expressed his interest in attending the meeting as well. Councilman Schuldt reported that Chevron held the opening of the redeveloped beach area where crude Oil is brought in; Chevron has done a beautiful job in restoring this segment of beachfront land. The Mayor informed Council members that there will be a tour of sanitation facilities on June 6, from 8:00 a.m. until 3:UU p.m., originating at the Torrance City Hall. VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Patrick Smith, 947 Virginia Street, made a presentation to Councilman Jacobson regarding the Prop "A" Citizens' Committee. he expressed his appreciation to the Quota Club for accepting the proclamation declaring May 13 through May 19 as Shatter Silence Week, and asked, "What about the other 51 weeks ?" He inquired about the status Of discussions reyardng the closng of Imperial Terminal. The Mayor stated that he would have a report following May 2. Althouyh some of the less controversial matters have been decided, other remain. E1 Segundo is still insisting on a "50/50" position, requiring that half of all takeoffs be from the South, and half from the North. Mr. Smith stated that he had received an additional study regarding a proposed charter air service. They plan to use an older aircraft which will exceed the Los Angeles Airport's decibel limit. Katie Manson, 341 Concord Street, stated she resented the Mayor's statement that she is the "self- proclaimd Queen of E1 Segundo." She produced a trophy which indicated she had been named "E1 Segundo Pioneer Queen" by the City Council in 1967. The Mayor apologized for his previous statement. tars. Manson then stated she has not received the names of members of the Mayor's unofficial advisory committee, which she requested at the last Council meeting. Dennis Martin, 836 East Grand Avenue, asked if the Mayor and Council members had had any thoughts about his "Formula for Political Success in El Segundo," especially his recommendations regarding monthly town meetings which would permit a more informal format and greater interaction between citizens and Council members. The Mayor said that he would speak privately with Mr. Martin regarding these suggestions. Charlie La Fleur, 420 Richmond Street, representing the Senior Citizen Housing Committee, thankeo Council members for starting the ball rolling on senior housing; he stated that all 97 units and more are needed. He stated that the 76% voter turnout in the November election to determine the use for. the Vann funds Council Minutes May 1, 1984 b1yE� indicated the strength of support for senior housing. He recommended borrowing aevelopment costs from the City's contingency fund because this would hermit the City to have a yreater degree of control over the project. IX. CONSENT CALENDAR It was requested that ltens "A" and "H" be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Synadinos, SECONDED by Councilman Siadek, AND UNANIMOUSLY PASSED THAT the remaining items on the Consent Calendar BE APPROVED. B. Warrants Nos. 83210 - 83400 on Demand Register Summary No. 20 and Expense Check Register Nos. 4357 - 4429 on Expense Check Register No. 10 in Total Amount of :�1,U5b,b31.93 RATIFIED AND APPROVED C. Resolution approving Police Motorcycle Training Course Hold Harmless Agreement entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3261 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY Ur' EL SEGUNDO TO EXECUTE AN "INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE IN FAVOR UP' CITY OF SAN MATED" FOR THE CONDUCTING OF MOTORCYCLE TRAINING COURSE FOR PEACE OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT which was adopted. D. Request to add Revenue Inspector as authorized representative for City in small claim actions the following Resolution was adopteed: WHEREAS, it appearing to the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, a Municipal Corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a municipal corporation qualified to do business in the State of California, that it is desirable and necessary to appoint additional agent for this municipal corporation to act for and in its behalf in the Small Claims Division of Inglewood Judicial District, County of Los Angeles, State of California; and WHEREAS, it further appearing that Carl Evans is a suitable individual for such appointment. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Carl Evans is hereby appointed to represent and appear for said municipal corporation in the lawful process of any and all claims filed in court, and -9- Council Minutes May 1, 1984 X 6-107 he is further authorized and empowered to accept service of process issued by said court, for and on behalf of said municipal corporation. E. Recommendation to award contract for the 1983 -84 Slurry Seal Proyram APPROVED AS REQUESTED F. Claim of Lee and Peyyy Belmonte CLAIM DENIED G. Claim of Maria Rersonya CLAIM DENIED X. CALL ITEMS FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting for April 3, 1984 Councilmen Jacobson and Schuldt stated their desire to abstain in voting on this item due the fact that they had not yet been elected. MOTION by Councilman Siadek, SECONDED by Councilwoman Synadinos, AND PASSED THAT the minutes of the April 3, 1984 regular meeting of the City Council d E APPROVED AS WRITTEN, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Siadek, Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Councilmembers None Abstain: Councilmen Jacobson, Schuldt H. Claim of Kim Shockley Discussion of claim was held over in Glossed session. XI. WRITTEN COMMMUNICATIONS None XII. REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. City Manager 1. Recommendation to Approve in concept the Police Department contractual utilization of the City of Hawthorne Data Processing System Mr. Northcraft noted that this recommendation represents continued implementation of the warner Group plan. He also referred to the Mayor's concern regardiny the following statement in the Project Staff Report: "...and that respective agencies were reasonably satisfied with their system's performance." Further investigation has -10- Council Minutes May 1, 1984 X 619,5 revealed that the term "reasonably satisfied" indicates that no negative information was revealed about the system's performance; the phrase was not used to indicate only limited satisfaction. Mr. Northcraft also indicated that a S3,20U discount would be available, and requested that Council agree in principle on adoption of this system. IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Siadek, SECONDED by Councilman Jacobson, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT the recommendation to approve in concept the Police Department's contractual utilization of the City of Hawthorne data processing system BE APPROVED. 1. Recommendation to approve the Southern California Association of Governments Energy Management Plan Agreement Mr. Northcraft reported that, following Council's authorization to participate in a demonstration program coordinated by the Southern California Association of Governments involving energy management, staff has been working with SCAG's energy specialist on an audit of energy usage at City facilities. Potential savings appear to be significant; in order to permit continued participation in the program it is necessary that the appropriate resolution be adopted. Thereafter, MOTION was made by Mayor Armstrong, SECONDED by Councilwoman Synadinos, that the followiny resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3161 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TO CONTRACT AS A PARTICIPANT CITY WITH THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATIION OF GOVERNMENTS' SMALL CITIES ENERGY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND SHARED SAVINGS PROGRAM which title was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek, Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Councilmembers None Abstain: Councilmembers None -11- Council Minutes May 1,1984 ,X h 199 3. Recommendation for purchase of radio for Police Department Trident motorcycle from sole source Mr. Northcratt reported that the Motorola MCX- 100 motorcycle radio, orginally planned for use with the City's recently purchased Trident motorcycle, is still not available with appropriate frequency band, and is not expected to be available in the near future. It is requested that a General Electric Porta- Mobile II costing 52,745 be purchased. IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Siadek, SECONDED by Councilman Jacobson, AND UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED THAT authorization be given for the purchase of one General Electric Porta - Mobile II at a purchase price of $2,745. B. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. Recommendation to ratify action of staff in connection with emergency repairs to Sewer Pump Plant No. 13 Mr. Glickman reported that on April 11, Sewer Pump Plant No. 13 was found to be inoperative and had tilled with water; it appears that the electrical system may have been at tault. Staff will work with Southern California Edison to investigate the reason for the electrical tailure and, it appropriate, will work to recover associated costs. It is recommended that Council authorize expenditure of 53,032.UU for these emergency repairs trom the Contingency Appropriation in the Non - Departmental Account. IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Siadek, SECONDED by Councilwoman Synadinos, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT the expenaiture of 53,U32.UU be authorized for emergency repairs to Sewer Pump Plant No. 13 troin the Contingency Appropriation in the Non - Departmental Account. 2. Recommendation to Approve Agreement for Professional services for Design and Construction of Modifications and Additions to Fire Station No. 1 - Anthony and Langford Mr. Glickman presented the proposed agreement for the subject work, which staft was authorized by Council to negotiate at its last meeting. It is recommended that the agreement be approved and authorization be given for work to begin. IT WAS MOVED by Councilman by Councilman Schuldt, AND CARRIED THAT the proposed Architectural Services for Expansion of Fire Station and Langford, Architects, -12- Siadek, SECONDED UNANIMOUSLY Agreement for the Remodel and No. 1 with Anthony BE APPROVED. Council Minutes May 1, 1984 X 6200 3. Request for Council Action - Storm Drain Pump Plant No. 15, Franklin and Arena - Subsurface Gas Problem Mr. Glickman reported that the previous week a City contractor, Advanco Constructos, began installation of supports for shoring the excavation in Arena otreet at Franklin Avenue in preparation for pump station construction. During the drilling process, the contractor became aware of a gaseous odor coming from the earth being removed. City staff then monitored the area and determined that it contained a flammable environment; the Fire Department was consulted, and the contractor was asked to halt operations. The City's engineering consultant, Willdan Associates, was contacted and in turn suggested that the City meet with BCL Associates, Inc. of Long beach, a firm which has investigated other problem situations involving subsurface vapors. BCL Associates was asked to submit a proposal for investigation of the situation, which has now been received and reviewed by staff at the Chevron Refinery. Refinery staff has indicated that the firm has a good reputation and the costs associated with the proposed tasks appear to be reasonable. Total cost of the proposed investigation is estimated at $30,100. Mr. Glickman requested Council's approval to proceed. IT WAS THEN MOVED by Councilwoman Synadinos, SECONDED by Councilman Jacobson 530,100 be appropriated from the unappropriated reserve of the Capital Improvement Fund, and that the firm of BCL Associates, Inc. be retained to prepare the necessary study described above in compliance with their proposal dated April 27, 1984. The MOTION carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos, Mayor Armstrong Noes: Councilman Siadek Abstain: Councilmembers None XIII. UNFINISHED bUS1NESS A. Adoption of Ordinance amending Precise Plan #4 -74 for property located at 2161 East Grand Avenue (Continental Federal Credit Union) (Introduced by Councilman Siadek, April 17, 1984) The following ordinance entitled: -13- Council Minutes May 1, 1984 ORDINANCE NO. 1062 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 852 AND ADOPTING AN AMEND - MENT TO PRECISE PLAN NO. 4 -74 WITH CERTAIN t CONDITIONS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2161 EAST GRAND AVENUE, EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA IT WAS THEREFORE MOVED by Councilman Siadek, SECONDED by Councilman Jacobson that the ordinance be adopted by the tollowing vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek, Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Councilmembers hone B. The Mayor noted that there had been a request to schedule a date, time and place for the next Council goal- setting study session. Councilman Siadek asked why the two previous sessions has not been televised, and why they were not held at a time when more people could attend. In response to a question as to whether these sessions could be televised, Mr. Northcraft said an attempt would be made to do so if directed by Council. Following additional discussion, it was agreed that the next study session be held on Tuesday, May 8, at 8:30 A.M. XIV. NEW BUSINESS The Mayor noted that the Pioneer League tinals will be held on Friday - -2 :30 p.m. for tield events, and 3:00 p.m. for running events, both to be held at Leusinyer High School. Councilman Siadek commented that the Children's hospital Auxiliary had recently held a very ettective benefit. he also inquired about water rate pricing for handicapped senior citizens. Mr. Northcraft said he would have a report for Councilman Siadek within approximately one week. There was also inquiry about the proposal for a stop sign at the corner of holly and Illinois Streets, where a serious accident had occurred. Mr. Glickman stated that this proposal would be presented to Council at its next meeting. It was also noted by Councilman Siadek that there have been many complaints about cable television service; Group W has not been responsive to telephone complaints. It appears to be problem resulting from inadequate Group W hardware in the El Seyundo area, and not something for which the local cable station is responsible. Councilman Siadek said that, with Council's permission, he would like to work with Mr. Northcraft and Mr. Dolley to see what can be done to briny about improvements here. -14- Council Minutes May 1, 1984 6201 X XV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None XVI. CLOSED SESSION At 9:30 p.m., the Council went into closed session in the Mayor's office. At 9:40 p.m., the Council reconvened with the following members present: XVI I. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council at this meeting, motion was made by Councilman Jacobson, seconded by Councilman Schuldt and carried that the meeting adjourn to Tuesday, May 8, 1984 at 8:30 a.m. Hour of adjournment being 9:45 p.m. APPROVED: Charles K. rmstro yor , -15- Respectfully submitted, �o Valerie A. burrowes City Clerk Council Minutes May 1, 1984