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June 19, 1984
The E1 Segundo City Council convened in an adjourned
regular session on Tuesday, June 19, 1984 at 6:00 p.m.,
in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall.
The Clerk reported that a Notice of Adjournment had
been posted as required by law and that an affidavit of
posting was in the City Clerk's file.
II. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Armstrong
Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt,
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Absent: Councilman Siadek
IV. The Mayor announced that this meeting had been called
to discuss salary and benefits negotiations for City
personnel of Fire, General employees, and Police and
the Council would recess to the Mayor's office in
closed session for this purpose.
At the hour of 6:50 p.m., the Council reconvened, with
the following members present and answering roll call:
Present: Counncilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt,
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Absent: Councilman Siadek
No further business appearing to come before the Council
at this session, the Mayor declared the meeting ad-
journed, the hour of adjournment being 6:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
, le- -'
Valerie A. Surrowes, City Clerk
Charles K. Armstrong ayor
X 6>51
June 19, 1984
The El Segundo City Council convened in regular
session on Tuesday, June 19, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall.
II. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mr. Ira Avak
III. THE INVOCATION was delivered by Father George
Palomares of St. Anne's Church.
Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt,
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Absent: Councilman Siadek
A. Mayor Armstrong presented a Certificate of
Recognition to American Field Service Exchange
Student Ms. Maria de Lourdes Wilches, who thanked
all E1 Segundo residents for a very enjoyable year;
she also encouraged other families to serve as
hosts for exchange students in coming years.
B. Mayor Armstrong presented a Certificate of Recogni-
tion to Ms. Lucia bueno, an exchange student from
E1 Segundo's Sister City, Guaymas, Mexico, who
expressed her appreciation to all residents. Mayor
Armstrong requested that Ms. Hueno deliver a second
Certificate of Recognition to Ms. Rosie Amador,
also an exchange student from Guaymas, Mexico, who
was not present at that time.
C. Mayor Armstrong displayed an Olympics flag which
had been received from the Coca Cola Company, and
expressed his hope that it could be flown from the
flag pole in front of City Hall.
D. Former Councilmember Marvin Johnson was present to
make a second progress report on developments with
the I -105 Freeway and light rail system. Mr.
Johnson reported that the freeway project is
proceeding on schedule. The first connecting link
of the freeway will extend from the western
terminus in E1 Segundo to the San Diego Freeway;
this is in contrast to the original plan which
called for completion of this section in 1992.
This portion of the freeway, as well as the spur
extending into the E1 Segundo Employment Center,
will be served by the light rail system. At the
conclusion of his progress report, Mr. Johnson
expressed his thanks to those organizations,
political representatives, and private individuals
who supported these developments.
At this point, Ms. Rosie Amador entered the meeting
and formally received her Certificate of Recogni-
tion as a Sister City Exchange Student. Ms. Amador
thanked the Sister City Association and the City of
E1 Segundo for the opportunity of spending a year
studying in the United States.
A. Public Hearing on Appeal of Ardeth Mullins, 143
Whiting St., from the decision of the Planning Com-
mission, certifying the Negative Declaration of
Environmental Impact per Resolution No. 2073, for a
proposed six -unit apartment building at 139 Whiting
Mayor Armstrong announced that this was the time
and place heretofore fixed for the subject hearing,
and inquired if proper notice of the hearing had
been given, to which City Clerk burrowes replied
that affidavits of publishing and mailing of the
notice were in her file. The Mayor directed that
the file become a part of the hearing and then
inquired if any written communications had been
received, to which Mrs. Burrowes replied that none
had been received in her office. The Mayor then
called upon Planning Director Romaniello to report
on events leading to the current appeal.
Mr. Romaniello stated that in March of 1984 the
Planning Commission reviewed a request to construct
a three - storey, six -unit apartment building at 139
Whiting Street. This request came before the
Planninng Commission since it involved construction
of more than five units. The Environmental Quality
board had found the proposed project to be non -
detrimental to the environment except for the
amount of parking planned: the Board requested
that 1 -1/2 rather than 1 -1/4 spaces per unit be
provided, and forwareded this recommendation to the
Planning Commission. The Planning Commission then
asked the applicant to review the project design
and return with a proposal which would take into
account the concerns identified by the Environ-
mental Quality Board. Applicant chose not to re-
design the project, and instead, at the May 10
meeting of the Planning Commission, asserted it was
in compliance with Code provisions and requested
The Planning Commission then approved the project
as originally proposed.
The Mayor then asked if there was anyone present in
the audience who wished to speak to the issue.
Mr. Jeremiah Salvatore of Redondo beach, represent-
ing Mrs. Ardeth Mullins, came forward. Mr.
Salvatore requested that transcripts of the meeting
of the Planning Commission at which this issue was
discussed, copies of which he had mailed to Council
members prior to the meeting, be made a part of the
official record. There was no objection from the
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984
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auaience or trom the individual representing the
owner of the property at 139 Whiting Strret.
During his presentation, Mr. Salvatore read
portions of the transcript of the April 12 Planning
Commission meeting; distributed a table outlining
current Code requirements for parking and
comparing these with current Planning Commission
guidelines and requirements in the proposed new
Code section; read an April 20, 1984 letter to the
developer from Planning Associate Lynn Harris,
in which she set torth the Planning Commission's
concern with the number of units as well as the
adequacy of the amount of parking proposed; read
portions of the transcript of the May 10 Planning
Commission meeting; referred to Resolution No.
3184, which sets forth the composition and
procedures of the Environmental Quality Board, and
which Mr. Salvatore stated was the basis of his
client's appeal; read a report of a May 24, 1984
telephone conversation between Associate Planner
harris and Mr. Jack Wood, a representative of the
owner of the property is question; read from the
transcript of the June 14 Planning Commission
meeting; referred to the plans for an apartment
building at 138 Whiting Street and quoted the
following remarks, which he said were written on
the permit for that - - "New six -unit apartment
building. No EQB review required per Resolution
3184; net gain three (Signed Nicholas Romaniello)."
Mr. Salvatore stated that the project at 138
Whiting Street should not have been exempted under
Resolution No. 3184, and urged adherence to the two -
tier system involving review by both the Environ-
mental Quality hoard and the Planning Commission.
He asserted that the valid decision regarding the
139 Whiting Street project was made at the April 12
Planning Commission meeting and that reopening of
the matter at the second hearing was improper.
Mr. Jack Wood, 2U0 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach, a re-
presentative of the owner of the property at 139
Whiting Street, stated that tollowing the April.12
Planning Commission meeting he and his client did
examine the possibility of alternative designs; he
then described the difficulties they encountered in
including a two- storey structure; the desired
amount of parking along with a number of units
sufficient to provide the required level of income.
Mr. Wood then distributed pictures of the site of
the proposed building. He stated that because
construction of a three - storey apartment building
was permitted across the street, disapproval of
this project would amount to prohibiting his client
from exercising his legal rights.
Mr. Radanovich, 621 Virginia Street, the owner of
the property, stated that he bought this parcel
nine years ago with the intention of developing it.
He said that he is asking only to be permitted "to
build to Code and nothing more."
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984
Mrs. Ardeth Mullins, 143 Whiting Street, the
appellant in this case, asserted that there would
be a definite negative impact as a result of the
proposed apartment building: there would be no
sunlight on her property for several months during
the year, which would make her house much colder
and create dampness.
Mr. Tom Brady, a member of the Planning Commission,
spoke in tavor of the appeal, stating that in a
rapidly evolving city such as E1 Segundo, enforce-
ment of code provisions alone is not always
sufficient to insure environmental quality. he
stated that there are many precedents for Planning
Commission alteration of a building proposal
without prior identification of inadequacies or
difficulties by the Environmental Quality Board.
he then presented a diagram illustrating the amount
of sunlight which would fall on Mrs. Mullins'
property at different times of the year, if the
proposed project were to go forward, and asserted
that the matter be returned to the Planning
Commission, and reiterated his support for Mrs.
Mullins' appeal.
IT WAS MOVED by Councilwoman Synadinos, SECONDED by
Councilman Jacobson, AND CARRIED by the following
Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt,
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Noes: Councilmembers None
Absent: Councilman Siadek
that the public hearing be closed.
Councilwoman Synadinos then inquired about the pro-
posed six -unit apartment building at 138 Whiting
Street. Mr. Romaniello stated that that project
was not reviewed by the Environmental Quality Board
because it represents a net gain of three units
since there are currently three units on site;
current code provisions call for review of any
project involving four or more units. Discussion
followed as to whether code provisions require
review of projects involving (1) four or more
units, or (2) more than four units. Discussion of
this point ended when it was clarified that there
is only one legal unit on the 139 Whiting Street
lot, and thus the proposed building would amount to
an increase of five units.
Mr. Dolley then clarified that the question before
the Council was whether an environmental impact
report for the proposed project was necessary, or
whether the Council was in agreement with the
negative declaration of the Planning Commission.
he then reviewed certain relevant definitions from
state Code provisions.
Mr. Romaniello then pointed out that the diagram
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984
X 6 29 ;"
"2) .1; G
presented by Mr. Brady was drawn by Mr. Salvatore
rather than by someone with expertise in preparing
such documents. He stated that there would be days
on which Mrs. Mullins' house would receive con-
siderable sunlight, and reiterated that the En-
vironmental Quality Board felt that the decrease in
sunlight involved was not sufficient to warrant
denial of the application to build. Discussion
followed among Councilmembers.
Councilwoman Synadinos expressed concern over the
adequacy of parking for the proposed apartment
building. Mr. Romaniello stated that the issue
examined by the Environmental Quality Board and
the Planning Commission was the proposed building's
impact on light and air, not parking. Mr. Dolley
noted that there are no fixed legal rights
regarding light and air, although this seems to be
the basis for the subject appeal. There was dis-
cussion of the advisability of continuing this
matter while asking the City Attorney to outline
options available. Mr. Wood stated that Council's
not taking action would amount to a negative.
decision on the proposed building.
Following some discussion over whether alternative
designs had ever been developed as requestd by the
Planning Commission, IT WAS MOVED by Councilwoman
Synadinos, SECONDED by Councilman Jacobson, AND
CARRIED by the following vote that the public
hearing be reopened.
Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Noes: Councilmembers Nones
Absent: Councilman Siadek
Mr. Salvatore stated that his client was unaware of
any revised plans for a four -unit building on the
subject site. He said that the proposed building
would be the first three - storey building on the
block; the building across the street at No. 138 is
on a grade which effectively reduces the impact of
its height.
Following additional discusssion, the public
hearing was closed by consensus and IT WAS MOVED
by Councilman Schuldt, and SECONDED by Mayor
roll call, the motion was adopted by the following
Ayes: Councilmembers Schuldt, Synadinos
and Mayor Armstrong
Noes: Councilman Jacobson
Absent: Councilman Siadek
At 9:36 p.m., a 10- minute recess was declared.
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984
At 9:46 p.m., the Council reconvened. Roll was
called with the following members present:
Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt,
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Absent: Councilman Siadek
B. Public Hearing on proposed 1984 -85 Annual budget
and relationship of Revenue Sharing Funds to the
Mayor Armstrong announced that this was the time
and place heretofore fixed for the subject hearing,
and inquired if proper notice of the hearinng had
been given, to which City Clerk Burrowes replied
that affidavits of publishing of the notice was
in her file. The Mayor directed that the file be-
come a part of the hearing and then inquired if any
written communications had been received, to which
Mrs. Burrowes replied that none had been received
in her office.
Mr. Northcraft then began the multi- section budget
presentation by introducing the proposed Capital Im-
provement Program, which covers the five -year
period 1984 through 1989. Those capital improve-
ment projects proposed for the 1984 -85 fiscal year
were included as part of the operating budget.
Mr. Northcraft noted that new revenues for capital
improvements had been limited by the decline in
receipt of sales tax during the two previous years.
This has eliminated, at least temporarily, trans-
fer of new revenues into the Capital Improvement
Fund. The projects recommended for inclusion in
this five -year program are funded primarily from
available reserve funds or undesignated future
revenues. Construction of the recommended projects
for 1984 -85 will virtually deplete the reserves in
the Capital Improvement Fund. Additional capital
construction will, therefore, depend upon the
identification of new or increased sources of
revenue for capital funding.
Mr. Northcraft stated that the total estimated cost
of projects recommended for the five -year Capital
Improvement Program is $13,046,025. An additional
$12,383,400 of projects is listed for construction
after 1989 but is not funded in this program. Pro-
jects proposed for construction in fiscal 1984 -85
total $6,985,786. There are an additional
$2,532,394 in projects which have been budgeted by
the Council for construction in preceding years but
which are not yet under contract. Supplemental
funding to cover inflationary increases in the
costs of some of these projects has been included
in the estimated costs for the 1984 -85 cycle. Mr.
Northcraft referred Councilmembers to a summary of
recommended capital projects and revenues available
with which to fund them and briefly reviewed this
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984
X "' S W
Finance Dirctor Jose Sanchez then described modifi-
cations in the proposed Capital Improvement Program
which had been made since the last study session
as a reslt of Council direction and staff recommend-
ations. Following Mr. Sanchez's presetation,
comments and questions were invited from the
Mr. Dennis Martin, 836 East Grand Avenue, stated
that City Library expansion is a vital necessity,
and urged reconsideration of the possibility of
funding more comprehensive expansion projects than
that called for in the present Project No. PF 83 -2.
Following discussion among Councilmembers, it was
agreed that staff be directed to examine the possi-
bility of fundng Dial -A -Ride programs from Proposi-
tion "A" funds.
Mr. Northcraft then introduced the preliminary 1984-
85 operating budget. he stated that this budget
reflects a deficit in the combined General, Parks
and Recreation, and Pension funds. While one -time
savings and increased fees and taxes virtually
eliminated the 1983 -84 deficit, costs continue to
increase along with service demands. Total
reserves are projected to decline by $6,617,025,
from $23,031,071 to $16,414,046. This decline
arises despite efforts to reduce costs, consider-
able departmental restraint in requesting funding,
and deferral of many needed purchases and capital
improvements. Mr. Northcraft reported that total
recommended operating budget expenditures, ex-
clusive of capital improvement projects, amount to
$21,870,757, which is an increase of 2.5 percent
over the previous year's operating budget. In-
cluding capital improvements, total expenditures
are recommended to be $27,82U,643.
Mr. Sanchez then reviewed changes made since the
last Council study session in estimates of various
revenue sources; total general fund revenue is
currently estimated to be $14,733,90U for 1984 -85.
Mr. Sanchez then reviewed modifications to the
various expenditure categories since presentation
of the first preliminary budget.
In response to a question regarding the amount of
the deficit for the current fiscal year, Mr.
Northcraft stated that staff were still in the
process of estimating total revenues for 1983 -84;
the amount of the deficit was not anticipated to
be more than $200,000. Mr. Northcraft observed
that in order to balance the proposed 1984 -85
budget approximately $900,000 in additional revenue
will be required; the corresponding figure for 1983-
84 was $2.5 million.
Question was raised as to what portion of the $16
million remaining in the City's contingency fund
could be spent discretionarily. It was estimated
that probably more than 50% of these funds have
specific conditions attached to their use.
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984
There tollowed a general discussion of expenditure
priorities for 1984 -85.
Mr. Northcraft then reviewed the supplemental
expenditure requests which had been approved by
Council during its study sessions; (1) Police
Department request for four additional steno chairs
($690); (2) Public Works Department, Engineering
Division request for one vertical file cabinet
($3,100); and (3) Public works Department, Sani-
tation Division request for automatic monitoring
unit for explosive gases ($5,500).
At this point, members of the audience were again
invited to speak regarding the proposed operating
Mrs. Lavonne Jackson, 1005 East Walnut Avenue,
addressed the Council regarding the Community Cable
portion of the proposed budget. Mrs. Jackson
stated that she felt the budget shown did not
accurately reflect either the expenditures or the
revenue of the Cable TV operation. She stated that
there were insufficient data available to permit
cost effectiveness calculations. She recommended
establishment of a separate accounting system,
documentation of revenue and expenditures, and a
listing of volunteer resources, and urged that
budget decisions regarding the Community Cable
Project be deferred until these steps have been
IT WAs THEN MOVED by Councilman Jacobson, SECONDED
by Councilman Schuldt, AND CARRIED by the following
vote the subject public hearing be continued to
Tuesday, June 26, 1984 at 7:00 p.m.
Ayes: Councilman Jacboson, Schuldt,
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Noes: Councilmembers None
Absent: Councilman Siadek
There were no committee reports to be presented.
There were no oral communications.
IT WAS MOVED by Councilwoman Synadinos, SECONDED by
Councilman Jacobson, AND CARRIED THAT all items on
the Consent Calendar be approved except Item "C ".
A. Warrants No.s 83747 - 83909 on Demand Register
Summary No. 23 in Total Amount of $932,120.36
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984
i1 ai,l ()
X 626!1
b. State Alcoholic beverage Control, Application for
Off Sale Meer and Wine, New License for Tony's
Pizza, 423 Main street
D. Purchase of IBM Model 60 copymachine for City Hall
in amount of X31,124.60 (Council request of June 5,
E. Recommendation to approve Plans and Specifications
and authorization to Advertise for rids for Replace-
ment of Curb and Sidewalk Project No. 84 -4
F. Recommendation to appropriate Gasoline Tax Engineer-
ing Funds
G. Recommendation regarding Improvements to Sewer Pump
Plant No. 13
H. Recommendation regarding excess coverage of
workers' Compensation
C. State Alcoholic beverage Control, Application for
On Sale Beer and Wine Eating Place, Person to
Person transfer for Archie's Sandwich Shop, 226
Standard Street
It was pointed out that the subject location is in
the "CM" zone, and question was raised as to
whether Planning Commission review and approval was
required. Mr. Northcraft stated that staff had
reviewed the application and felt that a condition-
al use permit was not required where there was
legal non - conforming use. Councilman Jacobson
recommended that there be additional review since
sale of alcoholic beverages is not a right of this
zone. Discussion followed regarding whether there
should be a "grandfathering" of transfers involving
non - conforming uses.
IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Jacobson, SECONDED by
Councilwoman Synadinos, that staff be directed to
change current policy to require a conditional use
permit where there is legal non - conforming use, and
to receive and file the subject application. The
vote was as followed:
Ayes: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt,
Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong
Noes: Councilmembers None
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984
Absent: Councilman Siadek
There were no written communications.
A. City Manager
1. Mr. Northcraft reported that an E1 Segundo
firm had indicated its willingness to donate
the cost of flowers to be arranged on a hill-
side to spell out the greeting, "Welcome to
Los Angeles Olympics." The only cost to the
City would be watering required to maintain
the flowers. It was agreed that this dona-
tion should be accepted, and that an unob-
trusive sign indicating the name of the donor
firm would also be acceptable.
b. City Attorney
1. Consideration of resolution providing guide-
lines for the processing of development agree-
ments to him prior to the next meeting of the
C. Director of Public Works
1. Report and recommendation regarding increase
in purchase cost of water
Mr. Glickman reported that as of July 1,
1984, water furnished by the West Basin Muni-
cipal water District to the City for domestic
and municipal purposes will increase $4.00
per acre foot, from $226 to $230. No in-
crease in present water rates is becoming
recommended. There is currently ome reserve
in this account, and staff is in the process
of studying the water rate structure. A
further report on this issue will be made
to the Council within the next few months.
2. Recommendation regarding various matters per-
taining to Sewer Assessment District No. 13
and appropriation of funas
Mr. Glickman reported that a meeting had been
held that evening with some of the property
owners involved in the proposed Sewer Assess-
ment Disstrict No. 13. he stated that more
definitive information would be available at
the next meeting of the Council, and request-
ed item be continued for discussion at that
time. Mr. Glickman then introduced Mr.
Pickhart of Robert Bein, William Frost &
Associates, the City's engineering consultant
on this project.
Noting the lateness of the hour, Mayor
Armstrong requested that presentations in-
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984
X tiN b
volving outside consultants be scheduled for
early portions of Council meeting so as to
minimize any inconvenience to these indivi-
Mr. Pickhart reported that there have been
meetings with property owners and with
lessees, since the terms of some leases
provide that costs of such an aassessment
district be passed on to tenants. Up to this
point, no one has taken a position in oppo-
sition to formation of the district. As
a result of these meetings with property
owners, Mr. Pickhart said he has developed a
brochure which presents the costs associated
with the district; annexation costs of
,S130,000 and connection fees of $950,000, for
a total cost of $1,08U,ODU. Some companies,
e.g., Computer Science, will be issuing
corporate checks for their share of the
costs rather than entering into reimburse-
ment agreements with the City. For those
individuals and companies who choose to
borrow funds from the City, the period of the
loans will extend until June 30, 1985;
interest will be charged at the rate of 12 %;
promissory notes and trust deeds will be
Councilwoman Synadinos questioned the year-
long period of the loans. Mr. Pickhart
stated that the district should actually be
formed in December, and the original time
schedule called for loan periods to extend
for six months thereafter. Thus, a loan
period ending June 30, 1985 coincides with
the time schedule originally planned.
It was decided that this subject would be
continued until June 26, 1984.
There was no unfinished business to come before the
There was no new business to come before the meeting.
There was no oral communications.
At 11:56 p.m., the Council recessed into closed
At 12:40 a.m., the Council reconvened with the
following members answering roll call:
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984
Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schulat,
Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong
Absent: Councilman Siadek
There being no turther business to come before the
Council, at 12:42 a.m., IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND
CARRIED THAT the meeting be adjourned in memory of Mrs.
Bernice Lyman, who served as Secretary in the Building
Department and was a long -time resident of the City.
The meeting was adjourned until June 26, 1984, at 7:00
Respectfully submitted,
Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk
Council Minutes
June 19, 1984