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1984 JUN 05 CC MINX 6256 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE LL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL June 5, 1984 I. CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on Tuesday, June 5, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the El Segundo City Hall. II. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mr. Jerry Varcek. III. THE INVOCATIOON was delivered by Dr. Howard Greer of the Pacific baptist Church. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong Absent: Councilman Siadek V. PRESENTATIONS A. Mayor Armstrong read a letter commending Mr. Charles DeWitt for his outstanding community service, and congratulating him for his well - deserved recognition from Los Angeles County in conjunction with the Los Angeles older Americans Recognition Day. The letter was accepted with thanks by Mr. DeWitt. t b. Mr. Gary Bess, Executive Director of the South Bay eree Clinic, was present to give a status report on the operations of the Clinic. He noted that last year the Clinic received its first appropriation from E1 Segundo in recognition of the number of residents who benefited from Clinic services. During the previous year, a total of nearly 17,000 persons received cost -free medical, mental health, and legal services provided by more than :300 volunteer professionals. Since last year's apeal, nine city councils have contributed funds. Atter describing the various activities and services performed and planned for the coming year, Mr. Bess requested a renewal of the City's previous X1,000 contribution. Councilwoman Synadinos asked whether people can take advantage of the Clinic's services regardless of their ability to pay. Mr. Bess answered that donations are actively solicited, but there is no sliding tee scale. There being no turther questions, Mr. tress concluded his report and thanked the Council for its consideration of his request. VI. SPECIAL ORDER Ur' BUSINESS A. Informational Report by Hamilton and Associates on the Study Conducted Regarding Plan Check operations in the Citv Acting City Manager Kevin Northcraft noted that the City had contracted with Hamilton and Associates to provide a study of plan check operationns, and introduced Mr. Phil Vuardio, Vice President of Hamilton and Associates, who was present to give a report on his firm's findings and recommendations. Mr. Vuardio stated that the primary purpose of the study was to address the turn - around time required for the processing of construction plans in the City's building Department. he then reviewed his report, which include sections on current organization and operation of the plan check system, procedural and organizational changes which might be implemented in order to improve turn- around time, and specific recommendations. he also reviewed certain minor revisions in the study and clarified some of the methods used in quantifying various study parameters. (NOTE: At 7:15 p.m., Councilman Siadek entered the meeting.) Mayor Armstrong asked whether consideration had been given to assigning one plan checker exclusively to small pr03ects for a certain portion of the day, e.g., four hours. Mr. Vuardio said that consideration was given to this idea, although no specific number of hours was identified. Councilwoman Synadinos asked whether the recommendations presented would improve the turn- around time on larger fobs. Discussion followed regarding the impact of various recommendations on jobs of different sizes; no consensus was reached, however. Mayor yrmstrong then asked about the nature of the standardized checklist which was proposed for use in indicating various plan deficiencies. This question lead to a discussion of the advisability of assigning priority status to plans which are resubmitted following correction, and of the extent of understanding of required specifications on the part of people turning in plans for evaluation. Mr. Northcraft stated that many of the recommendations had been affected by staff input. he said that staff will continue to review the feasibility of implementing the report's recommendations, and will report back to Council at the first meeting in July. Councilman 5iadek suggested that individuals in the private sector be given an opportunity to look over the findings and recommendations and to make suggestions from their point of view. VII. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES A. Consideration of Method and Data for Conducting Interviews of Candidates for Various Commission Positions -2- Council Minutes June 5, 1984 Mr. Northcraft informed Council that there were 17 individuals to be interviewed for the one vacancy on the Recreation and Parks Commission and the two vacancies on the Planning Commission. Following discussion, it was agreed that interviews would oe conducted on June 13 trom 9 :30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. , and on June 14 from 5:30 p.m. on. troth interview sessions will be videotaped. t3. Status xeport by Former Councilman Marvin Johnson Regarding the Los Angeles County Transportation Committee in Reference to "Light Rail" and the I -105 t'reeway Mr. Johnson began his report by informinng Council that construction of the I -105 Freeway is proceeding on schedule; that portion of the freeway which extends from the western end of the route to the San Diego treeway will be the first to be connected. Mr. Johnson reviewed briefly the history of.the proposed "light rail" system and its funding base. In 1980, Los Angeles County voters agreed to a 1/2 cent sales tax increase, 35% of which was to go toward funding a light rail system. Although the federal government is paying 90% of the cost of the construction of the freeway, it will not be funding the light rail system itself. The collection of the additional sales tax to fund the light rail system has been ruled valid following a recent court challenge. Final decisions regarding the routes for the light rail system will be made in late June. Although the I -105 freeway has been designated as a proposed route for the system, the task at this point is to defend this over other possible routes. Mr. Johnson noted that the South Bay Cities Association has supported the I -105 freeway as a designated route, and is submitting a letter of support to the Los Angeles County Transportation Committee. There are definite advantages to locating a portion of the light rail system along the freeway, including the fact that no rights -of- way would have to be acquired, and many design features would already be in existence as a result of freeway construction. Mr. Johnson also reported that Los Angeles County Transportation Committee staff are no longer supporting a proposed section of the I -105 freeway which would come in near the Ei Segundo Employment Center due to financial concerns. In closing, Mr. Johnson urged that Council support construction of a segment of the light rail system along the I -105 freeway. Mayor Armstrong then read the first portion of a letter of support for that project. Mr. Northcraft stated that staff had met that day -3- Council Minutes June 5, 1984 VIII. IX. with Cal Trans officials information regarding the next Council meeting. C. OTHER COMMITTEE REPORTS and would have additional tunnel project at the Councilwoman Synadinos reported that she had attended a meeting of the Westchester Chamber of Commmerce on May 16 regardng helicopter traffic in the area. She emphasized the importance of documenting each incident of difficulty involving helicopter flight if any changes are to be put into effect. Mayor Armstrong reported on a SCAG meeting he had attended on May 24. SCAG is in the process of stuaying helicopter traffic patterns in order to develop a master helistop plan. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Dennis Martin, 836 East Grand Avenue, urged the Mayor or the City Manager to give a status report on the budget study sessions which were held during the previous week. he then distributes a preliminary general fund analysis which was taken from the economic base study. He concluded his remarks by urging that ways be explored of requiring developers to assume their fair share of costs incurred by various City departments as a result of their projects. Mayor Armstrong announced that the two budget study sessions had been very productive. Numerous suggestions stemming from the economic base study were explored as ways of funding the City budget for the coming year. Council has initiated some conferences with different companies, including Chevron and Hughes, to discuss the cost factor budget. CONSENT CALENDAR MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JACOBSON, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED that all items on the Consent Calendar be approved, except Items (E) and (J). A. Minutes of the adjourned City Council Fleeting Held May 8, 1984 APPROVED AS WRITTEN b. warrants Nos. 83569 - 83746 on Demand Register Summary No. 22 in Total Amount of 61,218,341.27; and Expense Checks Nos. 4430 - 4454 on Register 411 in Total Amount of $15,896.78 RATIFIED AND APPROVED C. Tabulation of bids for Chipper Dump body for use by the Parks Department AWARDED TO LOW BIDDER, UNIVERSAL TRUCK BODY, for $10,336.89 -4- Council Minutes June 5, 1984 )(62 -'49 X 6240 L. Claim of Lawrence McGee DENIED F. Implementation of energy- savings incentive program for employees for calendar year 1984 -85 ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED G. Approval of Plans and Specifications and authoriza- tion to advertise for bids for demolition of buildings and removal of pavement in connection with Senior Citizens' Housing Protect APPROVED AS PRESENTED H. Consideration of the Leasing of the City's Water Rights APPROVED AS PRESENTED I. Proposal of Robert Mein, William Frost and Associates for the design of Valve and Piping Modifications to City Water System APPROVED AS PRESENTED K. Agreement with CALTRANS for Maintenance of Sepulveda Boulevard RESOLUTION ADOPTED L. Approval of Plans and Specifications and authoriza- tion to advertise for bids for Security Lighting at Recreation Park APPROVED AS PRESENTED M. Agreement with City of Manhattan beach for Traffic Signal Maintenance APPROVED AS PRESENTED N. Reallocation of Existing Funding for Storm Drain Maintenance APPROVED AS PRESENTED A. CALL ITEMS rROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR E. Acceptance of 51,000 donation from Hughes Aircratt Co. towards the Police Department Trust Fund Mr. Northcraft announced that the City Manager's Office had just received confirmation of receipt of a 51,000 donation trom Hughes Aircraft for the Fire Department, and requested that this be included in the acceptance. BOTH $1,000 GIFTS FROM HUGHES AIRCRAFT WERE FORMALLY ACCEPTED. -5- Council Minutes June 5, 1984 J. Status Report of E1 Segundo boulevard Traffic Control utticer Project Councilman Schuldt stated that it was his impression that the volume of traffic eastbound on E1 Segundo boulevard was very much reduced. He then asked whether consideration had been given to the placement of a traffic director at the corner of Sepulveda boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue. Councilman Siadek noted that the prohibiting of lett turns onto Grand Avenue from Sepulveda has been very problematic. Public works Director William vlickman said these problems are currently being evaluated. Mr. Northcraft said that staff would be meeting soon with CALTRANS officials to discuss what they feel is excessive postng of restrictive signs. MOTION WAS THEN MADE by COUNCILMAN SCHULDT, SECONDED by COUNCILWOMAN SYNAOINOS, AND UNANIMOUSLY PASSED that the status report on the El Segundo boulevard Traffic Control officer Project BE ACCEPTED AND FILED. XI. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION City Clerk burrowes reported that no written communication had been received for presentation. XII. REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. City Manager 1. Recommendation Regarding Automatic Aid Agreement with City of Los Angeles Acting City Manager Kevin Northcraft introduced the proposed Automatic Aid Agreement for exchange of fire suppression and emergency medical services between the E1 Segundo and Los Angeles City Fire Departments, and requested that Fire Chiet Laurence Sheldon review the various portions of the Agreement. Chief Sheldon noted that the approval is being sought from Council for a two -part agreement: the tirst is a letter of agreement authorizing the exchange of tire protection and rescue services, and the second is an agreement outlining methods for implementation of the first agreement. The tirst agreement provides that E1 Segundo supply the City of Los Angeles with tirst -in protection in the vicinity of the Scattergood Steam Plant and Hyperion Plant, and that additional coverage be provided by the E1 Segundo Fire Department along Imperial Highway. In return for these services, E1 Segundo would receive an additional five engine companies from the City of Los Angeles for any fires occurring within the boundaries of the City of E1 Segundo, a backup support which would provide the needed capability of Council Minutes June 5, 1984 ,* 62 41 N dealing with high -rise and other complex fire incidents. There was some discussion as to whether this agreement would be advantageous to the City. Chief Sheldon confirmed that in his opinion the City would not be receiving less than it would be called upon to contribute. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SCHULDT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JACOBSON, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT the Automatic Aid Agreement for Exchange of Fire suppression and Emergency Medical services between the City of E1 Segundo Fire Department and the City of Los Angeles Fire Department BE APPROVED. 2. Consideration of Lease for Utah Property to Consolidated Controls Corporation and Agree- ment for Cancellation of Lease with American Motors Sales Corporation Mr. Northcraft reported that the Utah Street lot was purchased by the City in 1967 to provide for the eventual extension of Douglas Avenue through to Rosecrans; portions of this land have been leased snce 1970 while awaiting adequate funding to accomplish this extension of Douglas. The portion of the lot in question has been leased by American Motors since 1970 and consists of approxi- mately 6,000 square feet. American Motors is no longer occupying buildings in the vicinity and has expressed interest in being relieved of its lease requirements. The new tenant of the buildngs vacated by American Motors, Consolidated Controls Corporation, has ex- pressed interest in leasing the property. Mr. Northcraft explained that a new lease, rather than subletting from American, would allow a higher fee to be charged immediately. It would also allow Consolidated to begin with a five -year lease. Suggested changes in the lease with Consolidated from the American Motors lease are: (1) Consolidated has requested the right to occupy the leased area with a temporary structure, contingent upon meeting all other City code requirements and the requirement to move the structure within 90 days of notice, and (2) a revised fee schedule. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SCHULDT, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT both the proposed lease with Consolidated Controls Corporation and the cancellation of the American Motors lease BE APPROVED AS SUBMITTED. 3. Consideration of Request from Police Depart- ment for Supplemental SWAT Equipment -7- Council Minutes June 5, 1984 Mr. Northcraft reported that the Special weapons and Tactical (SWAT) Team, approved by Council in 1983, is now operational. It is now being requested that $9,237 be allocated for the purchase of tactical equipment in order to equip sully this unit. This additional equipment is being requested as soon as possible due to the upcoming 1984 Olympics. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SCHULDT THAT this expenditure BE APPROVED. Question was raised as to whether funding from Olympic sources might be available for this purpose. Captain Lewis of the El Segundo Police Department responded that, unfortunately, the City is not a venue city for the Olympics and is therefore ineligible for funding. In response to another question, Captain Lewis stated that mutual aid from other Police Departments is avail- able, but due to the fact that the El Segundo Department must accept the aiding department's management decisions, as well as take responsibility for the consequences of these decisions, this potential resource is not always viewed as desirable. Councilman Jacobson asked where it is recommended that these funds be allocated from. Mr. Northcraft stated that the recommended source for the $9,237 would be the POST Account Fund 45. A VOTE was taken and the MOTION WAS UNANIMOUSLY PASSED. B. City Attorney 1. Recommendation to approve Assignment and Assumption of the Agreement between the City of El Segundo and Beach City Towing, a dba of Gary and Joan Germain, to the "Cheapest Tow in Town, Inc.," dba beach City Towing City Attorney Dolley reported that there currently exists a contract between the City and beach City Towing for tow service and vehicle storage. A company known as "The Cheapest Tow in Town" has sought approval of an assignment of this agreement to itself. Mr. Dolley informed Council that both he and the Chief of Police had interviewed the principals, and have no ob3ection to the Assignment and Assumption Agreement. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK AND SECONDED by COUNCILMAN JACOBSON that the subject Assignment and Assumption of Agreement BE APPROVED. Council Minutes June 5, 1984 X6211.3 X 6244 Councilman Jacobson noted that the Chief of Police had indicated that The Cheapest Tow in Town had made several overcharges on vehicle storage, and asked what had happened in these cases. Messrs. Steve Anderson and James Sloey of reach City Towing were present to respond. Mr. Sloey stated that there was some initial confusion about the actual contract provisions: whereas the contract provides ror two hours of free storage between 10:00 p.m. and midnight, reach City Towing customarily charged for this period of time. Mr. Sloey stated that his company was willing to refund any overcharges. Following additional discussion, A VOTE ON THE MOTION WAS TAKEN, AND THE MOTION WAS UNANIMOUSLY PASSED. C. Director of Public works 1. Recommendation to Concur in Los Angeles County Solid Waste Management Plan Mr. Glickman informed Council that the Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act of 1972 required that each county prepare a solid waste management plan for submission to the California Waste Management Board. Each such plan is subject to approval by a majority of the population of the incorporated waste management on a countywide basis. A review of this plan is required every three years. The current plan update consists of two elements: the first pertains to "Nonhazardous Waste," and the second will deal with "Hazardous Wastes." It is recommended that Council concur in the County Solid Waste Management Plans Nonhazardous Waste Element. City Attorney Dolley presented the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 3264 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of' EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CONCURRING IN THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAG14ENT PLAN NONHAZARDOUS WASTE ELEMENT which was read. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JACOBSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, AND UNANIMOUSLY PASSED to waive further reading and adopt the above resolution. 2. Recommendation to accept Proposal and retain Merryman and Stephenson, Inc. for design of traffic signal modifications on Main Street and Grand Avenue -9- Council Minutes June 5, 1984 Mr. Glickman stated that the current Capital Improvement program provides tunas for traffic signal controller replacement and modifications at six intersections. Staff has solicited proposals for performing the neccessary aesign services from seven consulting tirms; four proposals were received. Atter review of these four proposals by the Tratfic Engineer, Assistant City Lngineer, Mr. Glickman, it was agreed that the proposal from Berryman and Stephenson, Inc. was the most responsive; it is recommended that the City accept this tirm's proposal and issue a purchase oraer in the amount of $11,450 for design services. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY CUUNCILMAN JACOBSON, AND UNANIMOUSLY PASSED THAT the subject proposal BE APPROVED. j. Recommenaation to approve Agreements with formation of Sewer Assessment District and status of the District formation Mr. Glickman reported that in accordance with the recommendation of the City's Sewer Master Plan and direction trom Council, staff, assisted by the firm of Robert Mein, William Frost and Associates, has investigatea the feasibility of having the property bounded by Sepulveda, Mariposa, Nash and E1 Segundo annexed to the Los Angels County Sanitation District. A meeting was held on May 1 with property owners in the area, City staff and the consultant to discuss the formation of an assessment district to tund the costs associated with the district. It was noted that time was important because on July 1, 1984 the tee structure associated with this project will increase dramatically. Although property owners generally concurred in the proposal to form the district, they indicated that because of the short time until July 1 it would not be feasible to obtain the necessary tunds. Atter discussion with the City Manager ana the Director of Finance, it was suggested that the City could loan the necessary tunds to the district and /or the property owners for a short time (e.g., six months to one year) providea the City received interest on these funds. Mr. Glickman stated that if all of the property owners were to participate in the district, the amount of funds required would be approximately $950,000. Mr. Glickman reported that in order to proceed with the project it would be necessary to obtain the professional services -10- Council Minutes June 5, 1984 XIII. of the following three consulting firms: xobert vein, William Frost and Associates for engineering services; Nazarek, Harper, Hopkins, & McFarlin for legal services; and Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates for financial consultation. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK AND SECONDED t3Y COUNCILMAN JACObSON that the proposals from the above three firms be approved. Mr. Glickman continued that because a City- wide benefit would be aerived trom the formation of the proposed sewer assessment district, it is being recommended that the 5183,000 cost of capital improvements be tunded by the City. This amount brings the total cost of the district to $1,481,950. Mr. Glickman stated that approval would be sought trom Council at its next meeting for allocation of the $950,000 in advance-funds to be lent to property owners in the proposed district. Councilwoman Synadinos asked whether assessments of sewage treatment potential took into account possible redevelopment or only new development. Mr. Glickman said he believed both underdeveloped and undeveloped projects were taken into account. Councilwoman Synadinos also asked about the rate of interest to be charged to members of the assessment district. Mr. Glickman said that a tigure of 10% had been suggested. Councilwoman Synadinos cautioned against setting a figure lower than the City could earn elsewhere on its funds, and thus effectively subsidizing the pr03ect. Councilwoman Synadinos also asked what the source of these funds would be. Mr. Northcraft said that would be drawn from the City's t.mergency Contingency Reserve Fund. A VOTE UN THE MOTION was taken, and it WAS UNANIMUUSLYY PASSED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councilwoman Synadinos reterred to the issue of "latchkey children ", i.e., children who are left at home during portions of the day without appropriate adult supervision. She said that while staff continues to evaluate pendng legislation, she would like to request that they encourage the League of California Cities and other appropriate groups to engage in similar evaluations and indicate their support. Councilman Siadek stated that he had received a reply to his inquiry regarding special water rates for senior and handicapped citizens, and wondered what the next step shoula be. Mr. Northcraft stated that staft is in -11- Council Minutes June 5, 1984 the process of preparing specific recommendations for review. XIV. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Jacobson addressed the issue of the inadequacy of the City Hall photocopy machine, and stated that he would like staff to obtain bids on new machines. Mr. Northcraft stated that price quotations could be obtained for review by Council at its next meeting. There was general agreement that this be done. XV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communications. XVI. CLOSED SESSION At 9:50 p.m., the Council went into closed session in the Mayor's Office. At 11:30 p.m., the Council reconvened with the following members present: Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong Absent: Councilman,$iadek XVI I. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon motion duly made, seconded and passed, at 11:35 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Charles k. -Armstr n� ayor Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk -12- Council Minutes June 5, 1984 X h21