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1984 JUN 04 CC MINMINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION June 4, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER The El Segundo City Council and the E1 Segundo Planning Commission convened in adjourned regular session on Monday, June 4, 1984 at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mr. Kevin Northcraft. III. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek, Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong Commissioners Pitzer, Schott, and Chairman Young Absent: Councilmembers None Commissioners Stewart and Brady IV. STUDY SESSION Mayor Armstrong indicated that this meeting was to identify and establish where E1 Segundo is going, development wise, and how to get there. Chairman Young stated that with all the projects going on, the largest problem is that the commission can't work fast enough. What's happening, is everyone is trying to beat the system by implementing their individual needs. Councilwoman Synadinos stated that the primary goals should be the C2 and C3, now that the moratorium is no longer in effect. Councilman Siadek added that it appears improper for C2 and C3 abutting R1 property. Commissioner Schott stated that the C2 needs some direction for staff to do their jobs. It was inquired if the Planning Commission was asking for direction and priorities. Commissioner Schott indicated that Council has given direction but that priorities are needed as to what Council wants to look at. Commissioner Pitzer stated that the possibilities for E1 Segundo at this time are very exciting. He also agrees with Councilman Siadek that the concerns need to be addressed but not to loose sight of what is taking place. He commended staff for mitigating or recommending amenities that would not necessarily add to a project. Councilman Siadek stated that instead of down - zoning and less density, perhaps the City should up -zone in surrounding areas. Then the interior community is indeed R1 and the rest of the town is commercial and high density residency. - Councilman Schuldt indictated that he felt it was not the height of the buildings causing the problems but its traffic density, and too many people in a concentrated area. Mr. Romaniello stated that height has no relationship to density or people or cars. But it is certainly FAR and that height is the perception of the people who live next to it. While no one wants to see developments go broke, it has to be recognized that the profit potential for the developer or the tenant has no direct relationship to the profit potential for the City. The Fiscal Impact Model, is in fact a proven mechanism and its purpose was for decision makers to keep in mind what kind of land uses are pluses and what are minuses, relative to econcomics. Then adjust land uses, zoning accordingly to allow those that are productive. Kevin Northcraft stated that the one approximation of the impact development. Certain zones tend revenue production vis -a -vis the to provide to that area and that of cities like El Segundo office generate alot of revenue. Fiscal Impact Model is Df a particular to be more income, more expenses the City has changes. And in alot buildings do not Mr. Romaniello stated that there is more redevelopment going on in interior remodeling than there is new development in the City. Chairman Young stated that in the R2 and R3 zones, building can go up to 36 feet; in C2 and C3 up to 45 feet; and in CRS up to 45 feet. Commissioner Schott stated that he felt people should be allowed to develop their property to the way they bought it; except traffic pockets concern him. However, he continued, in areas such as Mariposa, if you took the current code, then you could tear the whole thing out and go four - storey with a 5 foot setback and 10 feet on the side and back - then look at the traffic that would come through those areas; and there are other pockets like this in the City. Mr. Romaniello indicated that there are no side setbacks and unless the company is on an alley or street, there is no rear setback requirements. But zoning is a tool to use to help create the kind of community you want. Mayor Armstrong asked what the solution would be to implement and to give Planning and staff the direction they need. -2- Council Minutes June 4, 1984 X 62.3 A 62• *4 Mr. Romaniello indicated that what Planning has done in the past is to bring the Commission several alternatives and the projections of each of those alternatives. Mayor Armstrong asked if the C2 is what Council and the Commission want today. And if it is not, what is wanted then and how should it be changed. Councilman Jacobson stated that they wanted to set basic goals, not to design the zone. Councilwoman Synadinos stated that she's afraid to change zones because it will change the character of the City. Discussion ensued. Mr. Romaniello stated that the Commission should make recommendations to Council on zoning. Design zoning should be implemented and these are overlay zones, incentive zones, etc. You should be able to develop reasonable standards by them, and willing to say there may have been a mistake and change it. Commissioner Schott stated that as a consideration on the C2, establish an open space requirement, establish FAR to control density and then let it flow. Mr. Romaniello stated that the reason for the open space_ is for the community benefit. but sometimes with a flat open space creative designers will meet the code and defeat the purpose for which it was setup. Discussion continued. Chairman Young stated that the Commission and Council should study the impact of C2 zone in overall cases. Mayor Armstrong asked what the time frame would be on something like this. Mr. Romaniello indicated that in the immediate future, the Planning staff would be reduced by 33 %. So for the Planning staff to be at full strength would be at least a year. Any projects will still go through the regular system, but it will take longer to accomplish. Mayor Armstrong stated that the C2 and C3 should be looked at and let the Commission work with staff on this project. Councilwoman Synadinos stated that she was concerned about projects in the planning stages. Chairman Young stated that examination of C2 and C3 will be especially difficult because of being in and out of the moratorium. He said that the Hnvironnmental Quality Board will look at the impact. -3- Council Minutes June 4, 1984 V. APPROVED: Mr. Romaniello stated he wanted Council to know that the staff hears what Council is saying and understands what the concerns and priorities are. However, there are 3 other projects that appear to be priorities, i.e., parking, Sleepy Hollow, as well as the C2 and C3 to go along with the 3 other projects. Mr. Northcraft stated regarding staffing, alternatives can be developed. It was indicated that consultants can be used and looked at for cost effectiveness. Mr. Romaniello stated that the use of contractors or consultants is certainly an option that is available but the experience has been that 2 -3 months is spent training them, and then by that time, the contract runs out and often they have already obtained other employment. Councilman Siadek stated that he felt the time had come to ask staff what they need to get priorities implemented and give them what they need. Mr. Northcraft stated in response to a question that what the staff will have to look at is the C2. Mr. Romaniello's suggestion of working with the Planninng Commission to come up with some solutions, and in terms of staffing - additional resources are required. It appears there is a feeling that Council does not want to wait for full staffing - but look at alternatives that can expedite the work in Planning. Discussion followed regarding the hiring method of staff personnel, as well as the options available for interim staffing. Chairman Young stated that he and Commissioner Brady would be leaving the Commission shortly, and both had been asked if they would stay on for a short- time"? He indicated that he would, but for a very short -time; perhaps a couple of meetings and Commissioner Brady probably would also. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council at this meeting, the session was adjourned at the hour of 8:10 p.m. The next meeting would be Tuesday, June 5, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. i k�� �A tA i,4\ Charles K. Armstrong, Ma r Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. burrowes, City Clerk -4- Council Minutes June 4, 1984 X 62-25