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1984 FEB 07 CC MINMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL February 7, 1934 I CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on Tuesday, February 7, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Councilman Jack Siadek. III INVOCATION was delivered by Pastor David Tinoco of United Methodist Church. IV ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Absent: Council Members None V PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation Concerning Traffic Mitigation Measures Implemented by the El Segundo Employers Association Mr. Verne Wochnick of Hughes introduced Mr. George MacFarland, the Assistant Director of Plant Services for EDSG. Mr. MacFarland gave an overview of the impact of the traffic situation during the Olympics. He also pointed out the Art Festival will be held at the same time with an estimated crowd of 400,000, which compounds the problem. Mr. MacFarland stated that as a result of the anticipated traffic problems, the following suggestions have been made to Hughes administrators: • Encourage those employees that could be spared to take vacation during the entire Olympics period or on specified days. • Change floating holidays to coincide with the projected heaviest days of the Olympics. • Change working hours. • Increase the number of buses on the commuter bus system. • Utilize all empty seats on the commuter buses. • Encourage maximum car pool usage. • Provide an electronic display of a map and a pocket guide showing the day's sporting event's and the expected crowd density. Councilman Armstrong indicated the Olympics trial period, June 16 -24, could be used as a testing period for the suggested traffic mitigations. )C `'� Councilman Siadek suggested the City's traffic consultant work with Mr. MacFarland and ESEA to determine mitigating measures for the traffic t problems that affect the City. VI SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Public Hearing Regarding the Local Expenditure of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Administrative Activities The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for subject hearing and inquired if proper notice of the hearing had been given, to which the City Clerk replied proof of publication was in her file. The Mayor directed that the file become a part of this hearing. He then inquired if any written communications had been received. City Clerk Burrowes stated none had been received in her office. Acting City Manager Kevin Northcraft stated the City has $200,000 in CDBG allocation reserves, with $90,000 more expected by the next fiscal year. He stated Council opted not to use those funds for senior citizen housing and requested staff to inves- tigate other areas where the funds could be utilized. Mr. Northcraft recommended the maximum allowable amount of $9,977 be used for reimbursement- of the administrative activities-relating to the CDBG funds. It was pointed out that this use of the funds does not relate to or affect the operation of the senior citizen housing project. Mayor Bue opened the matter for public discussion. No one came forward; therefore, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, to close the public hearing. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Thereafter, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, to authorize the acceptance, appropriation and expenditure of $9,977 in CDBG funds for allowable general administrative activities. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. VII REPORTS OF COMMITTEES A. Airport Noise Control and Land Use Steering Committee (ANCLUC) Councilman Armstrong stated this committee will meet February 16, 1984. Planning Associate Lynn Harris stated the Joint Technical Committee meetings that staff had participated in are now over. She stated copies of the recommendations from that committee will be distributed to all Council members. In answer to Councilman Siadek's question, Ms. Harris stated the Joint.Technical Committee strongly recommended the closing of the Imperial Terminal and the ceasing of aircraft- associated operations by January 1, 1986. -2- Council Minutes February 7, 1984 B. South Bay Cities Association Councilman Johnson stated all 15 South Bay cities agreed to support the issuance of bonds for the light rail transportation system. Stated they also took action supporting light rail for the Century Freeway. Councilman Johnson reported the City of Los Angeles will be joining this association, with Councilwoman Flores of San Pedro as their representative. Ms. Flores has indicated San Pedro is experiencing many of the problems the other South Bay cities are having. VIII ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None IX CONSENT CALENDAR Request was made to discuss items "D" and "E" sepa- rately. Thereafter, UPON MOTION MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, AND UNANI- MOUSLY CARRIED, the remaining items were approved as follows: A. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of December 20, 1983 APPROVED AS WRITTEN B. Warrants Nos. 82083 -82273 on Demand Register Summary No. 14 in Total Amount $1,052,836.53 RATIFIED AND APPROVED C. Amelco Electric's Request for a 3rd Year Final Extension of a Temporary Construction Trailer Located at 2100 E. El Segundo Boulevard EXTENSION TO 2 -23 -85 APPROVED F. Claim of Michael D. Chotenovsky CLAIM DENIED G. Claim of Alice Peterson Co. CLAIM DENIED H. Claim of Barbara Stouffer CLAIM DENIED I. Claim of Frank Stimpson CLAIM DENIED J. Claim of State Farm Insurance (Arthur Aharonian) CLAIM DENIED K. Claim of Barbara Goldstein CLAIM DENIED L. Recommendation to Approve the Changing of Uniform Requirements for the Fire Department $11,642.90 APPROPRIATED FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES ACCOUNT TO PURCHASE SAID UNIFORMS -3- Council Minutes February 7, 1984 X XI XII xt>> ?5 CALL ITEMS FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR D. Tabulation o^ Bids for Uniforms Councilman Armstrong questioned why the option price increased from the 3rd year to the 4th year. Finance Director Jose Sanchez stated the increase includes the inflationary factor. After further discussion, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, to award the contract for subject uniforms to the low bidder, Angelica Rental Supply. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. E. Tabulation of Bids for Pool Cover Upon request by Councilman Armstrong, Recreation and Parks Director Jack Ruis explained the pool cover that is requested is ;Wade of polyethylene. Stated it is not for insulation, but to be used as a humidity blanket. Mr. Ruis stated the cover will cut down evaporation during the times when the pool is not being used and will stop moisture from gathering throughout the building. He stated the total savings in heating and energy costs are approximately $10,000 annually. MOTION WAS MADE BY CO COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, subject pool cover to Equipment Inc. in the budgeted from Account CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS UNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY to award the contract for the low bidder, Lincoln amount of $5,527.35 (to be No. 513096). THE MOTION A. Letter from Friends of 1736 House Requesting a Challenge Grant of $1,000 for the 1984 -85 Fiscal Year Since no one was present from subject organization to answer Council's questions, this matter was tabled. REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. Acting City Manager Northcraft 1. Recommendation to Adopt Agreement with Blake - sley, Comstock (Butler Estates, Inc.) for Payment of One Time Assessment and Construction of Improvements to Mitigate Environmental Impacts associated with the Proposed Project at the Northwest Corner of E1 Segundo and Sepulveda Boulevards Planning Director Romaniello reported this matter relates to the recommendation by the Planning Commission,to approve the Blakesley, Comstock Development Project, commonly known as the Hessell Chevrolet site. He stated the Environmental Impact Report gave directions to the Planning Commission to impose mitigations upon the project for those kinds of impacts caused by the project. The conditions of approval were finalized in the legal agreement presently before the Council. -4- Council Minutes February 7, 1984 r - i i r X 61 '>16 In response to Councilwoman Synadinos' question, Mr. Romaniello explained the "fair share" figures listed in the agreement were based on acreage. MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain Agreement Affecting Real Property between the City of E1 Segundo and Butler Estates, Inc., presented to this Council on this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and after execution by each of the above -named parties, a copy of said agreement be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Recommendation to Employ William Hamilton and Associates to Conduct an Analysis of Plan Check Process Mr. Northcraft stated the plan review and building permit issuance process workload has increased dramatically as a result of the increase in development activity in the City. This increase has caused a delay in the issuance of permits. Mr. Northcraft stated the recommendation is to employ a consultant to review and analyze the plan check process in order to refine and improve the process for greater efficiency. He stated three proposals were solicited from management consultant firms that have experience in this area. Staff determined William Hamilton and Associates would best meet E1 Segundo's needs; therefore, Mr. Northcraft recommended the appro- val of their proposal. He stated this firm could complete the work in 60 days at a cost of $5,500. During discussion, Councilmembers Armstrong and Johnson stated they felt staff could resolve this problem without employing outside consultants, and Councilman Siaek questioned where the idea originated. Mr. Northcraft stated this was one of the recommendations that came as a result of the meeting between Council representatives and City staff wherein this situation was discussed. Building Safety Director, Mac Dalgleish, then enumerated the other recommendations from that meeting that staff has implemented. He stated the process has improved somewhat, but an outside consultant could probably recommend further improvements to the system. -5- Council Minutes February 7, 1984 ..#X i I `, 7 After further discussion, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, to approve tiffs -employment of William Hamilton and Associates to conduct an analysis of the plan check process and that $5,500 be appropriated from the General Fund for said employment. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Request for Authorization to Participate in r Southern California Association of Governments' j Small City Energy Management Assistance Program Mr. Northcraft stated SCAG will be initiating an energy management assistance program in 3 small cities. The program will provide energy audits, a computerized bill monitoring system, implemen- tation of tailored low and no cost energy conser- vation programs, and incentives for employees to further encourage energy savings. In return, the City would share the first year's savings in energy costs with SCAG so that SCAG could have a revolving fund in order to offer the program to other cities. Mr. Northcraft stated there are some energy conservation measures the City has already implemented that will be independent of this program. He indicated the program would begin in February and would be completed by August, 1984. Mr. Northcraft requested Council authorization to participate in the program. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, to authorize staff to finalize E1 Segundo's active participation in the Southern California Association of Government's Small City Energy Management Assistance Project. I THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. l. 4. Request to Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Bidding for Acceptance of Bus Shelters and Bus Benches Fred Weiner, Assistant to the City Manager, stated plans and specifications have been prepared to request bids on several combinations of bus shelters with and without advertising and separate bus benches without advertising. He recommended City Council approval of the plans and specifications as presented and authorization to advertise for competitive bids. After discussion, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that "SPECIFICATION NO. 84- 3" and "NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR FURNISHING, INSTALLING, AND MAINTAINING BUS SHELTERS AND FURNISHING AND INSTALLING BUS BENCHES AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA" presented to the Council on this date, be approved and a copy placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and -6- Council Minutes February 7, 1984 X-61 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that sealed bids be and the same are hereby invited, under said NOTICE, and the City Clek be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said NOTICE to be given and published in time, form and manner as required by law, the date and time for reception of said bids being hereby fixed for 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 6, 1984. THE NOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Request by Jose Sanchez, Director of Finance, to Waive Residence Requirements Mr. Northcraft stated Mr. Sanchez has requested a waiver of the residency requirement contained in the Administrative Code due to economic difficulties that would be imposed on him by relocating. Mr. Northcraft indicated that pursuant to the recent waiver of residency approved for another department head and the policy that was established therein, the City Manager has requested a waiver of 18 months be approved. Councilman Siadek stated that while Mr. Sanchez performs his job well, he feels it is important for the officers of the City to reside in the City of E1 Segundo. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, that a waiver of the residency requirement for Finance Director Jose Sanchez be granted to August 15, 1985. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: Ayes: Councilmembers Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Noes: Councilman Siadek Absent: None B. Public Works Director Glickman 1. Recommendation Regarding Hatch Reconstruction and Waterproofing of Sewer Station No. 13 - Project No. 83 -11 Mr. Glickman stated no bids were received for subject project. Stated 3 plans had been mailed out; however, those contractors indicated they did not have sufficient time to prepare their bid packages. Mr. Glickman requested Council authorization to re- advertise for this project. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, to authorize Staff to re- advertise subject project for public bidding, with the date for reception of said bids being March 6, 1984. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANI- MOUSLY. -7- Council Minutes February 7, 1984 %( 6 12 9 2. Recommendation Regarding Approval of Amendment to Agreement with Boyle Engineering for the Design of the Hydro - electric Generating Facility -- Project No. 83 -3 Mr. Glickman stated a small hydro project is scheduled to be built at the Fire Station #2 site. The removal of a small pump station and removal of valves and pump is proposed at the site as well. He stated the City did not wish to encumber the property any more than is necessary; therefore, he recommends the two projects be i combined with the relocation made as far west as possible. Subject contractor has indicated they can perform the additional work at a cost of $9,600. Mr. Glickman stated that amount had already been budgeted for the piping job; therefore, he recommended approval of the amendment to the agreement and authorization for the appropriation of the funds. After discussion, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that the following resolution be approved: RESOLVED, that that certain Amendment No. 1 to the Engineering Services Agreement between the City of E1 Segundo and Boyle Engineering Corporation, presented to this Council on this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and after execution by each of the above -named parties, a copy of said agreement be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. and further, that $9,600 be appropriated from the Capital Improvement Reserve to cover the addi- tional engineering expenses. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. XIII UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Councilman Siadek requested an update on the water tower project. Mr. Glickman stated it is anticipated that the job will be completed within 3 weeks and presented a Schedule of Completion that had been prepared by the contractor, Rustproofing, Inc. Mayor Bue suggested the Schedule be distributed to the residents in the area. XIV NEW BUSINESS A. Councilwoman Synadinos stated a serious traffic accident took place at the intersection of Maryland and Grand. She inquired if the City's traffic consultant could investigate that area to determine the impact the industrial sector has, thereafter making recommendations accordingly. Mayor Bue stated that would be a good idea and suggested the inter- section of Center and Grand be reviewed also. -8- Council Minutes February 7, 1984 X 613U XV ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None XVI RECESS At the hour of 8:46 p.m. the Council recessed to the Mayor's office for a closed session to discuss matters of possible litigation and personnel. At 9:15 p.m. the Council reconvened with all members being present and answering roll call. XVII ADJOURNMENT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, upon motion duly made and carried, the meeting was adjourned, the hour of adjournment being 9:17 p.m. APPROVED: William D. Bue, Mayor Respectfully submitted, �GC�i- 'tom- �c,•�- Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk -9- Council Minutes February 7, 1984