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1984 DEC 18 CC MIN-6443
December 18, 1984-
The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session
on Tuesday, December 18, 1984 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in
the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall.
THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mr. Marvin Johnson.
THE INVOCATION was delivered by Rev. Dave Edwards of The
Four Square Church.
Present: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt,
Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong
Absent: Council Members None
Mayor Armstrong announced the agenda had been _
rearranged and is reflected as follows.
A. E1 Segundo Employers' Association
Don Camph of the E1 Segundo Employers' Association
presented the City with a check in the amount of
$12,695.00. The check was issued in payment for the
final quarter of the E1 Segundo Boulevard's Traffic
Police Officers' Program. Special mention and thanks
were given to the following participating corporations:
Aerospace Corporation, Chevron USA, Goodglick
Company, Hughes Aircraft, Prudential Airport
Towers, Northrop Corporation, Rockwell
International and Xerox Corporation.
Mayor Armstrong accepted the check on behalf of the
City of El Segundo.
B. Presentation of New LAX Helicopter Policy by James
Holtsclaw, Air Traffic Controller
James Holtsclaw, reported the FAA and Department of
Airports drafted a list of thirteen immediate actions
and four long range actions to be initiated regarding
helicopter noise complaints. Mr. Holtsclaw stated he
had received a letter of agreement from the General
Counsel of the FAA Regional Office, which raised the
altitude of helicopters from 1,000 to 1,500 feet, along
the Sepulveda corridor. Mr. Holtsclaw stated that there
is strong support of this agreement, from helicopter
pilots in surrounding areas. Several requests have been
received, expressing a willingness to sign the letter of
agreement. In addition to the letter of agreement
helicopter operators departing from the south side of
the airport heading west, will make a right turn back
over the airport. Mr. Holtsclaw stated that the
Department of Airports intends to pass their part of the
agreement that supports the FAA's letter of agreement.
Ron Cole, Crocker Bank, reported that Crocker Bank has
an active heliport within the City of E1 Segundo. Mr.
Cole advised the Council of the favorable impact on the
City of Mr. Holtsclaw's noise abatement efforts.
Crocker Bank is contacting all their heliport operators
in the City of El Segundo to inform them of the City's
efforts to reduce helicopter noise. Further, Mr. Cole
invited Council and staff to a special presentation on
noise abatement. The presentation will include proper
helicopter take -off and landing techniques.
C. Presentation and Approval of Final Preliminary
Design Drawings for Senior Citizen Housing Project
and Authorization to Proceed with Construction
Joann Lombardo, Planning Department, reported this
presentation would be for the final preliminary design,
approval of the plans, and authorization to proceed
with the subject project's working drawings by
Council. In addition, a competitive bid for the project
will be proposed. Ms. Lombardo introduced Dave
Ferguson and Ty Miller, architects on the subject
Dave Ferguson, Kamnitzer and Cotton, introduced Mr. Ty
Miller, major designer of the project. Mr. Miller was
asked to explain the refinements between the last plan
presented and the plan being presented tonight.
Ty Miller, Kamnitzer and Cotton, informed Council of
the following changes:
common areas
manager's unit
canopy shelter for top units
special one bedroom units
special efficiency units
Discussion of this subject resulted in the following
Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson
SECONDED, that the architects, Kamnitzer and
Cotton, include deductive alternates in the
project bids worth approximately $200,000 in the
event that bids exceed available funds.
The motion was carried unanimously.
Councilman Schuldt suggested Council adopt a cost
figure for the development of the Senior Citizen's
Housing Project and instruct the architects to stay
within the adopted amount of expenditures.
D. Presentation by Mike Kemph from Group W Cable:
Status of Cable System in E1 Segundo
Mike Kemph, reported that recently Disney and Life Time
services have been inaugurated. These services are all -
purpose satellite networks with a 29 channel capacity.
These services are an attempt to diversify programming
and fulfill the community needs in the Los Angeles
County market. There is no additional cost for these
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Mr. Kemph stated that the City of E1 Segundo's
penetration of subscribership has increased during the
past year to 52 %. Further, of the 31 complaints
received regarding quality of service, 25 have been
responded to and 5 could not be contacted. The problem
of a ghosting signal on the east side of E1 Segundo has
also been addressed. The wiring of the Joslyn Center,
for cable service, will be completed by the end of this
week, and the problems that need correction through the
parking lot, will be corrected before the end of the
Council was informed that the community consultant is
on a temporary assignment in another part of the state
and will return by the beginning of the year.
Councilman Siadek questioned Mr. Kemph concerning
routine check of the log books, agreement to raise the
franchise fee the City was to be paid, upgrading of
the system to a 54 channel system and new hardware.
Mr. Kemph responded that the monthly report of
activities and service calls were forwarded to the
Assistant City Manager on a monthly basis; the
franchise fee that is paid to the City of E1 Segundo
has been escalated beyond its original number; and
upgrading of the system is part of the feasibility
study currently taking place and is part of a long
range multi -year project. Mr. Kemph stated that a
meeting with City staff has been requested to discuss
the points in question.
Councilman Jacobson questioned Mr. Kemph concerning
Group W's intentions of live cable casting of the
School Board Meetings.
Mr. Kemph responded that there is a technical problem
but that Group W does anticipate having it wired and
live in the near future.
E. Presentation of Proposed Study of Light Rail
Transit in E1 Segundo's Industrial Area, by Los
Angeles County Transportation Commission ( LACTC)
Mr. Marvin Johnson, introduced Mr. Richard Stanger,
Project Director for Rail Development, for the purpose
of updating Council on progress taking place on the
extension of the light rail of the Century Freeway.
Mr. Richard Stanger, stated that there were two projects
on line, the Long Beach -Los Angeles Light Rail Line and
the Wilshire Metro Rail Line and there's a commitment to
build a light rail line in the median of Century Freeway
which will open with the Freeway in late 1992. Proposed
is to start a line that continues the Century Rail Line
into the E1 Segundo employment area terminating
temporarily at Rosecrans.
Further, over the next year LACTC will be working with
the City and with the E1 Segundo Employer's Association
to environmentally clear the portion of the coastline
that will be affected. That portion of the coastline is
described as a line that goes from the Marina through
the Playa Vista and Airport area down through the E1
Segundo employment area over to Hawthorne Boulevard and
down to Pacific Coast Highway.
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Mr. Stanger stated the rail system will be built
incrementally up and down the coast using the Century
Freeway Rail Line as a base. The line will be designed
to basically serve the employment area between Aviation
and Sepulveda, and Imperial and Rosecrans. Mr. Stanger
stated the project will take a year to clear, the
process will begin in February and in the summer he
would return to Council with an update.
Councilwoman Synadinos questioned whether the proposed
rail system would go to the airport.
Mr. Stanger responded that a study is being done
concentrating on that particular issue. Further, the
staff of the rail development feels the most important
link is to the E1 Segundo employment area rather than
the airport. Mr. Stanger stated that a rail line going
to the airport would be built in the future.
A. Public Hearing for consideration of a Planning
Commission Resolution recommending the extension
of the Interim C -M (Commercial Manufacturing)
Zoning Designation in the M -1 (Light
Manufacturing) Zone known as Sleepy (Smokey)
1) Introduction of Ordinance
The Mayor announced that this was the time and place
heretofore fixed for subject hearing and inquired if
proper notice of the hearing had been given, to which
the City Clerk replied that affidavits of publication
and mailing the notice were in his file. The Mayor
directed that the files become a part of this hearing
and then inquired if any written communications had
been received. City Clerk Hart replied that no written
communication had been received in the City Clerk's
Planning Director Romaniello reported that in response
to a request by the Planning Commission and agreed to
by Council, that an extension of the C -M Interim Zoning
be given to Sleepy Hollow; the Planning Commission has
done the following:
adopted Resolution No. 2092 recommending
Council formally approve the extension for an
additional year, and
requested a proposal stating an approval to
proceed with study for new interim overlay
zoning, using presently allocated funds.
Gary Wallace, 516 Oregon Street, questioned Council as
to the exact boundaries the extension would affect. Mr
Wallace requested that interested property owners be
notified of Planning Commission Meetings.
Planning Director Romaniello directed Mr. Wallace to
the passage in Resolution No. 2092 in the fourth
paragraph which describes the boundaries. Mr.
Romaniello added that there were zone maps which would
also show the specific areas.
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December 18, 1984
The Mayor inquired if anyone else present wished to
speak. There being no response, Councilman Jacobson
MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED, that the hearing be
closed. The motion carried unanimously.
City Attorney Dolley presented subject ordinance
extending Interim C -M Zoning, as previously approved by
the Council, entitled:
which title was read.
Upon motion duly made, Councilwoman Synadinos MOVED,
Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that further reading of
the ordinance be waived. Thereafter, said ordinance
was introduced by Councilwoman Synadinos. The motion
was carried unanimously.
B. Public Hearing for the consideration of Proposed
Amendment to Chapter 20.54 of the E1 Segundo
Municipal Code, Relating to On -Site Parking and
Loading Standards
1) Introduction of Ordinance
The Mayor announced that this was the time and place
heretofore fixed for subject hearing and inquired if
proper notice of the hearing had been given, to which
the City Clerk replied that affidavits of publication
and mailing the notice were in his file. The Mayor
directed that the files become a part of the hearing
and then inquired if any written communications had
been received. City Clerk Hart replied there had been
no written communication received in the City Clerk's
Planning Director Romaniello stated the recently
adopted parking ordinance was to be revised for the
following reasons:
includes requirements for church parking in
two different locations;
omitted provision for compact stall sizes; and
revisions required in parking stall
requirements in residential zones where
there were sub - standard lots.
Mr. Romaniello informed Council that should the subject
ordinance be adopted with the proposed revisions there
will be the same number and width of parking spaces,
but the end aisles of stalls will be reduced in order
for them to fit on the sub - standard R2 lots.
Pat Doucett, 519 East Palm Street, stated he submitted
his plans, to build on his R2 lot, in late August. Mr.
Doucett is still waiting for approval to proceed. Mr.
Doucett stated if the proposed amendment was adopted,
he could begin building.
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Planning Director Romaniello stated he had previously
discussed this issue with Mr. Doucett and he is aware
of the procedure involved in the passing of ordinances.
Mr. Romaniello added that Mr. Doucett's plans meet all
the new codes and conforms to all zoning regulations.
Discussion of this issue resulted in the following
Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilwoman Synadinos
SECONDED, that any R2 projects which have applied
for a building permit and conform to parking
ordinance regulations be exempt and allowed to
begin to build immediately without waiting for
effective date of Proposed Ordinance relating to
On -Site Parking and Loading; and,
THAT the public hearing be closed. The
motion was carried unanimously.
City Attorney Dolley presented subject ordinance for
consideration of Proposed Amendment to Chapter 20.54 of
the E1 Segundo Municipal Code, relating to On -Site
Parking andd Loading Standards, entitled:
which title was read.
Upon motion duly made, Councilman Siadek MOVED,
Councilwoman Synadinos SECONDED, that further reading
of the ordinance be waived. Thereafter, said ordinance
was introduced by Councilman Siadek. The motion was
unanimously carried.
A. Cable Advisory Committee
Councilman Siadek reported that the Committee requests
Council and the School Board to submit the names of
their representatives to the Cable Advisory Committee.
Mayor Armstrong informed that there would be two
representatives for the Committee one from staff and
one from the citizen membership.
Assistant City Manager Northcraft stated that Mr. Dave
Siemienski had been appointed to represent staff
membership and citizen membership was presently vacant.
Steve Wiley, 713 Hillcrest Street, informed Council of a
new organization located in E1 Segundo: The E1
Segundo Small Business Association. Mr. Wiley stated
the purpose of the organization is to do for the small
business what the Chamber of Commerce does for large
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December 18, 1984
Dennis Martin, 836 East Grand Avenue, expressed concern
about negative publicity given to some of the Council
Members. Mr. Martin took this opportunity to commend
the Council for their efforts in the April election.
Mr. Martin expressed a desire for all segments of the
City of E1 Segundo to work together toward their common
Mayor Armstrong requested that item 3. of the City
Manager's report be the next item of business. Council
and staff mutually agreed.
City Manager
3. Interim Agreement between the City of E1 Segundo
and Arkenberg and Ball, Larry Underwood, et al
pending final determination of Board of Examiners
and Appeals relating to Spanish roof tile on
various buildings
McKinley Dalgleish, Director of Building & Safety,
reported on this issue and stated that at the November
20, 1984 Board of Appeals Meeting the Board directed
the architects to seek other test reports on the tile
and a method by which the tile could be improved.
Director Dalgleish stated that the contractors opted to
not seek any further lab tests, but the contractors did
secure the services of a structural engineer and are
exploring the alternative of applying a sealer to the
tile. Director Dalgleish stated that presently there
was no report to be made on the contractor's findings.
Council was informed that two buyers of houses were
being impacted by the delay caused;relating to the
Spanish roof tile. The houses are ready for occupancy
and the buyers are living in a hotel waiting for the
houses to be finaled so they may move in.
The City Attorney's Office has prepared an agreement
that would allow the occupancy of the homes.The
agreement assures conformance to the code with a
stipulated period of time and would require
having the issue return to Council at their first
meeting of the new year. Also included in the
agreement is a request for a deposit to be made
to the City in a trust account to assure
adequate funds to complete the project.
The agreements would be on file in the City Attorney's
Office. There are two agreements, one for each piece of
property. The agreements are prepared and have been
signed by the contractors, developers, and each of the
property owners. The agreements require the Mayor's
signature on behalf of the City for contract
Upon City authorization the developers will deposit an
amount of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) per house into
the trust account.
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December 18, 1984
Thereafter, the following motion was made:
Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Siadek
SECONDED, that the agreement pending resolution of
sub - standard tile roof matter be approved, for the
purpose of permitting occupancy of two of the five
residences constructed by Underwood Construction
Company for developers Arkenberg and Ball. The
agreement allows for sufficient funds to be placed
in a trust account with the City to assure
compliance -- complete replacement of the roofs, if
necessary. The motion was carried unanimously.
Request was made to withdraw items C., D., E., F., G.
and H. from the Consent Calendar for individual
Thereafter, motion was made as follows:
Councilwoman Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Siadek
SECONDED, that the balance of items be approved as
recommended. The motion was carried unanimously.
A. Warrant Nos. 85815 - 85994 on Demand Register
Summary No. 11 in total amount of $903,458.96
... Ratified and Approved.
B. Minutes of the Regular Adjourned City Council
Meeting of September 19, 1984
... Approved.
I. Maddy Local Appointive List Act: List of all
regular and on -going boards, commissions and
committees which are appointed by Council
... Approved.
J. Recommendations Regarding Continental Development
Storm Drain, on Miscellaneous Transfer Drain No.
1009 regarding portions of Nash Street and Appollo
Avenue - An Easement North of Rosecrans
1. Approve Quitclaim Deeds
2. Accept Easement Deeds
3. Accept Construction
4. Request Transfer to Los Angeles County Flood
Control District for Operation and
... Approved as Recommended.
K. Recommendation to Accept Dedication for Street
Widening at 150 S. Sepulveda Boulevard
... Approved as Recommended.
L. Bids for purchase of gasoline for City vehicles
... Approved as Recommended.
Council Minutes
December 18, 1984
M. Video Bids: Acceptance of second lowest bid from
A -Vidd Electronics and waiver of lowest bid
... Approved as Recommended.
N. Approval of Request for Temporary Trailer
Extension: Chevron USA, Trailer No. 402 located
at 324 W. E1 Segundo Boulevard. Extended to
December 31, 1985
... Approved as Recommended.
0. Recommendation to approve a 5 year lease witth
TRW, Inc. of Lot No. 22, in the Utah Sub - division
on (630 S. Douglas) South Douglas for Parking
... Approved as Recommended.
P. Approval of James Parke, as E1 Segundo's
Representative to the Metropolitan Library Systems
Advisory Board for a 2 year term, effective
January 1, 1985, and assigning Ralph Neil as an
... Approved as Recommended.
C. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council
Meeting of October 30, 1984
D. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of
November 6, 1984
G. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council
Meeting of October 23, 1984
Councilman Jacobson stated that these items contained
spelling errors. The following motion was made.
Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilwoman Synadinos
SECONDED, that following corrections, the minutes
be approved as written. The motion was carried by
the following vote.
Ayes: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt,
Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong
Abstain: Council Member Siadek
Absent: Council Members None
E. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council
Meeting of November 14, 1984
F. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of
November 20, 1984
Councilman Jacobson requested that these Items be held
over for approval at the next Council mt- #- clq-T, pending
corrections made.
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Dece -tuber 13, 1984
H. Recommendation to Approve Waiver of Bids for
Surviv -Air Mark II Breathing Apparatus from
Halprin Supply Company, Los Angeles
Councilman Schuldt questioned staff as to how the amount
of $11,250 was reached, when without a bid the company
quoted a price of $9,901.
Fire Chief Laurence Sheldon responded that the original
estimate was a direct quote from the vendor. The price
of $11,250 is a sale price.
Fire Chief Sheldon added that the bid waiver was being
requested because of vendor regulation which allowed
purchase from only one source. Thereafter, the
following motion was made.
Councilman Schuldt MOVED, Councilwoman Synadinos
SECONDED, that item H. of the Consent Calendar be
approved as recommended. The motion was carried
At the hour of 9:10 o'clock p.m., Councilman Siadek
left the meeting.
At the hour of 9:10 o'clock p.m., the Mayor declared a
10 minute recess. At the hour of 9:20 o'clock p.m.,
the Council reconvened with the following members
answering roll call.
Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos and
Mayor Armstrong
City Clerk Hart reported receipt of correspondence from
the following:
A. Dennis Martin: Letter regarding Hacienda
B. Georgiana L. Bailey: Traffic Congestion on
300 Block of Center Street
C. Myron E. Harpole: Regarding letter published
in E1 Segundo Herald
Mayor Armstrong took this opportunity to address
communication from Georgiana L. Bailey who wrote in
reference to Traffic Congestion. Ms. Bailey feels the
traffic congestion is caused by on -site Raider ticket
The Mayor stated that he wrote a letter to the Raiders
Organization and requested an answer regarding their on-
site ticket sales. To date, the Mayor has had no
response to his letter. It was stated that Police
Chief Devilbiss has spoken with Mr. Ken LaRue of the
Raiders Organization concerning their parking
violations in the area. Mr. LaRue informed Police
Chief Devilbiss that there would not be on -site ticket
sales for the play -offs. Mr. LaRue phoned Mayor
Armstrong and apologized for not having an answer to
the Council on December 18, 1984, as requested.
The Mayor ordered the correspondence filed.
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December 18, 1984
A. City Manager
1. Report on Upgrading the Emergency Operations
Center and Developing a Mobile Command Center
a) Waiver of Bids for Trailer
b) Approval of authorization to accept
bids on command center equipment
Fred M. Weiner, Assistant to the City Manager,
informed Council of the receipt of $30,000 in
Federal grant funds from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency to upgrade the communications
capability in the E1 Segundo Emergency Operations
Center and to develop a Mobile Command Center.
The grant award is predicated upon the City
allocating a like sum of local funds for these
Mr. Weiner stated the Emergency Operation Center
is a centralized facility to house both City
officials and staff for command and control
purposes in the event of a major disaster within
the City, it also serves as a backup
communications facility to the South Bay Regional
Public Communications Center.
The Mobile Command Center which was approved in
concept during 1983 -1984, would provide fire,
police and general government communications
capability in a single location which could be
taken to a localized disaster site. Mr. Weiner
reported that the cost of the Emergency Operation
Center and Mobile Command Center Communication
System of the City has an estimated total cost of
from $70,000 to $75,000. The City has a total of
$50,000 inclusive of the grant received.
City Manager Jones stated some of the money
used would be exacted from developers for fire
and police services. Added, this money is limited
in its scope whereas the General Reserve Fund
could be used for any purpose.
yr. Weiner stated that staff recommended that the
City Council authorize the City staff to:
1) develop plans and specifications and
request competitive bids for both the
Emergency Operations Center and Mobile
Command Center radio equipment; and
2) negotiate the procurement of a used
trailer to house the Mobile Command
Center on a sole source basis.
Council mutually concurred and verbal
authorization was given by the Mayor on behalf of
the Council. .
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A. City Manager
2. Recommendation to Authorize Letter of Intent
with Hewlett Packard for purchase of Hewlett
Packard Equipment, with Revenue Sharing Funds
City Manager Jones stated that this would be one
step in the implementation of the data processing
master plan. Mr. Jones introduced Director of
Finance Jose Sanchez, for presentation of this
Director Sanchez stated that staff recommends
that Council authorize the issuance of a Letter of
Intent to purchase data processing equipment from
Hewlett - Packard. Hewlett- Packard is recommended
to install the City wide business system. This is
a recommendation of the Warner Group and staff,
resulting from an evaluation of various proposals.
Director Sanchez stated the master plan sets out
an implementation plan that calls for selection
and installation of hardware and software over a
period of time. According to the vendor it is
necessary to place the system's hardware order 90
days prior to the expected delivery date. The
implementation schedule calls for delivery of the
system's hardware by April 1, 1985.
Hewlett- Packard has indicated that an authorized
Letter of Intent to Purchase with an attached
equipment list including price quotes will allow
them to proceed with placing the order. The cost
of equipment included in the initial acquisition
would be $149,660.
Councilman Jacobson informed Council of a discount
negotiated statewide, that the City could take
advantage of if the Letter of Intent is approved
at this meeting. Councilman Jacobson added that
if the new agreement with the state is more of a
discount the City would benefit from that also.
Thereafter, the following motion was made.
Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Schuldt
SECONDED that the City Council authorize the
issuance of a Letter of Intent to purchase
data processing equipment from the Hewlett -
Packard Company. The motion was carried
B. City Attorney
1. Consideration of an "Agreement affecting Real
Property" implementing mitigation measures
for Continental Grand Associates (JZK)
Development (Recommendation: Approval of
City Attorney .Dolley informed Council that the
subject item is a document which implements the
mitigation measures required under the City's
Environmental Ordinances by the Planning
Commission in the environmental process.
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December 18, 1984
B. City Attorney
City Attorney Dolley stated that negotiations and
discussions took place with representatives of JZK
in early October. Resulting from the discussions
and availability of previous agreements, Counsel
for JZK implemented all of the mitigation measures
required by the Planning Commission and put them
into a document form. JZK is moving toward certain
approvals and would like Council to consider the
document for approval.
Mayor Armstrong stated that this project was an
example of a controlled project with two, six
story, 87' office buildings on a C3 parcel, 8 and
8.3 acres in size. Each office structure contains
233,000+ square feet for a total of 467,000 square
feet. There is a 1.31 floor area ratio and
parking in a 50' high parking structure.
City Attorney Dolley recommended that Council
approve the agreement subject to final
negotiations on the following items discussed.
Sewer District
Over Crossings
Dates of Implementation.
Thereafter, the following motion was made.
Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilwoman
Synadinos SECONDED, that the Council approve
the signing of this agreement, thereby
placing the Commission's required mitigation
measures in the form of a binding legal
contract. The motion was carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt,
Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong
Noes: Council Members None
Absent: Council Member Siadek
C. Public Works
1. Recommendation to Accept Proposal and Retain
Harris and Associates for the Development of
a Pavement Management System
This item was held over until the next regularly
scheduled City Council Meeting.
A. Business License Registration Fees Ordinance
City Attorney Dolley presented subject ordinance,
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which title was read.
Upon motion duly made, Councilman Jacobson MOVED,
Councilwoman Synadinos SECONDED, that further reading
of said ordinance be waived and said ordinance be
At this point Mayor Armstrong stated that he and
Councilwoman Synadinos spent time with Mr. Jarvis this
week. The Mayor stated he took stats with him for Mr.
Jarvis' review, they were discussed, studied, and left
with Mr. Jarvis. Mr. Jarvis mailed a statement
regarding the stats, which the Mayor read to the
The statement spoke in favor of enactment of a Business
License Registration Fees Ordinance.
The motion was carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members Jacobson, Synadinos and
Mayor Armstrong
Noes: Council Member Schuldt
Absent: Council Member Siadek
B. State Mandated Housing Element
Councilwoman Synadinos informed Council that the City
of Carson sent the Council a letter asking for support
regarding their inability to meet the state mandated
housing element.
The state mandated housing element is defined as
stating "If a city provides jobs in the area, it should
also provide housing ".
Councilwoman Synadinos requested that Council ask staff
to support the City of Carson and their point of view.
City Manager Jones stated that the letter from the City
of Carson was directed to the Los Angeles Division of
Leagues, suggesting that in the next League Legislative
Program that this be one of the main items considered.
City Manager Jones suggested that a Council Member ask
to be appointed to the Resolutions Committees that
consider these type of issues.
C. Resolution No. 3184
Councilwoman questioned staff as to the status of
changing Resolution No. 3184, and adding to it the
appeal process, which was discussed and voted on in
August of this year.
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City Attorney Dolley responded that staff was working
on this issue and there should be a report at the next
Council meeting.
Wesley Bush, E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce, 427 Main
Street, addressed the issue of street peddlers. Mr.
Bush feels this is a problem which occurs every 4 or 5
Wolfgang Baumann, 13319 Judah, Hawthorne, spoke on the
subject of Crocker Bank's application for a helicopter
permit. Mr. Baumann stated he is in opposition to the
issuance of that helicopter permit.
Ruth Bixler, 733 West Pine Avenue, informed Council
that the Boy and Girl Scouts plan to have a flag
burning ceremony to dispose of the flag that Dr. Clark
brought to last month's Council meeting.
No other business appearing to come before the Council
the meeting was adjourned in memory of Winnifred F.
Parke. The hour of adjournment being 10:51 o'clock
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Respectfully mit \ed,
onald L. Hart,
City Clerk
Council Minutes
December 18, 1984