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1984 DEC 04 CC MINXGV 5 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL December 4, 1984 I CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on Tuesday, December 4, 1984 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mr. Wayne Newstrom. III INVOCATION THE INVOCATION was delivered by Chief of Police Clark Devilbiss. IV ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Absent: Council Members None V PRESENTATION A. Proclamation declaring week of December 9 through December 17, 1984 as "BILL OF RIGHTS WEEK" The Proclamation was read and presented by Councilman Siadek and accepted by Mr. Oliver Kearns. B. Proclamation declaring week of December 9 through December 15, 1984 as "SAFE DRIVERS WEEK" The Proclamation was read and presented by Councilman Schuldt and accepted by Lt. Dave Johnson of the E1 Segundo Police Department. GOOD OF THE ORDER Mayor Armstrong introduced Dr. Clark who spoke on disregard of the American flag among the youth. VI SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Public Hearing for consideration of Proposed Variance #84 -2 to allow an increase in lot coverage for a 14 unit apartment building on R -3 zoned lot at 617 and 621 Virginia Street 1) Resolution The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for subject hearing and inquired if proper notice of the hearing had been given, to which the City Clerk replied that affidavits of publication and mailing of the notice were in his files. The Mayor directed that the files become a part of the hearing and inquired if any written communications had been received. The City Clerk replied that no written communications had been received. Due to the past extended coverage on this subject item, Council waived staff report and called for public commment . SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS (Continued) Madelyn Bennett 527 Richmond Street, inquired about results of research conducted relating to 3 story structures requiring sprinkler systems. Mayor Armstrong confirmed that issue had been addressed, and met with the conformity of the Planning Commission. The Mayor inquired if anyone else wished to speak, either in favor or opposition to the proposed variance #84 -2. There being no response, Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilwoman Synadinos SECONDED, that the hearing be closed. The motion was carried unanimously. City Attorney Dolley presented subject resolution for Council approval, and confirmed that the adoption does include with it, the motion for a negative declaration. Councilman Schuldt MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3288 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CONCURRING IN THE FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AS SET FORTH IN ITS RESOLUTION NO. 2090, GRANTING THE APPEAL FOR A VARIANCE AT 617 AND 621 VIRGINIA STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AND ACCORDINGLY GRANTING APPROVAL OF VARIANCE NO. 84 -2 be adopted. Councilwoman Synadinos stated that a Precise Plan would be an appropriate mechanism for completion of this project; did not feel the variance mechanism is correct for this project and has therefore chosen to vote against it. The motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Siadek, Schuldt and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Council Members Jacobson and Synadinos Absent: Council Members None B. Presentation to amend Municipal Code Regarding Business Registration Fees 1) Introduction of Ordinance Director of Finance Jose Sanchez stated that the proposed ordinance to adjust business registration fees would become effective January 1, 1985, and be implemented through the renewal process for the 1985 license period. Director Sanchez stated that notice of the proposed amendment had been mailed to the various businesses and interested parties, who were also invited to attend the meeting. - 2 - Council Minutes December 4, 1984 VI SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS (Continued) -Mayor Armstrong addressed written communication from Mr. Mr. Wesley D. Bush, Executive Vice President of the E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce, dated November 30, 1984. The communication related to the City's $21,000,000 reserve and the subject proposed amendment. Councilman Siadek read the letter to the audience. Councilwoman Synadinos informed the audience of the history relating to the proposed amendment. City services were explained and fee comparisons were given for the cities of Los Angeles and E1 Segundo. The subject issue was open to public comment. Dave Carico, 233 Kansas Street, questioned whether there would be a recommendation pertaining to exemptions of a square footage tax, how many cents per square foot and additional business assessments for Fire and Life Safety. Dennis Martin, 836 Grand Avenue, added his comments to the remarks made by Councilwoman Synadinos on history of the proposed amendment. Gordon Wheeler, 1421 East Sycamore, questioned Council concerning action taken on the suggested alternative for potential revenue sources, regarding a loo budget cut. Wesley Bush, Chamber of Commerce, 427 Main Street, responded to question asked of the Chamber of Commerce, by Councilman Schuldt, concerning the amount of reserve the City should maintain and what it should be designated for. Frank Wong, 435 Valley Street, suggested that El Segundo provide services for industry east of Sepulveda and charge accordingly. Jerry Saunders, Continental Development Corporation, 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, stated his company's position on the issue of business registration fees is that any discussion or consideration should be limited to the amount of the short -fall from the operating portion of the budget and not the supplementals. The company is opposed to additional tax but would consider an increase in present taxes. Judy Shane, Northrop Corporation, stated the square footage tax is unfair to companies with a large amount of footage and a small number of people. Walt Bains, 1432 East Sycamore, stated that he felt residents should start paying a fair share of costs for the City's services. Ken Sproul, President, E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce, 422 Main Street, read a letter on the Chamber's stand regarding the subject issue; which was to urge the Council not to approve any additional appropriations, but to use a portion of the $10,000,000 that's available in the reserve funds. Colleen Ramsey, 404 Oregon Street, questioned Council as to the minimum amount of reserve required, in order to be eligible for financial relief. - 3 - Council Minutes December 4, 1984 i V4 i w VI X 4 ?S SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS (Continued) Barry Schweiger, 144 Richmond Street, expressed appreciation for the aerospace industries in the City and suggested that Council consider bed tax as a alternative source of income. Kathleen Mulligan, 926 Virginia Street, stated according to a survey conducted by the California Tax Payers Association, in comparison to other cities, E1 Segundo's businesa registration fee was the lowest. Jim McGoldrick, 640 California Street, stated Council should pass the minimal tax increase, reconstitute a revenue base committee and pursue having businesses that occupy the east side of El Segundo pay approximately what they would pay in other cities. Mayor Armstrong inquired if anyone else present wished to speak concerning this matter. There being no reply, Councilwoman Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that the public hearing be closed. Mayor Armstrong advised Council to address the issue of utilizing part of the reserve to balance this year's budget. Councilwoman Synadinos stated that she would be willing to use part of the reserve if what was enacted at this meeting should fall short of balancing the budget. Councilman Jacobson added that each time we would approve an appropriation we would be taking it out of the reserves. Councilman Jacobson stated he would be willing to pursue a fee of $.05 (five cents) per square foot, as it is the staff's best guess at square footage and felt Council would have to rely on this estimate. The concensus of Council was to proceed with the business registration fees. Discussion of the proposed Ordinance to adjust various business registration fees resulted in the following motions: Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilwoman Synadinos SECONDED, that the Proposed Ordinance to Amend the Municipal Code to Adjust Various Business Registration Fees state; "a fee of $ .05 (five cents) per square foot of floor area occupied for the business purpose in excess of Five Thousand (5,000) square feet; ..., ". The motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Jacobson, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Council Members Schuldt and Siadek Absent: Council Members None K Council Minutes December 4, 1984 `II SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS (Continued) Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Mayor Armstrong SECONDED, that the Proposed Ordinance to Amend the Municipal Code to Adjust Various Business Registration Fees state, under SECTION 7. ..., item (b); "In addition, each such person shall pay a fee of $ .05 (five cents) per square foot of floor area occupied for such business purpose; •.., ". The motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Jacobson, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Council Members Schuldt and Siadek Absent: Council Members None Councilwoman Synadinos MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that the Proposed Ordinance to Amend the Municipal Code to Adjust Various Business Registration Fees state, under SECTION 3. ..., item (a); "A basic fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year, which shall cover the first ten (10) employees, and Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per year for each employee in excess of ten (10) employees; ... ",. The motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Jacobson, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Noes: Council Members Schuldt and Siadek Absent: Council Members None Presented subject ordinance establishing fee of $ .05 per square foot of floor area occupied for the business purpose in excess of 5,000 square feet; with the exception of PROFESSIONAL SERVICES which has no floor area exemption; and, with the adjustment of BUSINESSES GENERALLY exemption to "the first ten employees, ", entitled: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 5 (BUSINESS REGULATIONS AND LICENSING) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE which title was read. Upon motion duly made: Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilwoman Synadinos SECONDED the subject ordinance to Amend the Municipal Code to Adjust Various Business Registration Fees was introduced and further reading was waived. The motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Jacobson, Synadinos aftd Mayor Armstrong Noes: Council Members Schuldt and Siadek Absent: Council Members None - 5 - Council Minutes December 4, 1984 X 6430 RECESS At the hour of 9.42 o'clock p.m., the Mayor declared a 8- minute recess. At the hour of 9:50 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. VII REPORTS OF COMMITTEES - None VIII ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Les Balmer, 7771 West California Street, informed the Council of a newly formed grroup he was representing called "The Citizens for E1 Segundo's Future ". Mr. Balmer stated that this group was concerned with the City's reserve fund and the appointment of the City Clerk. Dennis Martin, 836 Grand Avenue, suggested that Council explore previous data presented by the economic consultant in terms of interviews of various businesses in E1 Segundo. IX CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED, that all items on the Consent Calendar be approved as indicated. The motion was carried unanimously. A. Warrants Nos. 85655 - 85814 on Demand Register Summary No. 10 in Total Amount of $1,118,115.07 ... Ratified and Approved. B. Recommendation Regarding Acceptance of Off -Site Improvements and Exoneration of Bonds -Tract No. 39023 - Arkenberg and Ball, Developers ... Approved. C. Presentation of Police Salary Adjustments and Administrative Modifications to the City's Administration Code RESOLUTION NO. 3289 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS 1A5.010, 1A5.020, 1A5.023, 1A5.025, AND 1A5.240 OF CHAPTER 1A5 (POLICE SAFETY SERIES) OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE; DELETING SECTION 1A2.147 AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 1A2.137.1 TO CHAPTER 1A2 (MANAGEMENT - CONFIDENTIAL SERIES) OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE; DELETING SECTION 1A6.160 OF CHAPTER 1A6 (GENERAL RULES) AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 1A4.150.1 TO CHAPTER lA4 (FIRE SAFETY SERIES) OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TITLE 1A. ... Resolution Adopted. Council Minutes December 4, 1984 Ix_ P. XI XII CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) D. Claim of Mary Grana and Gregory French vs City of E1 Segundo for personal injury ... Claim Denied. E. Claim of Mercury Casualty /Bruni vs City of E1 Segundo for property damage ... Claim Denied. F. Claim of Hartford Indemnity, /Niehoff vs City of E1 Segundo ... Claim Denied. G. Request for Price Adjustment in Bid No. 84 -7: Harry Mann Chevrolet Company (vendor) for Vehicle to be used by Police Department ... Approved. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR - None At this point, City Attorney Dolley requested a closed litigation session on four separate items. Council concurred. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. City Manager 1. Recommendation to Proceed with Organization of E1 Segundo Hometown Footraces to be held May 18, 1985 Councilman Siadek MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED that the City Council authorize staff to proceed to assist in the organization of the proposed first annual E1 Segundo Commmunity Race as a co- sponsor and to report to Council when roles of participants have been identified. The motion was carried unanimously. 2. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Participation by the Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo in the "Career Criminal Apprehension Program ", administered by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning Assistant City Manager Northcraft reported that the Police Department Regional Communication Center of the cities of Hawthorne and Hermosa Beach have been working on a State Grant to interface the data E1 Segundo receives from the City's Communication Computer with available data from E1 Segundo's Record Computer. E1 Segundo is planning to apply for the State Grant and a Council resolution is required to accompany the original application. - 7 - Council Minutes December 4, 1984 X 6431 x 6430 XII REPORTS OF OFFICERS (Continued) Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Siadek SECONDED, that the following resolution be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 3290 A RESOLUTTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PARTICIPATION IN THAT CERTAIN PROJECT DESIGNATED "CAREER CRIMINAL APPREHENSION PROGRAM" BY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT. The motion was carried unanimously. B. Public Works 1. Recommendation to Accept Proposal and Retain Harris and Associates for the Development of a Pavement Management System Mayor Armstrong requested that this item be held over until the next regular Council meeting. This request was mutually agreed upon by all. XIII UNFINISHED BUSINESS City Seal Councilman Jacobson presented a summary and update on activities regarding a new City Seal and questioned Councilwoman Synadinos about the status of a new City Seal. Councilwoman Synadinos stated that the Fine Arts Committee had not addressed this issue at this time, due to the Committee being unable to secure a quorum. Discussion of this issue resulted in City Attorney Dolley requesting an opportunity to investigate the subject of ordinances, concerning the adoption of an official City Seal and return to Council with findings. XIV NEW BUSINESS - None XV ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None XVI RECESS At the hour of 10:25 o'clock p.m., the Council recessed to the Mayor's office for a closed session. Councilman Siadek left-At 11:00 0' clock p.m. the Council' reconvened with the following members answering roll call: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong. Councilman Siadek was absent. - 8 - Council Minutes December 4, 1984 XVII ADJOURNMENT No further business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 o'clock p.m. APPROVED: Charles K. Armstrong, Respectfully ub itted, nald L. Hart, City Clerk Council Minutes December 4, 1984 /((4TI