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1984 APR 25 CC MINMINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL April 25, 1984 I CALL TO ORDER The adjourned regular meeting of the E1 Segundo City Council convened on Wednesday, April 25, 1984 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Councilman Siadek. III ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Armstrong Absent: None At 9:05 a.m., the Council agreed to move the meeting to the West Conference Room. IV SETTING OF THE AGENDA The Mayor inquired of the Council as to their desire in prioritizing for discussion the items that each had sub- mitted for study consideration. It was agreed to start as the agenda had listed them and continue until time for adjournment. Councilman Siadek stated that he would need to leave at 11:00 a.m. It was agreed to ad- journ at that time as the desire is to have all five in attendance. 1. Management Philosophy - Council /Management Inter- action Suggestion that an "Activity Report" or "Log Book" on a weekly basis from the City Manager might serve as a better communication tool for the Council. The feeling is that there is a lack of communica- tion. The Council feels they are not totally in- formed of what is taking place until it's complet- ed. Suggested that a different procedure could be helpful in keeping them better informed. 2. Improved Communication a) Among Council Members b) Between Council and Staff Following up on Item No. 1 and additional dis- cussion, it was agreed to have Kevin Northcraft, Acting City Manager, design a method of implement- ing procedures that might address this concern. 3. Improve Morale Among Staff Councilman Siadek stated that he has observed as well as felt a morale problem with staff. He attributed this to what he terms a heavy manage- ment style. Offered a few possible solutions to this area of concern; a) open line between Council and Department Heads; b) incentives such as "Employee of the Month ", etc. Council Minutes April 25, 1984 61-S6 4. Abuse of Councilmanic Office (Perks) Councilman Siadek inquired as to the various types of 'Perks' that are available to them as members of Council and how they were to be used. Follow- ing discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Northcraft compile a list of the different types of 'Perks' that are presently available them. 5. Facilitator for Future Study Sessions Councilman Schuldt stated that he felt a 'leader' could be helpful in keeping the group commited to goal setting and identifying problems that truly exist. This idea will be explored and considered. 6. Revenue and Budget Matters a) County Property Tax Distribution b) Balancing the Budget c) General Revenue Sources d) Long -range budgeting (2 -5 years) a) Councilman Siadek reported on the committee that met last week to study the area of County Property Tax Distribution. They are investigating the most efficient and expedient method of handling this delicate problem. He will continue to keep the Council updated. b) Councilman Schuldt questioned whether we would c) be working with a balanced budget this coming year or do we continue to work with deficit spending. Discussion showed that there appears to be a difference of opinion on the amount of monies currently in reserves. He continued that he felt in order to maintain a balanced budget we would need to look at future assessments such as sewer tax, rubbish tax, utility user tax. Mr. Schuldt continued that we possibly needed to reevaluate the business license fee. He stated that he is most interested in a fair taxation and that residents should pay their fair share. At the hour of 10:20 a.m., the Council recessed. At the hour of 10:30 a.m., the Council reconvened with the following answering roll call: Present: Councilmembers Jacobson, Schuldt, Siadek, Synadinos, and Mayor Armstrong. Absent: None d) Councilman Schuldt stated that for consider- ation of future balancing of the budget, he felt the need for a long -range plan and that the possibility of a 3 year operating projec- tion would be workable. Following disucssion it was agreed that a feasibility report be prepared on implementing a current single year preparation with the addition of a 3 year projection of overall operating cost projection. -2- Council Minutes April 25, 1984 7. Consideration of Public Works Commission It was agreed to continue this matter until a future meeting as there will be the possibility of establisment of additional Commissions. V ADJOURNMENT It being the hour of 11:00 a.m., A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, that the meeting be adjourned until Tuesday, May 1, 1984, 7:00 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. APPROVED: Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk -3- Council Minutes April 25, 1984 X`'f 4w