1983 SEP 06 CC MIN'(�i2� MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL September 6, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on September 6, 1983 at 7 :00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Public Works Director William Glickman. III INVOCATION was delivered by Pastor David Tinoco of United Methodist Church. IV ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Absent: Councilman Siadek V SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Presentation of The Warner Group's Study of the City's Data Processing Needs Acting City Manager Kevin Northcraft stated that in February, 1983, Council authorized The Warner Group to conduct an analysis of the City's data processing needs. Mr. Northcraft then introduced two of The Warner Group's consultants, Howard Goodman and John Ceretto, who presented the findings of the study. Mr. Goodman stated their overall objective in preparing the Master Plan was to develop new information systems that can meet each department's needs and the City's information needs for the next 5-7 years in the most cost - effective manner. He stated the steps they took in accomplishing that objective were: assessment of the present systems; review of the individual depart- ments; construction of a practical approach for the hardware and software to meet the needs; preparation of a cost benefit analysis; and recommendation of the implementation sequence. Mr. Ceretto stated the major findings of the study were: only a portion of the City's overall information requirements are currently being met; a portior of the finance needs are currently being met by the present ser- vice bureau; and other departments and areas which require data processing are not currently receiving data processing support. Mr. Ceretto indicated that in order to meet the informa- tion requirements of the City, Warner recommends the City pursue other data processing approaches. Stated a minimum requirement of another approach would be the availability of application software. Additionally, it would have to �fi 0 o's be an on -line system to provide for data entry and inquiry, an expandable system to meet future requirements of the City, a fully integrated system where necessary and a system that would not require any data processing staff. Mr. Ceretto stated that a 2- computer solution would meet these requirements; one for a City -based system for the majority of the City requirements, and one for a police system for records management within the Police Department. Mr. Ceretto then presented the following exhibits: Exhibit A: An estimated equipment configuration outlining the general hardware requirements of the City business system. (Warner recommends the City adopt a mini- computer class of equipment with 10 on -line video display terminals, 5 micro - computers, 4 character printers, high speed line printer and sufficient disk and tape drives.) Exhibit B: An estimated equipment configuration outlining the general hardware requirements of the police system. (Warner recommends the Police Department share the computer owned by the City of Hawthorne, with our Police Department having their own terminals, printers, software and data base.) Exhibit C: An estimated one -time cost summary. (The figures are based upon experience with similar cities with the costs divided into 4 recommended phases.) Exhibit D: An estimated annual recurring cost summary. (The figures include the cost of hardware and software maintenance, ongoing supplies an$ an additional 15% contingency. Mr. Ceretto clarified that the figure in the Total column represents the estimated annual recurring cost after all applications have been imple- mented.) Exhibit E: Annual cost comparison between the present system and the recommended Phase I system. Mr. Ceretto stated the next step would be for the City to prepare a Request for Proposal. Thereafter, the City should obtain technical evaluation of the pro- posals to insure the proposed hardware and software meet the City's requirements. In response to Council's question, Mr. Ceretto indicated that at the time of implementation, the Hawthorne Police Department purchased a system that could incorporate E1 Segundo police records thereby allowing E1 Segundo to have on -line access throughout the day. Councilman Johnson asked if the information provided by the two computer systems would offset the high installation and maintenance costs and inquired also if the hiring of addi- tional staff could accomplish the same tasks. Mr. Ceretto stated that some of the computer's capabilities cannot be achieved in any other fashion. Stated further that with the application of Phase I, there would be a savings of one full - time employee; with Phases II and III, a savings of a second full -time employee. -2- Council Minutes September 6, 1983 �;01o.o In response to Council's question regarding local businesses being contacted for input about the proposed systems, Mr. North - craft stated technical assistance was obtained from industry in developing the Request for Proposal and that a copy of the Study had been distributed to one industry in the city. Councilwoman Synadinos pointed out that the accounting firm that was hired indicated in their proposal that they had facilities to audit our present computer system. Therefore, if the system were changed during this accounting year, the appraisals received will need re- evaluation. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- MAN ARMSTRONG, to approve the Information Systems Master Plan and authorize staff to begin the process of preparing bid specifications and alternative funding sources, including federal revenue sharing, with the provision to withhold any further action for two weeks for further Council consideration. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. Presentation of Revenue'Enhancement Recommendations by Economic and Advisory Committee Mr. Pat Smith, Chairman of the Economic and Revenue Advisory Committee, presented the following revenue enhancement recommendations: 1. Recommended transient parking tax be imposed on commercially rented parking space at 15q, per car (maximum of 15% of gross receipts) exclusive of those spaces leased by employers. (Mr. Smith stated the gross receipts system presently utilized by the City of Inglewood would be the recommended way to administer this process.) 2. Recommended a refuse collection fee imposed on residents to cover the cost of this service. 3. Recommended the funds obtained from the gasoline tax presently in the Capital Improvement Budget be trans- ferred to the General Fund to offset street sweeping costs. 4. Recommended commercial leasing and property management companies be assessed a business registration fee of $50, plus $20 per employee. 5. Recommended planning costs (exclusive of circulation element and other general planning) be included in business fees. (Mr. Smith stated the committee felt staff should decide how to implement this fee.) 6. Recommended a public facilities fee of 1% of building permit value be paid by new developments and substan- tial expansions, property rehabilitation, or changes of use, as a condition of receiving certification that the project seeking approval is in conformance with the General Plan. 7. Recommended a public utilities fee be levied on telephone service, with senior citizens exempt from this fee. 8. Recommended capital and traffic improvement funds be raised through assessment districts. 9. Recommended a property tax be levied to fund the Public Employees Retirement System when legislatively feasible. -3- Council Minutes September 6, 1983 P; 1.() 10. Recommended the Council establish a lobbying committee to work with legislators to revise the formula used in allocating the property tax increment to local agencies. 11. Recommended Council consider the annexation of Del Aire, if economically advantageous. After discussion, Council referred the above - enumerated recommendations to staff for review and requested staff report back to Council with their findings on the admini- strative costs and legal ramifications. Mayor Bue thanked the Committee for the fine work they did in conducting their study and making their subsequent recommen- dations. He announced that due to the conclusion of the study, the Committee was disbanded, but requested their assistance in answering questions in the future. The Mayor then presented Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee, a Certificate of Appreciation. Thereafter, Mr. Smith presented the following Committee Members with their certifi- cates from Council: Clifford 0. Dent, Jack Dreyfus, Gladys DeWolff, Kathleen Mulligan and Jim Weber. Due to their absence, Committee Members Wesley Bush, Carl Jacobson, Jack Siadek, Hank Townsend and Nicky Wislocky will receive their certifi- cates from Mr. Smith at a later date. VI REPORTS OF COMMITTEES A. Planning Commission Acting City Manager Kevin Northcraft reported there were two applicants Council had not previously inter- viewed, one applicant previously interviewed and requesting another interview, and one applicant that had previously been interviewed for the Recreation and Parks Commission. Council agreed not to interview the applicant previously interviewed for the recreation and Parks Commission. The interviews of the other three applicants noted above -ere set beginning at 5 ;30 p.m. on September 20, 1983 in the West Conference Room of City Hall. B. Airport Noise Control and Land Use Study Steering Committee (ANCLUC) Councilman Armstrong reported the ANCLUC Committee met 9 -6 -83, and it appears that favorable things are happening relating to the City of El Segundo. C. West Basin Water Association Councilman Armstrong reported Gene Taylor, Water Super- visor in the Public Works Department, attended subject meeting. It was announced that there will be an increase in rates of $30 per acre foot on all classes of water service effective October 1, 1983. In addition, there may be another increase in the Spring of 1984. It was stated these increases are necessary because the public's water conservation has made it difficult to meet overhead costs. D. Councilman Johnson attended a legislative march on the State Capitol August 31 and September 1. Stated there were over 600 in attendance, with 80% of the cities represented. The purpose of the march was to request the State not to balance their budget at the expense of -4- Council Minutes September 6, 1983 X to .) 0 local government but to return a fair portion to the cities. Councilman Johnson stated the march was very effective; that the Governor, the Senate and the Assembly have organized task forces to study this for a long range program. Stated there is a movement among cities to bring suit against the State to determine how the dis- tribution should be made. E. Independent Cities Association (ICA) Mayor Bue reported that at the meeting held a week ago, concern was expressed regarding the increase in water rates. Stated that there are three (3) bills pending and action in the State Supreme Court regarding Mono Lake that may adversely affect Los Angeles relating to the Water Basin. The Mayor reported the Legislative Committe of ICA is protesting the cost for issuance of an Alcoholic Beverage Control License (the cost is $750). States there is legislation pending on this matter. The Mayor also stated the ICA is trying to change Proposition A guidelines so that the funds can be used for street repairs, maintenance, etc. VII ORAL COMMUNICATIONS James Drew, Wyle Laboratories, 128 Maryland Street, spoke regarding Item XA4 under the City Manager's Report. Stated Wyle does not feel a parking lot is necessary at this time due to the number of employees located at that facility. Stated if Council feels otherwise, then Wyle requests Council authorize a temporary Certificate of Occupancy until they can comply. VIII CONSENT CALENDAR Requests were made to discuss items D, E, F, and G in closed session. Thereafter, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, that the remaining items, A, B, C, and H be approved as indicated below. A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council for August 2, 1983 APPROVED AS WRITTEN B. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council for August 16, 1983 APPROVED AS WRITTEN C. Warrants Nos. 80470 -80631 on Demand Register Summary No. 4 in total amount $916,977.44. RATIFIED AND APPROVED H. Bids for a Video /Editor Recorder to be Used for Cable TV ACCEPTED LOW BID OF SHORELINE, INC., IN TOTAL AMOUNT OF $5,597.11, INCLUDING SALES TAX. IX WRITTEN COMMUNICATION City Clerk Valerie Burrowes indicated no written communication had been received in her office. Councilman Armstrong clarified that letters addressed to Council requesting action should be forwarded to the City Clerk's Office for inclusion on the Council Agenda. -5- Council Minutes September 6, 1983 X REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. Acting City Manager Northcraft 1. Report on Final 1982 -83 Budget.Revenue and Expenditures With Proposed Appropriations Mr. Northcraft stated the report is in the process of being audited and the figures will be finalized by the auditors shortly. Mr. Northcraft summarized the report as follows: Revenue • General Fund - $11.4 million received, which is 98% of the estimate. Stated they were slightly under the estimate because the City received more sales tax than they were entitled to last year thereby necessitating recovery by the State. • Water Fund - $3.4 million received, which is 91% of the estimate. Stated the reason the City fell short of the estimate was the principal water user, Chevron, did not require as much water for cooling because of cooler temperatures and more precipi- tation during the past year. Expenditures • General Fund - $14.3 million, which is 96% of the appropriations authorized. • Water Fund - $3 million, which is 82% of the appro- priations authorized. Reappropriat ions • Total amount carried over from past fiscal year is $3.1 million - 85% are capital items which are long term; the balance are outstanding purchase orders. Councilwoman Synadinos requested special attention be noted under the heading Money and Property where it was stated that 26% of the General Fund revenue is generated from reserve investments. She stated that as we spend our reserves we cut down on the income generated. ' MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY MAYOR BUE that the interim report on revenues and expen- ditures for the fiscal year 1982 -1983 be received for information purposes and that the reappropriations of funds as listed in the report be approved. THE MOTION WAS UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. Councilman Armstrong pointed out that when department heads respond to questions from Council from the spectator section of the Council Chamber, it is difficult to obtain an audible recording of their responses. Therefore, the Council requested staff investigate the possibility of installing an additional microphone in the Chamber for this purpose. 2. Report on E1 Segundo Entry Signs and Imperial Strip Living Landscape Sign Mr. Northcraft presented a wooden entry sign that could be placed at selected locations where there is a grassy median. -6- Council Minutes September 6, 1983 The sign was constructed by City staff using City equipment. Jack Ruis, Director of Recreation and Parks, clarified that due to the simpler, cleaner lines, the Chamber of Commerce logo was used instead of the City seal. The approximate cost of the sign was $500. However, Mr. Ruis stated that now that the prototype has been made, the cost for future signs will be greatly reduced. After discussion, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY MAYOR BUE, that the wooden entry sign presented to Council this date be placed at the northerly entrance to the City on Sepulveda Boulevard and that 3 additional entry signs be con- structed, thereafter be placed at selected locations in the City. THE MOTION WAS UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. Mr. Northcraft then presented three (3) options to Council relating to a living landscaped sign planted in a shape to spell out "E1 Segundo ". Option I would utilize shrubs and annual flowers. The initial cost would be $60,000 and annual main- tenance costs of $12,000. Option II would utilize concrete letters. The estimated cost is $10,000 with no maintenance costs. Option III would utilize graffito art. The estimated costs are unknown. Mr. Northcraft slated the most aesthetically pleasing sign would be Option I. Councilman Armstrong felt the cost was prohibitive and would be opposed to the project. Councilwoman Synadinos suggested contacting civic and charity organizations, stating their participation in the project could possibly reduce the cost. Councilman Johnson stated the initial costs are high due to the preparation of the soil and the sprinkler system, but the maintenance would not be as costly. Therefore, Councilman Johnson stated he would be in favor of the project. MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY MAYOR BUE that a living landscaped sign be con- structed on the Imperial Strip embankment. THE MOTION WAS DEFEATED AS FOLLOWS: Ayes: Councilman Johnson and Mayor Bue Noes: Councilmembers Armstrong and Synadinos Absent: Councilman Siadek Mayor Bue then requested the matter again be brought before council when all council members are present. Mr. Northcraft stated staff would investigate other funding sources and will bring their findings to Council at the next meeting. 3. Request for Parking Enforcement Vehicle Mr. Northcraft stated that pursuant to a provision in the Manual Traffic Control Program, request was being made to purchase a 3 -wheel motorcycle for parking enforcement. A demonstrator model of this type of vehicle was previously purchased by the City. That vehicle was manufactured by Trident Motors, Inc. Trident again has a demonstrator available. Mr. Northcraft stated that due to the past satis- faction obtained from Trident and the reduced cost in purchasing a demonstrator, request was being made to bypass the normal bid procedures and purchase the Trident demonstrator. -7- Council Minutes September 6, 1983 X';014 After discussion by Council, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL- WOMAN SYNADINOS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that the standard bidding procedures be waived and that one demonstrator model of a 3 -wheel motorcycle be purchased from Trident Motors, Inc., and that a purchase order in the amount of $6,730 plus tax be issued to said company. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Request from Wyle Laboratories for Deferral of Required Parking Building and Safety Director Mac Dalgleish gave an overview of the request from Wyle Laboratories. Stated Wyle is nearing completion of a 16,000+ sq. ft. 2 -story building and as a result are required to furnish additional parking for their facilities. The site that would be used for the construction of the parking lot is currently being used as a recreation park by Wyle employees, local industry and the residential community. (The parking lot was developed and is being maintained by Wyle, but is available to the community free of charge.) Mr. Dalgleish stated Wyle Laboratories is asking for deferment to the fulfillment of the parking require- ments outlined in the Municipal Code. Wyle states the basis for their request is that the number of employees presently at that location do not dictate additional parking. Mr. Dalgleish stated the Building Department has surveyed Wyle's current parking facili- ties and they concur with Wyle that additional parking is unnecessary at this time. Councilman Armstrong stated he felt this matter should have been brought to the Environmental Quality Board (EQB), and questioned why it was brought before Council. Mr. Dalgleish stated both he and City Manager Jones received a letter of deferment under the aegis of the building permit. They felt it could not be handled administra- tively due to the nature of the request, but best handled by Council. Mr. Dalgleish stated further that if the matter went to EQB, it would require consideration by the Planning Commission as well. Mr. Drew of Wyle Laboratories stated that if Council issued a conditional certificate of occupancy, there would be no time constraints by the matter going before the EQB and Planning Commission. After further discussion, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that Wyle Laboratories' request for deferral of required parking be referred to the Environmental Quality Board and the Planning Commission, and that a temporary conditional certificate of occupancy be issued to Wyle Laboratories pending the decision of said commission. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Northcraft stated there was a personnel matter he wished to discuss with Council in closed session. B. Director of Public Works Glickman 1. Project No. 83 -6 - Slip- Lining of the 18 -inch Welded Steel Pressure Line in Holly Avenue from Eucalyptus Drive to Manhole West of Main Street Mr. Glickman advised plans and specifications had been completed for said project and recommended Council -8- Council Minutes September 6, 1983 I`:' 01 ', approval and authorization of staff to advertise for bids, said bids to be received September 27, 1983. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY MAYOR BUE, that "SPECIFICATION NO. 83 -6; and "NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR THE SLIP - LINING OF THE 18 -INCH WELDED STEEL PRESSURE LINE IN HOLLY AVENUE FROM EUCALYPTUS DRIVE TO MANHOLE WEST OF MAIN STREET; presented to Council on this date, be approved and a copy placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and that sealed bids be and the same are hereby invited under said NOTICE, and the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said NOTICE to be given and published in time, form, and manner as required by law, the date and time for reception of said bids being hereby fixed for 11 :00 o'clock a.m. Tuesday, September 27, 1983. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Recommendation to Award Contract for the Construction of Storm Drain Pump Station No. 19 Located at E1 Segundo Boulevard and Standard Street - Project No 82 -23 Mr. Glickman advised that the following bids had been received for subject storm drain pump station: Name Amount of Bid Pascal & Ludwig Engineers $461,417.00 Advanco Constructors $595,100.00 Mr. Glickman informed Council that the lowest bid exceeded the consultant's estimate by $76,317.00. Stated further that in order to provide full funding for the project and for contingency purposes, it is recommended that $425,000 be allocated from the Capital Improvement Fund reserve for said project and that the low bid of Pascal & Ludwig Engineers be accepted. Mayor Bue stated that the low bid exceeded the estimate by 20% and inquired if a lower bid could be obtained if the project again went out to bid. Mr. Glickman stated that although only 2 companies presented bids, 15 sets of plans were issued. Stated also that one company indicated that due to a traffic delay, they were unable to submit their bid timely. Stated there would be a 6 -week delay if the matter again went to bid which could present a problem due to the upcoming rainy season. After further discussion by Council, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS, that bids received from Pascal & Ludwig Engineers and Advanco Constructors be rejected; and instructed staff to again advertise for bids for the construction of Storm Drain Pump Station No. 19. THE MOTION WAS UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. -9- Council Minutes September 6, 1983 3. Recommendation to Accept Work in Connection with Heater -Remix Overlay on Portions of Mariposa Avenue and Imperial Highway and Reconstruction of a Portion of Virginia Street and Imperial Highway - Proi No 82-14 Mr. Glickman advised that subject contract had been completed by Sully Miller Contract Company on July 7, 1983 in compliance with the City's specifications and a Notice of Completion had been filed with the County Recorder. Stated the final contract price was $11,452.61 more than the original bid price due to the additional quantities of asphalt required to complete the job. Mr. Glickman recommended that the contract be accepted as satisfactorily complete and that an additional $11,452.61 be reappropriated to this project from State Gasoline Tax Fund 06. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS, that subject project be accepted as satisfactorily complete in accordance with Specification No. 82 -14, as of July 7, 1983; and that $119452.61 be appropriated from the State Gasoline Tax Fund 06 and a purchase order be issued to said company. MOTION WAS UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. XI UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Adoption of Ordinance Amending Chapter 10.32 (Diagonal Parking) City Attorney Dolley presented subject ordinance, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1055 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 10.32 (SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS) OF TITLE 10 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE which title was read. Upon motion duly made and carried, further reading of said ordinance was waived, Thereafter, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS that said ordinance be adopted. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -� - Council Minutes September 6, 1983 X" 0 1 XII NEW BUSINESS A. City Attorney Leland Dolley stated there was a matter Of litigation that he wished to discuss with Council in closed session. B. Councilman Armstrong indicated he would be attending the farewell dinner of Air Controller Ivan Hunt. C. Councilman Johnson stated Keith McKean of CALTRANS has been promoted out of the area and requested a letter of appreciation be sent to him. Mayor Bue directed the City prepare said letter of appre- ciation. XII ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None XIV RECESS At the hour of 9:51 p.m., the Council recessed to the Mayor's office for a closed session. At the hour of 10 :22 p.m., the Council reconvened, the following members being present and answering roll call: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue. XV CALL ITEMS FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- WOMAN SYNADINOS, that Items D, E, F, and G on the Consent Calendar be approved as follows: D. Claim of Alfonso Cabrera for damages CLAIM DENIED E. Claim of Bobby & Betty Carr for damages CLAIM DENIED F. Claim of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. for derma es CLAIM DENIED G. Claim of Luke Conley. III for damages CLAIM DENIED THE MOTION WAS UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. XVI ADJOURNMENT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that the meeting adjourn in memory of Mr. Glenn Cameron Wallace, a 20 year old resident of E1 Segundo who passed away on August 22, 1983; and further that the meeting adjourn until Tuesday, September 20, 1983 at the hour of 5 :30 p.m. in the West Conference Room of City Hall of the City of E1 Segundo, the hour of adjournment of this meeting being 10:25 p.m. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. Respec ul 1 submitted, G lerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk Approved :! . William D. Bue, Mayor -11- Council Minutes September 6, 1983