1983 OCT 18 CC MINA 6036) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL October 18, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on Tuesday, October 18, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. in the Coun- cil Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by City Manager Arthur Jones. III INVOCATION was lead by Fr. Feodor Wilcock of St. Andrews Catholic Church. IV ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Johnson, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Absent: Councilman Armstrong V PRESENTATIONS A. The Mayor read a Proclamation declaring October 16- 22, 1983 as National Business and Professional Women's Club Week. The Proclamation was accepted by LaVonne Sorensen- Jackson, President of the E1 Segundo Business and Professional Women's Club. Ms. Jackson announced that last night Dorothy Doukakis, a member of the E1 Segundo Parks 6 Recreation Commission had been named Woman of the Year by their organization. B. The Mayor read a Proclamation declaring October 24- 28, 1983 as California Safe Schools Week. The Proc- lamation was presented to School Board President Jan Cruikshank. C. The Mayor read a Proclamation declaring October 19, 1983 as Scott McGregor Day in E1 Segundo in honor of Mr. McGregor's achievements in the sport of base- ball, including his outstanding pitching ability that was displayed in the winning game of the 1983 World Series. The Proclamation was accepted by Mr. McGregor's sister, Jeanie Schoenmeier. VI REPORTS OF COMMITTEES A. Airport Noise Committee Councilwoman Synadinos reported she had met with the General Manager of the Airport, Mr. Oris Dunnum. Mr. Dunnum indicated he was working on experimental programs that would help solve the noise problems caused by helicopters flying over E1 Segundo. B. Fine Arts Committee Councilwoman Synadinos reported the Fine Arts Committee is investigating the history of the City seal. Stated the Committee cannot find any docu- ments from 1917-1952 that depict the existing seal. C 6040 C. League of California Cities Councilman Johnson reported he attended the League's conference that was held October 2 -5, 1983. Stated Governor Deukmejian was a speaker at the conference. The Governor indicated his City Task Force is recom- mending a portion of the sales tax be returned to the cities in proportion to what the subventions were for the year. The Governor also stated that in the fu- ture it is his intent for the State to provide the means and money to carry out State mandates imposed on local communities. Councilman Johnson stated E1 Segundo received an honorable mention from the League for its traffic management program. Councilman Johnson reported the head of the Olympic Committee was present at the conference and indicated a city could have the Olympic torch carried through the City for a donation of $3,000. The $3,000 would go to the Youth Athletic Fund. D. South Bay Corridor Study Steering Committee Councilman Johnson stated at the September 22, 1983 meeting, 15 cities agreed on the trolleyway route. Stated the cities will also support a short South Bay route from Redondo Beach to E1 Segundo when Manhattan Beach has cleared up conditions in their city. E. I -105 Freeway Housing Advisory Committee Councilman Johnson reported 2 construction projects for the I -105 Freeway will begin in approximately 60 days. Also stated the E1 Segundo Herald will publish a detailed article on the I -105 interchange. F. Junior Fire Department Councilman Johnson stated he attended the Junior Fire Department promotion held Sunday, October 16, 1983. Stated this was an excellent program. VII ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Jim Weber, 803 Virginia Street, praised the City's Parks and Recreation Department for responding promptly to a service request. Mr. Weber then suggested the telephone number for the new Maintenance Facility be published in the newspaper so the public can avoid a delay by going through the switchboard. VIII CONSENT CALENDAR Request was made that items "G" and "I" be removed from the Consent Calendar. Thereafter, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that the remaining items on the Consent Calendar be approved as indicated. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Councilman Armstrong absent). -2- Council Minutes October 18, 1983 A6041 A. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City 41387 Council for October 4, 1983 #395 APPROVED AS WRITTEN Gas Pump B. Warrants Nos. 80950 - 81100 on Demand Register Sum- 41388 mary No. 7 and Expense Checks Nos. 4224 - 4255 on Expense Check Register No. 4 in total amount $287,570.53 RATIFIED AND APPROVED C. Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. Request for 2nd Year Extension of Trailer Permit Located at 324 W. E1 Segundo Blvd. (Complex 41210) EXTENSION APPROVED TO 10 -31 -84 D. Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. Request for 2nd Year Extension of Trailer Permit Located at 324 W. E1 Segundo Blvd. (Complex #211) EXTENSION APPROVED TO 11 -30-84 E. Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. Request for 2nd Year Extension of Trailer Permit Located at 324 W. E1 Segundo Blvd. (Complex #212) EXTENSION APPROVED TO 11-30 -84 F. Graycon, Inc. Reqest for 3rd Year Extension of Trailer Permit Located at 1940 E. Grand Avenue EXTENSION APPROVED TO 12 -28 -84 H. Presentation of Resolution Amending Chapter 182 of the Administrative Code To Implement Changes in Manage- ment /Confidential Salaries and Benefits RESOLUTION NO. 3229 ADOPTED J. Request for Approval of Funds and Attendance at Elec- tion Law Seminar REQUEST APPROVED IX CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR G. Request to Declare Recovered and Found Property and Items No Longer Needed for Sale of Same by Auction to be held November 19, 1983 City Manager Jones requested the following items be withdrawn from the Surplus Properties list as they are still usable by the City: 41433 Battery Charger 41387 Office Clock #395 Portable Gas Pump 41487 Selected Tools 41388 Portable Television MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that the above - listed items be removed from the auction list, that the remaining items be declared surplus for disposal at a public auction to be held November 19, 1983. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Councilman Armstrong absent). -3- Council Minutes October 18, 1983 �so�� I. Claim of Hometel, Inc. Councilman Siadek stated he wished to abstain from voting on this matter due to a possible conflict of interest. Thereafter, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS, that the claim of Hometel, Inc. be denied. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED as follows: Ayes: Council Members Johnson, Synadinos, and Mayor Bue Noes: Council Members None Abstain: Councilman Siadek Absent: Councilman Armstrong % WRITTEN COMMUNICATION A. Request by Pacific Coast Homes to Construct a Billboard City Manager Jones recommended denial of the request from Pacific Homes on the grounds that the billboard would be unsightly, cause visual blight and set a precedent by inviting other developers to request billboard advertising. Councilman Siadek indicated he felt the sign would obstruct an already unsightly area. Therefore, he is in favor of approving the request although he agreed in concept with the possibility of causing prolifera- tion of billboards. Councilman Siadek requested input from Pacific Homes on this matter. Mr. Ron Colgan, a representative of the construction company, stated Pacific Homes has a license from Chevron to construct the sign if the City Council approves the request. Stated the sign is tastefully done and will be lit at night. He also indicated there are no plans at this time to place a sign in Manhattan Beach. He requested Council continue the matter until he could provide additional information. Mayor Bue indicated no additional information was needed at this time. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS, that the request by Pacific Homes to construct a billboard be denied. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED as follows: Ayes: Councilmembers Johnson, Synadinos, and Mayor Bue Noes: Councilman Siadek Absent: Councilman Armstrong -4- Council Minutes October 18, 1983 X 6043 %I REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. City Manager Jones 1. TelaMarketing Communications of Southern Califor- nia's Offer of Service for Long Distance Telephone Calling Mr. Jones stated TelaMarketing is offering the City the opportunity to receive long distance intra /interstate calling services at a reduced fee. In addition, they are waiving their pro- cessing and administrative fees that are normally charged commercial customers and allowing the City to terminate the use of their services at any time. Mr. Jones stated that after evaluating Tela- Marketing's request, it appears their service would provide the City a savings of 40% over the fees currently paid to Pacific Telephone (approx- imately $200 a month). Stated TelaMarketing is a new company that would be operating out of the Pacific Telephone exchange office located in E1 Segundo. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS, that the offer of Tela- Marketing Communications of Southern California for the use of their services for long distance calling at no charge to the City except for the actual cost of the telephone calls placed be approved. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Coun- cilman Armstrong absent). 2. Recommendation for Award of Excess Municipal Liability Insurance Coverage for 1983 -1984 Mr. Jones stated the City is currently self - insured up to $50,000 with two existing levels of excess coverage - the first up to $1,000,000; the second up to $10,000,000. Mr. Jones proposed the City retain the same level of insurance coverage with the same level of self - insured retention. After reviewing the market, the City recommends the first level of excess insurance be awarded to Twin City Fire Insurance Company and the second level of excess insurance coverage to Protective National Insurance. The premium for one year would be $35,500, a reduction of $6,000 over last year's premium. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that excess liability insurance coverage be awarded to Twin City Fire Insurance Company ($1,000,000 limit) and Protective National Insurance ($10,000,000 limit) with a total annual premium of $35,500. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANI- MOUSLY (Councilman Armstrong absent). -5- Council Minutes October 18, 1983 x[6044 3. Recommendation to Establish a Special Police Emergency Response Team ( SPERT) City Manager Jones stated on those occasions in the past when a special emergency response team was required, the City sought assistance from Los Angeles County and the City of Inglewood. Those agencies are now indicating the likelihood of their unavailability to assist E1 Segundo should an incident occur during the time of the Olympics. Therefore, Mr. Jones recommended the City develop its own SPERT force consisting of a lieutenant, sergeant and 7 officers from the Police Depart- ment. He recommended the $5,408.00 needed for equipment be taken from the Police Officer Stan- dards and Training (POST) Reserve Fund that is administered by the State of California. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that $5,408.00 be appropriated from the POST Reserve Fund for the development of a Special Police Emergency Response Team. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Councilman Armstrong absent) . 4. Presentation of a Proposal from Wismer Associates, Inc. for a Computerized Money Management System for the Treasurer's Office Mr. Jones stated last year's auditors recommended the City install a computerized money management system for the Treasurer's Office in order to maintain better control over the City's investment funds. The consultant in the data processing study also recommended the installation of this service using a contractual system rather than an in -house system. Mr. Jones stated a proposal has been obtained from Wismer Associates. Wismer recommends a mini - moneymax system which is suited to cities the size of E1 Segundo. The system has been evaluated by the City Treasurer and the Finance Director. They both feel it would be adaptable and advantageous in our money management system. The cost of the system would be $950 a month plus a one -time installation and training cost of $2,000.00. Mr. Jones stated the projected start- ing date for this system would be December 1, so the cost for this fiscal year would be $8,650.00. Mr. Jones recommended Council approve the proposal of Wismer Associates and appropriate the necessary funds from the General Fund Reserve. Councilman Siadek voiced his concern about the cost - effectiveness of the system. Stated he would like to continue this matter to another date so he could meet with the City Treasurer and re- ceive additional input about the system. Hearing no objections from other council members, Mayor Bue stated this matter would be continued until the November 1, 1983 council meeting. -6- Council Minutes October 18, 1983 X604.5 5. Extension of Trailer Permit at 2100 East El Segundo Blvd. Mayor Bue announced that due to a possible con- flict of interest, he would not participate in the discussion or action of this matter. Therefore, the meeting was turned over to Acting Mayor Pro Tem Jack Siadek. Mr. Jones stated the above premises have been inspected and found to comply with all applicable codes. Recommended approval of the request. Councilwoman Synadinos questioned how temporary trailers are taxed and suggested this area be investigated for a possible increase in business fees. Acting Mayor Pro Tem Siadek directed staff to conduct said investigation. MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS, that Hughes Aircraft Company's request for a 2nd year extension of a trailer permit be approved. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED as follows: Ayes: Council Members Johnson, Siadek and Synadinos Noes: Council Members None Abstain: Mayor Bue Absent: Councilman Armstrong I 6. Tabulation of Bids for Citv Vehicles Mr. Jones recommended all the bids received for subject vehicles be rejected. Stated only one bid was received for the majority of the vehicles. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that all bids received for the purchase of City vehicles be rejected, and that staff be authorized to re- advertise for bids. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Councilman Armstrong absent). B. Acting Director of Public Works Allen I. Recommendation Regarding Approval of an Agreement with Los Angeles County Road Department Regarding County's Financial Participation in the Widening of E1 Segundo Boulevard Between Aviation Blvd. and the I -405 Freeway Ramp Mr. Allen presented subject agreement for Council approval. The Agreement states the County of Los Angeles will deposit with the City of E1 Segundo $83,000 for construction costs; $14,000 for the new signal controller; $15,000 for inspection fees -- a total share by the County of $112,000. -7- Council Minutes October 18, 1983 X 6046 The Agreement also stipulates that if after final accounting, there is a deficit, the County will pay the deficit; if there is an excess, the City will refund the balance to the County. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain Agree- ment between the City of E1 Segundo and the County of Los Angeles regarding the County's financial participation in the widening of E1 Segundo Boulevard, presented to Council this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and after execution by each of the above-named parties, a copy of said agreement be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Councilman Armstrong absent). %II UNFINISHED BUSINESS City Attorney Dolley stated that at a previous meeting the Council had raised questions concerning Continental Devel- opment Corporation's storm drain project. Stated Con- tinental has forwarded a letter to Council for review, and that their legal representative,.Mr. Einboden, was present tonight to answer any questions Council might have. Mr. Dolley requested to speak with Council in closed session prior to Council addressing Mr. Einboden. %III NEW BUSINESS Councilman Siadek stated a meeting has been scheduled with the Mayor, City Manager Jones, other City staff and him- self to discuss the improvement of the plan check situa- tion. %IV ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Rosemary Zafiropoulos, 406 Maryland, voiced a com- plaint regarding the protracted time in completing the sandblasting of the water tower. Stated the burlap shroud the contractor has placed around the tower has been ineffective because the sand seeps through and the sand has covered the homes in the surrounding area. Mrs. Zafiropoulos also stated that the resi- dents received a letter from the Water Superintendent, Donald F. Holguin, that indicated any further restric- tions imposed on the project will extend the comple- tion date. She took this to mean any further com- plaints from the residents would delay the project. Mrs. Zafiropoulos wanted to know what the City was doing about this matter. -8- Council Minutes October 18, 1983 City Manager Jones stated one reason for the delay has been the restrictions imposed on the contractor by the Air Pollution Control Board. Stated the City has re- quested the contractor to wet the sand when sand- blasting, which has alleviated the problem to some degree. Mr. Jones stated 80 -90% of the sandblasting has been completed and requested continued patience from the residents. Mayor Bue apologized for the extended delay, and indicated if there has been damage to the residents' personal property, they could file a claim. B. Peter Stamison, Vice President of TelaMarketing thanked the Council for accepting their services and stated TelaMarketing is looking forward to serving the City of E1 Segundo. RV RECESS At the hour of 8:20 p.m., the Council recessed to the Mayor's office for a closed session. At the hour of 9:07 p.m. the Council reconvened, the following members answering roll call: Council Members Johnson, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Bue. City Attorney Dolley stated after consulting with Council in closed session, no statement will be made at this time regarding the Continental Development Corporation storm drain project. Mr. Jones announced four additional items should be deleted from the auction list that was discussed earlier in the meeting. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADER, SECONDED BY MAYOR BUE, that the earlier motion to remove items from the auction be re- considered. THE' MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Councilman Armstrong absent). Thereafter, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADER, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS, that the following items be removed from the auction list: No. 433 Battery Charger No. 454 Chair, Swivel, wood No. 387 Office Clock No. 463 Display case No. 395 Portable Gas Pump No. 464 Display case No. 487 Selected Tools No. 465 Display case No. 388 Portable Television and that the remaining items be declared surplus for disposal at a public auction to be held November 19, 1983. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Councilman Armstrong absent). %VI ADJOURNMENT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that the meeting adjourn in memory of Helen Aland, a 33 year resident of E1 Segundo, the hour of adjournment being 9:11 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Respec�lly submitted, -? APPROVED: Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk ` William D. Bue, Mayor -9- Council Minutes October 18, 1983