1983 NOV 15 CC MINMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL November 15, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER X 6063 The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on Tuesday, November 15, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the El Segundo City Hall. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by 1st Sgt. Hodge of the United States Marine Corps. III INVOCATION was delivered by Fr. Richard Duval of St. Michael's Episcopal Church. IV ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Absent: Council Members None V PRESENTATIONS A. The Mayor read a Proclamation declaring November 15- December 15, 1983 as Toys for Tots Month. The Proclamation was received by 1st Sgt. Hodge of the United States Marine Corps. B. The Mayor then read a Proclamation declaring November 20 -26, 1983 as Family Week. The Proclamation was presented to Kay Powell, Vice President of the E1 Segundo Women's Club. C. Joan Kalvelage, Executive Director of the 1736 Family Crisis Center in Hermosa Beach, thanked the Council for the Proclamation that had been presented to their organization on November 1, 1983. She then summarized the services and accomplishments of the organization. D. Wesley Greenwood, Area Manager for the Southern California Edison Company (SCE), stated his company is not in agreement with the interpretation by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that gives preference to municipalities in the relicensing of hydro - electric power plants. Stated the issue is that municipalities only have to state they can run the power plants as efficiently as SCE. Mr. Greenwood said this policy does not allow SCE fair competition. He also stated it is not fair that the municipalities can purchase the power plants for its original cost rather than the present market value. Mr. Greenwood stated the above policies are not in the best interests of the citizens and therefore requested Council to adopt a resolution supporting the relicensing. 6064 Acting City Manager Kevin Northcraft stated he received a call this date from a resident that had served on several State committees that were working in this area. The resident was unable to attend tonight's Council meeting, but told Mr. Northcraft he could pro- vide Council with further information on this subject if it were continued to another date. After discussion by Council, it was decided to postpone action on this matter until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting in order to receive additional input. Councilman Armstrong then thanked Mr. Greenwood for his assistance in resolving the power outage problem that had been experienced by the residents of the 200 -300 block of Acacia whenever it rained. E. A presentation by Jeffalyn Johnson and Associates concerning proposed employment studies to be conducted by CALTRANS in Century Freeway corridor cities was not heard due to the non - appearance of subject presenter. VI REPORTS OF COMMITTEES A. Proposition A Transportation Committee Ron Hart, Chairman of the E1 Segundo Proposition A Commie, reported the Committee's recommendation to use Proposition A funds for bus shelters and bus benches. One of their recommendations was to have private companies install and maintain bus shelters at specified locations east of Sepulveda Boulevard at no cost to the City. Mr. Hart stated one company the Committee contacted indicated their willingness to provide free maintenance for the other proposed shel- ters west of Sepulveda Boulevard with the stipulation that the City not request any royalties from the adver- tising east of Sepulveda. The following alternatives were discussed by Council: bus shelter advertising throughout the city with restrictions imposed on the types of advertising in the residential community; no advertising in the residential community with a smaller percentage of royalties earned; City -built shelters with a higher percentage of royalties earned; and City- sponsored advertising on shelters in the residential community only. After further discussion by Council, it was decided that staff should prepare a Request for Proposal to authorize the licensed use of the public right -of -way and work out the negotiating details in terms of royalties, maintenance and eventual ownership. Mr. Hart indicated the Committee would need at least 30 days before again appearing before Council with a status report. Thereafter, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, that $13,000 of the Proposition A funds be expended for the procurement of 35 bus benches. After discussing the need for further clarification before making application for the Prop. A Funds, THE MOTION AND SECOND WERE WITHDRAWN. -2- Council Minutes November 15, 1983 X 60w -) B. Local Government Fiscal Affairs Task Force Councilman Johnson reported that on November 10 he, along with City Manager Arthur Jones, made a presentation before subject task force regarding the problems existing in El Segundo. Stated the presentation was well- received. They were encouraged to continue their lobbying relative to the allocation of subventions to local government prior to the January legislative session. The Council agreed to send letters to the Assembly, Senate and the Governor's Task Force in order to make them aware of E1 Segundo's position on this subject. C. Noise Abatement Committee Councilman Armstrong stated this committee will next meet November 21, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. D. Los Angeles Department of Airports Councilman Armstrong stated at the October 26 meeting of subject organization, negotiations of the contract with Wyle Laboratories were made relating to a pilot program for acoustic treatment of 20 dwellings near LAX. Councilman Armstrong stated the newspapers reported this meeting and indicated anyone interested in said treatment should contact Walter Collins. Mr. Collins indicated he has not been contacted by any E1 Segundo residents. Councilman Armstrong stated if anyone is interested, they could contact him for the address. E. Cable Advisory Committee Councilman Siadek commended Dave Jones and Lavonne Sorensen for the work they have done on the concept of programming for the local cable television station. He also reported that this council meeting was being televised live. Councilman Siadek then explained the process of placing a program on the cable channel. F. Mayor Bue stated Greg Gregorian of the Daily Breeze published an article regarding the moratorium Los Angeles Councilwoman Pat Russell is recommending around LAX. Stated there was a statement in the article that indicated E1 Segundo would be affected by the moratorium. Mayor Bue stated City Manager Jones contacted Mr. Gregorian and clarified that what Mr. Gregorian meant was the moratorium might lessen the traffic problems in E1 Segundo. VII ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. G. Roger Sie el stated the Century Freeway presents a severe conf ict between what is right and expedient. He recommended the freeway route be changed and presented a written sketch of his proposed changes for Council review. Mr. Siegel also stated the proposed site for the senior citizen housing project would isolate the seniors from the rest of the community. B. Dennis Martin, 836 E. Grand Avenue, felt the passing of the senior housing project was a wonderful event. He inquired whether a percentage of the transferable -3- Council Meeting November 15, 1983 606G. $6,000,000 from the City's reserve fund could be allocated for another citizen's trust fund. Mayor Bue stated neither he nor the Acting City Manager were prepared to respond to his question; however, he stated all expenditures of the City's tax monies are used for the citizens. Councilman Armstrong stated whenever funds are taken from the reserve, it no longer brings income to the City. He suggested Mr. Martin present his ideas in writing for further Council review. C. John Hardin, 420 Sierra Street, stated the relicensing of hydro- electric projects should be looked at by a legislative analyst because he felt it was a bad law. Also stated he felt it looked bad that no noise abate- ment claims had been filed by E1 Segundo residents. Councilman Armstrong invited Mr. Hardin to attend the next Noise Abatement Committee meeting to again voice his opinions on that subject. VIII CONSENT CALENDAR Request was made to discuss item "A" separately. Thereafter, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SAIDEK, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, that the remaining items on the Consent Calendar be approved as follows: B. Recommendation to Approve Agreement with WE TIP Providing for a $500 Service Fee AGREEMENT APPROVED C. State Alcoholic Beverage Control, New Application from Christopher J. Pingel (dba Woody's Smorgasburger, 755 No. Sepulveda Boulevard) for an On Sale Beer and Wine License STATE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL TO BE NOTIFIED OF NEED FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT D. Presentation of Resolution Amending the Administrative Code Setting Forth the City Manager's Salary RESOLUTION N0. 3232 ADOPTED entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER lAl (ELECTIVE AND APPOINTIVE OFFICERS) OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRA- TIVE CODE IX CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR A. Warrants on Demand Register Summary and Expense Checks on Expense Check Register Acting City Manager Northcraft stated the Summary of the Expense Check Register was not available for this meeting but will be presented for Council approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting. MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG that the Warrants on Demand Register Summary No. 9 be approved. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -4- Council Minutes November 15, 1983 X606 X WRITTEN COMMUNICATION City Clerk Burrowes indicated no written communication had been received by the City Clerk's Office. XI REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. Acting City Manager Northcraft 1. Presentation of Proposal for Real and Personal Property Insurance for 1983 -84 Mr. Northcraft stated the City's annual insurance coverage of its real and personal property expires this month. The City's insurance broker, Cal - Surance, has updated the value of the City property and added the new Maintenance Facility to the policy. Stated Cal - Surance also was able to nego- tiate a lower rate on the policy. Mr. Northcraft recommended Council authorization for the renewal of the real and personal property insurance cover- age with Fireman s Fund. Councilman Johnson stated that since the City's buildings are all concrete, in the event of a fire there is no more than 25 -30% damage. Therefore, he felt it would not be necessary to have 100% cover- age at total valuation. He suggested next year staff make a proposal for coverage of 50% damage, which would reduce the premimum considerably. Finance Director Jose Sanchez stated they can investigate, for the future, the possibility of reducing the building valuation, thereby reducing the premium to some extent. Councilwoman Synadinos questioned why earthquake insurance had been excluded. Mr. Sanchez stated that after evaluating it last year, it was found to be costly. He stated there are Federal programs as well as Federal aid that the City would be eligible for in the event of an earthquake. MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that Staff's recom- mendation to renew the real and personal property insurance and equipment floater policy with Fire- man's Fund Insurance Company be approved. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Recommendation for Extension of Claims Administration Services by R. L. Kautz and Co Mr. Northcraft stated the City's administrator of its self- insured liability program, R. L. Kautz and Co., requested an increase in their annual fee from $4,500 to $9,000. After negotiation, the fee was reduced to $7,500. Mr. Northcraft stated Staff surveyed other cities and that based upon the increase in the number of claims filed with the City, the fee appears to be reasonable. Mr. Northcraft stated due to the short notice to the City of the increase, Staff is recommending a provision be added to the agreement with R. L. Kautz that requires 90 -day notice of future fee increases. -5- Council Minutes November 15, 1983 X6o6s Councilman Siadek stated he has received complaints regarding the method and timeliness of the claims processing and that he is unhappy with the service the City is receiving from Kautz. After further discussion, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that the agreement with R. L. Kautz and Co. be renewed with the fee for 1983 -84 being $7,500 and that a provision be added to the agreement requiring 90 -day notice prior to future rate increases. THE MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: Ayes: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Noes: Councilman Siadek Absent: None RECESS At the hour of 8:40 p.m., the Mayor declared a 5 minute recess. At the hour of 8:45 p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. 3. Report on the Productivity Incentive Program with General Employees and Request for Program Contin- uation in 1983 -84 Mr. Northcraft stated subject program shares a reduction made by the general employees unit in sick leave and Worker's Compensation usage on an annual basis. He reported that while in 1982 -83 there was not a reduction in sick leave, there was a reduction in Worker's Compensation usage. Ther fore, 62 out of the 100 employees in the unit qualify for a productivity bonus totaling $6,857. The savings to the City was approximately $15,000. Mr. Northcraft recommends continuation of the pro- gram for one year with modest changes to simplify, the program and encourage more sick leave reduc- tion. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that the Productivity Incentive Program for permanent employees in classifications delineated in the General Government Series of the City's Administrative Code be continued for the 1983 -84 fiscal year. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANI- MOUSLY. 4. Recommendation to Adjust Fees for Various Planning Services and Authorization for 1 Additional Assis- tant Planner Position Mr. Northcraft stated a study was conducted review- ing planning application fees because (1) said fees have not been adjusted for 10 years, (2) the fiscal need of the City has changed and the fees could help support the City's financial position; and (; the fees could help support the increase in staff needed in the Planning Department. -6- Council Minutes November 15, 1983 X60(;3 Mr. Northcraft stated the policies that were used in determining what the appropriate fees should be were: the benefit to the individual applicant versus the benefit to the public; the degree of processing request services in E1 Segundo; and the degree to which request for services were to be encouraged or discouraged by the amount of the fee. Mr. Northcraft stated the recommended fees are more in line with fees charged other agencies in the South Bay and Greater Los Angeles area. The total income to the City from the fees would be $30,000 for one year which is a recovery of 37% of the total costs for processing planning applications Mr. Northcraft requested policy direction from Council in order to develop a rate fee structure, particularly requests Council to indicate what percentage of the City's costs is appropriate to recover in planning application fees. Additionally, Mr. Northcraft requested Council approval to hire a full -time assistant planner for the Planning Department. Presently, this position has been filled with contract employees on a short -term basis. It was felt a permanent employee could develop tenure and expertise. Discussion then ensued among Council regarding the number of additional personnel needed in the Planning Department. Thereafter, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK that an Assistant Planner be hired for the Planning Department for a 2 -3 year period, after which the position would again come before Council for re- evaluation. After discussion, COUNCILMAN JOHNSON AMENDED HIS MOTION, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that an Assistant Planner be hired for the Planning Department on a full -time basis. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. At Councilman Armstrong's suggestion, the Council agreed to meet with City management to discuss the need for additional Planning Department personnel in the future. After further discussion regarding the planning application fees, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY MAYOR BUE that the proposed changes in planning application fees, presented by staff to Council this date, be approved. THE MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Ayes: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Bue Noes: Councilwoman Synadinos Absent: None -7- Council Meeting November 15, 1983 X6070 The Mayor then directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the Municipal Code to reflect the changes in said fees. 5. Recommendation to Purchase Word Processing Equipment with Revenue Sharing Funds Councilman Siadek requested this matter be continued to the next regularly scheduled Council meeting in order to obtain additional information. Hearing no objection, the Mayor so ordered. B. Director of Public Works Glickman 1. Recommendation to Approve Plans and Specifications and to Authorize Advertising for Bids for Construc- tion of Storm Drain Pump Plant No. 15 Located at Franklin and Arena Streets Mr. Glickman advised that plans and specifications for subject project have been completed. He recommended Council approval of said plans and specifications and authorization to advertise for bids, said bids to be received December 20, 1983. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that "SPECIFICATION NO. 83-7" and "NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAIN PUMP PLANT NO. 15 AT FRANKLIN AND ARENA STREETS" presented to the Council on this date, be approved and a copy placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that sealed bids be and the same are hereby invited under said NOTICE, and the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said NOTICE to be given and published in time, form and manner as required by law, the date and time for reception of said bids being hereby fixed for 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, December 20, 1983. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Recommendation to Amend Rates and Charges for Water Services Mr. Glickman stated Metropolitan Water District has increased their rates effective January 1, 1984 by approximately 30 %. He recommended those rates be passed directly to the rate payers. He stated the average residence will see an increase of 15- 18 %; the larger industrial consumers will see the full 30 %. After discussion, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that the following resolution be adopted: Council Minutes November 15, 1983 X6071 RESOLUTION NO. 3233 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING AND ESTABLSHING RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN SAID CITY AND RESCINDING RESO- LUTION NO. 3213 THE MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Ayes: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Noes: Councilman Siadek Absent: None Mr. Glickman encouraged the public to continue with water conservation and stated the Water Superintendent could be contacted for water conservation devices. 3. Recommendation to Accept Proposal from Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates for Professional Services in Connection with Sewer Design in Area Bounded by Sepulveda, Mariposa, Nash and E1 Segundo Boulevard Mr. Glickman stated the purpose of subject proposal is to provide professional services necessary to form an assessment district in the above - listed area. This is pursuant to the recommendation in the Sewer Master Plan. He stated the proposal is a phased one with Phase 1 requiring a feasibility study, review of the system, review of the properties in the area, preliminary spread of the assessment costs and meetings with the property owners. Mr. Glickman stated that in directing sewage flow in the above - stated area towards the east into the County sanitation system, the City of El Segundo is eliminating the necessity of re- negotiating the agreement with the City of Los Angeles. He also stated that once that area has been taken care of, the sewage system to the west can accomodate present and future development. Mr. Glickman recommended subject proposal be accepted and that funds in the amount of $13,900 be appropriated from the Capital Improvement Fund to cover said amount. Mr. Glickman stated should the assessment district be formed, the funds would be returned to the Capital Improvement Fund. Gail Pickart and Mike Rudinica of Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates, were present to answer Council's questions. Councilman Siadek stated that after consulting with the City Attorney, it was determined that he would not be in conflict of interest by voting on this matter. -9- Council Minutes November 15, 1983 XE;o;:; MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS, that the proposal of Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates be accepted and $13,900 be appropriated from the Capital Improvement Fund for their professional services in connection with sewer design in the area bounded by Sepulveda, Mariposa, Nash and E1 Segundo Boulevard. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. XII UNFINISHED BUSINESS None XIII NEW BUSINESS A. Councilman Siadek announced CarolAnn Peterson, Administrative Aide in the Personnel Department, has accepted a position in Washington, D.C. as a Management Intern. All the Council Members congratulated Ms. Peterson on her new position and wished her success. B. Mayor Bue requested an update on the traffic control program and inquired whether the traffic officers are wearing reflective clothing at night. Police Captain Clark Devilbiss stated the officers are presently wearing yellow jackets, but they could check into obtaining reflective clothing. XIV ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. G. Roger Siegel spoke about his petition to the Supreme Court. XV ADJOURNMENT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED that the meeting adjourn in the memory of Gloria Jean Watts who passed away November 11, 1983; the hour of adjournment of this meeting being 9:58 p.m. APPROVED I r i William D. Bue, Mayor Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City C erk -10- Council Minutes November 15, 1983