1983 NOV 02 CC MINMINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL November 2, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in an adjourned regular session on Wednesday, November 2, 1983 at 9:00 a.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Planning Commissioner Tom Brady. III ROLL CALL PRESENT: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Bue ABSENT: Council Members None IV Mayor Bue announced that the purpose of this session was to meet jointly with the Planning Commission to study the feasibility of using development agreements in the City of El Segundo. The following Planning Commission members were in attendance: PRESENT: Commissioners Brady, Pitzer, Stewart and Chairman Young ABSENT: Commissioner Schott V DISCUSSION City Attorney Leland Dolley gave an overview and background of the development agreement concept stating development agreements can be a useful tool to assist in the orderly development of the City. Mr. Dolley stated the law pro- vides that a city can establish, by resolution, a process by which development agreements can be entered into. It does not require that development agreements always be entered into, merely gives the City the authority to do so. He stated there is a requirement that periodic reviews be conducted to determine the progress being made under the terms of the agreement. Mr. Dolley stated development agreements must specify the duration of the agreement, the permitted uses of the property, the density, maximum height and size of the building and the provisions for the preservation or dedication of land for public purposes. Any other terms and conditions are negotiable. Mr. Dolley stated that after the development agreement has been negotiated, the City Council acts upon it. It must be done by ordinance and is subject to a referendum. After passage by Council, there is a requirement that the agreement be recorded within 10 days. /w) 6 Mr. Dolley stated the advantage of a development agr4IWAt for a developer would be to ensure he has the right to develop property in a manner the City has said at that point in time it is satisfied with. The advantage for the City can be an orderly development to the standards the City has set and an instrument by which the developer agrees to do things for the City. Discussion then ensued among Council, Planning Commission and staff regading the development agreement process. Some points that were brought out are: The law does not prevent the changing of permit fees even if a development agreement has been entered into. Development agreements generally are at the option of the developer. There will not be a savings of staff time (unless a long -term agreement), possibly an increase due to the negotiation process. More matters will be open to negotiation; such as ways for the developer to meet his requirement for the dedication of streets, right -of -ways; payments for on- site /off -site improvements; and establishing what and how long requirements will be frozen in time. If Council should rescind the enabling legislation, that action would not affect agreements already entered into due to the contractual obligations. Pursuant to case law at this time, the City Council has the power to contract away some of its police power. That theory has never been tested, but Mr. Dolley feels the courts will uphold it. The City would not necessarily set a precedent by entering into a development agreement - each project stands on its own. VI ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Doug Ring of Buchalter, Nemer, Fields, Chrystie and Younger said he represented Overton & Moore, a prospective deve- loper in E1 Segundo. He feels development agreements pro- tect prospective investors from a changing government. He feels it also protects the City by extracting from the developer things that benefit the community, to the extent those extractions represent a mitigating of circumstances that the developer is creating. He encouraged Council to pass the enabling legislation to allow development agree- ments. Richard Patterson, 1205 E. Oak Street, spoke about the creativity that could be generated by both sides as a basis for sound planning and design for the City and urged Council to pass the enabling legislation. Rev. Ed Erdely, 209 W. Acacia, questioned the difference between precise plans and development agreements. Mr. Romaniello stated precise plans generally are not of great size, and since -they are not locked into time frames are subject to changes in the regulations. He also stated that due to a development agreement's contractual obligations, it is a more binding legal document. -2- Council Minutes November 2, 1983 Mr. Erdely then questioned how the community could give their input on a development agreement. Mr. Dolley responded that a public hearing is required on each development agreement since it would require an ordinance. Jerry Saunders of Continental Development Corporation stated he hoped a public hearing will be scheduled on this subject because he was not authorized to make any comments at this time. VII After further discussion among Council, the Commission and staff, it was decided to proceed on looking at the possibi- lity of establishing development agreements in E1 Segundo. Mr. Dolley will draft enabling legislation, present it to the Planning Commission for review, then to Council for action. VIII ADJOURNMENT No other busness appearing to come before the Council at this meeting, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, that the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjournment being 10:37 a.m. APPROVED: / William D. Bue, Mayor Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk Council Minutes November 2, 1.983