1983 MAY 17 CC MIN - 20X 59.1.6 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL May 17, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on the above date at the hour of 7 :00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANiCE was led by City Attorney Leland Dolley III. INVOCATION was delivered by Dr. Edward C. Smith, pastor of the United Methodist Church IV. ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Absent: Council Members None V. PRESENTATIONS A. Proclamation declaring May 21, 1983 as ARMED FORCES DAY was read by the Mayor who asked that citizens give special recognition to those in the services for their country. Chief Warrant Officer Milton Freir accepted the proclamation on behalf of California State Military Reserve and the California National Guard and all armed forces of the United States. Thanked the Mayor for recog- nition. B. Proclamation declaring May 22 - 28, 1983 as PUBLIC WORKS WEEK was read by the Mayor and presented to Assistant City Engineer Jack Allen. C. The Mayor advised that a proclamation to celebrate RAIDERS' DAY May 24, 1983 in E1 Segundo, would be presented on that day. Stated the team would be visiting various industries, schools and would be at City Hall in the afternoon, where the school ban;i will play, after which, Open House will be held at Hessell Chevrolet. D. Status Report from South Bay Cable News Ms. Joan Villa, anchor woman and reporter for subject station thanked the Council for the opportunity to explain the work of this organization. Ms. Villa replayed excerpts from several news programs that had been pre- sented on the channel to demonstrate the type of programs offerred by the station. Stated that they had tried to bring as much news to the South Bay commun- ities as possible about the South Bay; that the station is now running without commercials on a non - profit basis, hoping to be able to continue with the help of grants and donated funds. Stated she regretted having to stress the urgency of the non - profit status and would appreciate any help the City could give. VI. REPORTS OF COMMITTFES A. Joint Bay Cities Meeting. Councilman Johnson reported that he, Mr. Jones and Councilwoman Synadinos had attended a meeting where a Joint Powers Agreement was finalized between the four South Bay Cities for the purpose of working out problems relative to the trolleyway and other transportation problems. B. Councilman Johnson also reported that CALTRANS had presented prelim- inary plans for the trolleyway study, revealing that the cost factor was less than expected. ,. C. Airport Noise Control & Land Use Study Steering Committee (ANCLUC) Councilman Armstrong reported he attended a meeting in Inglewood City Hall on Wednesday, where Mr. Laham from the Department of Airports and Environmental Management now greets him with the statement that he has almost enough votes to move the Imperial Terminal. Stated there were a number of items he would report on when there is a smaller agenda for the Council to consider. D. Economic Base Study Group. Councilman Siadek reported that a meet- ing was held last Wednesday and a public hearing scheduled for May 31, 1983. Invited all those interested to come before the Committee at that time and make their wishes known. Announced that notices would be pub- lished and posted, as well as news releases announcing the hearing. E. Councilman Siadek reported that four Council members met last Friday with Congressman Mel Levine. Stated they had a very good discussion on local and regional problems, specifically traffic and how Mr. Levine might be able to help on a Federal level regarding noise problems in the area. F. Mayor Bue reported on a luncheon meeting with Supervisor Deane Dana, that Mr. Dana had given his assurance he would help with legislation concerning the 2- million dollars the County now claims E1 Segundo owes. Stated that the City Manager and City Attorney would report on this. G. Independent Cities Association. Mayor Bue reported he had attended a 4 a seminar where discussions were held on how to raise income and retain it; methods of cutting budgets and the effect the Olympics wil'_ have on local communities. H. Appointment of Recreation and Parks Commissioner to serve. a 4 -year term, May 15, 1983 to May 14, 1987 The Mayor announced that candidates for subject position had been inter- viewed, and after consideration, the Council unanimously appointed the incumbent, Dorothy Doukakis to continue serving on the Commission. I. City Manager Jones reported that the County Counsel had ruled that because of a provision in legislation that implemented Proposition 13, some cities must receive a reduction in property tax receipts, retro- actively, commencing tomorrow, until the cities pay -back the calculated amount due, in E1 Segundo's case $2,000,000. Stated he thought everyone realized the unfairness of this and that the only solutions may be legis- lation or litigation. City Attorney Dolley reported he had just received a copy of the County Counsel opinion and was not really prepared to render an opinion tonight. Stated a meeting had been scheduled for next Thursday to discuss alternatives and there are several drafts of bills in various stages for legislation. Advised he would be helping cities in Los Angeles County affected by this ruling with litigation necessary to forestall the action. VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None VIII. CONSENT CALENDAR Requests were made to discuss items A, C and D. Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Siadek and unanimously carried that Item B be approved as recommended. B. Warrants Nos. 79213 - 79412 on Demand Register Summary No. 21 and Expense Checks 4083 - 4107 on Expense Check Register No. 11 in total amount of$627,422.50 Ratified and approved. -2- Council Minutes May 17, 1983 X59.17 X59.1.8 IX. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held April 19, 1983 Councilman Armstrong referred to Page 5, Item 2 Business Registration Fee Schedules, that the phrase "increasing the rates to make up for the first year's losses in revenue" was confusing, he thought there would be no losses in revenue. City Manager Jones responded that the last clause of that paragraph could be stricken from the minutes, that the meaning was complete without it. After further discussion, motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that the minutes of April 19, 1983 be approved as written. Motion carried. C. Claim of Southern California Edison Company for property damages Councilman Siadek questioned going through the full process of claims for a small claim such as this. City Manager Jones explained that the claims adjuster does have the authority to settle small claims, but in this case, the contractor was responsible and is covered by insurance. Therefore, the contractor has been asked to settle the claim. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that subject claim be denied. Motion carried. D. Request from CHALLENGE CANCER for permit to conduct an 8 -K Foot Race on July 4, 1983 The City Manager advised that the request for permit had been withdrawn this afternoon. X. WRITTEN C0124UNICATIONS A. Mr. Dennis Martin, 836 East Grand Avenue, subject "Budget Daily Dollar Drain" Hearing no objections, the Mayor ordered received and filed. XI. REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. City Manager Jones 1. Report on preparation for earthquake disasters Presented a report prepared by Police Lt. Jerry Osnower, Assistant Director of Civil Preparedness. Stated that everyone should be familiar with the earthquake guide in front of the telephone book and follow instructions for preparedness. That Red Cross has issued booklets on this subject which are available in the Police Department and at City Hall. Stated the City has maintained an emergency operation plan for many years, the center being located in the basement of the Police building; that training exercises are conducted and joint powers agreements are in effect with other cities for mutual aid response and mutual aid response has been assured from some industries in the area. 2. Resolution establishing procedures governing Employer- Employee relations Advised that labor relations between employer and employees had, in the past, been carried on without a documented set of rules and regulations covering the process and subject resolution establishes uniform procedures for labor relations within the City. -3- Council Minutes May 17, 1983 X 591.9. Further advised that the three employee organizations of the City had been furnished copies, and meet and confer sessions had been held to discuss the resolution. Stated that CLOCEA, the General Employees Association, did not endorse the resolution, but did not oppose its adoption; the Police and Fire Assiciations expressed concern of potential problems in the unit determination process. Council members advised they had received correspondence from the organiza- tions, one of which implied the City may be in violation of the Meyers - Milias -Brown Act. Mr. Fred Weiner, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, explained the workings of compiling the resolution and that many of the changes from the original draft represented a compromise position between the organizations and management. After further discussion, the Mayor suggested that prior to taking any action, the staff should have the same input as the Council received from the organizations. Mr. Goldwasser, attorney for the Police Officers Association, asked for permission to speak to the Council. The Mayor asked him to put his comments into written form for both staff and the Council to review. Thereafter, by mutual consent of the Council, this matter was deferred to the next regular City Council meeting. RECESS: At the hour of 8 :10 o'clock p.m., the Mayor declared a short recess. At the hour of 8 :17 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. 3. E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce request to conduct the Richmond Street Arts & Crafts Fair on May 21, 1983 Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that subject request be granted, subject to the following terms: Intersection of Richmond Street and Franklin Avenue to remain open for emergency vehicle traffic; insurance policy to be provided covering liability, acceptable to the City Attorney; and appropriate permits for sound amplification be obtained. On roll call, said motion carried by unanimous vote. 4. Southern California Humane Society amendment to agreement for animal control Presented a request from subject organization for a five percent increase in fees for animal control in the City. Advised that subject increase should not require an increase in dog license fees. Recommended the Council consider directing the City Attorney to prepare an amendment to the present agreement for the increase. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman.Siadek, that the City Attorney prepare an amendment to the agreement with the Southern California Humane Society for a five percent increase in fees and present it for Council approval. Motion carried. 5. Joint Powers Agreement establishing a Bay Cities Transportation Authority Presented a joint powers agreement which would create a transportation authority between the beach cities of E1 Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach, to enable the cities to take a united approach to solving transportation problems, including use of the aband- oned railroad right -of -way. Recommended the agreement be approved and that a delegate and alternate be designated to represent El Segundo. -4- Council Minutes May 17, 1983 X9',,1 Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, that Councilman Johnson be designated his alternate to said Authority; and seconded by Councilman Armstrong, delegate and Councilwoman Synadinos the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain form of Joint Powers Agreement between the Cities of E1 Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach, for the improvement of transporta- tion, presented to this Council on this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and after execu- tion by each of the above -named parties, a copy of said agreement be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the said city and the City Clerk to attest the same. On roll call, said motion carried by unanimous vote. 6. Proposed filming of the Los Angeles Raiders Football Team Reported a request had been received to permit use of a helicopter for two days while filming at the Raiders Training Site, 332 Center Street. Recommended approval of the request, provided the conditions enumerated in his memorandum dated May 17, 1983 were met. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that a permit be granted for use of a helicopter during filming at 332 Center Street, contingent upon the following conditions: The helicopter will land only once and not before the hour of 8:00 A.M. The helicopter will take off only once and not after the hour of 8 :00 P.M. At no time shall the helicopter fly over any residential properties which lie to the north and west of the proposed site. At no time will the "film vehicles" on a City street exceed one 20 -foot camera truck and one 30 -foot grip truck All residents of the 300 block and 400 block of Center Street are to be notified at least 48 hours in advance of any filming activity Any change in the filming schedule, due to the weather or any other reason, will not void any of the above conditions and will require additional notification to the adjacent property owners On roll call, said motion carried by unanimous vote. B. City Attorney Dolley I. Resolution granting taxi operating permit to Drivers International Taxi Transportation Associates, Inc. dba Drivers Independent Taxi Associates, Inc. Presented subject resolution for Council consideration. Councilwoman Synadinos advised that the Council had not interviewed the applicant as stated in the resolution, and also, she understood that no more than 20 taxicabs were to be licensed at any one time. -5- Council Minutes May 17, 1983 X 59 ?1 After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that subject resolution be amended by deleting the phrase that the Council interviewed the applicant; a provision be added that no more than 20 taxicabs be licensed at any one time, and that the following resolution, as so amended, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3204 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDI- TIONAL PERMIT TO DRIVERS INTERNATIONAL TRANS- PORTATION ASSOCIATES, INC., DBA "DRIVERS INDEPENDENT TAXI ASSOCIATES, INC.," TO OPERATE A TAXICAB BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by unanimous vote. 2. Request for change of schedule for meeting to discuss Airport Noise Matters Announced that at the meeting held May 3, 1983, the Council scheduled a session to discuss noise matters at 10:00 o'clock a.m., on June 2, 1983; that the City's consultant on ANCLUC matters, Mr. Pat Mann, would not be able to attend at that time and, therefore, requested a change of schedule be considered. Council agreed to change the meeting date to June 14, 1983 at 10:00 o'clock a.m, in the Council Chamber. C. Acting Director of Public Works Jack Allen 1. Report on implementation of recommendations in the Traffic Circulation Study, Phase II Advised that the City's Traffic Consultant, Mr. George Villegas, had anticipated this agenda item would come before the Council earlier than this hour and had to leave to meet a prior commitment. Asked that this item be deferred until the next meeting. Council concurred. 2. Additional repairs to Sewer System, Project No 82 -26 Advised that the contractor discovered additional breaks in the sewer line in Concord Street south of Mariposa Avenue that could not be determined prior to starting the job. Recommended the extra work be authorized and that $4,500 be allocated from the General Fund Reserves for this purpose. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that the additional work be authorized on Project No. 82 -26 and that $4,500 be appropriated from the General Fund Reserves for the work. Motion carried by unanimous vote. 3. Plans and Specifications No. 82 -18 for partial sealing of Water Well No. 13 Advised that the County Health Department had asked that portions of the well be partially sealed to safeguard the ground water quality in the area. Presented subject-specifications and recommended approval and authority to advertise for bids, said bids to be received on June 14, 1983. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that the following resolution be adopted: -6- Council Minutes May 17, 1983 RESOLVED, that "SPECIFICATION NO. 82 -18" and "NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR PAR- TIAL SEALING OF WATER WELL NO. 13" presented to the City Council on this date, be approved and a copy placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that sealed bids be and the same are hereby invited under said NOTICE, and the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said NOTICE to be given and published in time, form and manner as required by law, the date and time for reception of said bids being hereby fixed for 11:00 o'clock a.m., Tuesday, June 14, 1983. On roll call, said motion carried by unanimous vote. 4. Replacement of floodlight fixtures at the Hardball and Softball Fields at Recreation Park, Specification No 83 -1 Advised that bids had been received for subject project on May 3, 1983, which bids were as follows: Name Amount of Bid Basic Bid - Widelite Fixtures Creative Lighting /Maintenance $ 40,136.00 Held Electric, Inc. 52,039.00 Paxin Electric, Inc. 67,700.00 MACO Services, Inc. 76,280.00 Raymor Electric Co., Inc. 77,900.00 M M & H Construction & Engineering Company, Inc. 80,260.30 Mendoza Electric 86,886.00 M K Constructors, Inc. No Bid Alternate Bid - Musco Fixtures M K Constructors, Inc. $ 54,262.00 Raymor Electric Co., Inc. 60,450.00 MACO Services, Inc. 62,780.00 Mendoza Electric 68,499.00 M M & H Construction & Engineering Company, Inc. 70,260.35 Held Electric, Inc. 76,020.00 Paxin Electric, Inc. No Bid Creative Lighting /Maintenance No Bid Recommended that the two low basic bids be rejected for not meeting the City's specifications, and the low alternate bid be accepted from M K Constructors, Inc., in total amount of $54,262.00. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the City of E1 Segundo, California, duly advertised for bids for Recrea- tion Park Floodlights in accordance with Specifi- cation No. 83 -1; and WHEREAS, said bids were received by the City Council on May 3, 1983; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works found that the low bids of Creative Lighting/ Maintenance and Held Electric, Inc., did not meet the City's specifications; and -7- Council Minutes May 17, 1983 x39�ti3 WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works found that the alternate bid of M K Construc- tors, Inc. in total amount of $54,262.00 was the lowest responsible bid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, that the low bids of Creative Lighting /Maintenance and Held Electric, Inc., be rejected for not meeting City specifications, and the bid of M K Constructors, Inc. the lowest responsible bid be accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of said City be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to execute the contract herein awarded for and on behalf of the City and in its name and the City Clerk to attest the same, affix the seal and make delivery thereof in due course; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all bids received, except the bid of M K Constructors, Inc. are hereby rejected and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to return the bid bonds of all unsuccessful bidders. On roll call, said motion carried by unanimous vote. 5. Completion of modifications to West Basin Feeder Service Connection (WB -3) and Change Order No 1, Spec No 81 -7 Advised that subject contract had been completed by Aris Engineering on April 15, 1983 in compliance with the City's specifications, and Notice of Completion had been filed with the County Recorder. Further advised that Change Order No. 1 had been issued for a time extension of 70 days due to delay in delivery of equipment and weather conditions involving no addition cost. Recommended approval of the Change Order and accep- tance of the work as satisfactorily complete. Motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilwoman Synadinos, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Aris Engineering for an exten- sion of 70 days for completion of Project No. 81 -7 be approved at no additional cost; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the contract with Aris Engineering for modifications to WB -3 is hereby accepted as satisfactorily complete in accordance with Specification No. 81 -7, as of April 15, 1983; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is here- by authorized to sign said Change Order on behalf of the City and the City Clerk to attest the same. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Noes: Councilman Siadek Absent: Council Members None -8- Council Minutes May 17, 1983 X5924 XII UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ordinance regarding due dates for payment of Business Registration Fees entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1052 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 5 (BUSINESS REGULATIONS AND LICENSING) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 5.04.223 WHICH SAID SECTION RELATES TO AN AMENDMENT TO DUE DATES AND DELINQUENCY DATES FOR THE SECOND SEMI - ANNUAL PERIOD, JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1983, CREATED BY SECTION 5.04.221 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE which title was read. Upon motion duly made and carried, further reading of said ordinance was waived. Thereafter, motion was made by Mayor Bue, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that said ordinance be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by unanimous vote. B. Councilman Armstrong stated that after additional consideration of his request to honor all Council members with pictures on the walls of City Hall, he agreed with the City Clerk's advice that procuring pictures from the early days would be an almost impossible task and, therefore, he would seek a new avenue for honoring past Council members. XIII NEW BUSINESS A. City Manager Jones advised that a notice would be sent to the E1 Segundo Herald tomorrow advertising for applications for a position on the Planning Commission. B. Councilman Siadek announced that the Cable Advisory Committee is pre- paring a report on problems with Cable T.V.; that Group W Cable had been already alerted and the Council will be given the report on what the Committee plans to do about the problems. C. Councilwoman Synadinos stated she recently read in the paper about the Fair Political Practices Commission involvement in committee and commission issues and wondered if the City Attorney could prepare some sort of pre- sentation regarding responsibilities of members of these organizations, something in writing that could be handed to each member. Councilman Siadek suggested that the requirements of the Brown Act also be included. City Attorney Dolley stated he would follow through with this. XIv ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None Xv RECESS At the hour of 9:00 o'clock p.m., the Council recessed to the Mayor's Office for a closed session to discuss salary negotiations. At the hour of 10 :13 o'clock p.m., the Council recon-�-ened, all members being present and answering roll call. The Council discussed the need for the camera crew to wait through the closed sessions to film the adjournment of the meeting. City Manager Jones stated he would check, but thought there would be no legal restrictions. -9- Council Minutes May 17, 1983 X 5 "I City Clerk Burrowes advised that Mr. George Villegas, the City's Traffic Consultant, had returned to the Council meeting, and upon learning his presentation had been deferred to the June 7, 1983 Council meeting, advised that he would be out of town on that date. Stated that Mr. Villegas asked if his report could be given at the Budget Study Session scheduled for June 1, 1983. Council concurred. XVI ADJOURNMENT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned until June 1, 1983, at 6:00 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of studying the 1983 -84 Budget, the hour of adjournment of this meeting being 10 :15 o'clock p.m. APPROVED: Wi i Bue, Mayor Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk -10- Council Minutes May 17, 1983