1983 DEC 06 CC MINf;n-�I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 6, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on Tuesday, December 6, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Councilman Marvin Johnson. III INVOCATION was delivered by Fr. Feodor Wilcock of St. Andrews Catholic Church. IV ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Absent: Council Members None V PRESENTATIONS A. The Mayor read a Proclamation declaring December 11- 17, 1983 as Bill of Rights Week. The Proclamation was accepted by Al Alexander of the Masonic Lodge. B. The Mayor presented a Proclamation declaring 1983 -1992 as the Decade of Disabled Persons to Leonard Hummel, President of the E1 Segundo Senior Citizens Club. C. Charles Forrest, Assistant Manager of the Inglewood District Office of the Automobile Club of Southern California, presented a Certificate to the City of E1 Segundo for its outstanding efforts in the area of pedestrian safety. He stated 1982 was the fifth consecutive year E1 Segundo has not had a pedestrian traffic fatality. Lt. Johnson of the E1 Segundo Police Department accepted the award on behalf of the City. VI SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Public Hearing on the Appeal of Rev. Ed Erdely from the Decision of the Planning Commission Granting the Application of Hometel, Inc. for Conditional Use Permit No. 83 -10 (Parking Regulations) The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for subject hearing and inquired if proper notice of the hearing had been given, to which the City Clerk replied proof of publication and mailing of the notices were in her file. The Mayor directed that the file become a part of this hearing. He then inquired if any written communications had been received. City Clerk Burrowes stated none had been received in the City Clerk's Office. Councilman Siadek stated he wished to abstain from discussing and voting on this matter due to a possible conflict of. interest. He then removed himself from the bench. 6074 Planning Director Nicholas Romaniello gave background information on subject CUP and stated the CUP was approved by the Planning Commission on October 27, 1983. The appellant, Re;. Ed Erdely, then gave a presentation outlining the basis of his appeal. He stated the parking requirement for some of the areas in the hotel are not defined in the E1 Segundo Municipal Code thereby requiring the Planning Commission, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 20.54.050, to determine the parking requirements for those areas. Rev. Erdely felt the Building Department usurped the authority of the Planning Commission and the City Council by inter- preting the parking requirements. He stated the plans should go back to the Planning Department for an in- depth study and the undefined parking requirements properly established. He felt the conditional use permit should not be granted until the building meets Code. In answer to Councilman Armstrong's question, Rev. Erdely indicated he has had 15 years experience in the building trade as a superintendent, estimator and project manager. Mayor Bue inquired if anyone else wished to speak on this subject. No one came forward, therefore, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- MAN JOHNSON, that the public hearing be closed. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion then ensued among Council regarding subject appeal. Councilman Armstrong indicated he was con- cerned that the unspecified uses have not been addressed by the Planning Commission nor the City Coun- cil. He stated further clarification is needed in order to avoid problems with future hotel develop- ments. Mayor Bue stated the matter of parking spaces is getting away from the subject of the propriety of the issuance of a liquor license. Councilwoman Synadinos stated there were areas, speci- fically the kitchens, in the plans she reviewed six to nine months ago, that did not appear to meet Code. She stated that since the developer must go before the Planning Commission to obtain a variance on the kit- chens, that the Commission could interpret the parking requirements for the undefined areas at that time as well. Mr. Romaniello stated the question relating to the kitchens had been resolved by the Environmental Quality Board and there does not appear to be any other matters on the Hometel project that are scheduled to go before the Planning Commission. Councilman Johnson stated he felt all necessities had been addressed and therefore he supported Staff and the Planning Commission. In response to Council's question, City Attorney Leland Dolley stated the Certificate of Occupancy can be with- held at any-stage if Code has not been met. -2- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 Rev. Erdely stated that in his experience a hotel cgn.f�� open without a permit. He felt by holding up the liquor license it would give the owner more incentive to build according to Code. Rev. Erdely requested a legal clarification of Ordinance 1027. Council decided that since that might be a matter of litigation, it should be addressed in closed session. After further discussion, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL- WOMAN SYNADINOS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, that this matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for reevaluation of the unspecified areas. THE MOTION WAS DEFEATED AS FOLLOWS: Ayes: Council Members Armstrong and Synadinos Noes: Councilman Johnson and Mayor Bue Abstain: Councilman Siadek Absent: None B. Public Hearing on the Appeal of Hacienda Hotel, from the Decision of the City Planning Commission Denying Its Application for Variance No. 83 -4 (Parking Regula- tions The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for subject hearing and inquired if proper notice of the hearing had been given, to which the City Clerk replied the affidavit of publication and mailing of notices were in her file. The Mayor directed that the file become a part of this hearing. He then inquired if any written communications had been received. City Clerk Burrowes stated that just prior to the start of this meeting, she distributed a letter from the Hacienda Hotel to the members of the City Council. Mayor Bue stated the Council has not had an opportunity to read the letter but the contents might become apparent during Mr. Harpole's presentation. Mr. Romaniello reported Hacienda Hotel submitted an application for a variance to the City's parking stan- dards in July of 1983. Mr. Romaniello stated the request was to reduce and modify the required parking for the hotel by including in the count of the required parking, that parking afforded by the lot on the south- west corner of Holly and Indiana and by permitting 40% compact spaces. The Planning Commission held 2 public hearings on this matter and on October 27, 1983, in their Resolution No. 2052, denied the Hacienda's request for variance. Mr. Romaniello stated basically the Commission's reasons for denying the request were: (1) the Code does not allow to count towards required parking that parking that is on properties not under direct ownership; and (2) the Code does not allow for compact space use at a hotel facility. Myron Har ole, President of the Hacienda Hotel, out- lined the basis of his appeal. He stated that although the Hacienda can meet their present parking require- ments, he felt they are experiencing a hardship in doing so. He stated that hardship could be alleviated by including in the count 52 parking spaces located in the lot south of their hotel (known as the Carol Escobar lot); by deleting 24 parking spaces in their lot north of the hotel to allow a better turning radius; and by allowing at least 16 -17% compact spacing to offset a portion of the 24 spaces lost. -3- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 CM 17 R Mr. Harpole also stated he feels he is being deprived of a property right in that a business across the street from the hotel, also C -3 zoned, is being allowed permanent 40% compact spacing. Mayor Bue then opened the hearing to the public. Frank Wong, 435 Valley, stated many of the patrons of the Hacienda Hotel park on Pine Street and block driveways and take up spaces that could be occupied by the residents and their guests. He also stated there is no control of the parking in the lots and that large vehicles could and do take up more than one space in order to park close to the hotel. Ara Avak, 731 W. Pine, suggested a particular lot be designated for compact parking only. Stated guards would be needed to police the area to insure com- pliance. Hearing no further comment from the audience, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that the public hearing be closed. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Thereafter, discussion ensued among Council regarding this matter. It was the consensus of Council that they were in favor of compact parking; however, questioned whether it would be apropriate to grant a variance at this time since the parking ordinance is presently undergoing revision by the Planning Commission and Environmental Quality Board. Councilwoman Synadinos stated she is in favor of compact parking spaces when it can be controlled. However, she did not feel signage was sufficient to insure compliance; that it is necessary to have security guards or attendants on duty. After further discussion, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that the Hacienda Hotel be allowed to designate 48 compact parking spaces in a specified area in their north parking lot and up to 4 compact parking spaces in their south parking lot; that after adoption of the new parking ordinance by the City Council, the applicant agrees to comply with whatever requirements that are outlined therein; that the applicant deposit a bond with the City relating to this matter; and that all other points outlined in the Hacienda Hotel's request for variance be denied. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: Ayes: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Bue Noes: Councilwoman Synadinos Absent: None City Attorney Dolley indicated he will prepare a reso- lution outlining the Council's decision regarding this appeal. RECESS At the hour of 9:08 p.m. the Mayor declared a short recess. The meeting reconvened at 9:15 p.m. with all members of Council present and answering roll call. -4- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 VII VIII IX REPORTS OF COMMITTEES A. Airport Noise Control Councilman Armstrong stated he read an article proposing postponement of noise rulings until 1988. He stated he has discussed this with City Attorney Dolley and it is their recommendation that the City write letters and Council adopt resolutions urging the FAA to remain steadfast on the present compliance dates. B. League of California Cities Councilman Johnson stated he and City Manager Jones attended a meeting of this organization where all the legislation passed during the past year was discussed. Mr. Jones is reviewing the bills to see if they have any effect on E1 Segundo. C. Southwest Area Planning Councilwoman Synadinos reported this committee will be meeting December 16, 1984 to discuss South Bay light rail transportation. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Richard Patterson, 1205 E. Oak, requested Council to rescind t eir water rate fee schedule because he feels it did not take the negative impact on the senior citizens nor the lifeline discount for disabled persons into consideration. He stated the new schedule promotes different rates for different segments of the community. Mr. Patterson also requested Council not introduce the planning fees application resolution until further information is obtained. He then presented to Council a proposed ordinance that he stated would insure any proposed changes in fee schedules would first receive public hearing. B. Pearl Stevens, 608 Illinois Court, inquired if the Fire Li e Safety Report was being considered by Council. Mayor Bue assured her that it was. CONSENT CALENDAR Request was made to discuss item "A" separately. MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED,that the balance of the items on the Consent Calendar be approved as follows: B. Warrants Nos. 81482 -81619 on Demand Register Summary No. 10 and Expense Checks Nos. 4256 -4283 on Expense Check Register No. 5 RATIFIED AND APPROVED C. Tabulation of Bids for Asphalt Material to be used by the Street Department AWARDED TO LOW BIDDER DIAMOND MATERIALS D. Request for Approval of Closed Promotional Examination Plan for Police Captain EXAMINATION PLAN APPROVED - -5- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 6078 E. Recommendation to Accept Work of Reroofing of Three City Buildings WORK ACCEPTED AS COMPLETE AS OF OCTOBER 20, 1983; PAY- MENT WITHHELD PENDING RESOLUTION OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES F. Recommendation to Accept Work in Connection with Partial Sealing of Water Well No. 13 - Pro'. No. 82 -18 WORK ACCEPTED AS SATISFACTORILY COMPLETE AS OF 11-1 - 3 G. Recommendation to Release Unrecorded Easement for Storm Drain Purposes to Mr. John Shelton (Between Bungalow and Center, North of Pine) DOCUMENT RELEASED BACK TO JOHN SHELTON H. Recommendation to Adopt Amendment to Agreement with R. L. Kautz and Co. for Liability Insurance Administration AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT ADOPTED I. Report on Public Hearing Notification Policy POLICY CONTINUED FOR SIX MONTHS X CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting for November 1, 1983 City Clerk Burrowes stated the minutes for subject meeting had not been finalized. Mayor Bue then con- tinued the approval of this item to the December 20, 1983 Council meeting. XI WRITTEN COMMUNICATION A. Letter from the Board of Supervisors Requesting All Cities in Los Angeles County Join in Declaring a Special Week in February as County -City Earthquake Awareness Week The Council Declared February 6 -10, 1984 as County - City Earthquake Awareness Week. XII REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. City Manager Jones 1. Status Report on the Proposed Adoption of the Circulation Element to the General Plan Mr. Jones stated Staff and Council Members Siadek and Synadinos have devised a plan on how to proceed on this matter. He reported a meeting has been set for December 9, 1983 to receive input from all persons and companies that have previously expressed an interest in the proposed Circulation Element. 2. Recommendation to Accept Grant Funds Awarded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for Emergency Communications and Related Equipment Mr. Jones requested this matter be continued to the next Council meeting. He stated the bids for this equipment were higher than they anticipated; therefore, he would like to reevaluate the program before making any recommendations to Council. -6- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 3. Recommendation to Authorize the Publication of Summary Ordinances, and Notices Inviting Bids for Public Works Projects by Summary Only Mr. Jones stated he is recommending that Council authorize, on a trial basis, publication in summary only the ordinances adopted by Council and the Notices Inviting Bids on public works projects. He stated while there is not a large monetary impact, there may be other advantages. Mr. Jones stated that presently ordinances are published in full after Council has adopted them. Under the law, when ordinances are published by summary, it must be done both before and after Council action. This might be an advantage because it makes the public better aware and could there- fore make participation more effective. Public works bids are advertised in journals that are subscribed to by contractors and it is felt that the contractors get their information from that source rather than the legal notice in the local newspaper. Mr. Jones stated he does not feel that publishing bids by summary will reduce the participation of contractors. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, that publication of ordi- nances and notices inviting bids on public works projects be done in summary form. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Recommendation to Purchase Word Processing Equip- ment with Revenue Sharing Funds Mr. Jones stated this matter relates to the imple- mentation of that portion of the data processing study that recommends upgrading of the current word processing system. He stated staff has modified their original recommendation that was presented to Council November 15, 1983 to now include the City Clerk and Public Works offices in receiving Qume printers. Mr. Jones recommended funds for the pro - ject be appropriated from the Federal Revenue Sharing Account. Councilwoman Synadinos inquired if necessary to have a public hearing the recommended funds. Mr. Jones necessary during the annual budget a proposed use public hearing, but made in the appropriations without public hearing process. it would be in order to use stated it is process to have changes can be repeating the Councilman Siadek supested reassessing the Police and Fire Departments needs in this area after the first quarter of 1984. MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that Staff's recommendation to upgrade the word processing equipment in the -7- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 s Ei(13� Central Processing, City Clerk, Planning and Public Works Departments be approved and that formal bid - din procedures be waived and funds in the amount of 20,049.36 be appropriated from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund to purchase said equipment from Royal Business Machines. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Presentation of Auditor's Report for Fiscal Year 1982 -83 Finance Director Jose Sanchez reported on the financial statement for subject fiscal year, the auditor's comments and recommendations on internal control and the opinion on revenue sharing compliance. He stated that as in the past, the auditor has not rendered an opinion on the valuation of fixed assets for both the general City and water utility since those records have not been maintained on a current basis as to depreciation. He stated that although it is preferable to do so, it did not impair the auditor's ability to express an opinion on the City's financial statements as to revenues, expenditures, reserves and fund balances. However, he stated it will be pursued with the auditors to include those areas in future audits. Mr. Sanchez pointed out that the financial statements for subject fiscal year have been converted in format and are now presented in two parts. The first part combines all fund types and account groups by category and reports on the financial position of funds by category; the second part reports on the funds individually and provides detailed information on the fund's financial activity. Mr. Sanchez stated the auditor submitted recommendations for consideration to further strengthen the internal controls applicable to the City's accounting system. He stated those recommendations as well as Staff's comments are included in Council's agenda report. Mr. Sanchez stated that in the auditor's opinion the City has complied with the regulations set forth by the Revenue Sharing Act with one minor exception. He stated that item has been cleared, however, and acknowledged by the Office of Revenue Sharing. Council commented favorably on the new format, the timeliness of the report, and the time frame in which Staff will be implementing the recommendations. MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, that the Annual Financial Reports, Auditor's Comments and Recommendations and Revenue Sharing Compliance Opinion for fiscal year 1982 -83,be accepted, received and filed. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -8- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 I ': 7 �, B. City Clerk Burrowes 1. Certification of Results of Special Election Held November 8. 1983 Mrs. Burrowes presented the Certificate of Canvass of subject election received from the Los Angeles County Registrar- Recorder, showing the following vote: PRECINCT BALLOTS ABSENTEE BALLOTS TOTAL BALLOTS CAST CAST CAST 29120 169 29289 PROPOSITION D ORDINANCE YES NO Precinct Vote 1,553 499 Absentee Vote 126 31 TOTAL VOTE 1,679 530 The Mayor ordered the Certificate of Canvass be received and filed. Thereafter, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3234 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ON THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1983; DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PRO- VIDED BY LAW which was read, be adopted. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Request for Permission to Authorize the County Registrar- Recorder to Verify Signatures on Petitions Received in the City Clerk's Office Mrs. Burrowes stated two petitions were received in the City Clerk's Office on November 30, 1983 from Mr. Gerhardt Van Drie. The first petition is for a proposed ordinance that is referred to as the Oil Revenue License and User Fee Ordinance; the second as the School District Exchange Ordinance. Stated both petitions have been reviewed by the City Clerk's Office and appear to contain the qualified number of signatures. Mrs. Burrowes requested permission to contract with the Los Angeles County Registrar- Recorder's Office to certify the petitions. She stated that by law the certification must be done within 30 days. City Attorney Dolley stated he has reviewed the petitions and they are appropriate in form. He stated he did not look at the legality of the petitions but could do so if Council so desires. -9- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 'wlgl MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, that authorization be given to the City Clerk to hire Los Angeles County staff to verify the signatures on subject petitions. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C. Director of Public Works Glickman 1. Recommendation to Award Contract for Replacement of Fencing at Recreation Park - Project No 83-2 Mr. Glickman advised that on November 29, 1983, the following bids were received for subject project: Alcorn Fence Company $ 72,435.00 Quality Fence Company 105,040.00 Mr. Glickman stated the low bid is 11.4% over the estimate of the cost for this work; therefore, there is a deficit in the account that was established for the project. He stated there is an unexpended balance in the account designated for the Saari Swim Stadium Steam Boiler, and since that project had been completed, funds could be transferred from the steam boiler account to complete subject project. Mr. Glickman stated the low bidder has performed work for the City in the past in a satisfactory manner; therefore, he is recommending the contract be awarded to Alcorn Fence Company. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that the contract for subject project be awarded to the low bidder, Alcorn Fence Company, in the amount of $72,435.00; and that funds in the amount of $8,500 be transferred from the Saari Swim Stadium Steam Boiler Account (Account No. 11- 820029) to the Parks and Recreation Replacement Fence Account (Account No. 11- 810030) in order to completely fund said project. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Recommendation to Approve Change Order No. 1 for Sewer Pump Plant No. 5 - Project No 81 -11 Mr. Glickman presented subject Change Order and request for extension for 20 calendar days and requested Council approval of same. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Sira Aris Engineering, in total amount of $1,443.45 and for a time extension of twenty (20) calendar days is hereby aproved. -10- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be authorized to sign said Change Order No. 1 on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Recommendation to Approve Agreement with Los Angeles County Road Department for Resurfacing Aviation Boulevard from 900 Feet North of 135th Street (Southern Pacific Transportation Co. Tracks) to Rosecrans Avenue Mr. Glickman said subject project is a cooperative one administered by the County of Los Angeles using Federal Aid Urban Funds. Mr. Glickman recommended approval of the agreement that allows the County to have jurisdiction over the street during this pro- ject and finds that the project has a categorical exemption of a minor nature. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN JOHNSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain form of Agreement, between the County of Los Angeles and the City of E1 Segundo, presented to Council this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and after execution by each of the above -named parties, a copy of said agreement be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. and that the resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3235 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CONSENTING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF A PORTION OF AVIATION BOULEVARD WITHIN SAID CITY AS A PART OF THE SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. also be adopted. XIII UNFINISHED BUSINESS THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A. Introduction of Ordinance Revising Planning Application Fees City Attorney Dolley presented subject ordinance, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, TITLE 19 (PLATS AND 20 (ZONING) OF THE which title was read. -11- CITY COUNCIL OF THE CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SUBDIVISIONS) AND TITLE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE Council Minutes December 6, 1983 wiR 4 Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, further reading of the ordinance was waived. Thereafter, said ordinance was introduced by Councilman Johnson. B. Request of Southern California Edison Company to Support the Relicensing of California Hydro - Electric Projects Wesley Greenwood of Southern California Edison Company again appeared before Council requesting adoption of a resolution supporting SCE's position on this subject. Councilman Siadek stated the questions he had had been answered. Thereafter, COUNCILMAN SIADEK MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, that the following resolution, which was read, be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3236 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, IN SUPPORT OF RELICENSING OF HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY (FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT NOS. 1388 and 1389 THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. XIV NEW BUSINESS A. Councilman Siadek indicated he wished to work with City staff on the Washington /Kansas /Holly /California traffic project. Mr. Jones reported that matter is scheduled to come before the Council in January, 1984. B. Mayor Bue stated the Council received invitations to attend a fund raising affair for Supervisor Dana. He stated that since Supv. Dana has been supportive of E1 Segundo, he would like to attend. The event is scheduled January 17, 1984, the same date of a regularly scheduled Council meeting. The Council decided to adjourn that meeting to January 24, 1984. C. Councilwoman Synadinos indicated she would like Council to consider Mr. Patterson's suggestions on the water rates. Councilman Johnson suggested that at the time the depreciation schedule and ways and means operations of the Water Department are set up, it would be appropriate to review this matter. D. Councilwoman Synadinos stated Mayor Bue sent a letter to the Postmaster regarding the location of the new post office. She requested the sentence that reads: 'I urge you on behalf of the City Council to strongly consider to locate the new post office on the Imperial School site and other suitable locations west of Sepulveda." be changed to "I urge you . to locate the new post office at a location west of Sepulveda already zoned for commercial development." or to delete the phrase "on behalf of the City Council" since she does not agree with the wording. Mayor Bue stated he had polled all the Council members and 4 of the 5 agreed with the wording in the letter, and that the intent of the letter was simply to encou- rage exploring all avenues available. -12- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 XV ORAL COMMUNICATION 6 OR5 XVI XVII A. Carl Jacobson, President of the E1 Segundo Tax Payers ssociation, thanked Council for the audit procedures this year. B. Frank Wong, spoke about the Century He questioned why the road coming o runs directly to the Hometel site. stated it was to straighten out the entrance to E1 Segundo; that it has the Hometel project. Freeway project. at of the airport Councilman Johnson existing street nothing to do with Councilman Armstrong pointed out that on the map that Mr. Wong displayed, the road coming out of the airport is coming from the West Terminal which the airport has promised will no longer exist. C. Frank Aikens, 845 McCarthy Court, thanked Councilwoman . Syna nos or making Mayor Bue's letter to the Postmaster public. D. Pat Smith, 947 Virginia, stated he was E1 Segundo's representative on the Land Transportation Subcommittee for the Airport Area Advisory Committee. He spoke in favor of the Century Freeway and stated airport representatives are also in favor of the project. E. Frank Wong, stated he received a letter from Airport Pub is Relations that indicated they did not feel the Century Freeway was necessary. RECESS At the hour of 10:26 p.m. the Council recessed to the Mayor's office for a closed session. At the hour of 10:54 p.m. the Council reconvened with all members being present and answering roll call. A. City Attorney Dolley requested Council action concerning Parcel Map 12659 in Resolution No. 1003 as amended by Resolution No. 10i6 of the Planning Commission. Mr. Dolley recommended Council authorize City Engineer Glickman to release Conditions 2 and 3 in the Resolutions by letter to Continental Development Corp. in the proper form. He also recommended Council authorize City Manager Jones to enter into further agreement with Continental to cancel and rescind the original agreement providing for maintenance of the sump. MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN SIADEK, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SYNADINOS, to approve the City Attorney's recommendations. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. Councilman Siadek stated the City Attorney, in closed session, advised Council that since the City Clerk is an elected official, any consideration of a salary adjustment must be done publicly. Councilman Siadek felt there should be a salary adjustment for the City Clerk as well as the City Treasurer commensurate to the time worked. -13- Council Minutes December 6, 1983 i;(1 Q4i Councilwoman Synadinos stated that since there is a possibility that additional staff will be needed in the City Clerk's Office, the matter should be continued to the next Council meeting to allow the City Manager time to review the Clerk's request for salary adjustment. It was decided by Council to continue this matter to the next meeting and requested the City Clerk and the City Manager to discuss what would be an appropriate adjustment and present it to Council. XVIII ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Council at this session, MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ARMSTRONG, SECONDED BY MAYOR BUE, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, that the meeting adjourn in memory of Ray Wills and Ward Riehl; the hour of adjournment being 11:05 p.m. APPROVED: Wiliam D. Bue, Mayor Respectfully submitted, Va erie A. Burrowes, City Clerk —14- Council Minutes December 6, 1983