1982 DEC 21 CC MINMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL December 21, 1982 I CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on the above date at the hour of 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Alan Van Drie, Jr. Assistant Scout Master for Boy Scout Troop No. 773. III INVOCATION was delivered by Fr. Feodor Wilcock of St. Andrew's Catholic Church. IV ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Absent: Councilman Siadek V PRESENTATIONS A. Mayor Bue read a proclamation commemorating the 100th birthday of Miss HARRIET LAWLER, who came to work in Standard Oil Company's E1 Segundo Plant in 1911 and served there until her retirement in 1942. Related her many contributions to this city and advised the proclamation had been presented to Miss Lawler on her birthday, December 19th. B. The Mayor announced he was very pleased to recognize Mr. PETER CHARLAND for his services on the Recreation & Parks Commission and eleven years on the Planning Commission, that the City had been very furtunate to have had his dedication to city affairs and handed him a plaque in recognition of his service. Planning Commission Chairman Arch Young, handed Mr. Charland a gift in appreciation for his work on the Planning Commission. Mr. Charland stated he felt it was every citizen's duty to give to his community and he hoped he had contributed in some small way to the benefit of the people of the community. C. The Mayor announced that it was a pleasure to honor Mrs. JANE CONLEY for serving on the Metropolitan Cooperative Library System Board from its onset in July 1978 until December 1982. Presented Mrs. Conley with a plaque and thanked her for her many hours of service. VI SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Traffic Circulation report, Holly Avenue at California, Kansas and Washington Streets Director of Public Works Glickman stated that a notice had been distributed to residents and companies in subject area inviting them to'attend tonight's meeting. Related the history of traffic problems resulting in barricades being erected as a temporary measure to give time to study the problems further. Advised that the Traffic engineer Mr. George Villegas had prepared a report and asked that he review his findings for the Council. Mr-George Villegas, Traffic Consultant, discussed the study and four different mitigating measures that might be taken. Stated his recom- mendation was that the Channelization System, Alternate No. 4, would meet the needs better than the other three solutions. Director of Public Works responded to Council's inquiries about the improvement of Washington Street; that it may now be possible for the property to be dedicated and the street could then be made surface acceptable, not necessarily up to the full standards of other streets with proper curbs, sidewalks, etc., but a travel - able street nevertheless. He questioned whether it was the desire of the Council to have the street dedicated which would mean City maintenance of the street. Mayor Bue stated that if Council decides to adopt the Circulation Plan recommended by staff, then takes proper steps to address street dedication, that this would be the appropriate action to take. The Mayor asked if anyone present wished to speak regarding this matter. Mr. Paul Peterson, 411 California Street, asked what a Channeliza- tion System was and how would it prevent industrial traffic from using residential streets. Stated it looked like more traffic would be diverted to California Street, and he was sure there was a better solution. Mr-Glickman responded to Mr. Peterson's inquiries. Mrs. Stephanie Young 525 Washington Street, asked what the other alternatives were. Mr. Glickman responded and explained that Alternate Plan No. 4 was experimental, it appeared workable and could be changed easily if better plans resulted from the trial. Mr. Steve Leroy, 441 Kansas Street, stated he reviewed the alterna- tives and agreed that No. 4 would be the best solution to the problems. Mr. Paul Peterson clarified his previous remarks; that after review- ing the map, wished to rescind his objections to Alternate Plan No. 4 There being no further response, motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that the recommendation of staff to implement Alternate No. 4 to alter traffic patterns in the area of Holly Avenue at California, Kansas and Washington Streets, be approved. Motion carried. Mr-Glickman explained that the letter received from International Rectifier, stating the Police and Fire Departments were not in favor - of Alternate Plan No. 4 had been clarified by the company, that reference was to the barricades rather than Plan No. 4 and that the Police and Fire Department were in concurrence with staff's recommendations. Thereafter, the Mayor order that the International Rectifier letter be received and filed. B. Request to exempt improvements at 500 N. Nash Street from moratorium restrictions Planning Director Romaniello reported that subject project was exempt from California Environmental Quality Act regulations, it meets park- ing requirements and was in full compliance with the Municipal Code before the recent changes. Stated that staff had no serious concerns regarding the proposal, however, the Planning Commission had recom- mended that no additional exemptions be granted without prior Plann- ing Commission review; that all exemptions be made to conform with the new zone standards; and that this request for expansion be denied on the basis that it was not in compliance with Code Section 20.70.100 -2- Council Minutes December 21, 1982 X �;,i% ''3 Recommended that the request be denied so that it may be referred back to the Commission for action. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that the request of Art: Davis & Associates for improvements at 500 North Nash Street be denied. Motion carried. Mr. Art Davis, 6660 Reseda Boulevard, Reseda, stated the plan was to expand to provide additional off.`Lce space for compacy personne) only, that space would not be leased :tact, therefore; traffic_ would not: be increased. VII REPORTS OF COMMI'T'TEES A. Appointment of >'itertiate De Legate to ?4unicipa.3- Cooperative Library astem Board (MCLS) Motion was made by : ouncilman r.,-m5troiig, seconded b= Councilman Johnsen, that Mr. Dave Parke be appointed alternate delegate to act in the absence cif delegate Ralph Neil at the MC-_> Board Meetings. Mot ior; irried li- i° 10.`; Freeway C;orridcr_Citios Cotmuittc Counc- "lman Johns ;on reported that 1982.. projects were roviewed and pr.oje %t:i-ons for 1983 discussed. Stated an update ;report was g?uen on thy. 'Trolly >ystem and that Propo< ;iti.on A money f:l,r mass trar:_>it aynt_e- projec -tr: may be Stated it: appea : ( :hat: progress of tll.ce freevay may me E ::aster tlhar, nriganall.y sciir.dhtl.otd, C. itTeerion HERS Project. Gouocil.raaa Artastroag reported he had not: has a legal report, but had 1re.:r:d ilzo prof ct Saar: proce-eding, t.)rai he dice not know thd- City's Lep: -,1. posit: on at thif, lassie, bill- possibly after the 11.9t of VII: y/O:it -. U. Airport Noise Control and Laud Use Study Steer .nfz Comm t-jr ^r' (ANCLUC) Counc i.l.man Arm> t:rotig viI)orted th.aT : i L y staff sperid a i�reat deal of time adv 1 :; ia5, h i.a on nomse arr.d ) and U �;c matter's, which seemed; to be <, v,asi:o of t.iwe at t:hc_ eeti-nf; held lhss. Thuzsday ;.n to t;ounc.ii Cb ;imhor- :;t Ced he w.i: -6e a point for the record of that nweting that that m rabe, -s either spend more time working towards the goals set or a: ;;;ign the duty tr- t:.heir. alternates. VIII URA.;• COM)NICA7':IONS A. Mrs. Barbara l<.(.rby, City JJbuar ima, t- hanked .)title Conley for her dedicated services on, the :Metr( ;po1Ji:an Cooperative Library Syslcni Board and handed oaf -D Council niciabor a coin anriournc, ng that the City i;, now the pr( .tO owner: oc :1 ('0111 One ..ted. mir_ -,)-- computer for - public lase in the t � hrary. IX CONSENT CALENDAR COUT)Cilinaii ArmStrC.r ±g asked t.hai. f.t:em L be discus !�c.r; separate from the other- Calendar items. Thereaft-�r, mot..ior, was made ';y Councilman Johnson, seconded b—, Councilman Armstrong. that thir. balanc.c: of the items on the Conseni. Calendar be approved as recoTm, ended. Motion car ied A, Minutes of the r,guiar Ci. J (,ounc it weetir,.g Ire 3 November 16, 19£;7 Approved as written- B. � — Warrants Nos= ;7412 - 77564 on Demand Register summary No. 11 and Expense Check +tic)s- :3879 - 4001 on Expense Cher-!- Regi.T;ter No. 6 in total amouw_ of $775,586./3 Ratified and at;pr•oved. -3 Council Minutes December l_ 1 , 19£;'2 C. Bid No. 82 -13, Furniture for new City Maintenance Facilit Rejected bids from James Hill & Company and accepted lowest respons- ible bids for all items, except waste baskets, from UBI Planning and Design, totaling $20,054.38, and low bid of Huntington Desk Company for waste baskets, totaling $158.98, including sales taxes. D. Bid No. 82 -14, Complete Maxifotce Airbag System Low bid of San Diego Fire Equipment Company accepted in total amount of $3,230.15, including sales tax. E. Bid No. 82-15, Fabrication of 16" Manifold Water Pine Low bid of Western Water Works Supply Company accepted in total amount of $4,259.97, including sales tax. F. Request to waive normal bidding procedures and authorize purchase of four (4) Surviv -air self- contained breathing units from Halprin Supply Company at total cost of $3,723.24, including tax. Request approved. G. Request from Moran Construction Company for extension of permit for one trailer at 1920 East Grand Avenue Extension granted, to expire December 10, 1983. H. Resolution amending the Administrative Code, implementing General Government Series salary increases for 1982 -83 and 1983 -84 entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3182 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER IA3, GENTERAL GOVERNMENT SERIES, OF TITLE lA OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE adopted as read. I. Easement from Kilroy Industries for a storm drain and catch basin on Imperial Highway Accepted easement and right -of -way for construction, reconstruction, inspection, maintenance, operation and repair of a pipeline catch - basin and appurtenant structures in, over, upon and across the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: PARCEL A (Pipeline) That portion of the Northeast Quarter Section 7 Township 3 South, Range 14 West, in the Rancho Sausal Redondo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, included within a strip of land 2.00 feet in width, the southerly line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of Douglas Street as it existed of record on June 14, 1982, with a line parallel with and 2.00 feet. southerly, measured at right angles from the southerly line and its westerly prolongation of the 5.00 foot strip of land described in Document No. 3267, recorded December 4, 1961, in the office of the Recorder of said County; thence westerly along said parallel line 634.84 feet to a point designated as Point "A" for purposes of this description. -4- Council Minutes December 21, 1982 PARCEL B (Catchbasin) That portion of the Northeast Quarter Section 7 Township 3 South, Range 14 West, in the Rancho Sausal Redondo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los angeles, State of California, _more particu- larly described As _tallQws :- Beginning at point "A" described in Parcel A above; thence southerly, at right angles to the southerly line of the 2.00 foot strip of land described in said Parcel "A ", 5.00 feet to a line parallel with the 5.00 feet southerly, measured at right angles from the westerly pro- longation of said last mentioned southerly line; thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line, 32.76 feet; thence northerly, at right angles, 7.00 feet to the westerly prolongationn of the northerly line of said 2.00 foot strip of land described in Parcel "A" above; thence easterly along said last mentioned prolongation to the north- westerly corner of said Parcel "A "; thence southerly along the westerly line of said Parcel "A" to the point of beginning. J. Status report on construction of the new City Maintenance Facility, Project No. 81 -8 - as of December 1, 1982 Ordered received and filed. R. Resolution amending the Traffic Resolution providing for 4 -way stop signs at Virginia Street and Sycamore Avenue entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3183 A RESOLUTION'OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CERTAIN SUBSECTIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 3113 (THE TRAFFIC RESOLUTION) AS AMENDED, WHICH SAID SUBSECTIONS RELATE TO STOP INTERSECTIONS Adopted as read. M. Claim of Cynthia Filchner for personal and vehicles damages Claim denied. N. Claim of Joe Andrecht, Jr. for personal and vehicle damages Claim denied. 0. National Car Rental & James Walter Watson, Jr., Petition to File Late Claim Denied permission to file late claim. P. Proposed plan and recommendations for a paging /music system at the new City Maintenance Yard Addition of speakers in 11 instruments and increase of purchase order to ITT Systems from $515.46 to $13,459.96 from City Maintenance Yard Capital Improvement Account and issuance of bid specifications for the balance of the music /paging system approved as recommended. X CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR L. Request to upgrade part -time Clerk Typist position to full -time Clerk - Stenographer for new City Maintenance Yard -5- Council Minutes December 21, 1982 Councilman Armstrong asked for clarification of this position. City Manager Jones advised that he had recommended denial of the budget request for a full -time secretary for the Public Works Department and that the position be reviewed at mid -year. Stated it is proposed that the part -time typist in the Public Works Department be upgraded to full time Clerk- Stenographer and that a promotional examination be conducted to serve the needs for all the divisions that work out of the new City Maintenance Yard. Motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that authorization be granted to conduct a promotional exam- ination for a full -time Clerk- Stenographer replacing the present Clerk-Typist position in the Public Works Department, and that $3,245 be allocated from the unappropriated reserve of the General Fund to cover costs for the balance of 1982-83 fiscal year. Motion carried. XI WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. Report of Planning Commission concerning request to investigate ramifications of SB 1534 Ordered received and filed. B. Report from Planning Commission concerning establishing standards for uses involving alcoholic beverages in the C -3 zone The City Manager advised that the Planning Commission's recommenda- tion was to hold this in abeyance pending the completion of the review of all zoning standards, at which time specific sections of the codes will be dealt with regarding permitted uses, conditional uses, auxiliary uses, etc. The Mayor advised he had received a communication from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors dealing with the same subject and had responded as reflected in the Planning Commission Report. The Mayor ordered the report received and filed. XII REPORTS OF OFFICERS A. City Manager Jones I. Acquisition of one used armored truck for conversion as a Police Mobile Command Post Advised that the Police Department had investigated the feasibility of establishing a Mobile Command Post, and had located a Brinks used truck in good condition that the company would sell to the City for $25.00. Presented a report on requirements for conversion of the vehicle to function as a command post at a cost of approximately $11,000. Recommended approval be given to purchase the truck and to make the conversion, deferring budget approval until the 1983 -84 fiscal year budget sessions. After discussion, motion was made by Councilwoman Synadinos, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that the offer of Brinks be accepted to purchase one truck for $25.00, and conversion be deferred until budget time or later. The City Manager stated the vehicle should not be purchased unless the Council intends to appropriate the money for the conversion now or during budget time. -6- Council Minutes December 21, 1982 On roll call, the aforesaid motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council members Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Noes: Councilman Armstrong Absent: Councilman Siadek 2. Revisions to Resolution No. 2541 implementing the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act Advised that subject resolution had been reviewed and procedural changes made for processing projects for impacts on the environment. Outlined the major revisions and that an appendix had been added listing ministerial project exemptions. Stated the Planning Commission asked that Grading Permits be deleted from the list. Advised that staff felt the Commission did not have complete informa- tion when that decision was made and recommended that the grading permits remain in the resolution. After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that Item 14, Grading Permits, be deleted from the resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3184 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING REGULA- TIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT OF 1970 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2541 which was read, be adopted as amended. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council members Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Noes: Council members None Absent: Councilman Siadek Thereafter, acting City Attorney Dolley presented an ordinance to incorporate building permit limitations in the Municipal Code, as adopted in the aforementioned resolution, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 16 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 16.03 THERETO RELATING TO BUILDING PERMIT LIMITATIONS which title was read. Upon motion duly made and carried, further reading of said ordinance was waived. Thereafter, the ordinance was introduced by Councilman Armstrong. 3. Report on storm damage to City property November 30,1982 Presented a staff report on damage to trees, and work required by City personnel to secure areas in danger of flying debris. Advised that it was necessary to close Grand Avenue from Sepulveda to Continental Boulevard.because of flying pieces of metal from the Prudential Towers construction site. Recommended that $2,250 be appropriated from the Contingency Account to replace trees that were lost in the storm, and that the Prudential construction company be invoiced for $2,400 to recover costs to the City. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that the City Manager's recommendation be approved. Motion carried. -7- Council Minutes December 21, 1982 x 4. Emergency Operations Training Exercise, February 9 - 11, 1983 Advised that it is proposed to have the California Specialized Training Institute of San Luis Obispo conduct emergency operations training for City employees, volunteer radio emergency people, industrial personnel who are involved in emergency procedures, and the Red Cross. Advised that in the past the Institute provided the training free of charge, but because of funding cut backs, have asked the cities to pay one -half the cost. Recommended $2,000 be allocated from the unexpended balance of the General Fund for this purpose and approval granted to hold the exercises on subject dates in E1 Segundo Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilwoman Synadinos, that the California Specialized Training Institute be authorized to conduct training exercises in E1 Segundo, and that $2,000 be appropriated from the unexpended balance of the General Fund. Motion carried. 5. Establishing Department of Building & Safety as the Administrative Entity to provide information on local residential building permits Stated that to comply with the State Statutes of 1981 (AB 941), it is necessary to identify the administrative entity that will provide information on status of all permits for residential development, and requires that such action be approved by resolution or ordinance. Advised that the process used in the Building Department for the past ten years meets the requirements of the law. Advised that a resolu- tion had been prepared, and recommended adoption. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3185 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING AN AGENCY TO COORDINATE THE REVIEW AND DECISION - MAKING AND PROVIDE INFORMATION REGARDING THE STATUS OF ALL PERMITS OR APPLICATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS REQUIRED BY THE CITY which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried. 6. International City Managers' Association Small Cities Committee Advised that he had been appointed to subject committee, but the appointment did not include financing. Stated he would like to serve and asked that transportation costs be approved; that he would pay the costs for food and lodging. Motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that City Manager Jones' appointment to the ICMA Small Cities Committee be approved and expenses for per diem and trans- portation, in the estimated amount of $1,500, be appropriated from the unexpended balance of the General Fund. Motion carried. 7. Ordinance amending the Municipal Code regarding insurance requirements for taxicab operators Advised that this ordinance would allow operating permits to be issued in E1 Segundo if insurance coverage furnished in another city is comparable to the requirements of E1 Segundo. Recommended approval. Council Minutes December 21, 1982 Acting City Attorney Dolley presented an ordinance, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 5.16.250 OF CHAPTER 5.16 OF THE,EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE WHICH SECTION RELATES TO INSURANCE AND PERMITS FOR TAXICABS AND VEHICLES FOR HIRE which title was read. Upon motion duly made and carried, further reading of said ordinance was waived. Thereafter, the ordinance was introduced by Councilman Armstrong. B. Acting City Attorney Dolley 1. Report regarding proposed Airport capacity control regulations Reported that the Capacity Control Regulations proposed by Los Angeles International Airport would allow the number of annual passengers going through the airport to be increased. Advised that a draft of a response to the Airport, objecting to the increase, had been prepared, and if the Council concurred, the letter could be prepared for the Mayor's signature and sent to LAX. The Council agreed that the letter be sent to the Airport as well as surrounding cities. Councilman Armstrong commended Mr. Mann and Lynn Harris, Associate Planner, for their assistance in noise matters. Mr.Dolley echoed the Councilman's commendations. 2. Ordinance modifications relative to traffic violations Presented an ordinance to modify the Municipal Code, bringing it in line with the State Vehicle Code, by making certain minor traffic violations infractions of the law rather than misdemeanors requiring a lower penalty than misdemeanors. Acting City Attorney Dolley presented subject ordinance, entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 1.12 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE, WHICH CHAPTER RELATES TO PENALTIES FOR CODE VIOLATIONS which title was read. Upon motion duly made and carried, further reading was waived. Thereafter, the ordinance was introduced by Councilman Johnson. C. Director of Public Works Glickman I. Completion of 10" water line in Indiana Street and Holly Avenue by G. R. Frost, Inc., Project No. 80 -16 Advised that a notice of Completion had been filed for subject project, that the work was completed 148 days over the contract time, three of which were caused by rain. Also advised the City incurred expenses amounting to $418.15 for emergency placement of paving material. Recommended that liquidated damages for 145 days be assessed at $100 per day; that $418.15 be deducted from the contract price for the City's expenses, and that the contract be accepted as complete as of November 26, 1982. -9- Council Minutes December 21,1982 X=;30 Motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that installation of a 10" water line in Indiana Street and Holly Avenue by G. R. Frost, Inc., be accepted as satisfac- torily complete as of November 16, 1982 in accordance with Spec- ification No. 80 -16; that liquidated damages be assessed against said company for overrun of 145 days in total amount of $14,500; and that an additional $418.15 be deducted from the contract price for expenses incurred by the City for emergency repairs. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council members Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Noes: Council members None Absent: Councilman Siadek Mr. Ara Avak, 731 West Pine Avenue, asked if the Hacienda Hotel would be constructing the parking structure after the street is paved. Director of Public Works Glickman advised he knew of no other work except resurfacing the parking lot, that no plans had been received for any structures. 2. Modifications to Sewer Plant No. 5, Center Street at Oak Avenue, Specification No. 81 -11 Advised that bids had been received for subject project on November 16, 1982, which bids were as follows: Name Amount of Bid Sira -Aris Engineering $ 68,910.00 M.E.Fridrich Co. 98,989.00 Recommended acceptance of the low bid. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that the bid of Sira -Aris Engineering in total amount of $68,910, be accepted as the lowest responsible bid; that the Mayor be authorized to execute the contract herein awarded; the City Clerk to attest his signature; that all bids received, except that of Sira -Aris Engineering be rejected and the bid bonds of said bidders be returned. Motion carried by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Council members Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue Noes: Council members None Absent: Councilman Siadek XIII UNFINISHED BUSINESS None XIV NEW BUSINESS Councilman Johnson complained about dogs running loose in the parks and wondered if posting signs prohibiting this would be effective. City Manager Jones advised that the Police Department had drafted an ordinance to this effect that might be ready for the next or next following meeting of the Council. Councilman Johnson reported that the League sent out a review of what is to be expected regarding sharing funds with the State and to report. of California Cities in the coming year asked the City Manager Council Minutes December 2 1 , 1982 City Manager Jones reported that SB 9X was being considered in Special Session of the legislature to modify financing the State now provides to cities to relieve the State budget crisis. Stated that SB 9X would remove some subventions currently coming to the cities, E1 Segundo's portion being $73,700 foi this current fiscal year. Advised that over the past two years, the State had removed subventions totaling $151,550 on an annualized basis from E1 Segundo. Advised he had conferred with Senator Beverly's assistant in Sacramento and was informed that the senator voted against the bill; that the bill was on the Senate floor for adoption now and that he believed the bill would be modified, and if so, it would mean that E1 Segundo may lose only $12,000 additional funds rather than $73,700, and it is even possible E1 Segundo would not lose any more subvention money. Council asked that a letter be sent to Senator Beverly reiterating the City's position and thanking him for his support of the City's stand. v XV ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None XVI ADJOURNMENT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned, time of adjournment being 9:45 o'clock p.m. APPROVED illiam D. Bue, Mayor Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk -11- Council Minutes December 21, 1982 "1