1981 OCT 20 CC MIN - 4BOARD OF EXAMINERS AND APPEALS October 20, 1981 The Board of Examiners and Appeals convened on the above date at the hour of 7:50 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. Chairman Van Vranken announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed to hear the appeal of Alflex Corporation for a permit to include Alflex Reduced Wall Aluminum Flexible Conduit in the E1 Segundo Electrical Code as an acceptable grounding conductor. Roll Call: Present: Trustees Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Chairman Van Vranken Absent: Trustees None Director of Building Safety Dalgleish reported he had denied the request of the appellant on the grounds that the proposal was not in conformance with the National Electrical Code nor with the E1 Segundo Electrical Code. Stated he had conferred with an electrical consultant, who was in attend- ance and was prepared to answer the Boards technical questions; that he would respond to administrative questions. Advised that granting this request would amount to giving priority approval to a specific product which would set a precedent for reviewing many types of electrical flexible wiring involving additional manhours for the inspec- tors and staff. Stated he was of the opinion that approval should be left to the people who are in the business of reviewing products; should go through the Underwriter's Laboratory or the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation (NFPA) for inclusion in the appropriate national codes. Mr. Dick Ouaresma, 610 Sierra Street, Electrical Consultant, responded to Board's questions regarding the use of this flexible conduit. Mr. Don Wagner, Alflex Corporation, advised the company had approval from the City of Los Angeles; that all the surrounding cities had accepted the product and the company was interested in having approval for use in El Segundo so that contractors would have uniformity in construction. Further advised that their proposal submitted to the National Electrical Code to clarify Section 350 -5 of the NFPA was turned down although the NFPA, the Code making process for the National Electrical Code, advised they found no problem with the conduit. Also stated the product is UL listed for structural strength, for pull -out, crush, IDOD, and for alloy. Responded to the Board's questions, that it would take at least three years to go through the Underwirter's Laboratory to get approval and he did not think the results would be any different than the City of Los Angeles Electrical Testing Laboratory. Mr. Bud Lindsley, Alflex Corporation, former Chief Electrical Inspector for the City of Long Beach, responded to the Board's questions about time required for approval. Stated it required at least three years prior to the printing of the National Electrical Code, that requests submitted now and approved would be incorporated in the 1985 Code. Further stated the product had gone through testing at two laboratories and that other cities using the product have not had to add additional help._ Hearing no further response, the Chairman ordered the hearing closed. X�`).1.-1i) After further discussion by the Board, motion was made by Trustee Siadek, seconded by Trustee Bue, that the appeal of Alflex Corporation be denied. Motion carried. APPROVED: R. K. Van Vranken, Chairman -2- Respectfully submitted, Mac Dalgleish, ecretary