1981 MAR 09 CC MINX5"31r'".
l 5
March 9, 1981
The El Segundo City Council convened in adjourned regular session on
Monday_, March 9, 1981 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of
the E1 Segundo City Hall.
Presentation of the Flag Colors was made by members of Boy Scout Troop 267
after which those present joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America, led by Troop Leader Bill Simmons.
The invocation was delivered by Pastor Tom Craddock of the E1 Segundo
Four Square Church.
Present: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson,
Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken
Absent: Councilmen None
The Mayor read subject proclamation, stating that said organization
had symbolized the best in our society and its volunteers have generously
given of themselves to provide a wide range of important and necessary
community services for 100 years, and declared the month of May as
AMERICAN RED CROSS CENTENNIAL MONTH. Urged all citizens to support the
E1 Segundo Branch of the organization.
The Mayor presented the proclamation to Mr. Hans Andersen.
The Mayor-read subject proclamation stating that the E1 Segundo
De Molay Chapter 2136 will celebrate its 62nd anniversary in 1981 and
proclaimed the week of March 15 -22, 1981 as INTERNATIONAL DE MOLAY WEEK.
Chapter Dad Tom Bigelow and Master Counsellor Bret Bigelow accepted
the proclamation.
The Mayor read subject proclamation, endorsing goals of the Rally,
urging all citizens to participate in support of recycling, litter
control and waste reduction activities, and declared the week of April
20 - 26, 1981 as RALLY WEER.
a. Urban West Communities applications for development of Imperial
Street School Site,.540 East Imperial Avenue
The Mayor announced that he had received requests to reopen the hearing
on subject matter and questioned whether it was fair to reopen the hearing
without prior public notice.
The City Manager advised he thought a notice should be published prior
to reopening the hearing to give everyone a fair opportunity to speak.
The City Attorney stated it would be appropriate to speak on the sub-
ject without reopening the hearing, that it would become public information,
but it would not be part of the public hearing record for court review should
such action come about.
uouncilmar Siadt:: suggested that the Council hear what the people have
to say and then determine if it is significantly worthy of having another
After further discussion, the Mayor announced that oral communications
would be heard at this time and invited anyone present who wished to speak
on any subject to come forward.
The Mayor stated that several questions had been raised at the public
hearing held February 17, 1981, which were directed towards the actions of
the School Board and School Administration and that these items could not
be the concern of the Council. Stated the Council had no authority or
responsibility for the School Board's action; that that body acts under
School Administration Law and this Council was not conversant with that
law. Asked that any additional questions of this nature be directed to
the School Board or School Administration and not the Council.
a. Mr. 0. B. Hill, 917 McCarthy Court, stated he did not want to
report unless it would become part of the public record.
The City Attorney advised it would be public record, but would not be
considered part of the hearing held on this subject February 17, 1981.
Mr. Hill stated that the concerned citizens' purpose was to point out
facts that should be considered before action is taken on this project.
Related difficulties encountered in obtaining documents from City Depart-
ments and the School Administration; disagreed with sections of the Environ-
mental Impact Report; and handed out reports asking the Council to consider
the documentation prior to making a decision on the School Site plans.
b. Mr. Steve Romero, 837 Virginia Street, stated he was the owner of
International Gardens Center with a temporary permit to occupy Southern
California Edison Company right -of -way and a license from the City to
operate his business on that property. Asked about the City's plans for
expansion of Washington Parkette into this property.
The Mayor advised that this item would be discussed later on the agenda.
c. Mr. Jack Wood, 916 Sheldon Street, representing the Citizens Commit-
tee for the reservation of E1 Segundo, handed out literature for each of
the Councilmen regarding the Imperial Street School Condominium project.
Quoted several sections in the E1 Segundo Zoning Code relating to pro-
cedures which had not been followed in the applications for zone change or
for Planned Residential Development. Also quoted sections of the Education-
al Code to which the School Board had not adhered; mainly, that the Citizens'
Advisory Committee, appointed by the School Board, had recommended the Board
give consideration to leasing the property to be compatible with the neigh-
borhood; that the facilities not be modified in such a way that is an
irreversible modification; and that any playground areas be part of the
Further stated that the title of the land may be clouded and encumbered
unless a legal opinion is made in regards to the ownership rights of
those people who relinquished their property when the school was built.
Stated that in view of all the inconsistencies, it is mandatory that the
Council reject the recommendation of the Planning Commission until a
valid application is presented.
-2- Council Minutes
March 9, 1981
d. Mr. Ross Kongable, 909 McCarthy Court, stated he thought it im-
portant to reopen the hearing; that the City.does not have a valid
application for the zone change and the application for amendment to
the Land Use Element had not been filed in a timely manner according
to the City Code. Stated that since the hearing had not been held
within the time of the Code requirements, it was mandatory that the
Council not approve the project.
Councilman Siadek inquired whether the group was interested in
stopping the project or just delaying it.
Mr. Kongable advised he thought the project should be delayed
until the Council has had an opportunity to hear all the facts.
Stated that the Code requires complete working drawings, but only
an approximation had been submitted at the public hearing, along
with a tentative tract map. Questioned staff's determinations re-
garding roadways, etc., without working drawings. Stated the Council
was working with incomplete and inaccurate information and that the
Committee had documented these facts for the Council to consider
before voting on this project.
e. Mrs. Karen Boyce, 518 East Walnut Avenue, quoted Title 20 of the
Municipal Code regarding the requirement that the Planning Commission
recite the facts and reasons necessary to carry out the general pur-
purse of this title which is the public benefit. Stated she found
no record of this being done and, therefore, stated the Council must
deny the application for zone change.
f. Mr. Ian Bardeen, 830 Sheldon Street, stated he had just recently
moved into E1 Segundo and decided to look into this project. Stated
he found that there seems to be an attempt by some builder to build
a project which will benefit himself without too much concern for the
public. Advised that he had studied the Environmental Impact Report
and found it very cursory and conclusionary. Questioned that thirteen
visitor parking spaces was ample for 98 units, which would mean a
great deal of on- street parking. Also questioned the density figure
as being lower than actual calculations. Stated it appeared the EIR
reflects what the developer would like to do, but does not specify
what they are going to do. Stated he thought flood conditions, traf-
fic and noise matters should be more specifically addressed in the
report and that the project should be denied now because the people
have not been shown anything that would benefit the community and
that the EIR is totally inadequate.
Councilman Armstrong stated he felt there were avenues that
had not been explored in regard to this project and moved that the
matter be deferred and a public hearing called for April 7, 1981.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Siadek and passed unanimously.
b. Appointment of delegate to Metropolitan Cooperative Library System
Lay Advisory Board
City Manager Jones presented an application from Mrs. Jane Conley, the
present incumbent, which was the only application received for subject
Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Johnson,
that Mrs. Jane Conley be reappointed for a 2 -year term on subject com-
mittee, said term to expire December 31, 1982. Motion carried.
a. Sister City Festival. Mayor Van Vranken reported that he had relayed
the information to Guaymas officials that a surplus piece of fire equipment
was available. Stated interest was shown, but the decision may be delayed
until the Mayor of Guaymas is off the sick list.
-3- Council Minutes
March 9, 1981
b. West Basin Water Association. Councilman Armstrong stated he had
received the Site Closure and Maintienarme report on the Palos Verdes
land fill, and as soon as he finished reading it he would pass it on
to others for information.
c. Airport Eloise Control and Land Use Study Steering Committee
Councilman Armstrong commended Planning Associate Cosin for an excellent
presentation at the last meeting. Stated she had been charged with the
duty of writing a job description of the ANCLUC Coordinator, that it was a
very good report which gives the Committee some sort of a clutch to at
least have a voice in the airport.
Requests were made to discuss Items 'e' and 'h' separately. Thereafter,
motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that
the balance of the items on the Consent Calendar be approved as recommended
on the agenda. Motion carried:
a. Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held February 17, 1981
... Approved as written
b. Warrants Nos. 69952 through 70094 on Demand Register Summary No. 16
in amount of $612,029.15
... Ratified and approved
c. Application for Alcoholic Beverage Control On -Sale Beer and Wine
License eating place, Richmond Bar & Grill, 145 Richmond Street
... Ordered received and filed
d. Bids for pipe fittings for Water Division No. 80 -23
Low bid for each item accepted:
Items A & B to Parkson, Inc. in amount of $1,142.68
Items C, D, & E to Taylor -Jet Company in amount of $3,823.67
for total of $4,966.35 including sales tax
f. Bids for fire hose. No. 80 -22
... Low bids for 4" fire hose from Halprin Supply Company and
Angus Fire Armour Corporation rejected for not meeting speci-
fications; bid of Wardlaw Equipment, Inc. accepted for 4" fire
hose as lowest responsible bid; and low bid of Wardlaw Equip-
ment, Inc. accepted for 2 -1/2" and 1 -3/4" fire hose, in total
amount of $11,926.59, including sales tax.
g. Release of Occidental Petroleum Company Bond No. 2753989 with SAFECO
Insurance Company of America covering Occidental Title Insurance
and Trust Wells Nos. 1 and 2
... Bond exonerated from liability as of midnight, March 9, 1981
i. Change Order No. 5 to Pascal & Ludwig, Inc., contract for 6.3 Million
gallon reservoir, Project No. 74 -22 for security fencing -_$2,500
... Approved Change Order No. 5 and authorized Mayor to sign
on behalf of the City.
j. Plans and Specifications No. 80 -19, replacement of windows and screens
at Urho Saari Swim Stadium
... Approved Specifications and authorized advertising for bids
to be received March 31, 1981
-4- Council Minutes
March 9, 1981
e. Bids for sale of City's surplus casings and lead no longer.needed by
the Police Department
Councilman Armstrong stated that split casings were junk, but reusable
casings were worth more than the high bid. Also inquired if the lead was
scrap or in ingot form.
City Manager Jones advised that the lead was recovered from the pistol
Motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Johnson,
that the high bid of F. Morton Pitt Company of $20.00 /M for approximately
4,000 rounds of .38 Cal. casings and the bid of Duke Hingley of 15C per
pound f-or - approximately 700 pounds of lead be approved. Motion carried.
h. Final Map of Tract No. 37386, Walder Development Company condominiums
at 929 -941 Main Street and deed for water pipelines on said property
Director of Public Works Glickman reported that the final map of Tract
37386 had been submitted to the City for approval. Presented a resolution
approving the map and a deed quitclaiming the water pipe lines in that
tract that are no longer used by the City. Recommended the Tract Map and
deed be approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Armstrong,
that the following resolution, entitled:
which was read, be adopted.
On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson,
Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken
Noes: Councilmen None
Absent: Councilmen None
Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman
Armstrong, that the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, that certain waterline easement
insofar as it pertains to and affects the following
described real property located in the City of E1
Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California,
to wit:
Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Tract No. 3690 as shown
on map recorded in Book 40, page 55 of maps,
records of said Los Angeles County, being a
resubdivision of lots 1 and .14 in Block 105,
Sheet 3 E1 Segundo recorded in Book 20, pages
22 and 23 of Maps, Records of said Los Angeles
is no longer needed.
Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby
authorized to execute a Quitclaim Deed for said ease-
ment from the City of E1 Segundo to Walder Develop-
ment Company, Inc., and the City Clerk to attest the
-5- Council Minutes
March 9, 1981
On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson,
Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken
Noes: Councilmen None
Absent: Councilmen None
a. City Manager Jones
1) Application for 1980 State Park Bond funds for expansion of
Washington Parkette
Advised that the Recreation and Parks Commission had established
an expansion and beautification program for Washington Park, and if
approved, funds in the amount of $45,900 from the California Park Lands
Act of 1980 would be used for.this program. Presented a resolution
approving the application for said funds.
Further explained that there had been some confusion between the City
and the Southern California Edison Company; that the City had asked the
Edison company to place a hold on its right -of -way for use in expanding
the park; that the man who had agreed to this had passed away and later
on another person had made the same commitment to Mr. Romero.
Mayor Van Vranken inquired about establishing park areas on the west
side of town.
Mr. John Lowe, Chairman of the Recreation and Parks Commission stated
that there is very little area in that part of town that could be used for
parks. The Mayor asked that the Commission take another look at the west
side for additional park areas.
Motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Johnson,
that the following resolution be adopted:
which was read, be adopted.
On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson,
Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken
Noes: Councilmen None
Absent: Councilmen None
Advised that he would like to meet with the Council in closed session
at the conclusion of this meeting to discuss a matter of litigation.
b. Director of Public Works Glickman
1) Change Order No. 1 to F. A. Fuller Construction Company, Inc.
contract for extension of Checkout Building at Recreation Park
Presented subject Change Order for a net credit of $623.00 result-
ing from air conditioning duct work which had not been required. Recom-
mended approval.
-6 Council Minutes
March 9, 1981
Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson,
that Change Order No. 1 to F. A. Fullsr.Construction Company, Inc, contract
for extension to the Checkout Building amounting to a total 'net credit of
$623.00, be approved and the Mayor authorized to sign said Change Order on
behalf of the City and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried
by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson,
_ Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken
Noes: Councilmen None
Absent: Councilmen None
2) Advised of the recent incorporation of the El Segundo Employers' Asso-
ciation, comprised of companies who hope to look at traffic problems within
the community, concentrating on ride - sharing and van - pooling type projects.
Stated that a luncheon will be held at the Hacienda Hotel this Friday at
which time Assemblywoman Marilyn Ryan and Mr. Heinz Heckeroth, District
Manager of CALTRANS will talk about legislation which will be coming up
affecting ride - sharing, van - pooling matters and other transportation matters
that might affect Southern California in this area:
a. Councilman Armstrong asked about information he had previously requested
on how much the City has spent on storm drains in the last seven or eight
City Manager Jones stated this information was available and would be
furnished, but he had understood the Councilman's previous inquiry involved
the amount of property tax money collected in E1 Segundo or the amount from
the County Storm Drain Bond Issue, which information could not be obtained.
a. Mayor Van Vranken announced that several students were present who will
take part in the Student Government Day, taking over the City Government
next week. Asked the students to stand.
b. Councilman Armstrong asked if he could get a summation of the costs
for consultants fees for the year 1980.
City Manager Jones advised the information would be furnished.
c. Councilman Bue announced that Assembly Bill 115 would remove the
Coastal Commission's authority to deal with local housing issues and
recommended support of that bill.
Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that
Assembly Bill 115 be supported. Motion carried.
d. The Mayor advised the State Legislature had voted to get the peripheral
Canal project under way to meet Southern California water needs. Stated
there is a petition to place this back on the ballot and unless action is
taken, it may not get underway until November, 1982. Asked if there was
a possibility of getting it on an earlier ballot.
City Attorney Allen responded that the Governor could call a special
election at any time, that it could not qualify for the June, 1981 election.
Motion was made by Mayor Van Vranken, seconded by Councilman Bue,
that the Governor and State elected officials be contacted urging them
to place the peripheral Canal question on the ballot for the earliest
possible election, possibly November 1981. Motion carried.
-7- Council Minutes
March 9, 1981
Mrs. Lillian Compton, representative of the'E1 Segundo Auxiliary of the
Childrens Hospital, stated the Auxiliary has had a paper bin for the last
year with all proceeds going to the Childrens Hospital; and likewise the
PTA holds paper drives periodically to raise money. Asked if the proposed
reclamation center would honor an individual's request that a certain
organization be credited, and would see that the designated organization
got the money. Further asked if the Center could issue a voucher to the
individual, showing credit to an organization; if there would be any ob-
jection to placing signs on the site asking the people to request a voucher
in favor of the Childrens Hospital.
City Manager Jones advised that the Reclamation Center management would
be approached with these requests.
At the hour of 9:00 o'clock p.m., the Council recessed to a closed session
in the Mayor's office to discuss matters of litigation. At the hour of
9:10 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and
answering roll call.
No further business appearing to come before the Council at this session,
the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned to 7:00 o'clock p.m., March 10,
1981 in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo.City Hall, 350 Main Street.
a x
R. K. Van Vranken, Mayor
Respectfully submitted,
Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk
-8- Council Minutes
March 9, 1981