June 3, 1981
The E1 Segundo City Council convened in an adjourned regular session
on the above date at the hour of 6:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council
Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Richard Van Vranken
3. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson,
Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken
Absent: Councilmen None
a. Continued discussion of Operating Budget for 1981 -82
City Manager Jones advised that the end of the year summation had not
been finalized because of some revenue figures unavailable until mid-
year. Stated the Gann Amendment requires that a city's revenues not
exceed the limit set forth in the budget, otherwise a means must be
devised to reduce revenues in succeeding years to pay back the excess
received over the limit. Stated that preliminary calculation indicates
that E1 Segundo may exceed its limit by possibly one million dollars,
and therefore, provisions will need to be made to reduce this excess.
Further stated the large factor in calculations is that June sales tax
figures are not yet available.
Councilman Armstrong asked if there was a provision allowing the limit
to be changed by a 2/3 vote of the people, and since it appears a
special election will be called, could this be placed on the ballot at
that election.
The City Manager stated this would be investigated; that a lot more
work needed to be done on the budget.
The Mayor advised that additional data would be furnished to the Council
as soon as available and may require further changes in the budget prior
to finalization.
Police Department. City Manager asked that the following changes
be made:
Account 310011 Salaries $1,651,632.to $1,643.052.
Account 310018 Retirement PERS $ 542,431 to $ 539,823
Account 310030 Memberships, etc. $ 6,035 to 5,889
Account 310032 Vehicle Maintenance:
Considerable increase due to increased cost of fuel
and addition of three vehicles
Account 310048 Depreciation: Increase due to
Communications equipment included this year
Account 310076 South Bay Regional Communications Authority:
Increase due mainly to higher salary ranges making the
jobs more competitive and to improve personnel problems
Police Chief Johnson responded to Council's inquiries regarding the
South Bay Regional Communications Center operations and the supplemental
requests for additional police personnel.
The City Manager advised that the Special Assignment Officer position
had been funded by a grant that will run until the end of this year and
wanted the Council to be aware of the position should a mid -year budget
request be submitted to continue the position. Stated that evaluation
would continue to determine the effectiveness of the position.
After discussion regarding the supplemental requests for additional
personnel, the consensus of the Council was that two patrol officer
positions be approved, the Special Assignment officer approval be
withheld until after the program had been proven and the Police Service
Officer position be disapproved.
Supplemental Request #5: The City Manager requested that money for
this Police Sedan be appropriated from the Replacement Fund rather
than from the General Fund.
Building & Safety Department. Advised there was a typing error
in estimated permits, the figure should be 2,350.
Public Works Department.
Account 410030 Memberships, etc. - change $3,037 to $2,672
Street Cleaning Division.
Account 421070 Contractual Services - change $32,500 to $26,900
Account 421096 Parking Lot Vacuum Sweeper. After discussion, Council
directed that the amount be deleted pending research on contractual
Curbs & Sidewalks Division.
Account 424048 Depreciation. Responding to Council's inquiry, City
Manager Jones advised staff would check the substantial increase in
this item and report back to the Council.
Traffic Safety Division.
Account 425048 Depreciation. City Manager Jones advised he would
also report back on this increase from last year's figure.
Sanitation Division.
Account 440030 Memberships, etc. - change $955 to $870
City Garage. Council consensus was to disapprove addition of
one equipment servicerworker.
Water Operation and Maintenance. The City Manager advised that the
Arrow Boards listed on Page 27 -J should have been listed in this section,
changing the total from $2,679,646 to $2,681,246. Council concurred.
Account 51030 Memberships, etc. - change $1,950 to $2,000
Council and staff discussed the request for additional personnel and
Council consensus-was to approve one part time Library Page position,
as requested, and one Librarian on a part time basis and that evalua-
tion be made in six months on the merits of the part time Librarian
Recreation and Parks Department
Supplemental Request #2 for Development of a new Soft Ball Field -
Council agreed to leave the item in the budget pending further study
of ways of sharing the cost for the project.
Supplemental Request #5 Civic Center Landscape Maintenance -
Council agreed to discuss this item further at the Budget Hearing.
Council Minutes
June 3, 1981
Supplemental Request #8 (Recreation) Picnic Table Replacement -
City Manager Jones explained that grant money was available for this
type equipment and the Director of Recreation and Parks recommended using
the money for replacement of tables at Hilltop and Acacia Parks which
would require the City to furnish matching funds of $2,500. Recommended
this request be changed to this effect. Council concurred.
Mr. James Weber, 803 Virginia Street, questioned figures in various funds
and the intended disposition.
City Manager Jones responded that the figures would be evaluated at the
June 16th hearing, that staff did not want to make judgments until after
sales tax information was available.
No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session,
motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Mayor Van Vranken, that
the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjournment being 9:50 o'clock p.m.
Motion carried.
R. K. Van Vranken, Mayor
Respectfully submitted,
Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk
-3- Council Minutes
June 3, 1981