1981 JUN 02 CC MIN)( -1; MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ui EL S::GUNDO CITY COUNCIL June 2, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER The El Segundo City Council convened in regular session on Tuesday, June 2, 1981 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Councilman Jack Siadek. 3. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Police Captain Clark Devilbiss. 4. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Absent: Councilmen None 5. PRESENTATIONS The Mayor read a proclamation urging the recognition of the profession of Management, declaring June 1 -7, 1981 as MANAGEMENT WEEK. A representative of Rockwell International Management Club accepted the proclamation from Mayor Van Vranken. 6. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS a. Hearing on Precise Plan No. 2 -81 for 12 -story office building and 11 -story parking structure on Imperial Highway between Douglas Street and Nash Street by Kilroy Industries The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for subject hearing and inquired if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Burrowes replied that affidavits of publishing and mailing the notices were in her file. The Mayor directed that the files become a part of this hearing, and then inquired if any written communications had been received. The City Clerk responded that none had been received in her office. Associate Planner Cosin reported this project exceeded the height limit for M -1 zone, but was permissible under the precise plan regu- lations; that the Traffic Study showed that traffic would exceed the existing capacity of Imperial Highway, that the project would aggra- vate the traffic; and that the Commission had approved a variance allowing more compact vehicle spaces for parking than permitted in the Code. Advised that the Commission recommended certification of the Negative Declaration prepared for the project and approval of the Plan. The Mayor inquired if anyone present wished to speak regarding this project. Mr. John Kilroy, Jr. Executive vice - presendent of Kilroy Industries, described the proposed project, responded to Council's inquiries and called upon others involved in this project to make further presenta- tions. Mr. Paul Curran of Kober Associates, Architects, presented plans of a development that would fully meet the City's code, but was undesirable because of the total coverage of the property and the subterranean garage. Described the proposed plan as a more attractive development with landscaping and less office space. Mr. Donald Frischer of Donald Frischer Associates, Traffic Engineers, described the method of compiling the traffic study and stated he felt confident it would meet all the City's requirements. Mr. Kilroy described plans for encouraging the tenants of the building - use Public transportation, car and van pools. Mr. Richard F. Roti, Consultant of International Parking Designs, Inc., stated the trend now is that greater numbers of compact cars are travel- ing in this area and suggested that possibly the municipal codes have not kept up with the times. Advised that the parking structure is well in excess of the building's needs. The Mayor inquired if anyone else present wished to speak on this subject. Mr. Adam Falvai, 328 East Imperial Avenue, stated if the project did not meet the requirements of the code, he was then against it and it should not be allowed; that code requirements should not be bent for the developer's benefit; that the variance powers of the Council and Commission seem to'be abused. Asked the Council to reconsider the excessive height of this project. No further response being heard, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried. The Council discussed traffic problems, parking and code requirements. Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Council- man Bue, that the Negative Declaration for Precise Plan No. 2 -81 be certified. Motion carried with Councilman Armstrong voting no. Mr. Kilroy questioned certain conditions in the Council resolution that differed from the Planning Commission resolution that he had not been aware of until now. Planning Associate Cosin, Director of Public Works Glickman and Acting City Attorney Stone described the changes and the reasons for making them. After discussion, the Mayor declare a short recess, the hour being 9:30 o'clock p.m., At the hour of 9:40 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. City Manager Jones presented an addition to Condition No. 13 in the Council resolution, "Prior to the issuance of a building permit, Developer shall enter into an agreement for reimbursement of a pro- portionate share of costs of the storm drain, if appropriate, based upon an engineering study approved by the City." Advised that good faith must be shown by both parties; that the City is asking Mr. Kilroy to advance money for the storm drain line without provisions for future reimbursement; the language does not commit either the City or developer to any specific percentages and, therefore, further negotiating will be required. Mr. Kilroy stated he would like the Council to vote on this tonight with the changes proposed, providing there is an understanding that there will be further negotiations with the City. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3071 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS PRECISE PLAN NO. 2 -81 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON IMPERIAL HIGHWAY BETWEEN DOUGLAS STREET AND NASH STREET WITHIN SAID CITY -2- Council Minutes June 2, 1981 which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said Resolution No. 3071 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue; Johnson, Siadek -and :iayor Van Vranken Noes: c- n::ncilmen None �'- . .t : Councilmen None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. Mr. John Ellings, 807 Center Street, stated that he appeared before the Council in April, 1980 regarding a wall situated in an easement which had a bearing on his building a garage on his property. Stated he took the Council's advice and met with the Director of Building and Safety, who gave him directions as to what he could do to correct the situation in preparation of putting up the garage. Stated he followed these instructions and received inspection approvals on some of the first phases of the construction, but was now running into problems getting approval on the progression of the work. City Manager Jones advised that the City has an appeal process and suggested that Mr. Ellings follow this procedure by filing an appeal for a formal hearing before the Council. 8. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES a. Planning Commission appointments The Mayor advised that one Planning Commissioner's term would expire on June 30, 1981 and suggested a schedule be arranged for interviewing the applicants. Councilman Armstrong requested that the application period be extended, that he had had several inquiries from interested residents who had not been aware that the application period had closed. After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the application date be extended until 30 days from today's date and that notification be made of this extension. Motion carried with Councilman Johnson voting no. b. Centinela Valley Juvenile Diversion Project Councilman Siadek reported that the South Bay Division had accepted E1 Segundo as a member and suggested that a formal letter be sent to the Centinela Valley Division to this effect. c. Noise Abatement Committee. Councilman Armstrong announced that the By -Laws of the committee had been revised and would be ready very shortly. d. Councilman Johnson read a report on anticipated revenues, employ- ment and balancing the budgets of the cities. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that the Consent Calendar items be approved as recommended. Motion carried. a. Warrants Nos. 70927 through 71052 on Demand Register Summaries Nos. 22 and 23 in total amount of $628,104.70 ... Ratified and approved -3- Council Minutes June 2, 1981 Agreement for towing service, Beach Cities Towing ... Approved and Mayor authorized to sign on behalf of the City. 10. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR - None 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a. City of Downey Resolution supporting Governor Brown's appeal for construction of I -105 Freeway in its original design Council requested a similar resolution be prepared as applicable to El Segundo and presented to the Council at the next meeting for adoption. 12. REPORTS OF OFFICERS a. City Manager Jones 1) Recommendation regarding membership in the E1 Segundo Employers' Association By mutual consent, this item was deleted from this agenda. b. Director of Public Works Glickman 1) Bids for replacement of windows and screens at Urho Saari Swim Stadium, Specification No. 80 -19A Advised that bids had been solicited for the second time for subject work, and that no bids were received. Requested that normal bidding procedures be waived and authorization given to accomplish the work using City forces. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that normal bidding procedures be waived for subject project and the work be done by City forces. Motion carried. 2) Furnishing and application of slurry seal in northeast quadrant of City, Specification No. 81 -2 Presented the tabulation of bids for subject work, as follows: Name Amount of Bid Roy Allan Slurry Seal, Inc. $ 53,125.00 Ted R. Jenkins 56,091.50 Pavement Coatings Company 57,970.00 Advised that the low bidder had inadvertently included a bid bond for another job and later the same day furnished the correct bond. Stated the City Attorney had reviewed the bid documents and determined the irregularity could be waived. Recommended the Council waive the minor irregularity in the bid and accept the low bid of Roy Allan Slurry Seal, Inc. Motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, THE City of E1 Segundo, California, duly advertised for bids for furn- ishing and application of Slurry Seal at various locations in the City of E1 Segundo, in accordance with Specification No. 81 -2; and WHEREAS, said bids were received by the City Council on May 19, 1981; and -4- Council Minutes June 2, 1981 WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works found that the bid of the lowest bidder contained a minor irregularity which was rectified to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Dire-'__ of Public Works; and that the 17iCi of Roy Allan Slurry Se gj, T in total amount of $53,125.00 ..so the lowest responsible bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, that the minor irregularity in bid documents of Roy Allan Slurry Seal, Inc., be waived and that said bid be accepted as the lowest responsible bid; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of said city be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to execute the contract herein awarded for and on behalf of the City and in its name and the City Clerk to attest the same, affix the seal and make delivery thereof in due course; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all bids received, except the bid of Roy Allan Slurry Seal, Inc.,are hereby rejected and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to return the bid bonds of all unsuccessful bidders. On roll call,said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 3) Bids for interior painting, carpeting and tiling at City Library Specification No. 80 -18 Presented the tabulation of bids for subject work, as follows: Name ABBL Builders C. E. Painting Contractors Carbo, Inc. Donald M. Hoover & Co. (Items 3, 4 & 5 only) Alpine Carpets (Items 3, 4 & 5 only) Amount of Bid Altmrn�tm A Altmrnntm R $18,631.00 $ 17.726.00 18,900.00 18,900.00 21,900.00 24,900.00 $ 12,919.00 $ 13,650.00 Advised that Alternate 'A' provided for painting the acoustical ceiling and Alternate 'B' provided for chemical cleaning of the ceiling. Recommended that the Alternate 'B' bid of ABBL Builders be accepted as the lowest responsible bid, and that the bids of Donald M. Hoover & Co., and Alpine Carpets be rejected as not meeting bid specifications. Also recommended that $4,000 be allocated from the General Fund Reserves to cover the deficit in the budget for this project. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the City of E1 Segundo, California, duly advertised for bids for Interior painting, carpteing and tiling at the City Library, in accordance with Speci- fication No. 80 -18; and -5- Council Minutes June 2, 1981 ':4EAS, said bids were received by the City Councii or, ".,ne 2, 1981; and WHEREAS the Director of Public Works found that the bids received from Donald M. Hoover and Company and Alpine Carpets did not meet the City's specifications; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works found that the Alternate 'B' bid of ABBL Builders in total amount of $17,726.00 was the lowest respons- ible bid; and WHEREAS, said bid amount was more than the amount budgeted for this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, that the bids of Donald M. Hoover and Company and Alpine Carpets be rejected as not meeting City specifications, and the bid of ABBL Builders in the amount of $17,726 the lowest responsible bid, be accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that $4,000 be allocated from the General Fund Reserves for this project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of said city be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to execute the contract herein awarded for and on behalf of the City and in its name and the City Clerk to attest the same, affix the seal and make delivery thereof in due course; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all bids received, except the bid of ABBL Builders are here- by rejected and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to return the bid bonds of all unsuc- cessful bidders. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 4) Purchase of two 6" Hersey Compound Water Meters Advised that the City stocks a limited supply of standard water meters for installation by developers and a request had been received for more six inch meters than are presently on hand. Recommended that in the essence of time, normal bidding procedures be waived, and authorization given to purchase two six inch compound meters from the Hersey Meter Company at a cost of $7,610.80 which cost will be recoverable from the developer using the meters. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that normal bidding procedures be waived and staff authorized to purchase two six inch compound water meters from the Hersey Meter Company in total amount of $7,610.80 including sales tax. Motion carried. 5) Schedule for Curb and Sidewalk construction Advised that bids would be solicited sometime during the month of July for subject work. -6- Council Minutes June 2, 1981 J r�r� 13. '' 'T SHED BUSINESS - None 14. NEW BUSINESS - - Uouncilman Siadek asked the Council to consider raising the fees for filming movies and television commercials in the City to compensate for the increased police activity required during the process. b. City Clerk Burrowes announced that petitions to reconsider the ordinance that rezoned the Imperial Street School property had been filed in her office on this date and would be delivered to the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters office for verification on June 3. Stated that certification of the petitions should be received in time to present them to the Council at its regular meeting on July 7, 1981. 15. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. Mr. Jim Weber asked what time the meeting of June 3rd would commence. Council responded at 6 o'clock p.m. 16. RECESS At the hour of 10:25 o'clock p.m., the Council recessed to a Closed Session in the Mayor's office to discuss meet and confer matters in relation to Employee Associations. At the hour of 11:25 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. 17. ADJOURNMENT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that the meeting adjourn to 6:00 o'clock p.m., on June 3, 1981 in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall; the hour of adjournment of this meeting being 11:30 o'clock p.m. Motion carried. APPROVED R. K. Van Vranken, Mayor Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk -7- Council Minutes June 2, 1981