1981 JUN 01 CC MIN- X4
June 1, 1981
The E1 Segundo City Council convened in an adjourned regular session
on the above date at the hour of 6:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council
Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Richard Van Vranken
Present: Councilmen Armstrong, Johnson,
Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken
Absent: Councilman Bue
Mayor Van Vranken announced that this meeting was for the purpose of
studying the Capital Improvements Program and the Operating Budget;
and formal action would be taken at the public hearing scheduled for
June 16, 1981.
City Manager Jones advised that after the Preliminary Budget had been
printed, the City received information that a major source of revenue
would be reduced by about 4 million dollars less than the preliminary
estimates. Advised that the summary pages had been revised to reflect
this reduction, however, the changes had not been made in the basic
budget recommended expenditures. Advised further that the basic budget
included estimates of increases anticipated in cost of services, goods,
and salaries, and includes a projection of known items such as step
salary increases as well as a lump sum item for anticipated salary
increases, which is carried in a salary reserve non - departmental account.
Stated that the format was similar to last year, Basic Budget, Supple-
mental Requests and Capital Improvement Programs projected over a five -
year period.
a. Capital Improvement Program 1981 -1986
The City Manager presented the Public Facilities and Recreation & Parks
Capital Improvement Programs for the next 5 -year period and asked the
Director of Public Works to present the balance of the projects in this
Following are the items on which changes were recommended:
PF81 -1 Civic Center Parking Deck
Suggestions were made to compare the costs for double- decking
the Police Motor Court and double- decking the parking lot at
Grand Avenue and Main Street; that this be accomplished in-
house without expending additional funds. Consensus of the
Council was to delay this project for at least one year.
RP81 -1 Washington Park
The City Manager asked for a change in the figures for this
project: Total to $60,950, Grant Funds to $11,300 and add
$3,750 as the City's matching share to be allocated from the
Capital Improvement Fund.
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SH79 -1 Replacement of deteriorated curb, gutter and sidewalks
Councilman Siadek questioned the wheelchair ramps, now being
constructed, having higher priority than the replacement of
curbs and sidewalks.
Director of Public Works Glickman explained that the wheelchair
ramps were being constructed by an outside contractor and the
sidewalks, curbs and gutters were being replaced or repaired by
City forces as time permitted. Responding to Council's request,
advised he would have a report on the timing for the construction
of sidewalks and curbs at the next meeting.
b. Operating Budget 1981 -82
The City Manager summarized the various funds and presented each
department's budget. Advised that the Los Angeles County Assessor's
procedures had been changed from past years, that a County -wide esti-
mate of 11.7% increase in assessed valuation had been furnished, so
the City's estimates had been based on that figure. Further advised
that the reduction in revenues which will occur when the Legislature
develops the State Budget had not been included in the City's budget.
Presented alternatives, such as spacing out and transferring funds
to alleviate the impact of the shortfall.
Councilman Siadek suggested that instead of transferring funds, the
City start practicing conserving because it may be faced with short-
falls from now on. Also suggested that it may be time for the business
community to evaluate ways of raising revenue.
City Manager Jones stated he did not recommend giving back property tax
monies as the City had done last year.
Councilman Siadek stated that one way for additional revenues might be to
increase the bed tax on hotels /motels and this may be an item to be put
to the vote of the people, since it appears a special election will soon
be called.
City Council. Mayor Van Vranken advised that Councilman Bue had
asked permission to attend the Independent Cities of Los Angeles
County seminar in Santa Barbara rather than the League of California
Cities meeting in San Francisco, and asked that consideration be given
to rejoining the Independent Cities organization this year.
City Clerk. The City Manager advised that the City Clerk had re-
quested permission to attend an advanced training seminar for City
Clerks and that $380 be appropriated for that purpose. Stated that
plans for this training course had not been finalized until after the
printing of the Preliminary Budget.
Finance Department. Account No. 14030, Membership, Meetings and
Travel was reduced by $50.00
After discussion regarding Supplemental Request #1, Council asked
that more substantiation be furnished for this additional position and
that action be withheld until the public hearing on June 16, 1981.
Legal Department. $25,000 was added to the budget for the contin-
uation of legal and political activities in regard to the Hyperion
Treatment Plant Energy Recovery System.
Planning Department. After considerable discussion regarding
adding an Assistant Planner position to the staff, Council agreed to
withhold action until the public hearing to be held June 16, 1981.
5. RECESS. At the hour of 8:50 o'clock p.m., the Mayor declared a
five - minute recess. At the hour of 9:00 o'clock p.m., the Council
reconvened, the following members being present and answering roll
call: Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken.
-2- Council Minutes
June 1, 1981
Government Buildings. Account No. 190070, Contractual Services,
could be reduced by $1500 if the Council approves a maintenance con-
tract for heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment.
Council suggested costs be figurcd for heating, ventilating and air
conditioning maintenance of the Library and Swim Stadium both in-
house and contractual services.
Elections. The City Manager advised that this account had been
combined with the City Clerk's account.
Central Processing. The City Manager advised that this was a
newly established account placing the word processing and reception
operations under the supervision of the Personnel Office. Requested
that his approval for one additional secretarial position be withdrawn
pending further study.
Non - Departmental. City Manager Jones advised that common member-
ships had been included in this account rather than under each separate
department as in the past. Also Councilman Bue's request for member-
ship in the Independent Cities of Los Angeles County had been included.
ADJOURNMENT - Mayor Van Vranken announced that the budget discussions
would continue on June 3, 1981 at 6:00 o'clock p.m.
No further business appearing to come before the Council at this session,
the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned, the hour of adjournment being
9:30 o'clock p.m.
R. K. Van Vranken, Mayor
Respectfully submitted,
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Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk
-3- Council Minutes
June 1, 1981