1981 JUL 07 CC MIN - 33is 454 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL July 7, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on the above date at the hour of 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Presentation of the Flag Colors was made by members of Boy Scout Troop 267, after which those present joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, led by Troop Leader Bill Simmons. 3. INVOCATION The invocation was delivered by Pastor Tom Craddock of the Four Square Church of El Segundo. 4. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Absent: Councilmen None 5. PRESENTATIONS: a. The Mayor read a proclamation declaring July 30, 1981 as LOS ANGELES COUNTY LIFEGUARD DAY which was being sponsored by the Chambers of Commerce of cities along the county coastline. Mr. Dave Jones, president of the E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce, accepted the proc- lamation from the Mayor. b. The Mayor read a commendation from the City of E1 Segundo to Mr. John Hessell for his many years of public service in this City. Mr. Hessell was also presented with a neckerchief and plaque from Boy Scout Troop 267, and Mr. Dave Jones read a letter of appreciation to him from the E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS The Mayor announced he would receive Oral communications at this time. The Mayor advised that the City was in negotiations with the Firemen's and Police Associations, that the Council would not discuss the matter and any discussion on the floor by representatives of the associations would not be appropriate. No one camp forward to speak. 7. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS a. Reconsideration of Precise Plan No. 4 -81 for townhouse development at 135 & 201 West Palm Avenue - Mr. Tom Carson Associate Planner Cosin reported that a letter had been received from the developer proposing to reduce the plan from 9 units to 8 units. Advised that staff recommended approval of this reduction in units, and if approved, the matter referred back to the Planning Commission for review of preliminary plans of the change and subsequent return to the Council for final adoption of the Precise Plan as amended. Advised that the City Attorney had prepared two resolutions, one to deny the 9 -unit development as requested by the Council, and one to approve an 8 -unit development. X -�_� The Mayor inquired if anyone wished to speak in regard to this Precise Plan change. Hearing no response, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3078 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS PRECISE PLAN NO. 4 -81 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 135 and 201 WEST PALM AVENUE WITHIN SAID CITY which was read, be forwarded to the Planning Commission for consideration and comments after the Commission has reviewed the new preliminary plans for the reduced 8 -unit plan. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None Ms. Catherine Smith, representing the owners of subject Precise Plan, stated she thought it was necessary that time restraints be waived and that if the Planning Commission could not respond within the required 40 days after receiving Council's resolution, she would be willing to extend the time to 40 days after the corrected plans are filed, rather than 40 days from today. b. Amendment to Precise Plan No. 4 -80 for 10 -unit townhouse development at 227 West Palm Avenue - Warren & Brown Associate Planner Cosin reported this plan was approved in June, 1980, and the developer has now requested that the Jacuzzi be deleted from the plan. Stated the Planning Commission approved deletion of the jacuzzi from the Precise Plan providing a mature tree, picnic table and chairs are substituted. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that Precise Plan No. 4 -80 for a townhouse development at 227 West Palm Avenue be revised by deleting the requirement for a jacuzzi and sub- stituting therefor one mature tree, one picnic table and chairs. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None c. Preliminary Plans for construction of the New City Yard Facility Director of Public Works Glickman presented the architect's preliminary design phase report and plan of the new City Yard Facility. Stated the plan requires Council approval, after which working drawings would be prepared. Mr. Tony Anthony, of Anthony and Langford, architects, described the plans, and responded to Council's inquiries. After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Council- man Johnson, that the preliminary plans for the City Yard Facility be approved, and authorization given the architect to proceed with prepara- tion of working drawings. Motion carried. d. Petition regarding zoning of Imperial Street School property City Clerk Burrowes advised that a petition had been filed in her office on June 2, 1981, protesting the rezoning of Imperial Street School prop- erty from Public Facility (P -F) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) by the passage of Ordinance No. 1004, asking the Council to either repeal -2- Council Minutes July 7, 1981 X -►45G the ordinance or call an election for the voters to decide. Stated that the County Registrar had verified more than the required 10 percent of the registered voters signatures on the petition and presented the certi- fication of the Los Angeles County Registrar- Recorder to the Council. Hearing no objections, the Council ordered the Certification received and filed. City Attorney Allen advised the Council had three general options: .. Continue the matter to a later meeting. .. Introduce an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1004 .. Call an election to submit the matter to the voters whether or not Ordinance No. 1004 should be repealed. The City Clerk advised that if the Council wishes to present the matter to the voters, an election must be called on any Tuesday between 74 and 89 days after the Council makes this decision. The City Attorney further advised there were three specific questions that the Council would have to address prior to calling an election: .. Determine whether or not rebuttal arguments would be allowed .. Determine times for opening and closing the polls .. Decide on the wording of the measure. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Bue, that City Attorney Allen prepare a resolution calling for an election to be held on September 29, 1981. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3079 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLU- TION NO. 2966 PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF REBUTTAL ARGUMENTS FOR CITY MEASURES SUBMITTED AT MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue, Johnson and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen Armstrong and Siadek Absent: Councilmen None The City Attorney advised he was prepared to present a resolution calling the election, but the date, opening and closing of the polls and exact wording of the measure would need to be d'termined by the Council. After discussion, by mutual consent of the Council, the election date was set for September 29, 1981, polls to be opened at 7 o'clock a.m., closed at 7 o'clock p.m., and the measure to read, "SHALL ORDINANCE NO. 1004 PERMITTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF 92 RESIDENTIAL UNITS ON THE VACATED IMPERIAL SCHOOL SITE BE ADOPTED ?" Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the following resolution, incorporating the aforesaid selections, entitled: -3- Council Minutes July 7, 1981 -- RESOLUTION NO. 3080 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1981 FOR THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM PUBLIC FACILITIES TO PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR THE VACATED IMPERIAL STREET SCHOOL SITE which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None City Attorney Allen advised that further Council action would be required in regard to this matter: .. Resolution designating Council members to file an argument in favor of the measure Resolution designating Council members to file an argument against the measure City Clerk Burrowes presented recommendations that Martin and Chapman be hired as Election Suppliers; that she be authorized to hire a trans- lator; that the sample ballots be printed in both English and Spanish and all other material printed in English with instructions in both languages that Spanish material would be furnished upon request; that election precincts be consolidated from 15 to 7; paper ballots be used; and pay scale for inspectors and polling places be established at $30.00; judges and clerks at $25.00. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the City Clerk's recommendations be approved. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3081 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO SAID CITY RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1981 which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None City Clerk Burrowes advised that the Council has priority for submitting an argument in favor of the measure, while the proponents of the petition have the priority for the opposite argument. Stated that if the Council wished to relinquish its priority and not authorize any Council member to author an argument, any other citizens group or individual(s) could submit an argument, whereby it would be her duty to select one of the arguments for printing in the ballot pamphlet. After discussion, Councilman Siadek volunteered to author the argument in favor of the measure. -4- Council Minutes July 7, 1981 The City Attorney advised that this gives the Council priority for the argument and leaves the Council a choice of listing up to four other persons supporting the argument in the ballot pamphlet. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that Councilman Siadek be designated to file a written argument in favor of the City Measure in the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3082 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OF ITS MEMBERS TO FILE A WRITTEN ARGUMENT REGARDING A CITY MEASURE which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None Abstaining: Councilman Armstrong X5'1 The City Clerk reported that a letter had been received from the E1 Segundo Unified School District Board of Directors requesting that the Council place the matter of the Imperial Street School Site zoning before the voters for their decision. Further advised that arguments for or against the ballot measure would be received in her office up to noon on July 24. 8. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES a. Sister City Association. Councilman Bue reported on the annual visit of Guaymas residents from July 1 through July 5, and thanked the people of E1 Segundo for helping make this an enjoyable and successful meeting. b. Airport Noise Control and Land Use Study Steering Committee. Councilman Armstrong reported he had attended an Inglewood Council meet- ing where Councilman Ed. Vincent introduced changes in representations of Council members to various committees and by a vote of three ayes and two abstentions, Mayor Lee Weinstein was replaced on the ANCLUC Steering Com- mittee by Councilman Vincent. Stated he spoke to the Council on behalf of ANCLUC, that for the first time, through the steering committee, the cities have a voice in airport use. Stated he personally thought the committee would suffer a loss in not having the expertise, experience and knowledge of Mayor Weinstein. C. I -105 Freeway Committee. Councilman Johnson reported that Mr. Ray Barnhart, head of the U.S. Highway Commission, along with a contingent of congressmen one assemblyman and representation from the County Supervisors, toured the entire highway corridor district, first by helicopter and then by bus. Stated he felt confident the freeway would now go ahead. d. South Bay Juvenile Diversion Project. Councilman Siadek reported on the first meeting since E1 Segundo joined this group, that it was well ** attended and the problems were similar to the problems experienced in E1 Segundo. e. Noise Abatement Committee. Councilman Armstrong announced that the committee needs new members, asked interested persons to attend the meet- ings each 4th monday of the month. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR Council members requested that Items 'd' 'e' and 'f' be held out for separate discussion. Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the following items on the Consent Calendar be approved, as recommended. Motion carried. -5- ** Revised per Council Action August 4, 1981 Council Minutes July 7, 1981 CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) a. Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held June 2, 1981 ... Approved as written b. Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held June 16, 1981 ... Approved as written C. Warrants Nos. 71276 through 71481 on Demand Register Summary No. 25 in total amount of $804,871.41, conforming to Budget approved by Ordinance No. 990 ... Ratified and approved g. Chevron, USA, Inc., request for one -year extension of permit for office trailer on Refinery Grounds ... Extension approved, to expire July 13, 1982 10. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR d. California Alcoholic Beverage Control application for On -Sale Beer and Wine License on public premises - Richmond Bar & Grill 145 Richmond Street ..Councilman Siadek inquired about previous problems on Richmond Street and stated he thought it was time to tighten up on the activity. Asked the Chief of Police to keep this in mind. Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the subject application be received and filed. e. Proposal to delete veteran's credit for entry level police officer recruitments Councilman Armstrong stated he hated to see the benefits being dropped for the veterans, but would defer this for another time. Council- man Siadek asked if there was any other way credit could be given to veterans. City Manager Jones explained that it was not in the best interest for getting the most qualified personnel. Motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that subject proposal be approved. Motion carried. f. Agreement with the City of Inglewood to furnish computer services for processing parking citations '** Councilman Siadek related problems of notices being sent out for payment after payment of tickets had been made. City Manager Jones advised he would look into this. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain form of Agreement for computer service to automate the parking citation process, between the City of Inglewood and the City of E1 Segundo, pre- sented to this Council on this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and after execution by each of the above -named parties, a copy of said Agreement be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. -6- Council Minutes July 7, 1981 11su On roll call, the aforesaid motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a. Mr. Gerhardt Van Drie, recommendations regarding the 6.3 million gallon reservoir proiect The Mayor directed that the letter be considered at the time this item is discussed under the Director of Public Works reports. 12. REPORTS OF OFFICERS a. City Manager Jones 1) Change of Account Clerk classification at Recreation Park to Recreation Technician Recommended the change in classification to more clearly define the duties of the position. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3083 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SUBSECTION (A) OF SECTION 1A3.030 OF CHAPTER 1A3 (GENERAL GOVERN- MENT SERIES) OF TITLE 1A OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINIS- TRATIVE CODE which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 2) Reassignment of Records Supervisor classification from Range A to Range A -1 (new range) Recommended that the Police Records Supervisor classification be changed from Range A in the Management /Confidential series to a new range of A -1 which is eight percent above the existing Range A. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3084 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING, IN PART, SECTIONS 1A2.010 AND 1A2.040 (MANAGEMENT - CONFIDENTIAL SERIES) OF TITLE 1A OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None -7- Council Minutes July 7, 1981 )( 646 ) 3) Request to waive normal bidding procedures for purchase of Police vehicle Advised that the City could purchase a car on the Bob Warren Pontiac lot, offered at a price savings with all the features required in a vehicle to be used by the Chief of Police. Recommended that normal bidding procedures be waived and authorization given to purchase said vehicle. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that normal bidding procedures be waived and authorization granted to purchase one vehicle for use by the Chief of Police from Bob Warren Pontiac. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 4) Date for interviewing Planning Commission applicants Advised that ten applications had been received to serve on the Planning Commission and believed it would be appropriate to establish a date for interviewing said applicants. By mutual consent of the Council, staff was directed to notify applicants that a meeting would be held on July 16, 1981 at 6 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of interviewing applicants for a position on the Planning Commission. b. Director of Public Works Glickman 1) Change Order No. 7 to Pascal & Ludwig Project No. 74 -22 6.3 million gallon reservoir Advised that the contractor would not be available at this meeting, and therefore, requested this matter be deferred until the next regular City Council meeting. Also requested that Mr. Van Drie's letter also be carried over. Hearing no objections, the Council so ordered. 2) Change Order No. 3 and acceptance of Project No. 80 -13, Extension of Checkout Building by F. A. Fuller Construction Co Presented subject change order for time extension of 58 calendar days and additional work at a cost of $385.00. Advised that there remained a deficit in this project of $560 and recommended allocation of that amount from unappropriated capital reserves. Further advised that Notice of Completion had been filed as of June 4, 1981. Recommended that Change Order No. 3 be approved, additional funds be allocated and the project accepted as satisfactorily complete. Councilman Siadek questioned the time extension, that it was a long over- time for this high trafficked area. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Mayor Van Vranken, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that Change Order No. 3 to F. A. Fuller Construction Company contract be and the same is hereby approved for an exten- sion of 58 days and additional amount of $385.00; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $560.00 be allocated from the unappropriated capital reserves to cover a deficit in that amount; and -8- Council Minutes July 7, 1981 5462 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that con- struction of extension to the Check Out Building at Recreation Park by F. A. Fuller Construction Company, be and the same is hereby accepted as satisfactorily complete in accordance with Speci- fication No. 80 -13 on June 4, 1981; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be authorized to sign said Change Order on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilman Siadek Absent: Councilmen None 3) Change Order No. 1 and acceptance of Project No. 80 -8 for Wheelchair ramps at various locations by B -1 Enterprise Corp Recommended that subject change order for $290 for required additional work be approved, and the project accepted as satisfactorily completed as of June 22, 1981. Advised that the project had been completed within the contract time period and that Notice of Completion had been filed with the County. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that Change Order No. 1 to B -1 Enterprise Corporation contract be and the same is hereby approved in the total amount of $290; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that con- struction of wheel chair ramps at various locations in the City by B -1 Enterprise Corporation, be and the same is hereby accepted as satisfactorily complete in accordance with Specification No. 80 -8 on June 22, 1981; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be authorized to sign said Change Order on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 4) Report regarding tentative curb and sidewalk replacement program Councilman Johnson requested that this item be held over until the next regular City Council meeting. Director of Public Works stated he would be happy to conduct a tour of the City with respect to curb and sidewalk replacements, that there are problems and staff will need assistance and guidance from the Council before the work can commence. 5) Request for Proposal for professional services for traffic study Presented a draft of a Request for Proposal for Council's review. Stated that several professional firms would be asked to submit a proposal to perform the work in stages and said proposals would be presented to the -9- Council Minutes July 7, 1981 X63 Council for selection of the firm to do the traffic study. Councilman Bue asked that on page 1 of the proposal, the word "will" be changed to "may ", and the Mayor stated he would like to see a clear statement of the purpose, that he thought the first paragraph was not concise enough. Also asked that the short and long term projects that might alleviate problems be identified. In reply to Council inquiry, advised it would take approximately one month to receive the proposals and a couple weeks for review by the staff before being presented to the Council for approval. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that Staff be authorized and directed to proceed with the Request for Proposal for a traffic study of the City. Motion carried. 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Ordinance approving the 1981 -82 Budget The City Attorney presented subject ordinance, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1007 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR THE 1981 -82 FISCAL YEAR which title was read. Upon motion duly made and carried further reading of said ordinance was waived. Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that said ordinance be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None Council members inquired about the effects the Gann Initiative would have on the City's budget and what the procedure would be to get the allotment increased. The City Manager advised that the City is over its revenue limit in 1980 -81 fiscal year, so a decision by the Council will be required regarding refund- ing approximately two million dollars to the taxpayers. The City Attorney advised that an increase in the Gann allotment would require a majority vote of the people, and a two- thirds vote for the Jarvis Amendment. Councilman Siadek asked if a direct rebate could be made to the people, rather than by means of dog licenses, water bills, etc. The City Manager advised it may be appropriate to bring up the options at the time the matter is brought before the Council for consideration prior to making a decision on how to make the refunds. 14. NEW BUSINESS - None 15. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. Police Officer Robert Gunnoe, asked on behalf of the president of the Police Officers' Association,to address the Council. The Mayor advised that the Council could not enter into any discussion regarding wages and benefits since the Council was still in negotiations with the Association and asked Officer Gunnoe not to make his presentation. -10- Council Minutes July 7, 1981 ,X 54 fi4 b. Mrs. Ruth Bixler, 733 West Pine Avenue, asked if another meeting had been scheduled with the Environmental Protection Agency in regard to the Hyperion Project. Mayor Van Vranken advised that the June 26th meeting with the House Committee had been postponed and he had no information regarding rescheduling. c. Mr. Gerhardt Van Drie, in conjunction with the same subject, asked if the people of E1 Segundo would have an opportunity to appear before the committee. The Mayor advised that the people who appear are there by invitation only. Mr. Van Drie asked if the Council would consider requesting invitations for residents on the west side of the City to appear at the next meeting. The Mayor stated the committee would not pass on hyperion projects, it would consider whether the waiver system is being used properly and if not why not. Stated he would request invitations to attend if specific names of individuals would be supplied. 16. RECESS - At the hour of 9:17 o'clock p.m., the Council recessed to a Closed Session in the Mayor's office to discuss matters of Police and Fire Association salaries and benefits. At the hour of 10:28 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. 17. ADJOURNMENT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that the meeting adjourn until July 16, 1981, at the hour of 6:00 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of E1 Segundo, Calif- ornia, the hour of adjournment of this meeting being 10:30 o'clock p.m. Motion carried. APPROVED: v 2"r CAII . K. Van Vranken, Mayor Respectfully submitted, Z"� Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk -11- Council Minutes July 7, 1981