1980 DEC 02 CC MIN1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. X '_""v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL December 2, 1980 CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on the above date at the hour of 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by City Clerk Valerie Burrowes. INVOCATION was delivered by Father Richard Duval, Pastor of St. Michael's Episcopal Church. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Absent: Councilman Balmer PRESENTATIONS a. The Mayor read a proclamation declaring December 14 through December 20, 1980 as BILL OF RIGHTS WEEK and invited all Americans to join in public observance of this document. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS a. Canvass of Election held November 4. 1980 City Clerk Burrowes announced that pursuant to law and the authority and direction set forth in the City Council's resolution No. 3003, the Canvass of the November 4, 1980 Special Election had been completes: by the Registrar- Recorder of Los Angeles County. Presented to the Council said Canvass certifying to the number of ballots cast and the total votes cast for the office of Councilman (unexpired term ending April 13, 1982), as follows: PRECINCT ABSENTEE BALLOTS CAST BALLOTS CAST 6,191 377 FOR UNEXPIRED TERM PRECINCT COUNCILMAN VOTE Charles K. Armstrong 3,701 Olga R. Benson 2,130 TOTAL BALLOTS CAST 6,568 ABSENTEE TOTAL VOTE VOTE 204 3,905 142 2,272 The Mayor ordered the Certificate of Canvass be received and filed, and that said Canvass be incorporated by reference as part of the minutes of this meeting. Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3033 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER 1980; DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilman Balmer The City Clerk presented Certificate of Election to Charles K. Armstrong and administered the Constitutional Oath of Office, to which Mr. Armstrong subscribed. Councilman Armstrong thereafter took his seat at the Council table, and the Council thus constituted the following members: Charles K. Armstrong William D. Bue Marvin R. Johnson Jack E. Siadek Richard K. Van Vranken who were present. Councilman Armstrong stated he was deeply appreciative of the confi- dence of the people of E1 Segundo, thanked them for their support and for the support of his family throughout the campaign. b. Continued hearing on appeal of ATA for sign at 600 North Sepulveda Boulevard Mr. William Glickman, 337 Valley Street, stated he visited several ATA stores in the County and took pictures of their signs, which con- tained anywhere from none to eight names on the signs, as compared to the proposed sign which contains twenty names, ten of which are brand names. After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that the general lay -out of the sign, presented at this meeting, be approved, provided the sign does not exceed 300 square feet in size, conditioned upon the applicant repainting the front of the building and that no other signs in the windows or on the building shall be installed. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, and Siadek Noes: Mayor Van Vranken Absent: Councilmen None 7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. Mrs. Sandra Gutt, 437 Maryland Street, representing the Center Street PTA, the Safety Committee and Juvenile Protection Committee, stated that several letters had been written to Councilman Siadek regarding the need for a crossing guard at Center Street and Mariposa Avenue, and since no response had been received, the concerned parents gathered approximately 400 signatures on petitions asking the Council to provide crossing guards for the aforesaid intersection for the safe- ty of the children attending Center Street School. Councilman Siadek advised that the requests had been turned over to the City staff for action. City Manager Jones advised that staff members had met with the people at the school; that the problem had not been ignored and that this would establish a precedent for which standards would have to be determined. Advised that traffic counts had been taken at this inter- section and he believed the report could be finalized for the next regular City Council meeting. -2- Council Minutes December 2, 1980 b. Mr. Bill McCaverty, 1205 East Pine Avenue, asked if the Committee could request a vote by the Council tonight on the subject of furnishing a crossing guard. The Mayor stated it had been the Council's policy to review all data before taking any action. Mr. McCaverty stated that regardless of what statistical reports re- vealed, a guard is needed at that intersection now. Councilman Siadek inquired if the police could take any action tem- porarily until Council has time to review the problems. Police Chief Johnson responded that it would take away personnel from other tasks, but an effort could be made to watch the area, without jeopardizing other areas. Mr. McCaverty again asked for definite, expeditious action. C. Mr. Charles Huf, 438 Concord Street, stated that the parents of the pre - school age children attending the Polliwog School at Grand Avenue and Concord Street are faced with finding another school within thirty days. Advised that the new owners of the building had given the proprietor of the school a 30 -day notice in which to vacate. Presented petitions signed by 55 parents asking assistance of the Council in effecting a 120 -day extension to allow time to locate other facilities. Upon questioning, Planning Associate Cosin advised that the property was zoned General Commercial (C -2). d. Mr. Bob Sargent, 351 Main Street, stated he managed the building and when the building was sold, approximately 6 months ago, Mrs. Waag was informed the new owner would not renew the lease and that she would be given the normal 30 -day notice to vacate. After discussion, the consensus of the Council was that a letter could be written urging the owners of the building to consider extending the time for vacating the premises. e. Mrs. Sonjia Karzeper, 801 West 232rd Street, Torrance, stated that the Council needs to understand there is a time factor and the parents need support in obtaining it. f. Mr. Chris. Warren, Chevron, U.S.A. Inc. stated he was representing the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce and invited everyone to the Christ- mas activities on December 5, 1980 to attend the Christmas Lighting ceremonies in the City Hall Plaza at 5:00 P.M. and a mixer at the travel agency of Ships and Trips at 5:30 P.M. Advised that the annual Christmas Parade would be held on December 14, 1980 along Main Street, the grand marshall of the event will be former Mayor Les Balmer. g. Mr. Ed. Erdely, stated a Standard Oil truck hit his car and he would like them to pay for the damages. h. Mr. Frank Levering, 131 Richmond Street, stated he would like to file a complaint and request for a cease and desist order; that certair officers had been interfering in the conduct of his business. i, Mrs. Betty Levering, stated they had been notified by the Director of Building Safety that they were in violation of the zoning ordinance, and the Planning Department does not want to accept their limousine service as a service under the Code. Stated they have been threatened and harassed and that they claim they have a right to stay in this City. After discussion, it was agreed that this matter be deferred for review by the Council for two weeks, and that staff furnish the Coun- cil with background information before the next regular City Council meeting. Hearing no objections, the Mayor so ordered. -3- Council Minutes December 2, 1980 X 5ZJB 0 a j. Mr. Walt. Eggert, 1435 East Sycamore Avenue, asked if Mr. Glick- man had acted as an individual or as a staff member of the City when he visited the other ATA stores. City Manager Jones responded that this was not an appropriate question of a staff member. City Attorney Allen advised that persons employed by the City do not surrender their rights as private citizens. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES a. Mayor Van Vranken stated that with a new councilmember, it is necessary to reassign delegates to various committees and these had been discussed with Councilman Armstrong. By mutual consent of the Council, appointments to various committees were accepted as follows: Organization I -105 Freeway Housing Advisory Committee League of California Cities Juvenile Diversion Project Municipal Fine Arts Committee National League of Cities Noise Abatement Committee Sister City Committee Advisory Board South Bay Cities Association South Bay Corridor Study Steering Committee South Bay Regional Communications Authority South Bay Cities Sanitation District Sanitation District #5 of L.A. County Southern California Rapid Transit District City Selection Committee Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Southwest Area Planning West Basin Water Association Airport Noise Control and Land Use Study Steering Committee Delegate Alternate Johnson Siadek Johnson Siadek Siadek Armstrong Bue Van Vranken Johnson Siadek Armstrong Siadek Van Vranken City Manager Bue Van Vranken Bue Van Vranken Van Vranken All Councilmen Van Vranken Bue Van Vranken Bue Johnson Siadek Siadek Rue Bue Armstrong Armstrong Johnson Armstrong Van Vranken b. South Bay Regional Communications Authority. Mayor Van Vranken reported that applications for the position of Director had been screened and Mr. Robert Benson had been selected to take over the position the first of February. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that all the items on the Consent Calendar be approved as recommended. Motion carried. a. Warrants Nos. 69085 through 69195 on Demand Register Summary No. 10 in total amount of $675.991.02 ... Ratified and approved b. Alcoholic Beverage Control application for person -to- person transfer of On -Sale General Eating Place license from Golden Nuaaet restaurant. 311 North Sepulveda Boulevard ... Ordered received and filed C. Alcoholic Beverage Control application for Customs Broker license from GAR International. Inc.. 115 Lomita Street .. Ordered received and filed d. Summons and Complaint for damages for personal injury and property damage - Linda Ferraro and Tina Fisher vs. Citv of E1 Segundo Action of City Clerk in forwarding subject suit to the City Attorney for handling approved, ratified and confirmed. -4- Council Minutes December 2, 1980 X 1 :3 E e. Summons and Complaint No. SWC 55402 for damages Rafael Key vs. City of E1 Segundo ... Action of City Clerk in forwarding subject suit to the City Attorney for handling approved, ratified and confirmed. f. Leave of absence for Carlos Sanchez. Parks Maintenance Worker ... Approved six - months' leave of absence without pay commencing December 6, 1980. 10. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR - None 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None 12. REPORTS OF OFFICERS a. City Manager Jones 1) Requests for permits to sell food at the annual Christmas Parade on December 14. 1980 Presented a letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting that the following non - profit organizations be allowed to sell food at the annual Christmas parade: E1 Segundo Woman's Club, E1 Segundo Junior Woman's Club, Girl Scout Troop No. 2 and El Segundo High School Fresh- man Class. Advised that it has been the Council's policy in the past to discourage sales of any kind at the parade. The Council discussed the pros and cons of allowing vending food at the parade from fixed locations as well as peddling on the street. Mrs. Barbara Bicksler of E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce, stated that the PTA had sold food several years ago at the parade, that this is more of a service to the people in the parade than a money making venture. Further stated that the Chamber encourages the involvement of the local organizations and does not favor commercialism at the parade. Councilman Armstrong asked if the Chamber of Commerce could screen the applications and allow only a certain number each year. City Attorney Allen advised that the Council must make this decision and it cannot be delegated. Further that the Council cannot distinguish between who will be granted permits to sell on a local and alien basis. Mr. James Weber, 803 Virginia Street, objected to permitting the students to sell candy on the street; that should anyone of them be injured, it opens the door for liability against the City. Further advised that, under the City Code, disabled veterans cannot be refused a permit to sell their wares. The City Attorney advised this law is based on provisions of the Military and Federal Code giving disabled veterans certain privileges statewide to sell things they make themselves. Mr. Richard Nagel, 622 Eucalyptus Drive, stated he thought the parade should be a community affair only; that the Council has taken a tough attitude in the past and had not allowed permits. Suggested letting the charitable organizations sell from a fixed place of business with- out benefit of permits. Asked that the Councilmen think strongly about their decision, that it will have an effect on future decisions. After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that on a trial basis for this year only, the request of the four aforesaid non - profit organizations be granted and the normal permit fee be waived. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilman Bue Absent: Councilmen None -5- Council Minutes December 2, 1980 /S 0 2) Exclusion of sick -leave pay from Social Security wage payments Advised that the City's Memorandum of Understanding with the General Employees contains a provision to exclude from covered wages for Social Security purposes any payments made on account of illness. Advised that a resolution had been prepared to effect this type benefit for all employ- ees under the Social Security System. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3034 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR PAYMENTS TO EMPLOYEES ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None b. City Clerk Burrowes 1) League of California Cities Conference Requested permission to attend the City Clerk's Institute in Sacramento January 14 through 16, 1981, sponsored by the League of California Cities. Advised that the total cost for attendance had been estimated at $382.00. Recommended that the money be appropriated from the General Fund unappropriated reserves. Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the City Clerk's request be granted and $382.00 be allocated from the unappropriated reserve of the General Fund for this purpose. Motion carried. C. City Attorney Allen 1) Environmental Impact Statement for Hyperion Treatment Plant Presented a letter from the Council to the Environment Protection Agency in San Francisco regarding the EIS /EIR relating to the pro- posed sludge management program at subject Plant. Also read a reso- lution in its entirety requesting that Congress and the State Legis- lature investigate and determine whether the termination of disposal of sludge in the ocean was justifiable and asked the U.S. Government and State of California to withhold funding for the project until all investigations have been completed. Motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3035 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, RELATING TO THE SLUDGE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE LOS ANGELES /ORANGE COUNTY METROPOLITAN AREA PROJECT FOR THE HYPERION TREATMENT PLANT. which was read, be adopted. The Mayor suggested that all Councilmen sign the resolution. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None Council Minutes December 2, 1980 X Advised that he would like to meet in Executive Session following this meeting to discuss a matter of potential litigation. c. Director of Public Works Glickman 1) Extension to Checkout building at Recreation Park Specification No. 80 -13 Advised that bids had been received on November 4, 1980 for subject construction, which bids were as follows: Name Amount of Bid F. A. Fuller Construction Co., Inc. $35,198.00 Jerry W. Buffington, General Contractor $36,656.00 Roybal's Construction Company $45,900.00 Levin Construction Company $48,458.00 Stated the low bid was higher than the Engineer's estimate. Therefore, recommended the low bid be accepted and the amount of $5,200 be allo- cated from the unappropriated reserve of the General Fund for this project. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that $5,200 be allocated from the General Fund reserves for this project, and the following resolution be adonted: WHEREAS, the City of E1 Segundo duly advertised for bids for the Extension to Checkout Building at Recreation Park in accordance with Specification No. 80 -13; and WHEREAS, said bids were received by the City Council on November 4, 1980; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works found that the bid of F. A. Fuller Con- struction Company, Inc., in total amount of $35,198.00 was the lowest responsible bid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, that the bid of F. A. Fuller Construction Company, Inc., be accepted as the lowest responsible bid; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of said City be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to execute the contract herein awarded for and on behalf of the City and in its name, and the City Clerk to attest the same, affix the seal and make delivery thereof in due course; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all bids received, except the bid of F. A. Fuller Construction Company, Inc., are hereby rejected and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to return the bid bonds of all unsuccessful bidders. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None -7- Council Minutes December 2, 1980 r�Ig tl�l 2) Reconstruction of Baseball Backstop at Recreation Park Baseball Field, Specification No. 80 -10 Advised that bids had been received on November 18, 1980 for subject work, which bids were as follows: Name Amount of Bid Master Bilt Fence Company $14,188.00 Golden West Fence Company, Inc. $14,623.69 Better Built Fence Company $15,080.00 Alcorn Fence Company $17,140.00 Wakefield & Associates No Bid Stated that the low bid exceeded staff's estimate for this project and, therefore, recommended the amount of $4,200 be allocated from the unappropriated reserves of the General Fund for this project and that the low bid of Master Bilt Fence Company be accepted. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Armstrong, that $4,200 be allocated from the General Fund reserves for this project, and the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the City of E1 Segundo duly advertised for bids for the construction of baseball backstop at Recreation Park Baseball Field in accordance with Specification No. 80 -10; and WHEREAS, said bids were received by the City Council on November 18, 1980; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works found that the bid of Master Bilt Fence Co., in total amount of $14,188.00 was the lowest responsible bid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, that the bid of Master Bilt Fence Company be accepted as the lowest responsible bid; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of said City be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to execute the contract herein awarded for and on behalf of the City and in its name, and the City Clerk to attest the same, affix the seal and make delivery thereof in due course; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all bids received, except the bid of Master Bilt Fence Company, are hereby rejected and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to return the bid bonds of all unsuccessful bidders. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 3) Architectural services for City Yard facilities Advised that five proposals had been received from architectural firms for design of the City's new maintenance yard facilities to be located at Illinois Street and E1 Segundo Boulevard. Stated that three of the firms had been interviewed and it was staff's opinion that the firm of Anthony and Langford was the most qualified for the project. Council Minutes December 2, 1980 Recommended that the Council authorize staff to negotiate an agree- ment with said company which would be brought back to the Council for approval. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the Director of Public Work's recommendation be approved and that a negotiated contract be presented to the Council for approval. Motion carried. 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Ordinance granting Unclassified Use Permit to Prudential Insurance Company for helistops City Attorney Allen presented subject ordinance, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 997 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN UNCLASSIFIED USE PERMIT (1 -80), SUBJECT TO CERTAIN LIMITATIONS AND CONDITIONS, TO PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, TO ESTABLISH AND OPERATE THREE HELISTOPS ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD BETWEEN GRAND AVENUE AND EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD, WITHIN SAID CITY which title was read. Upon motion duly made and carried, further reading of said ordinance was waived. Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Siadek, that said ordinance be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Armstrong, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 14. NEW BUSINESS - None 15. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. Director of Building Safety Dalgleish advised the Council that informal hearings would be held in the Council Chamber at 10:00 A.M. December 3, 4 and 5, 1980 for the purpose of reviewing the new con- struction codes. Stated that notices of these sessions had been mailed out to all contractors licensed with the City asking for their input. 16. RECESS - At the hour of 9:05 o'clock p.m., the Council recessed to an Executive Session in the Mayor's office. At the hour of 9:35 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. 17. ADJOURNMENT - No other business appearing to come before the Council at this meeting, it was moved by Mayor Van Vranken, seconded by Coun- cilman Siadek, that the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjournment being 9:40 o'clock p.m. APPROVED: i R. K. Van Vranken, Mayor Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk Council Minutes December 2, 1980