1980 AUG 05 CC MINMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL August 5, 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER The El Segundo City Council convened in regular session on the above date at the hour of 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by City Manager Arthur Jones 3. INVOCATION was delivered by Councilman William Bue. 4. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Balmer, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Absent: Councilmen None 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Mayor Van Vranken read a proclamation declaring the week of August 11 through August 16, 1980 as SISTER CITY WEEK b. The Mayor read a resolution congratulating the LOS ANGELES JOB CORPS on its 15th anniversary of training young men and women for work in the area: WHEREAS, by this September, the Los Angeles YWCA Job Corps will have trained over 10,000 young men and women, 6,500 from Los Angeles and hundreds of the others remaining to work in the area after graduation; and WHEREAS, through the educational, vocational and social curricula, these young people are trained for over fifty different occupations and are equipped with skills to lead productive lives; and WHEREAS, the majority of Job Corps graduates are gainfully employed in the Los Angeles area, serving communities by filling a variety of responsible and essential job positions; and WHEREAS, the percentage of students placed in jobs after training, (80 %) reflects the great amount of money Job Corps alumni are putting back into the economy, rather than taking out on public assistance programs; and WHEREAS, once found these alumni can serve as excellent role models and volunteers that Job Corps students can identify with and look up to, thus helping the program continue to present employable, reliable young men and women to work in the Los Angeles area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL joins with the YWCA, the City of Los Angeles, and other public agencies in congratulating the Job Corps on its 15th Anniversary and the search for these thousands of former Job Corps students to celebrate a reunion of success. There being no objections, the Mayor declared the resolution adopted. 6. ORAL CO:24UNICATIONS - None ' X5- 7. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES a. South Bay Cities Association. Councilman Bue reported that members had been asked to poll their councils in advance of the next Association meeting regarding the proposed establishment of off -shore airport facil- ities. After discussion, the Council deferred the subject until the next regular City Council meeting. b. Noise Abatement Committee. Councilman Siadek reported that he had attended a meeting of the Airport Board of Commissioners and had read into the record an 8 -point request for certain considerations for E1 Segundo. Further, read a letter written by Board president, Elizabeth K. Armstrong, which made no mention of the City's concerns in the operation of the Airport, only contained criticism of the salutation in his letter. c. Mr. Ron Hart, 608 Hillcrest Street, questioned the Mayor for a report on the South Bay Regional Communications System. ?•fayor Van Vranken reported that the previous City Manager of Manhattan Beach had been appointed temporary director and the City Treasurer of the City of Hawthorne had been appointed as treasurer of the Center to replace Ruth Hopp. Stated further that audits were required each year and an auditing firm would be chosen soon for the 1980 -81 fiscal year. S. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Bue asked that Item 'e' be discussed separately. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, and unanimously carried that the balance of the items be approved, as recom- mended: a. Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held July 15, 1980 ... Approved as written b. Warrants Nos. 67784 through 67938 on Demand Register Summary No. 2 in total amount of $678,366.48 ... Ratified and approved c. Open and promotional examination for position of Sanitation Mainten- ance Leadworker ... Approved d. Closed promotional examination for positions of Police Sergeant, Police Lieutenant and Police Captain .. Approved f. Extension of agreement with American Motors Sales Corporation for lease of City property for parking at south end of Douglas Street in the Utah Tract. ... Approved extension for five years g. Agreement with E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce for promotional services for 1980 -81 fiscal year .. Approved 9. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR e. Bid No 80 -2 for sporting goods for use by Recreation Department Councilman Bue asked if the local sports supplier had been asked to bid on this equipment. Director of Finance Weber responded that requests had been sent to five vendors, including Fournier's Sporting Goods. -2- Council Minutes August 5, 1980 10. 11. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the alternate bids of Conlin Bros., be rejected for not meeting specifi- cations; and the low bids for each item meeting specifications be accepted: Items A through J, L and M to Conlin Bros., in total amount of $2,345.94 Items K, 0, P and R to All Year Sports Den in total amount of $ 293.67 Items N and Q to A.B. & S. Sporting Goods in total amount of $ 248.04 for a total bid amounting to $2,887.65 including sales tax. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Balmer, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None REPORTS OF OFFICERS a. City Manager Jones 1) Resolution amending Administrative Code to include new classifications Recommended the Council approve the additional classifications of Photographer at Range 79 and Administrative Aide at Range 73, said positions having been previously held by uniformed police officers. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3014 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SUBSECTION (A) OF SECTION 1A3.030 OF CHAPTER 1A3 (GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERIES) OF TITLE 1A OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Balmer, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 2) Extension of agreement with Del Rey Capital Corporation (Hacienda Hotel) for completion of improvements Presented a request for an 18 -month extension to the one -year agreement with subject corporation. Advised that staff recommended an extension of twelve months, to expire August 21, 1981. Motion was made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the terms of that certain letter agreement between the City of El Segundo and the Del Rey Capital Corporation be extended for a period of 12 months, said agreement to expire August 21, 1981. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Balmer, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None -3- Council Minutes August 5, 1980 3) Preliminary report on 1980 Census The City Manager advised that subject report indicated a total of 6,146 housing units in the City, an increase of 2 -1/2 percent since the 1970 census; a total population of 13,291, a decrease of 14.9 percent and a 5 percent vacancy rate of dwellings. Stated that the Building and Plan- ning directors were reviewing the data on file regarding the number of housing units in the City to verify the figures in the preliminary report. Asked that anyone in the City who had not been contacted by the U.S. Census Bureau to contact the City so that everyone would be accounted for. After questioning the number of housing units and the high vacancy rate, the Council directed that the form furnished by the Bureau be returned with comments of the Council's concerns. b. Director of Public Works Glickman 1) Change Order No. 3 to Waukesha Engine Servicenter, Inc. Modifications to Sewer Plant No. 13, Specification No. 77 -8b Presented subject change order covering substitution of an Amerigear FS -102 tandem drive to alleviate vibration problems, totaling $804.27. Recommended approval. Advised that the total amount of this change order would be borne by the developer, Chevron Land and Development Co. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson that Change Order No. 3 to the contract with Waukesha Engine Servicenter,Inc., for substitute drive shaft in total amount of $804.27, be approved and the Mayor be authorized to sign on behalf of the City and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Balmer, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Mayor Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Reconstruction of Center Street north of Pine Avenue Councilman Bue inquired of the Director of Public Works about completion of subject project; that many inquiries indicated the merchants were being adversely affected by the construction work. Director of Public Works Glickman responded that the work was progressing according to schedule; that he would check and inform the Council of the scheduled completion date. Also that a sign could be posted indicating that the shopping center is open. b. Reconstruction of Mariposa Avenue between Nash and Douglas Streets Councilman Balmer inquired about the commencement date for this project. The Director of Public Works reported that designs are almost complete and will be ready to go out to bid very shortly. C. Dirt removal from Kansas and Holl Councilman Balmer inquired about the status of subject project. Director of Public Works advised that this was scheduled to be completed in July and that he would contact the International Rectifier people in this regard. d. Hyperion Treatment Plant Sludge Management Program Councilman Siadek inquired about Council's desires in relation to his memorandum on this subject. Mayor Van Vranken suggested this matter be taken up in Executive Session since it might involve possible litigation. -4- Council Minutes August 5, 1980 X 5230 13. NEW BUSINESS - None 14._ ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. Noise Abatement Committee. Councilman Siadek asked Director of Building Safety to report. Mac Dalgleish reported that the committee had suggested the concept of high speed turn -offs at the south runways to the right and left; that this would eliminate some noise in the El Segundo area. Stated this concept was presented at the interim hearing on the Master Plan by the Planning Associate Cosin. City Manager Jones stated that letters had been received from CALTRANS in response to the Mayor's letter objecting to the noise variance re- quested by the Airport. Reported that the Plan had not been submitted to E1 Segundo nor had the City been consulted on the preparation of the Plan, and that CALTRANS said they would not accept a Plan consisting of only the Airport Noise and Community Land Use Study. Stated that he believed that CALTRANS would not have rejected the Airport Plan without the response supplied by the City. 15. RECESS At the hour of 7:50 o'clock p.m., the Council recessed to Executive Session in the office of the Mayor. At the hour of 8:15 o'clock p.m. the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. ** Motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Councilman Bue, that a letter be sent to Los Angeles Mayor Bradley expressing concern that odors from the Hyperion Plant still cause environmental problems for the community. Councilman Balmer suggested the motion be amended to include thanking Mayor Bradley for the repair of the digesters at the Hyperion Plant, which motion was seconded by Councilman Bue. Motion carried as amended. Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Siadek, seconded by Council- man Bue, that a letter be prepared and sent to the Congressional delegation along with copies of the EPA letter, outlining the City's opposition to the expansion of the Hyperion Treatment Plant due to negative environmental impact on the community. 16. ADJOURNMENT No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjournment being 8:20 o'clock p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk APPROVED: R. K. Van Vranken, Mayor ** Revised in accordance with City Council action August 19, 1980. -5- Council Minutes August 5, 1980