MARCH 12, 1979
The E1 Segundo City Council convened in an adjourned regular
session on the above date at 7 :30 o'clock p. m. , in the Council
Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. The City Clerk reported
that Notice of Adjournment had been posted as required by law
and that an affidavit of posting was in her file.
The E1 Segundo Unified School District Board of Education convened
jointly with the City Council at the aforementioned place, date and
City Clerk Burrowes called the roll for the Council:
Present: Councilmen Benson, Bue,
Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer
Absent: Councilman Nagel
Board President Robert E. Morton called the roll for the Board:
Present: President Morton, Vice President Hubbard
and members West and Wiley
Absent: Clerk Mullins
Mayor Balmer led the pledge to the Flag of the United States of
Mr. Harry H. Weber delivered the invocation.
At this time, Mr. Jack Siadek requested permission to speak
before the Council and School Board discussed the school fiscal
There being no objections, the Mayor granted the request.
Mr. Jack Siadek, 1223 East Acacia Avenue, asked everyone to
stand while he read a prepared message regarding maintaining
local control of the schools and asking for aid in building a better
future for E1 Segundo.
Mayor Balmer announced that the Council was also interested
in the children's education and warned the people to be aware of
problems that might be created in their efforts and then turned the
meeting over to Board president Morton.
a. E1 Segundo City Council and E1 Segundo Unified School District
Board of Education discussion of Fiscal Affairs
President Morton asked Dr. Chester E. Ingils, Superintendent
of Schools to open the discussion. Dr. Ingils stated the School
District was faced with fundamental decisions caused by a possible
fifteen percent shortfall of money as the result of the drop in student
enrollment, effects of Proposition 13 and the Serrano - Priest decision.
Advised that the Board had already taken action to terminate certified
staff and will terminate certain classified employees in the very
near future. Accompanying this action, the Board will appoint a
committee to study the reorganization of the school district. Stated
the Board is facing the possibility of closing one more school, an-
ticipating the continued six percent drop in enrollment.
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At this time, the hour being 7 :40 o'clock p. m. , Councilman
Nagel took his place at the Council table.
Dr. Ingils stated that vacant school buildings present a problem
for the district, that he was concerned about the ramifications and
resultant changes in the quality of life in the community which may
be brought about by the shortage of operating funds.
Dr. Richard V. Bertain, Assistant Superintendent in charge
of business affairs, responded to questions of the Council regarding
legislative restrictions placed on school districts and that El Segundo
had been penalized by at least fifteen percent, having been considered
a 11wealthy district"; that the laws eliminate any effort to levy taxes
or to exercise any fiscal effort at the local level to solve the problems;
that monies received for excess property can only be used for capital
construction and cannot be used to alleviate the problems of operating.
Stated that a meeting is scheduled with the Chamber of Commerce to
discuss industry involvement.
Dr. Ingils stated that the Board is not anticipating having adlilt
education this next year, that they are trying to conserve public
education in the schools as much as possible.
Councilman Bue advised that some of the industries in town have
qualified, learned, educated people who are capable of teaching var-
ious subjects. Asked the Board to consider this alternative.
President Morton stated the Board is thinking of ways in which
the City could join forces with the School District to reduce the over-
all costs.
Mayor Balmer stated that neither the School Board nor the
citizens were running the schools and urged everyone to contact
legislators in Sacramento requesting a change.
Dr. Ingils suggested several joint ventures between the School
and City, such as purchasing, transportation, servicing of fire ex-
tinguishers, servicing of vehicles, sale of surplus property, and
sharing in the maintenance of recreational facilities used by the
community. Also, consideration of transferring ownership of the
Urho Saari Swim Stadium.
City Manager Jones stated that the plunge needed extensive
plumbing repairs, constituting a large capital cost, and questioned
this size expenditure if the City does not own the facility.
President Morton spoke of exploring the possibility of a long-
term lease of the property, which money could be used in the general
fund for operational costs.
Councilman Van Vranken stated that the uncertainties of the
City's funding may place the City in an uncertain position where
consideration of a short-term lease may be more desirable.
The Council and School Board reviewed the report provided by
the Superintendent commenting on the feasibility of sharing expenses
of various community service items.
After further discussion, and there being no objections, the
Mayor directed the City staff to join forces with the School staff to
review the items to determine their feasibility and costs involved
and to meet again with recommendations.
Councilman Van Vranken stated he would not like the people to
go away thinking the school problem had been solved, that the com-
munity itself will have to help by supporting the educational programs.
-2- Council Minutes
March 12, 1979
Councilman Bue stated in addition to the citizens of the com-
munity, there may be help from the industrial community and
suggested this be pursued by the school.
Council agreed that the most important move was to convince
State government that drastic changes in the laws governing school
administration must be made and the Council would contact the
state representatives in this respect, and urged everyone to write
to the legislators in Sacramento for this purpose.
The Mayor thanked all those attending, that he was proud of
their conduct during the study session.
a. Mr. Edwin A. Krause, 638 Sheldon Street, suggested supple-
mental tuition for extracurricular activities.
Dr. Ingils explained that the law provides for free and equal
opportunities for all children, which would prevent assessing a
"users" charge.
b. Mr. Mike Bergman, 864 Maryland Street, stated he had always
welcomed business in the City, but with the recent legislation there
doesn't seem to be much benefit, that maybe new businesses should
not be encouraged. Suggested considering increasing business taxes
for additional income.
City Manager Jones advised that the business license tax cannot
be increased as the result of passage of Proposition 13 except by a
two - thirds vote of the qualified voters in the City.
Mr. Bergman stated that if the interest continues, a Citizens
Committee will approach the business community for a donation,
that he will keep the Council and School Board apprised of their
meetings, that it is for a good cause - the kids.
C. Mr. Jack Siadek, wished to assure the people in attendance
that their interest was appreciated and hoped they would continue
to support this activity.
d. Mrs. Maggie Wilkinson., 430 Loma Vista Street, stated she
hoped the Council would continue with the efforts the school is try-
ing to propose at the legislative level; that the City has resources
to bring pressure to bear in Sacramento; that one must look beyond
this year for some kind of legislative proposal for the future. Sug-
gested a citizens group be formed with one or more elected officials
to work together; that she would like the Council to view the school
resources as important as the City's sales tax revenue.
There being no further comments and no objections, the Mayor
declared the meeting adjourned, the hour being 9:25 o'clock p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
alerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk
E. L. Balmer, Mayor
-3- Council Minutes
March 12, 1979