1978 JUN 12 CC MINx r AJ
June 12, 1978
The E1 Segundo City Council convened in an adjourned regular
session on the above date at 7 :00 o'clock p. m. , in the Council Chamber
of the E1 Segundo City Hall. The City Clerk reported that allotice of
Adjournment had been posted as required by law and that an affidavit
of said posting was in her file.
The pledge to the Flag was led by Councilman Van Vranken.
Rev. Father Aaron Ekwu of St. Anthony's Catholic Church gave
the invocation.
Present: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel,
Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer
Absent: Councilmen None
a.. Hearing on proposed annual budget for fiscal year 1978 -79 and
use of revenue sharing funds
The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore
fixed for the hearing on the City's annual budget and inquired of the
Clerk if proper notice of the hearing had been given. The City Clerk
replied that affidavits of publication were in her file. The Mayor
stated these files would become a part of this hearing. The Mayor
then inquired if any written communications had been received, to
which the City Clerk replied that none had been received.
The Mayor proposed that the budget be gone through department
by department, making cuts where possible, keeping in mind of what
the people have asked for by passage of Proposition #13 at the June
6th election and asked the City Manager to present the budget for
Councilman Nagel reported that as a Board member of the League
of California Cities, he met with the government staff and the legisla-
tors in Sacramento, that the Democratic Caucus voted to provide no
tax allocation for the cities.
Stated that E1 Segundo's major tax income is sales
tax and if this is distributed on a per capita basis, the city will be in
trouble. 11hat if the 110 property tax is divided on a ratio based
on the last taxable year, it would be penalizing those cities that have
tried to reduce taxes through the years. Stated the League will suggest
that property tax be divided on an average of the last four years. Further
stated that nobody really knows what is going to happen and that it would
be difficult to adopt a budget under these circumstances.
City Manager Jones explained the compiling of the Preliminary
Budget; that it was based on normal level of operations keeping four
factors in mind: Decline in sales tax because of decrease in sales of
fuel oil; continued spiraling inflation; rate increase in cost of retire-
ment program; and the unknown impact the tax proposals Proposition
No. 8 or No. 13 would have on the City. Stated that taking these factors
into consideration, staff recommended to the Council a budget of
$12, 195, 362 which is over one - million decrease from last year.
Recommended the Council balance this year's budget by adopting a
property tax increase of 14� per hundred assessed valuation. Stated
there was also the possibility that no property tax revenue would be
available this year and that tax information would not be available
until possibly August. Stated that the Council could assume that no
revenue would be received and adopt the budget prior to July 1, 1978
or assume some tax revenue would be received and balance the budget
on what seemed to be a reasonable amount, but it would be his recom-
mendation to hold off adopting the budget until the deadline of August 15,
to determine what allocation of the tax rate would be approved by the
legislature. Advised the City could operate until that time on the 1977-
1978 budget level with some inconvenience.
After discussion by the Council, the consensus was to look at the
budget department by department, making the necessary cuts without
seriously jeopardizing operations of the City and to defer finalization
of the budget until information is received regarding sales and property
The Mayor invited those present to come forward and speak when
an item they were interested in was presented.
Dr. John Meschuk, 455 Main Street, stated that the passing of
Proposition #13 indicates the people are saying they want less cost in
government generally, and that governmental agencies have to respect
this, that the taxpayers could no longer support the governmental pension
plans which should be reduced.
Mr. Walt Eggert, 435 West Sycamore Avenue, handed the Council
rough figures of the preliminary budget asking for Council's evaluation
and spoke on various items he wished to be considered for cut back.
Mr. Patrick Jamele, 852 Virginia Street, spoke of cutting back on
fringe benefits, including health plans, early retirement, extra vacation
days, etc.
Mr. Earl Smith, 707 Loma Vista Street, suggested eliminating
Dial- -Ride.
Mr. Ed Erdely, 209 West Acacia Avenue, spoke regarding the
Code requirements for keeping of animals on private property.
Mr. Maurice Fisk, 1424 East Sycamore Avenue, questioned the
cost of pension plans.
The Council proceeded with discussion of the budget department
by department. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by
Councilman Benson that the Travel and Meetings expenses be cut across
the board by 5016 - that staff present recommendations for specific cuts
for Council review. Motion carried.
The Mayor requested that any future job openings be submitted
to the Council for review during the period before the budget is adopted.
Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman
Benson, that $2, 000 be deleted from the Training and Education Fund.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel
and Mayor Balmer
Noes: Councilman Van Vranken
Absent: Councilmen None _
Motion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Mayor
Balmer, that the $5, 000 allocated for the Newsletter be deleted from
the Community Promotion Budget. Motion carried by the following
Ayes: Councilmen Benson,
and Mayor Balmer
Noes: Councilmen Bue and
Absent: Councilmen None
Van Vranken
'-- I
X4_" x1
Council Minutes
June 12, 1978
X4 7 4
Councilman Benson recommended that the allocation for the Cham-
ber of Commerce be cut from $ 30, 000 to $10, 000 for community
Mr. Joe Barnett, 30532 Via Rivera, Rancho Palos Verdes, vice -
president of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that such a cut in the
Chamber's contract would mean reduction in services and promotional
coverage presently provided for the City, which would seriously affect
the Chamber.
Motion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Councilman
Nagel, that the Chamber of Commerce budget be decreased by $20, 000.
Mr. Jack Siadek. 1223 East Acacia Avenue, business manager of
the Imperial Bowl, stated he hoped there was no vindictiveness in this
action and he would hope the Council would consider leaving at least
fifty percent and not make a seventy percent cut in the allocation.
Councilman Van Vranken offerred a substitute motion, which was
seconded by Councilman Bue, that the Chamber of Commerce budget
be decreased from $30, 000 to $15, 000.
After further input by members in the audience, the aforesaid
substitute motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Bue, Nagel,
Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer
Noes: Councilman Benson
Absent: Councilmen None
Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Coun-
cilman Bue, that the $500 allocation for Open House for Civic Center
be deleted. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Councilman
Nagel, that the allocation of $2, 000 for the annual Employees' Banquet
be deleted. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Benson, that the Sister City bud-
get allocation be eliminated. Motion died for lack of second.
At this time, the hour being 9:25 o'clock p.m. , the Mayor de-
clared a recess. At the hour of 9:35 o'clock p. m. , the Council
reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call.
Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by
Councilman Nagel, that the Contingency Account be reduced from
$40, 000 to $20, 000. Motion unanimously carried.
Mr. Patrick Jamele asked for explanation of the Salary Reserve
Account, and Dr. Meschuk questioned the increase in that account.
City Manager Jones responded that when the budget is approved, salary
reserves are distributed to individual department accounts.
Mr. John Kassales asked about the increase in the Telephone/
Telegraph sub - account of the non - departmental budget. City Manager
Jones responded.
Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Coun-
cilman Nagel, and unanimously carried, that the City withdraw from
membership in the Inter - Cities Transportation Committee.
During discussion of the Police Department budget, motion was
made by Councilman Benson that the Community Relations and School
Resources Program be eliminated, which would eliminate two police
officer position. Motion died for lack of second.
Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman
Nagel, and unanimously carried to remove the South Bay Burglary
Team from the budget.
-3- Council Minutes
June 12, 1978
X1 -1 1 ,A 6%
-12 r7* 0
Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman
Bue, and unanimously carried, that the Automated Wants and Warrants
System contract with the City of Los Angeles be deleted.
Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Coun-
cilman Bue, and unanimously carried, to eliminate the South Bay
Communications Authority appropriation for three supplemental dis-
Motion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Mayor Balmer,
to eliminate the Juvenile Diversion Program from the budget.
Mrs. Janice Cruikshank, 1509 East Elm Avenue, P. T. A. president,
appealed tot the Council to retain this worthwhile program, that if the
program is eliminated it may cost the community much more than the
amount in the budget.
Mrs. Helen Armstrong stated that Mr. Tehan, director of the
program had done a yoeman's job and would not like to have the
program cut.
Councilman Nagel suggested this be left in the budget and if the
budget needed to be cut deeper to consider the matter at that time,
after which he offerred a substitute motion to earmark the program
for later consideration. Motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Tehan, Juvenile Diversion Counselor, stated that the community
was in support of this program.
On roll call, Councilman Benson's motion failed by a vote of 4 to 1
Motion was made by Councilman Benson to delete the budget amount
of $12, 200 proposed for the Planning and Research Unit. Motion died
for lack of a second.
In the discussion of the Fire Department budget, the City Manager
responded to Council that it was the City's intention to fill the position
of Fire Marshal, presently held by a uniformed battalion chief who is
retiring, with a civilian engineer.
Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman
Nagel, that the battalion chief position in the Fire Prevention Bureau,
be replaced with a civilian engineer. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Benson, that the Fire Department
operate one fire captain and one fire fighter short per shift for a savings
of $46, 402. Motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Carl Cason inquired about fire response figures. Chief Baron
respon e ,
Mr. Ed. Erdely suggested the position of Housing and Environ-
mental Inspector be eliminated.
Motion was made by Councilman Benson to remove the Housing
and Environmental Inspector position. City Manager Jones inquired
if he was referring to the Environmental Control Officer, whose duties
would be to check all new and modified construction plans in compliance
with mandated state regulations regarding energy conservation, which
would be funded from additional plan check fees. Also that if the City
did not perform the work, the State would and charge the City for the
After further discussion with Council, staff and members of the
audience, regarding plan check operations, state mandated programs,
etc., no changes were made in the Building Safety Budget.
Council suggested that the clearing of weeds from private
owners' parkways be included in the weed abatement program.
-4- Council Minutes
June 12, 1978
X4 7 �t* .
Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman
Benson, that the City Manager prepare a recommendation for Council's
consideration regarding the number and location of street lights that
could be turned off without jeopardizing safety, excluding residential
areas. Motion carried.
Hearing no objections, the Mayor ordered that Curbs and Sidewalk
Replacement Account, scheduled for this fiscal year, be deleted from
the capital improvement program.
Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Coun-
cilman Bue, that the supplemental request of the Garage for an auto
mechanic not be approved. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by
Councilman Nagel, that the part -time library page position be deleted.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Nagel to reduce the hours the
Library would be open to the public from 59 hours per week to 40 hours
and later withdrew the motion with a recommendation to earmark this
item in case deeper cuts are necessary in the budget. There being no
objections, the Mayor ordered this item be earmarked for future study.
Motion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Councilman
Nagel, to reduce the budget for purchase of library books and materials
by $10, 000. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Coun-
cilman Benson, that the part -time recreation leaders' salaries be
reduced by five percent for a total savings of $8, 000. Motion carried.
Discussion between staff and Council regarding overall reduction
in recreation programs for a possible savings of $25, 000 resulted in
a motion being made by Councilman Van Vranken, that the programs
already scheduled be left in operation, but any new programs be
placed on a self- supporting basis. Councilman Nagel suggested this
matter be referred to the Recreation and Parks Commission for study
with the recommendation that more programs be self- sustaining.
Councilman Van Vranken withdrew his motion, after which Councilman
Benson moved to eliminate the $25, 000 from the budget. No second
being heard, the motion died.
Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman
Van Vranken, that the contract for landscaping maintenance of the
Imperial Strip be cancelled and the work assigned to City forces.
Motion carried.
Councilman Nagel suggested that the Recreation Department look
into making the ball leagues responsible for cleaning the grounds after
a game. Thereafter, Council asked Recreation and Parks Director
Ruis to make this a policy and if not adhered to, the leagues would be
charged for the City cleaning up after the games.
Council requested that the Director of Recreation and Parks
review the maintenance of the small parks and make a recommenda-
tion regarding existing City crews doing this work.
Council requested staff review the vehicle inventory and eliminate
any vehicles that are not absolutely needed, but not let the fund get
Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by
Councilman Nagel, that the storm drain projects on Oregon Street
and on Franklin Avenue be delayed at least one year. Motion carried.
Councilman Nagel suggested delaying design of the City Mainten-
ance Yard. Mayor Balmer stated that due to possible conflict of
interest, he would not participate in this action, and turned this
portion of the meeting over to Mayor pro tem Van Vranken.
-5- Council Minutes
June 12, 1978
X4 1 t
After discussion, the Mayor pro tem ordered that this item be
reviewed again before adopting the budget.
Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Coun-
cilman Benson, that the estimated General Fund balance be reduced
from $725, 201 to $500, 000. Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue,
Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer
Noes: Councilmen Nagel
Absent: Councilmen None
Councilman Nagel spoke of the inequities in the business registra-
tion fees and asked staff if it were possible to restructure the schedules
for action by the Council before July 1st. After discussion of the
limited time for such action, Councilman Van Vranken stated there was
one item that was not discriminatory, that of the bed tax and suggested
it be raised from 516 to 6 %. Hearing no objections, the Mayor ordered
staff to prepare an ordinance to this affect for presentation to the
Council for approval.
Mr. Maurice Fisk stated he thought it was time the Council took
action to update the business tax rates.
Mayor Balmer asked the City Manager if staff could look at the
business license structure, to assume that it could be done, and if
problems are encountered, it could be put aside. The City Manager
advised that this was a very big undertaking, but staff would provide
the Council with a measure. Stated he thought it very clear from the
Jarvis Amendment that any special tax levied after July 1 would require
a 2/3 vote of the people.
Councilman Nagel stated the League of California Cities was
proposing a five -point plan to the Legislature to handle the Jarvis
1. Apportion the 110 property tax based on the pre -June 6th
property tax roll.
After discussion of this point, Council consensus was
that it would prefer basing the tax on the 1975 -76 rate or use
the average of the last four years.
2. Fair share distribution of surplus to all local governments,
including cities.
3. Provide interim action to provide cash flow relief, particu-
larly for smaller cities and stabilization of redevelopment
4. Long term commitment to increasing home rule flexibility
and reducing costly State mandates and restrictions.
5. Moratorium on all pending legislation imposing cost or time
commitments on cities.
Upon agreement of the five points, Councilman Nagel stated he
would relay this information to the League.
-6- Council Minutes
June 12, 1978
City Manager Jones asked the Council to schedule a date for a
study session on the development proposed by Hughes Aircraft Company
on E1 Segundo Boulevard.
By mutual consent, the Council agreed to hold a study session
with the Planning Commission to go over the Hughes Aircraft Company
plans on June 27, 1978 at 7 :00 o`clock p.m.
No other business appearing to come before the Council, the Mayor
declared the meeting adjourned, the hour of adjournment being 12 :30
o'clock a. m. June 8, 1978.
— Pie 11,74J44�� _
, E. L. Balmer, Mayor
Respectfully submitted,
Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk
-7- Council Minutes
June 12, 1978