1978 APR 18 CC MINX 4 694 1. 2. 3. 5. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO April 18, 1978 CALL TO ORDER The E1 Segundo City Council convened in regular session on April 18, 1978 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E1 Segundo City Hall. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Director of Recreation and Parks, Jack Ruis. INVOCATION Delivered by Father Feodor Wilcock of St. Andrew's Catholic Church. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer Absent: Councilmen None SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS a. Hearing on proposed Unclassified Use Permit for Helistop Mayor Balmer advised that due to possible conflict of interest he did not wish to participate in the discussion or action in this matter and, therefore, turned this portion of the meeting over to Mayor pro tem Van Vranken. The Mayor pro tem announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a hearing on the proposed Unclassified Use Per- mit No. 1 -78 for property located within the Chevron Refinery for development of a helistop, and inquired of the City Clerk if proper notice of the hearing had been given. The City Clerk replied that affidavits of publication and mailing were in her files. The Mayor pro tem directed the files to become a part of this hearing. The Mayor pro tem then inquired if any written communications had been received, to which the City Clerk replied that none had been received. Planning Director Loverde stated that Chevron had proposed establishing a helicopter port on its property near Grand Avenue west of Vista del Mar for the purpose of viewing loading and un- loading of oil tankers and advised that the port would be used only by said company. Stated that an environmental review revealed that the creation of the port would not cause adverse effects on the environment and, therefore: a Negative Declaration had been prepared. Stated the Planning Commission recommended certifi- cation of the Negative Declaration and approval of subject Unclassi- fied Use Permit No. 1 -78. The Mayor pro tem inquired if anyone present wished to speak in regard to this matter. There being no response, motion was made, seconded and carried, that the hearing be closed. There- after, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Council- man Nagel, that the Negative Declaration for Unclassified Use Permit No. 1 -78 be certified. Motion carried (Mayor Balmer not voting) . City Attorney Allen presented the ordinance permitting said helistop, entitled: a X 4LS�.0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN UNCLASSIFIED USE PERMIT (1 -78), SUBJECT TO CERTAIN LIMITA- TIONS AND CONDITIONS, TO CHEVRON, U.S.A., INC., TO ESTABLISH AND OPERATE A HELISTOP ON PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CHEVRON REFINERY WITHIN SAID CITY which title was read. Upon motion duly made and carried, further reading was waived. Thereafter, said ordinance was introduced by Council- man Bue. b. Continued hearing on proposed revisions to Noise and Vibration ordinance Mayor Balmer announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the continued hearing on proposed revisions to Chapter 9. 06 of the Municipal Code relating to noise and vibra- tion regulations and inquired of the City Clerk if any written com- munications had been received. City Clerk Burrowes replied that none had been received. City Manager Jones advised that staff had reviewed the items discussed at the last Council meeting but had not completed the revisions. Asked the Council to continue this matter until the next Council meeting. Motion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Mayor Balmer, and unanimously carried that this hearing be continued until the meeting of May 2, 1978. The Mayor then announced that if anyone wished to speak in this regard, time would be allowed during Oral Communications. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Dr. Dora Polk, 111 West Palm Avenue, advised she was represent- ing not only herself, but her neighbors, Mrs. Olga Beale, Mrs. Margaret Stockwell and Mrs. Pearl Moffit, who live in the same apartment complex, and had expressed their concern with regula- tions which would allow permits for amplified noise at Library Park above the acceptable noise levels stipulated in the Noise Ordinance. Dr. Polk and members of the Council and staff discussed the affects the proposed changes would have on the residents Dr. Polk stated the city in general needs to be pro- tected from amplified noise and she thought that some of the changes were less restrictive than the original ordinance. 7. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES a. Councilman Nagel reported on the document, "Urban Strategy of California" and warned of the number of guidlines and rules in the draft strategy which would be harmful to a city like E1 Segundo in the exercise of its planning power, local control and in the fund- ing of activities required for local control. Stated the report refers to irregular tax patterns among the cities and counties and that smaller communities have difficulty in attracting new industry needed to supply required employment. Advised the report recom- mended the study of property and sales tax sharing, involving the study and advisability, the equity and feasibility of establishing property and sales tax sharing districts in California metropolitan regions. Stated the study was to include estimates each city and county would contribute to the region sharing pool and the amount each would get back. Stated he found the study very important and suggested the Council give top priority to getting a position on the committees to study this particular aspect of the urban strategy so that E1 Segundo's views would be considered. -2- Council Minutes April 18, 1978 X 46Ctj � 9. b. Inter City Transportation Committee. Councilman Van Vranken reported that County Supervisor Rahn had advised at the last meeting that top priority was being given to construction of the I -105 Freeway and to completing the extension of Route 91, the Artesia Freeway, and asked that each jurisdiction again inform the Department of Transportation of its views on these two projects. The Council directed staff to prepare communications similar to those sent in the past, urging commencement of these two projects. C. Mayor Balmer reported on water supply matters. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Van Vranken asked that Item c - Bids for Elec- trical Maintenance, be discussed. Councilman Benson requested that the minutes of the last meeting be changed. Mayor Balmer, therefore, directed that all items in the Consent Calendar be discussed separately. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR a. Minutes of regular meeting of the City Council held April 4, 1978 Councilman Benson stated he thought the minutes of the last meeting should be changed to show the cost of the proposed art works for the Civic Center Mall. After discussion, and there being no objections, the Mayor ordered this item be deferred until the next regular meeting to be held May 2, 1978. b. Warrants and Expense Checks Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Council- man Van Vranken, that Warrant Nos. 59116 through 59280 on Demand Register Summary No. 20 and Expense Check Nos. 1851 through 1872 on Expense Check Register No. 18, in total amount of $539, 437. 58, drawn in payment of demands, certified by the Director of Finance as conforming to the Budget approved by Ordinance No. 937, be ratified and approved. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None C. Bids for electrical maintenance to various city departments City Manager Jones reported that bids had been received for subject work, over a three -year period, which bids were as follows: Gaudio Electric Co. $22.00 /Hr. $33. 00 /Hr. $33. 00 /Hr. $11. 00 /Hr. 20% R a t e s Regular hourly rate Weekend or after hours Sundays Minimum billing Cost of material over wholesale cost M. B. Herzog Electric $24. 50 /Hr. $36. 75 /Hr. $44. 00 /Hr. $24. 50 /Hr. 5% Recommended acceptance of the low bid of Gaudio Electric. Councilman Van Vranken inquired if a maximum amount had been established. City Manager Jones explained that the main- tenance costs are spread throughout the budget in the Building -3- Council Minutes April 18, 1978 Maintenance Accounts of the various departments which averaged out at approximately $ 8, 000 to $10, 000 per year. Councilman Benson asked for the names of vendors that had been requested to bid. Mr. Jones furnished the names of the six vendors contacted, stating that only the aforementioned two had responded. Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that the low bid of Gaudio Electric, as herein - above recited, be accepted and that a purchase order be issued said company for said services over a three -year period. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 10. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a. Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) response to Council's letter, advising that the Executive Committee had adopted a revised Regional Housing Element at its February meeting There being no objections, the Mayor ordered the letter filed. 11. REPORTS OF OFFICERS a. City Manager Jones 1) Richmond Street Annual Arts & Crafts Fair June 10. 1978 Presented a request from the Richmond Street Merchants' Association to close Richmond Street between Grand Avenue and the Old Towne Music Hall on June 10 for subject fair. Recom- mended approval providing the conditions required for last year's fair regarding insurance, business registration fees, and placement of displays are adhered to. Motion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the Richmond Street Merchants' Association be granted a permit to hold an Arts & Crafts Fair on June 10, 1978 between the hours of 10 A. M. and 6 P. M., subject to the same terms and conditions imposed for the 1977 Fair. Motion carried. 2) Temporary Trailer Permit, Chevron U. S.A. Inc. Mayor Balmer stated that due to possible conflict of interest he would not participate in the discussion or action in this matter and, therefore, turned this portion of the meeting over to Mayor pro tem Van Vranken. Presented a request for one year's extension for two trailers located within the Refinery grounds, said extension to expire April 20, 1979. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Coun- cilman Benson, that subject trailer permit be extended for one year, said permit to expire April 20, 1979. Motion carried, Mayor Balmer not voting. 3) South Bay Regional Communications Report Presented a status report on the Communications Center and on the Emergency Operating Center in El Segundo for the period April 3 through April 16. Stated that in order to furnish up to date reports at each Council meeting, the base data gather- ing dates would be changed. -4- Council Minutes April 18, 1978 4) El Segundo High School Student Body Hometown Fair Library Park April 29, 1978 Presented a request for permit to hold "Grandma Elsie Gundo's Hometown Fair" on Library Park grounds with the use of amplification equipment. Stated there were three matters re- quiring Council's action: Request to waive business license fees of the participants in the Fair, since it is a fund raising activity for the Student Body. Request to close the 600 block of Richmond Street from 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. on April 29, 1978. Request to use amplification equipment in the band stand in conjunction with the entertainment. Miss Theresa Mack. Chairperson for the Fair Committee, explained the Student Body wished to put on this Fair to raise funds rather than holding the usual annual carnival. After discussion on renting noise monitoring equipment and using it at the subject Fair for further evaluation of the city's noise regulations, motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the aforementioned requests be approved with further restriction that ambient noise levels not exceed 65 dba at the Park property line corrected as per the noise exceedance table in Section 9. 06. 040, paragraph (a) of the proposed Noise ordinance. Motion carried. 5) Change in assessment for South Bay Burglary Team Advised that the city's appropriation for participation in sub- ject team had been raised $100. 77 due to the withdrawal of Rancho Palos Verdes from the program. Recommended the resolution increasing the city's portion from $655. 20 to $755. 97 for partici- pation in this program be adopted. Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2847 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2770 RELATING TO APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF THE EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPART- MENT which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None -5- Council Minutes April 18, 1978 x 4`: 'C �,J b. City Attorney Allen 1) Ordinance authorizing amendment to PERS to implement the 2% at age 50 for fire safety members Presented subject ordinance, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BE- TWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM which title was read. Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, the further reading of said ordinance was waived. Thereafter, said ordinance was introduced by Councilman Nagel. 2) Substitution of attorney in case of Stembridge, Magness vs. State of California et al. Presented a request to substitute the law offices of Davis W. Brennan for the firm of Ericksen, Lynch, Mackenroth, Arbuthnot and Brennan, Inc. , in the defense of the above suit. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the aforementioned substitution be approved and that the City Attorney be authorized to accept said substitution on behalf of the City of El Segundo. Motion carried. C. Director of Public Works Glickman 1) Report on Los Angeles Wastewater Facilities Improve- ment Plans Presented Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Report on the City of Los Angeles Wastewater Facilities Plan for upgrading the Hyperion Treatment system to prevent pol- lution. Advised that the Statement covers and analyzes various improvement plans for processing sludge from the ocean. Stated that E1 Segundo is a contract agency with the City of Los Angeles, obligated to pay a small portion of the costs (less than . 01 %) for said improvements for which tax monies may not be used, therefore, the city may be required to adopt a system of sewer user fees. Stated progress reports would be furnished since this project will have an impact on E1 Segundo. 2) 1978 Supplement to 1976 Edition of Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Recommended approval. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Bue, that resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2848 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AND ADOPTING "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION, 1976 EDITION, " AND THE 1977 AND 1978 SUPPLEMENTS THERETO AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2765 -6- Council Minutes April 18, 1978 4 0') which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 3) Change Order No. 25 to Ray Wilson Company contract Civic Center Project Presented subject change order for installation of new heating system in the basements of City Hall and the old police building, in total amount of $14, 894. 32 including a 15 -day ex- tension for completion of the work. Advised that the current budget contained $6, 000 for this project. Recommended that an additional $8, 894. 32 be allocated to supplement budgeted funds and that the Change Order be approved. Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that the Director of Public Works' recommendations be approved, that $ 8, 894. 32 be appropriated from the Contingency Account for said Change Order No. 25 to the Ray Wilson Company contract and that the Mayor be authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the city and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue, Nagel, Van Vranken, and Mayor Balmer Noes: Councilman Benson Absent: Councilmen None 4) Completion of Civic Center Irrigation System Phases II and III - Project No. 77 -7 Advised that subject contract had been satisfactorily completed on April 3, 1978 by K & M Landscaping and that Notice of Completion had been filed with the County Recorder. Recommended acceptance of the work. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Coun- cilman Nagel, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that Phases II and III of Civic Center Irrigation System by K & M Land- scaping, be and the same are hereby accepted as satisfactorily complete in accordance with Specifi- cation No. 77 -7, as of April 3, 1978. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 5) Change Order No. 1 to G.A. MacDonald Construction Company, Inc., contract - Recreation Park Expansion Phase II, Project 77 -1 Presented subject change order in total amount of $16, 954 including a 17 -day extension of time for removal of excessive Amounts of rubble and debris from the Recreation 'ark Expansion mite, Recommended approval. -7- Council Minutes April 18, 1978 X 4 7'_)p 1 Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Councilman Bue, that Change Order No. 1 to G.A. Mac Donald Construction Company, Inc., contract for a 17 -day extension and additional amount of $16, 954 be approved and the Mayor be authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the city and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue, Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer Noes: Councilman Benson Absent: Councilmen None 6) Professional engineering services for design of storm drain facilities Advised that in conjunction with the agreement the city has with Sepulveda Properties, Inc. , for construction of storm drain facilities to service a proposed development at Sepulveda Boulevard and Grand Avenue, the staff solicited proposals for subject services. Advised that the three pro- posals received had been reviewed; recommended acceptance of the proposal from Engineering Science, Inc. , and that authority given to negotiate an agreement for said services. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Coun- cilman Nagel, that the proposal of Engineering Science, Inc., be accepted and that staff be authorized to negotiate an agree- ment for said services for presentation to the Council for approval. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 7) Quitclaim deeds for easements in Southern Pacific railroad right -of -way Mayor Balmer advised that due to possible conflict of interest, he did not wish to participate in the action or dis- cussion of this matter and, therefore, turned this portion of the meeting over to Mayor pro tem Van Vranken. Presented two deeds to Chevron, U. S.A. Inc, for pipe- line easements in subject railroad right -of -way, which had been abandoned by the city. Recommended approval. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Coun- cilman Nagel, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, that certain easement for storm drain purposes, insofar as it pertains to and affects the following described real property: All that portion of Lot 434, Block 123, Sheet 8 E1 Segundo, as recorded in Book 22, Pages 106 and 107 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder, County of Los Angeles, State of California, more particularly described as follows: A strip of land, 5. 00 feet in width, lying 2. 50 feet on each side of the easterly prolongation of a line parallel with and 5. 00 feet northerly, measured at right angles from the south line of Lot 107 of said Block 123. The side lines of said 5.00 foot strip shall terminate westerly in the southwesterly line of said Lot 434 and easterly in the northeasterly line of said Lot 434. -8- Council Minutes April 18, 1978 X `t �r)N ', j i, is no longer required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor pro tem of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby auth- orized to execute a quitclaim deed for said easement from the City of El Segundo to Chevron, U. S.A. Inc., and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel, and Mayor pro tem Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None Not Voting: Mayor Balmer Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, that certain easement for sewer purposes, insofar as it pertains to and affects the following described real property: All that portion of Lot 434, Block 123, Sheet 8, El Segundo, as recorded in Book 22, Pages 106 and 107 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder, County of Los Angeles, State of California, more particularly described as follows: The northeasterly 2. 00 feet of said Lot 434 bounded on the east by the westerly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 118, said Block 123 and bounded on the west by the east line of that certain 10. 00 foot wide easement to the City of El Segundo for storm drain purposes recorded in Book 55051, page 434 of official records of said county is no longer required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor pro tem of the City of El Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute a quitclaim deed for said easement from the City of E1 Segundo to Chevron, U. S. A. Inc. , and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel and Mayor pro tem Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None Not Voting: Mayor Balmer 8) Negative Declaration on improvements of Nash Street and Mariposa Avenue Advised that in connection with the preparation of Plans and Specifications for improvements of subject streets by the County of Los Angeles, an environmental review of these improvements was required. Stated the County determined the project would not have an adverse effect on the environment and, therefore, issued a Negative Declaration. Recommended concurrence in the findings and approv4t-�f"e Negative Declaration. Council Minutes April 18, 1978 Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Van Vranken, that this Council concurs with the findings of the County of Los Angeles and approves the Negative Declaration covering the proposed improvements of Nash Street and Mariposa Avenue in the City of El Segundo. Motion carried. 9) Application for financial assistance pursuant to Disaster Relief Act Presented a resolution designating the Director of Public Works as the city's agent authorized to file an application for federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act. Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2849 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNAT- ING CITY'S AGENT AND AUTHORIZING FILING AN APPLICATION FOR CERTAIN FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PURSUANT TO THE DISASTER RELIEF ACT -- PUBLIC LAW 93 -288 which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Bue, Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councilman Nagel inquired about negotiations for land to relocate the city garage. City Manager Jones advised that a report would be made, possibly at the next Council meeting. 13. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Bue inquired if the area in the City Hall basement, vacated by the Chamber of Commerce, could be used by the Juvenile Diversion Counselor. City Manager Jones responded that staff would investigate the possibility. 14. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -- none 15. ADJOURNMENT No further business appearing to come before the Council at this session, Mayor Balmer declared the meeting be adjourned in memory of Mr. Michael Durkos and Mrs. Madelene Pierce; the hour of adjournment of this meeting being 9:07 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted, APPROVED: Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk E'er- Balmer, Mayor X 4 -if-, 1 ...3 -10- Council Minutes April 18, 1978