1977 OCT 04 CC MIN�c 4-F'6 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO October 4, 1977 1 . CALL TO ORDER The El Segundo City Council convened in an adjourned regular session on October 4,' 1977 at 6:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the El Segundo City Hall . The CIFrk reported that a Notice of Adjournment had been posted as required by law and that an affidavit of posting was in the City Clerk's file. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer Absent: Councilmen Bue and Rockhold 3. PRESENTATIONS Planning and Feasibility Study to improve ground access at Los Angeles International Airport Mr. Steven Yee, Los Angeles Department of Airports, advised that DeLeuw, Cather and Company, the consultants, had completed subject report both on short term improvements and long range improvements. At this time, the hour being 6:34 o'clock p.m., Councilman Bue entered and took his place at the Council table. Mr. Yee stated that Ms. Dottie Ransburg, Mr. R. Scott and Mr. E. S. Diamant from DeLeuw, Cather and Company were present and that Mr. Diamant would give a slide presentation and report on the company's findings and recommendations. Mr. Diamant presented slides of diagrams, graphs and statistics depicting present and projected patterns and volume of traffic at the airport and surrounding areas, causes of same and recommended solutions. After the report, Mr. Diamont stated that his company had completed Phase II of the South Bay Corridor Study and presented cloth -bound copies of the three volumes to the Council as a token of appreciation for the opportunity of serving El Segundo, stating he hoped it would assist in planning the city's future transportation program. After a brief discussion period, motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjournment being 7:08 o'clock p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City C er By APPROVED: E. Balmer, Mayor Deputy