1977 AUG 02 CC MINMINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 2, 1977 1. CALL TO ORDER The El Segundo City Council convened in regular session on August 2, 1977 at the hour of 7 :00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the E Segundo City Hall, 350 Main Street. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The salute to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Director of Public Works William Glickman. 3. INVOCATION The meeting was opened with an invocation by Councilman William Bue. 4. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Bue, Nagel, Rockhold and Van Vranken Absent: Mayor Balmer 5. PRESENTATIONS Mayor pro tempore Van Vranken asked the Guaymas Exchange Students to come forward along with their respective hosting parents. The following responded: Luis Padilla and Lourdes Sanchez with Mrs. Doris Smith Enrique Claussen and Eduardo Valenzuela with Mr. Norman Brown Lipita Reyes and Cecilia Gonzalez with Mrs. Maggie Wilkinson Carlos Barragan with Art Petsch and Marcelo Rodriguez The Mayor pro tem presented each student with a Certification of Appreciation and each councilman congratulated the students. 6. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS a. Public Hearing on Precise Plan No. 2 -77 for a 6 -unit condominium devel- opment at 945 Pepper Street - Wise Construction The Mayor pro tem announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for subject hearing and inquired of the City Clerk if proper notice of the hearing had been given. The City Clerk replied that affidavit of publication and mail- ing the notices were in her file. The Mayor pro tem stated the files would become a part of the hearing. He then inquired if any written communications had been received, to which the City Clerk replied that none had been received. Planning Director Loverde advised that the Plans were in compliance with the requirements of the condominium ordinance and an environmental review had been made resulting in the preparation of a Negative Declaration for the project. Recommended the Council certify the Negative Declaration and adopt the Pre- cise Plan with certain conditions, as enumerated in the resolution adopting same. The Mayor pro tern inquired if anyone present wished to speak either in favor or in opposition to this Precise Plan. There being no response, motion was made by Councilman Rockhold, seconded by Councilman Nage I, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried. X4513 6. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS a. continued Mayor pro tem Van Vranken stated that the Negative Declaration showed that the project would not cause any adverse effects on general services, but the questionnaire indicated there would be effects on general services. Mr. Loverde advised that the word, "substantially" should be inserted in Item 3 of the Negative Declaration to show that the plan does not substantially increase any demand for public services. After further discussion of requirements for noise protection and security pro- visions, Planning Director recommended the Negative Declaration be certified as amended by adding the word, "substantially" in Item 3, and that the resolu- tion adopting the Precise Plan be adopted. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that Item 3 of the Negative Declaration for Precise Plan No. 2 -77 be amended as hereinabove recommended and as so amended said Negative Declaration be certified. Motion carried. Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Rockhold, that the following resolution, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2790 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS PRECISE PLAN NO. 2 -77 which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bus, Nagel, Rockhold and Mayor pro tem Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Mayor Balmer b. Public Hearing on Zone Change No. 2 -77 for property on north side of Rosecrans Avenue and south of the Southern Pacific Railway right -of -way from Heavy Manufacturing (M -2) and Unclassified tp Commercial - Manufacturing (C- M)Zone The Mayor pro tem announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for subject hearing and inquired of the City Clerk if proper notice of the hearing had been given. The City Clerk replied that affidavits of pub- lication and mailing the notices were in her file. The Mayor pro tem stated the file would become a part of this hearing. He then inquired if any written communications had been received, to which the City Clerk replied that none had been received. Planning Director Loverde reported that this zone change was included in the Land Use Element and would upgrade the area by restricting any new heavy manufacturing. Advised that it had been determined the zone change would not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, a Negative Declaration had been prepared. Recommended certification of the Negative Declaration and adoption of subject zone change. -2- Counci I Minutes August 2, 1977 451.4 6. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS b. Continued The Mayor pro tam inquired if anyone present wished to speak either in favor or in opposition to subject zone change. There being no response, motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Rockhold, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Rockhold, that the Negative Declaration prepared for subject Zone Change No. 2 -77 be certified. Motion carried. Questions were raised by the Council regarding classification of the railroad property and whether the city has any control over the type of industry which might be placed on the property. City Attorney Allen advised he would make an effort to have an opinion in the hands of the Council before the adoption of the ordinance at the next regular City Council meeting, and thereafter, presented the ordinance covering subject Zone Change No. 2 -77, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 20 (THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE "EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE" BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP REFERRED TO IN SECTION 20.16.030 OF SAID CODE which title was read. Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, further reading of said ordinance was waived. Thereafter, the ordinance was introduced by Counci Iman Bue. 7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. Mr. Joe Woodford, 2130 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach, represent- ing the El Segun o General Employees'Association, stated that salary negotia- tions had been in progress since May 10 and that a three -year agreement had been proposed. Stated the Memorandum of Understanding was ninety percent complete but there still were disagreements on a few items which should be resolved. Advised that a compromise Memorandum of Understanding had been presented to management and urged that the Council consider the latest proposal. Mayor pro tem Van Vranken advised that, the Council would meet in executive session immediately following the regular Council meeting to consider this matter. . b. Mr. Ralph Giglio, 319 West Acacia Avenue, advised there was a matter of an unrecorded of 40 x 70 adjoining his property at 319 West Acacia on which improvements could not be made because of the nature of the title of the property. Stated his efforts to obtain the lot had been unsuccessful and he was, therefore, seeking some assistance from the Council. City Attorney Allen advised that this was a matter to be resolved by the joint owners of the lot and once this is decided then an application to the City can be made for approval of a lot change. The Council advised that it was not able to be of assistance, that it was a legal problem to be resolved between the owners of the property. -3- Council Minutes August 2, 1977 x4 .515 8. REPORTS OF COMMrTTr✓ :;. a. South Bay Citie, mss:. :.:t::s:; ;, t;;,ncilman Bue advised that tn_ Azsociation had gone on retard r,���-:r„ s- i �V� u; display or sale. b. Centinela Valley •►r,.,,,ii. [:version Project. Councilman Bue reported that unding cuts were expo: ,tiu v✓7ic wou d of ect performance in the second half of this fiscal year Sic <TC; ;. ;;;cif may need to deci:3 ii, t c. r;aar future whether it wants to c;onti: ur- scr.; ,c; ;iny the program. Councilman Na6al aJvis:.i ii r.', tl,,is was a pilot prograrn a:iJ ord,, three -year funding had been yr.rarcar)t :s,c' , S rated he thought it had given th-- cities, excel- lent opportunity to evaltiat;r, probierru to help arrive ct a decision of whether to continue. State l ':c thought it was a good program which had helped many juveniles frc,;n ut tting, in the back rooms or' the Policy departments. Councilman Bue stated tht noi.inselor had done an outstanding pith the young People. The Mayor pro tern requested that City Manager Jones follow up v.gth the department's invalvement so i:,at the. Council would have a good idea of the program. c. South Bay Corridor Seder- rcerinc Committee, Phase III. Mayor pro tem Van Vranken reported that La Ar.;4e;es County had withdrawn from this phase of the program, but that thi s not keep the program from proceedi;rg, al- though it might delay the project. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Minutes of the regular ---ity Council meeting held July 19, 197i' Motion was made b CUUnC ?I,,,an Nage!, seconded by Crun,::ilmar, Bue:; tl­,at the minutes of subject meeting be approved as written. Motion carried.. b. Warrants No. Sbllc> tnrc::c rl 76273 on Demand Register Sumrnnr- No. 3 and Expense Check` 1540 through 1559 on Expense Check Register No. 2 in total amount cf .$586,388.84. Motion was made Lip (,0:),'1 "`IM -011 Nage! seconded by Councllj ",lzj.,i Bu j, that subject warrants wig e�.r.:`n_�: ch-;;ks be ratified arid approved. carried by the following vote: Aye_ _wUrIci imen Bue, Nugel, Rock�,olci, ` ;erl aTI �fiUtii. i lmen None Absent. Balmer d. Claim of Debci%)h J. Wood tar injuries sustained while hnn,: aiiding at the beach Motion was made by t;aunc,i lr.ion !`ta3 ! . s•sconcled by Ccunci jn,un LirjE:, that subject claim be denied crr)c' ti,o, t ;<< r.!�intc�nt be so advised. ; a, ;.ii:: carried. 10. CALL ITEMS FROM CQ�> f•lS A'_� � Ii CAF c. Bids for one Ex, :.1,.;4 77•-1 At the request of rf l�: ; ,:! �. ;� ;� r Jones reperre.-1 � i Y " ` h � ;i h;e been received for one police rno- , , bids were as Minutes August 2, 1977 4516 10. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR c. continued Trade -in Name Model Bid Amount of Bid Allowance South Bay Motorcycles Kawasaki Police Special Model KZ 1000 -C 1 Hollywood Kawasaki " Cycle Center Bill Krause Sportcycles 1, It " $3,365.50 None $3,384.68 None $3,614.60 $500 The City Manager advised that staff recommended acceptance of the bid from South Bay Motorcycles without trade -in allowance, and that the replacement unit be sold either at auction or offerred to Guaymas for a minimum of $500. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the bid of South Bay Motorcycles be accepted for one police special motor- cycle in the total amount of $3,365.50 without trade -in allowance, that purchase order be issued to said company in said amount, and that the replace- ment unit be declared surplus to be sold to the city of Guaymas or at auction. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue, Nagel, Rockhold, and Mayor pro tem Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Mayor Balmer WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a. Request from Rockwell International for modification of the Electrical Code to reduce certain standards Mr. John Anderson, Facilities Design Section of Rockwell International, cate- gorically responded to the staff report on electrical correction notices which had been issued and stated that Rockwell believes it provided adequate electri- cal receptacles for safe operation of the offices. Mr. Dino Tellone, Chief Electrical Design Engineer for Rockwell, stated an outlet was always put where it was required and that he needed clarification of what road to take. After discussion with staff, Rockwell and Council, motion was made by Coun- cilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Bue, that Building Department person- nel be directed to work with Rockwell International on this particular installation and others to resolve the difficulties here to minimize the number of outlets required without compromising safety or convenience requirements of the Electrical Code. Motion carried. Council further directed Building Department personnel to re- examine the Electrical Code to see if there are any changes necessary and to do this study as rapidly as possible. b. Resolution of the Hollywood- Burbank Airport Authority reaffirming its policy not to expand the noise impact area and to comply with the California Noise Regulations There being no objections, the Mayor pro tem ordered subject resolution received and filed. -5- Counci I Minutes August 2, 1977 11. 12. YC41.? WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (continued) c. City of Carson advising it adopted a position of opposition to the proposed South Bay Peninsula Counties There being no objections, the Mayor pro tem ordered subject letter received and f led. d. Application from Mr. Emmett F. Egger for a Peddler's License Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Rockhold, that subject application be denied. Motion carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS a. City Manager Jones 1) Memorandum of Understanding with El Segundo Employees' Association Requested subject item be withdrawn from the agenda, for discussion in Executive Session following this matter. 2) Agreement with Los Angeles County for extension of the CETA Title II Program Advised that this agreement would extend the program for an additional sixteen months permitting the continued employment of five persons from June 1, 1977 through September 30, 1978. Recommended approval. Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain form of CETA Title II Contract, dated June 1, 1977, between the County of Los Angeles and the City of E I Segundo for a 16 -month extension, presented to this Council on this date, be and the some is hereby approved, and after execution by each of the above -named parties, said contract be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor pro tempore of the City of El Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said contract for and on behalf of said city and the City Clerk to attest the some. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue, Nagel, Rockhold and Mayor pro tem Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Mayor Balmer 3) Agreement with Los Angeles County for extension of CETA Title VI program Advised that this agreement would extend the present program for an additional sixteen months for thirteen positions, five of which would be under the School District direction, and would also expand the program by seven positions to be employed on specific projects. Stated the city would administer the program directly, but that the California State Employment Development Department (EDD) would refer persons qualifying under the terms of this contract to the city for testing and selection. Recommended opprova I. 10 Council Minutes August 2, 1977 12. REPORTS OF OFFICERS a. City Manager Jones continued Motion was made by Councilman Bue, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain form of CETA Title VI Contract, dated June 1, 1977, between the County of Los Angeles and the City of El Segundo, for a 16 -month extension, presented to this Council on this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and after execution by each of the above -named parties, said contract be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor pro tempore of the City of E I Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said contract for and on behalf of said city and the City Clerk to attest the some. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue, Nagel, Rockhold, and Mayor pro tem Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Mayor Balmer 4) Acquisition of Teen Center property at 405 East Grand Avenue Stated that funds had been budgeted for acquisition and remodeling subject property, which is presently being leased on a month to month basis. Advised that the owner is now interested in selling the property and, therefore recom- mended the Council authorize purchase of the property at a price not to exceed $150,000, and should negotiations fail, that condemnation proceedings be commenced. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the City Manager be authorized to enter into negotiations with the owners of the property at 405 East Grand Avenue for further approval by the Council. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue, -Nagel and Mayor pro tem Van Vranken Noes: Councilman Rockhold Absent: Mayor Balmer b. Director of Public Works Glickman 1) Plans and Specification No. 74 -22 for 6.3 million gallon water reservoir Recommended that the city proceed with construction of subject reservoir at the water facilities site adjacent to Hilltop Park, that the specifications be approved and authorization given to advertise for bids. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the following resolution be adopted: -7- Counci I Minutes August 2, 1977 Y4519 12. REPORTS OF OFFICERS b. Director of Public Works 1) Continued RESOLVED, that Specification No. 74 -22 and NOTICE OF INVITING BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 6.3 MILLION GALLON CONCRETE RESERVOIR AND SUPPORTING FACILITIES FOR THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, presented to the City Council on this date, be and the some are hereby approved and a copy placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that sealed bids be and the some are hereby invited under said NOTICE, and the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said NOTICE to be given and published in time, form and manner as required by law, the date and time for receipt of bids being hereby fixed at 11 :00 o'clock a.m. on Monday, October 3, 1977. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue, Nagel, Rockhold, and Mayor pro tem Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Mayor Balmer 2) Soil Testing of Recreation Park expansion area Phase I and II Stated that in order to determine if the contractor was complying with the City's specifications, it appeared advisable to have the soil tested by pro- fessionals in this field. Advised that staff had solicited and received a proposal from Converse, Davis and Dixon Company to perform the necessary tests at an estimated cost of $2900. Recommended authorization be given to issue a purchase order to said company for this work. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Bue, that the proposal of Converse, Davis and Dixon Company be accepted for soil testing.and that purchase order be issued to said company in an amount not to exceed $2900. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bue,, Nagel, Rockhold and Mayor pro tem Van Vranken Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Mayor Balmer 3) Advised that he was happy to announce that the water conservation program was progressing quite well and that the consumption for the month of July was down 14% from that of last year. 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 14. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Nagel inquired if any citations had been issued for over usage of water. Director of Public Works Glickman stated that to date no one had issued any citations for illegal water usage. -8- Council Minutes August 2, 1977 4520 15. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Katy Manson, 341 Concord Street, asked where it was legal to walk a dog in the city. City Manager Jones advised that the city did not regulate where a dog could be walked, just that it must be on a leash. Mrs. Manson stated that she had requested that the Parks Department remove an old eucalyptus tree over a year ago and would like to have the Council see what could be done about getting it removed. 16. RECESS At the hour of 9 :45 o'clock p.m., the Council recessed to an executive session in the Mayor's office to discuss salary negotiations. At the hour of 10:20 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, the following members being present and answer- ing roll call: Councilmen Bue, Nagel, Rockhold and Mayor pro tem Van Vranken. 17. ADJOURNMENT -No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded and carried, that the meeting adjourn in memory of Mrs. Sue Robinson and Mr. Anthony Coveleski; the hour of adjourn- ment of this meeting being 10 :25 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes, City Clerk APPROVED: Ric and K. Van Vranken, Mayor pro tempore -9- Council Minutes August 2, 1977