1975 JUN 23 CC MINX 3988 E1 Segundo, California June 23, 1975 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date. The Clerk reported that a Notice of Adjourn- ment had been posted as required by law and that affidavit of posting was in her file. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those present joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, led by Chief Librarian Dorothea Fitzgerald. The meeting was then called to order by E. L. Balmer, Mayor, the hour being 7:00 o'clock p.m. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Nagel, Rockhold, Stephens, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer; Councilmen Absent: None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mayor Balmer stated that he did not wish to participate in any dis- cussion or action in the matter of water rate schedules due to a possible conflict of interest and, therefore, turned this portion of the meeting over to Mayor pro tempore Nagel. 1. Director of Public Works Glickman reported on the increased water costs from the Metropolitan Water District; anticipated increases in labor and material costs; and estimated costs for upgrading the City's water system. Gave a summary of changes in water rates to offset these increases and recommended that the resolution adjusting the proposed rates and charges be adopted. Mr. Ben Cole, president of the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce, made several recommendations in regard to the water rates and schedules and stated Industry felt the proposed water rate increases were dispropor- tionately high to the major water users. Requested that consideration be given to changing the minimum rate to 20� rather than the proposed 23� per hundred cubic feet. After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Stephens, seconded by Councilman Van Vranken, that the Staff's recommendations be accepted and that Resolution No. 2627, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING AND ESTABLISHING RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN SAID CITY AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2591. , which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Stephens, Van Vranken and Mayor pro tempore Nagel; Noes: Councilman Rockhold; Absent: Councilmen None; Not Voting: Mayor Balmer. 2. City Manager Jones presented an agreement for the City to operate the plunge for the fiscal year 1975 -76. Stated the agreement had been reviewed by the staffs and attorneys for the City and the School District and all had found it satisfactory. Recommended approval. se X Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Council- man Nagel, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain form of Agreement between the City of E1 Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District for operation of the Urho Saari Swim Stadium, presented to this Council on this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and that after execution by each of the above -named parties, a copy of said Agreement be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of El Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said Agreement for and on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Rockhold, Stephens, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Mayor Balmer announced that this was the time and place here- tofore fixed for the hearing on the proposed budget for 1975 -76 and inquired of the Clerk if proper notice of the hearing had been given. The Clerk re- plied that affidavit of publishing and posting the notice were in her file. The Mayor inquired if any written communications had been received, to which the Clerk replied that none had been received. The Mayor announced that the audience was welcome to comment on any of the items as they were being discussed. Review of the departmental budgets was made and motions were made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve the amounts as printed in the preliminary budget, except as follows: City Clerk and City Treasurer: Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Van Vranken and unanimously carried that the membership in the State Association of Elected Officials be deleted from the City Clerk and City Treasurer budgets and that the Clerk's budget in total amount of $23, 068 and the Treasurer's budget in total amount of $46, 290, be approved. Community Promotion: Mr. Ben Cole, president of the Chamber of Commerce, outlined several proposals for changes in the budget. After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Stephens, seconded by Council- man Rockhold that the budget of the Chamber of Commerce be increased from the 1974 -75 level by $7, 000. On roll call, said motion failed to carry. Thereafter, Mayor Balmer moved, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that the Supplemental Request of the Community Promotion Budget be changed to $4, 600. Motion carried. Mrs. Mag&ie Wilkinson, 430 Loma Vista Street, recommended that allowances be made in the udget for improved dissemination of current and future events to the people of El Segundo. Motion was made by Councilman Stephens, seconded by Councilman Nagel, and unanimously carried that the Community Promotion Budget of $35, 800 be approved. Police Department: Mr. Robert Dein, 204 West Walnut Avenue, stated he was not in favor of continuing t e raffic Section in the Police Department. -2- S 1 � 1 June 23, 1975 X 3990 At the hour of 9:25 o'clock p.m., the Mayor declared a short recess. At the hour of 9:35 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. Water Operation and Maintenance: City Manager Jones advised that the $300, 000 increase in the cost of water from the Metropolitan Water District had not been included in the Preliminary Budget, which would change the total of this account to $1, 827, 460. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Van Vranken and unanimously carried that the Water Operation and Mainten- ance account in total amount of $1, 827, 460 be approved. Recreation and Parks Department: Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Van Vranken, that the improvement of the Imperial Strip be included in the 1975 -76 Capital Budget. Motion .carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen Rockhold and Stephens; Absent: Councilmen None. Thereafter, motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Mayor Balmer, that an allowance of $57, 000 be made in the Revenue Shar- ing Fund for the Imperial Strip improvement, but that it be financed from the General Fund if necessary because of cash flow conditions in the Rev- enue Sharing Fund. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen Rockhold and Stephens; Absent: Councilmen None. Capital Improvements: The Council reviewed the Capital Improve- ments Program and made changes to include the Imperial Strip Improvement and to remove maintenance charges that were shown in the operating accounts, resulting in a total of $2, 751, 800. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Stephens, that the Capital Improvement Budget in total amount of $2, 751, 800 be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Stephens, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilman Rockhold; Absent: Councilmen None. There being no further response from the audience, motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Mayor Balmer, that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried. The following was the result of the review and subsequent approval of the items in the Budget for 1975 -76 fiscal year: Department Amount City Council ...................... $ 14, 52 8 City Manager ..................... 73,480 City Clerk ....................... 23,068 Finance .......................... 185,035 City Treasurer ....:.............. 46,290 Legal .......................... Planning ......................... 54,243 68,299 Personnel. 26,797 Government Buildings ............. 63,446 Community Promotion ............. 35,800 Election ......................... 4, 000 Non - Departmental. ................ 121, 982 -3- June 23, 1975 X 3991 Department Amount Police ...................... $ 1,817,366 Fire ....................... • 1,567,859 Building &Safety ............. 193,100 Disaster Prepardness ......... 2,300 Engineering ................. 165,188 Street Division ................ 495,661 Storm Drains ................. 43,865 Sanitation .................... 152,437 Refuse Disposal ............ 110,500 Garage ...................... 28,219 Water Administration ......... 155,129 Water Operation & Maintenance 1, 827, 460 Library ..................... 215,796 Recreation & Parks Administration 64, 06 7 Parks Division ............... 310,352 Recreation Division ........... 330,304 Retirement ................... 584, 925 Debt Service ................. 37, 410 Equipment Replacement ....... 216,495 Capital Improvements ........ 2,751,800 Total Salary Reserve $ 11, 787, 201 372, 132 Total Operating Budget $ 12, 159, 333. Motion was made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Council- man Stephens, that Resolution No. 2628, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1975-76., which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Rockhold, Stephens, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Thereafter, City Manager Jones presented an ordinance approving the Budget for 1975 -76 fiscal year, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR THE 1975 -76 FISCAL YEAR., which title was read. Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, further reading was waived. Thereafter, said ordinance was introduced by Councilman Nagel. No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session, motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Van Vranken, that the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjournment being 10 :35 o'clock p.m. Motion carried. APPROVED: L. a mer, ayor Respectfully submitted, -4- Valerie urrowes, city er June 23, 1975