1974 AUG 22 CC MINa
X- 3775
E1 Segundo, California
August 22, 1974
A special meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City
on the above date. The Clerk reported that proper notice of the special
meeting had been given and posted as required by law and affidavit of
posting notice was on file in the office of the City Clerk. Prior to calling
the meeting to order, those present joined in pledging allegiance to the
Flag of the United States of America, followed by invocation by Councilman
Gordon T. Stephens.
The meeting was then called to order by E. L. Balmer, Mayor,
the hour being 7 :00 o'clock p.m.
Councilmen Present: Nagel, Rockhold, Stephens,
Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer;
Councilmen Absent: None.
Mayor Balmer advised that this meeting had been called in an effort
to determine what the citizens of E1 Segundo meant with regard to their vote
in the Special Election held on Tuesday, August 20, 1974, and to discuss what
should be done in the future.
Councilman Nagel advised that the vote last Tuesday, told him two
1) Citizens of E1 Segundo do not want a levy of taxes
2) Citizens of El Segundo do not want condominiums
Councilman Nagel also advised that the moratorium on the Mosaic Tile
property was to be taken off as of October 25, 1974. He felt that there should be
a consolidation of elections on the November 5, 1974 ballot and the issue of whether
to purchase or not purchase said property should be put to a vote of the people of
El Segundo.
Councilman Van Vranken agreed with Councilman Nagel that the vote
was not decisive. He was of the opinion that a No - No vote meant that the land
would revert back to M -1 zoning (Light Manufacturing). He also is not convinced
that this should go to a vote of the people on the November 5th ballot, but stated
that he had an open mind and was willing to listen this evening.
Councilman Rockhold stated that he concurred with Councilmen Nagel
and Van Vranken, with regards to the vote saying No PRD and No Tax Levy.
He stated that he felt very apprehensive about putting above stated issue on the
November 5 ballot.
Councilman Stephens stated that he would like to hear from the people
this evening. He also stated that he was a strong advocate of taking issue to
the ballot.
Mayor Balmer agreed with the other councilmen with regards to no
PRD and no Tax Levy. He felt that the vote did not say - No Manufacturing
or No Park. He again emphasized the reason for this meeting was to find out
what: the people did want. The Mayor inquired if anyone present wished to
speak on this matter.
Mr. V. J. Stefflre, 944 Cedar Street, expressed feelings on the No -No
vote. He felt that the purchase of said land could possibly be made by money
available in the budget but designated for other priorities. He also felt that
the acquisition of this land would be very beneficial to the city of El Segundo
Mr. Marvin Johnson, 1213 East Sycamore Avenue, expressed concern
as to whether tonight's meeting was legal. IIe stated that he felt it was called
with haste and unjustifiable to the public. IIe asked for a legal ruling from City
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City Attorney Allen reported that proper notice of the Special
meeting had been given and posted as required by taw. He stated that
the statute requires 24 hours notice to all councilmen, two local news-
papers, radio and T. V. stations having requests on file. He also re-
ported that a special meeting may be called by either the mayor or
three councilmen.
Mayor Balmer, in answer to Mr. Johnson's question regarding
haste in holding this meeting, replied that in order to put any measure on
the November 5, 1974 ballot, the resolutions are required to be in the
County offices by Friday, August 23, 1974. He further stated that he felt
the property owner has been denied proper use of said land due to the two
year moratorium.
Mr. Johnson gave his interpretation as to what the No -No vote
meant. He again stated his concern for this type of meeting being called
and felt that the short notification did not give the citizens time to draft a
presentation to Council. He further advised that he felt a Citizens Commit-
tee should be appointed to study the issue.
Mr. Eugene Moore, 531 Arena Street, expressed his personal reser-
vations about coming to this meeting. He did not feel that there had been
enough time to prepare presentation. He felt that this issue had caused hard
feelings, and asked for clarification of what Council was attempting to do this
evening. Mr. Moore felt that there was a breakdown in communications. He
further stated that he did not feel that the railroad right of way should be in-
cluded in the purchase. His feelings were that only the Mosaic Tile property
should be considered. He further stated that perhaps if this issue were to be
included on the November 5th ballot a multiple choice of use could also be
included. He asked the Council if they were aware of the asking price for
said land.
City Attorney Allen commented that the land would first have to be
appraised before consideration of purchase. When asked if an appraisal had
been made, the answer was no.
When questioned by Councilman Van Vranken as to whether the issue
should be put to the people on the November 5th ballot, Mr. Moore replied
that he felt he needed to know where the City Council stood.
Councilman Van Vranken felt that a study session with regards to this
property could be held some other evening when there was sufficient time.
Mr. Moore felt that what was needed was a condominium control
ordinance for future use.
Mr. Howard Johnson, 637 West Walnut Avenue, expressed feeling
that not only did the vote on Tuesday tell us what the citizens did not want,
but felt that this meant they wanted the said property to remain M -1 zoning
(Light Manufacturing).
Mrs. Sue Robinson, 607 West Maple Avenue, expressed agreement
with Mr. Johnson. She is happy with the fact that there will be no condomin-
iums, but felt that said property should be left M -1 zoning and that the Hill -
crest property should be developed.
Mr. Frank Mahony, 738 West Mariposa Avenue, stated he felt inclined
to place this issue on the ballot. Mr. Mahony inquired of the City Attorney
the ruling on time allowance for holding a special election.
Mr. Allen replied that according to Section 4022 of the Elections Code
the earliest Vras 74 days and the latest would be 89 days.
Mr. Mahony felt that from a study of the property that there were two
buildings now standing on said land that could be put to use. He concurred with
the suggestion of a citizens' committee being formed to study the purpose.
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Mr. Mahony was asked by Councilman Stephens if he would agree
to a change in the wording of the resolution - namely the word "Park" to
"Public" with a determination of what said land is to be used for to be made
at a later date. The answer was yes.
Mrs. Marlene Kessler, 352 Whiting Street, concurred with the feel-
ings expressed by others, as to what the people do not want. She felt uncertain
as to what is wanted and expressed desire to see a choice given to the people.
Mayor Balmer informed Mrs. Kessler that zoning by ballot takes
time and study and that there was not enough time to do this now. Mrs.
Kessler then replied she felt the issue should be placed on the November 5th
Mrs. Janice Grimes, 515 Loma Vista Street, expressed desire to
see the issue on the November 5th ballot. She felt the question should be,
"Should the City buy for public facility? Yes.... No. "
Mr. Jack Segal, 508 Loma Vista Street, expressed strong feelings
and questioned Councilman Van Vranken as to a previous statement made.
Mr. Segal felt that the Council could reassign expenditures and purchase
the property without the need of an election.
Mrs. Marge. Dolton, 941 Main Street - She inquired of Councilman
Stephens his intentions on Monday, August 19th at the Council meeting, when
he asked for the possibility of an emergency ordinance lifting the moratorium.
Councilman Stephens replied that he felt if the vote came in and the
people showed a desire to leave said property M -1 zoning, then he couldn't
see a reason for holding up the property owner any Longer.
Mr. Tony Mack, 412 Whiting Street, expressed desire to see more
recreation faciLitie-T—in'-The City. He further stated that if the issue were to
be put on the ballot in November, that a choice of usage should be given the
people. He did not feel that the issue should be stated as public if it were to
be put on the ballot.
Mrs. Nicky Wislocky, 617 West Elm Avenue, did not feel that a few
people could make a ecision or many. Mrs. Wislocky referred to the Denver
Research Institute survey statingthat it showed 80% were satisfied with the
recreation facilities and 20% were not. Mrs. Wislocky further stated that she
felt we should hear from the owner of the property.
Mr. John Doyle, 200 Virginia Street, expressed his feelings as a
citizen having ive ere but a short two ,years. Also stated that he was a
neutral citizen, not belonging to any group. He felt that if what the Council
was attempting to do was to purchase said property, he advised them to keep
Mr. Robert Dein, 533 Hillcrest Street, expressed opinion against
Mrs. Carol Ann Segal, 508 Loma Vista Street, expressed feeling
that the usage of park should not be specified on the ballot. She further
stated that the issue should be put onto the ballot and at a later date a meet-
ing could be held to determine the proper use of this property.
Mr. A. C. Wiegers, 411 West Maple Avenue, expressed feeling that
the City was getting ahead of itself with the purchase of this property. lie
would advise not purchasing said property and advancement be made to deal
with the School District to develop the Hillcrest property.
Mrs. Barbara Lee Mack, 412 Whiting Street, expressed feeling
that the iniative should be placed on the November 5th ballot. She further
stated that there were many people who do not want recreation facilities
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Mr. Walt Eggert, 1435 East Sycamore Avenue, expressed feeling that
we must now leave the property manufacturing. Mr. Eggert also asked for
clarification as to legality of this e-vening's meeting, due to the fact that the
notice was not published.
City Attorney Allen referred to the Brown Act, once again stating
that 24 -hour notice must be given all councilmen, two newspapers, etc. Also
stated that this type of meeting may be called by either the mayor or three
Mr. Eggert stated that he did not feel this to be proper. He asked if
this evening's meeting was in the way of an appeasement. He felt that the
people had spoken with their vote. He stated that the moratorium should be
lifted and that there should be no special election in November.
Mr. Charles De Witt, 809 Eucalyptus Drive, felt the people spoke
clearly. No condominiums - leave manufacturing.
Mrs. Marie Durkos, 817 Virginia Street, expressed feeling that
since Proposition No. 1 on the ballot of the Special Municipal Election held
on August 20, 1974 encouraged a NO vote and if we were to put tonight's
issue on the ballot in November, how would the purchase be paid for? The
answer given Mrs. Durkos, was that the purchase would be made from taxes
already in the fund. `
Mrs. Durkos further expressed her desire to see the expansion of the
Police Department and hoped that this would be given early consideration.
At the hour of 9 :00 o'clock p.m., Mayor Balmer declared a recess
for ten minutes. At the hour of 9 :10 o'clock p.m. , the Council reconvened,
all members being present and answering roll call.
Mr. Thron Riggs, 1421 East Sycamore Avenue expressed his feelings
that the people of El Segundo had spoken. He further stated that he felt the
issue was clear. Do not buy property we do not need.
Mr. Justin McCarthy, Suite 1020, 3737 Main Street, Riverside,
attorney for the Marmon Group, requested a copy of the tape from this
evening's meeting.
Councilman Stephens stated that he was in accord with Councilman
Van Vranken. He further said that he had come to this evening's meeting
a strong advocate of putting the issue on the ballot. But during the evening,
it became clear what the answers were and was now opposed to having the
issue put before the people by means of another election.
Mayor Balmer stated that he felt there was a fifty -fifty division on
the issue. He was willing to listen and represent the total community, but
there did not seem to be a meeting of the minds as to what it should be. He
would vote to place the issue on the ballot in November to the people.
Councilman Nagel stated that it was his desire to be fair to the
property owner. He felt that the only solution at this time was to put it to
a vote of the people but stated in all fairness that he would not support
purchase of the property.
Councilman Rockhold felt that due to his contact with people daily,
he had listened and talked with many citizens. He stated that he would lean
not to put issue on the ballot.
Councilman Van Vranken expressed that perhaps the Recreation
and Parks Commission could meet with citizens to re- evaluate needs. He
felt that there is time to do this and that this Commission is in need of input.
Mayor Balmer further stated that if this issue should come to a
vote on the ballot in November, lie would not vote for park usage nor support
the purchase of said land.
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Mr. V. J. Stefflre, 944 Cedar Street, wished to express that he felt the
most organized manner to solve the problem was to put the issue on the ballot
in November.
The City Attorney was asked to modify the proposed resolution to read
for public purposes instead of park purposes in all instances.
Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Mayor Balmer,
to adopt the Resolution which was read as modified, entitled:
On roll call, said motion was defeated and said resolution failed to
be adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Nagel and Mayor Balmer;
Noes: Councilmen Rockhold, Stephens and
Van Vranken;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Councilman Van Vranken asked that the Acting City Manager commun-
icate with the Recreation and Parks Commission as to its plan and priority
and whether the property is needed. He also asked that this subject be placed
on the agenda of the next Council meeting.
Mr. Frank Mahony, 730 West Mariposa Avenue, asked that the
Councilmen reconsider their action. He further stated that he felt they were
aborting the wishes of the community and that the people should be given a
chance to vote.
Councilman Van Vranken stated that he did not feel this action meant .
the issue was closed.
Mrs. Olga Benson, 730 California Street, commended the Council
for their action taken this evening.
Mrs. Carol Ann Segal, inquired as to whether the citizens had lost
all opportunities for further action.
Mrs. Janice Grimes, inquired of the Councilmen as to whether they
would consider an alternative. If the issue were to be put on the ballot and
the vote was YES and no usage for the property was found, could not then
the City sell the property?
Councilman Van Vranken stated that he felt the need. must be there
before the purchase.
Councilman Rockhold referred to the Recreation and Parks study
that had been made. Felt that there is more than enough property available.
He further felt that a study should be made as to the usage of present Recrea-
tion and Park facilities by residents living other than -in El Segundo.
Mrs. Marie Durkos, stated that she was happy the issue would not
be placed on the ballot. She further inquired as to the possibility of the
acquisition of the railroad right of way for possible usage. It was stated
that the area being discussed is under the control of Interstate Commerce
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Councilman Nagel stated that lie felt it was necessary to hold the
election in order to heal wounds and asked the three Councilmen who had
voted "NO" to reconsider.
Mayor Balmer added his sentiments to those expressed by Council-
man Nagel.
Councilman Stephens stated that he would remain flexible and felt
that there was no secure reason or advantage for russhing the issue.
Mr. Eugene Moore again asked for the reconsideration of Council-
men in supporting the proposed resolution.
Mrs. Nicky Wislocky, stated several facts with regards to the
Hillcrest property and felt the issue should be, do we want the Hillcrest
property or the said property?
In answer to the question from Mr. Moore, as to how many names
would the Councilmen like on a petition, Councilman Nagel stated that he
would rather it be settled by ballot and not petition.
Mayor Balmer inquired of the Councilmen as to a new motion.
There was none.
No other business appearing to come before the Council at this session,
it was moved by Councilman Stephens, seconded by Councilman Rockhold, that
the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjournment being 10:10 o'clock p.m. The
motion was carried.
R_.–Er—Balmer, Mayor
Respectfully submitted,
Valerie A. Burrowes , City Clerk
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