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1974 AUG 19 CC MINX 3764 El Segundo, California August 19, 1974 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those present joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, followed by invocation by Dr. Howard Greer, pastor of the Pacific Baptist Church. The meeting was then called to order by E. L. Balmer, Mayor, the hour being 7:00 o'clock p.m. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Nagel, Rockhold, Stephens, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer; Councilmen Absent: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. Petition containing 15 names requesting the "L" shaped alley located in the block between Concord and Richmond Streets and between Franklin Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard be designated "one way" Public Works Director Glickman requested that this matter be deferred to allow time to contact the property owners and to determine the feasibility of such a project. By mutual consent of the Council, this matter was deferred, to be brought back to the Council when a full survey of the area has been made. 2. El Segundo Chamber of Commerce, enclosing resolution approving the concept of offshore drilling in Southern California waters and soliciting Council's support in this matter. Mayor Balmer stated he did not wish to participate in the discussion or action in this matter and, therefore, turned this portion of the meeting over to Mayor pro tempore Nagel. Mayor pro tempore Nagel suggested that a provision be added that adequate environmental safeguards be adhered to. The City Attorney then presented the resolution with the requested changes. Motion was made by Mayor pro tempore Nagel, seconded by Councilman Stephens, that Resolution No. 2578, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CONCEPT OF OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING IN FEDERALLY CONTROLLED SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATERS UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS. which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Rockhold, Stephens, Van Vranken and Mayor pro tempore Nagel; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None; Not Voting: Mayor Balmer. 3. Mr. & Mrs. M. W. Petersen, 741 Penn Street, objecting to the removal of the stop signs from the corner of Maple Avenue and Penn Street. Mrs. Holly Caravello, 536 East Maple Avenue, spoke against the removal of the signs because school children use the crossing extensively. -1- X After discussion, motion was made by Mayor Balmer, seconded by Councilman TIarcl that the stop si[-ns be reinstalled at the corner of Maple Avenue and Penn Street Pnd that a rc•;;olution to this effect be prepared and presented at the next Council rneetin;. notion carried. ORAL COM111`11U;ICATIONS I. Mr. Robert Dein, 53_3 Hillcrest Street, asked that it be specified that only subsurfaciiV, offshore drilling be permitted. Councilman Nagel stated that the resolution adopted was in general terms and by adding Lhe requirement that drilling be subject to adequate enviroimiental safeguards would provide protection. REPORTS OF COI, '1.ITTEES 1. South Ila,y Corridor Study- SteerinU, Coimmittee - Councilman Van Vranken reported that the consultant was soliciting input from involved cities reEardin; major transportation problems in the community and the names of groups, organizations or individuals vrho should be made aware of the actions of the conLmLittee. Stated that public hearings will be held and that he had volunteered to have the first meeting in El Segundo, scheduled for mid- September. 2. Interactive Cable Television Advisory Board - Mayor Ba:, reported that the Board had been reviewing items which would be acceptable for cable television broadcasting and that this material will be refined for inclusion in the application for grant. REPORTS OF OFFICERS ACTING CITY MANAGER GLICI4:AN MADE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Advised that Bid No. 74 -4 for butterfly valves for the Water Division had been solicited and that only one bid had been received. Stated the probable reason might have been the 6C -day delivery requirement which vendors may have found difficult to meet unless the items were in stock. Requested that the normal bidding procedures be waived, the bid of Park Son, Inc., for various butterfly valves in total amount of $14,871.48 including tax, be accepted, and purchase order in that amount be issued to said company. Idoti.on carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Rockhold, Stephens, Van Vranken, Nagel and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. 2. Presented bids for one Police Motorcycle, which bids were as follows: Name Amount of Bid Pacific Coast Honda $ 2,144.90 Bill. Krause Honda $ 2,354-00 Harley Davidson of Lomita $ 2,531.07 Advised bids included sales tax and trade -in value of 1969 Harley Davidson motorcycle. Pecommended acceptance of the low bid. Motion •r4s rude by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Rockhold, that the bid of Pacific Coast Honds in total amount of $ 2,144.90 for one Police Motorcycle be accepted and purchase order in that amount be issued to said company. Motion, carried by the follow:in;; vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Rockhold, Stephens, Van Vranken and tayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman None. 3. Advised that only one :source of supply had been found for test equipment for teotint., industrial w:la,,Ae; there-('ore, reeormicnd d that normal bJ dui n[n hroccdures be vraiveo and ±.h.Fa t: the prop:>a11 from Each Chemical Company in total s.riount or %'Tf .1;; =i ncludin,, tax be accepted. -2- Aujust 19, 19711 3'765 X 3766 Notion wa.,,, r_,dr by Courclin,w W,Ml, Seconded by Councilwall Van thnt rtaNdurd biddinn procnaures be waived, the bid of Bach Chamical Wrany for QsL equApnont in total ,.,:oust of 078-13 includin- tax be mcepted, und rnrchnyp order in th2v amount be issued to snia conTany. VDtion card ed by thn jollowinn vote: Ayes. Council -,!.,-,,n Roc'-,hcld, Stcj)h(-!Y)s, vcn ".tn"l Noes: Councilnon hone; Absent: Councilmcu Ponce. 4. Advised that the City of El Scgunao is eligible to p art, leWaK in the ComprehansOn 57Djoynnnh and KKK, Act (COV) Title T! Prog;am, which is. t'edoraily ibndcd %ri throu,,,.,i the County. ThH, progrom is to providu trairinn for underDrivilencd and unemployed. Presontcd an aqrucment for the empic,- ,r,;cnt of a clerh typist, administrative trainee and park maintenance man for one year. approval. Alter discussion, motion was ridc ',_,y Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by Councilnon Rochhul6, that On City's Personnel Officcr carefully loo? at any unfilled positions "n6 not fill them on a permL.n=L basis daring this time and if a position becomes vacant in aqv of the afarenaid classifications that these persons be considered in filliiq the vacancy. Motion carried. Thereafter, notion was made by Councilman Nagel, second ea by CounciWan Rockhold, that the following resolution be adopted: RES,01AT-5), that thot certain form of Sub- Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the County of Los AnZeles for enploy-ment of 3 persons under the Comprehensive Employnent and Training Let of 1973 (CEN presented to this Council on this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and after exccnUon by the above-named parties, a copy of said Sub-Qx�enncnt be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FUATHnn TESOL77D, that the K2yor of the City of El S•;undo be and hc, is tii-3reby alithorizzed to execute said Agreenan! for ard on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Rockhold, Stephens,. Van Vranken_ and 1.',ayor -Balirier; Noes: Cour.cilm-i,, hone; Absent: Councilme-.,-i gone. 5- Presented a r000lution declaring the existence of weeds, rubbish, refuse vnd dirt an certain proDerty to be a rulsance and ordnrinL the abatement thereof. The fact of said nuisances had been established by the Fire Prevention Bureau and legal action had been reconar-ended. Further that an additional residential lot at 733 Eucalnvus Drive be incluan! in said Resolution as requiring clearing. Councilman !\'ockhold stated that doe to possible conflict of interest, he did not wish to particip2tc in discussion or action in this matter. Motion wzs made by Councilman Kajel, seconded by Councilron VAn Vrwnken, thnt the above reco,=,endations be approved and that Resolution Yo. 2510, entitled: A R�,OTAPLT,)h OF 711, CT77_ COUJ�CTL OP 711E CITY OTI I! , T)T"CT A 1?.DX THAT 1T,`.)-_' ANID IJi Y_.,�)RT OF, A111) 1, R' DIET TWO" J%17) IT34 FiD!T'C 011 PR0P.P:'-,YY TN 7,11-0 C 7 f7f I..)_,', I I'L3T �IJC i T'.: J,. IT, , 1111:5 11!1!1-1.):_;'_[O !,; Ilk) 11"TE -Y Wunt 19, 397''1 which was read, be adopted. X 3767 On roll call., said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Stephens, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None; Not Voting: Councilman Rockhold. 6. Advised that the El Segundo Babe Ruth All Star Baseball Team would participate in the National Finals to be held in Abbeville, Louisiana, and requested that Sgt. John Wayt, I4a.nager of the team and the� Yolk-,? Officer Ron. Green be permitted time off to be with the team and that since they had e, :hausted earned vacation time that they be allowed to bc,,_-row vzuca,tion time. Motion w s made by Councilman Nagel that these officers be permitted to attend the toarnsrnent while on duty. Motion failed for lack of second. Therea._'tcr, mot -ion ims made by Councilman Van Vranken, seconded by CourcilTrn Roc)hola, that Sgt. Wayt be granted 34 hours vacation leave and Officer Grceii 50 hours vacation leave in advance of actual accrual of same. Motion carried. A discussion was held -regarding defraying; expenses of the various ball teems. I:a.c Dalg;lcish, Baseball. Commissioner, gave a report on the status of the Athletic fund. Motion was made by Councilman Stephens, seconded by Councilman Van Vranken that the City appropriate $600 from the Contin -ency Fund tol -card the Athletic Fund and that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain form of Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Babe Ruth League, Inc., for promotional and advertising services, p- esented to this Council on this date, be and the sage is hereby approved, and after execution by each of the above named parties, a copy of said Agreement be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RT]SOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said Agreement for and on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest the same. Motion carried by the following vote: s Ayes: Councilman Nagel, Stephens, Van Vranken Rockhold and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. 7. Advised that funding had been requested from the Office of Traffic Safety for the purpose of participating in the Northwestern Traffic Institute in Evanston, Illinois, and that Sergeant John Wayt had been selected to attend the 9 months' course from September 12, 1974 throtkrh June 14, 1975. Further stated that El. Segundo was one of 5 cities in the State of C,+lifornia selected to participate in this proram. Recommended that approval be given for Sgt. we to attend this class. Motion was made by Councilman Stephen:, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that S t. Wnvt be authorized to attend. Northwestern Traffic Institute in Fvanston, Tl_l i nois frog. September 12, 1974 through June 1h, 1975 and that th^ requiredl ands be <<:I - priat:eu for. the necessrtry expenses incurred_ as tbf� .result of this approval. Councilman Rockhold stated he thought this w,ns not a. iao,•thwhile en(ic savor an;l that it was inflationery. On roll ca11, said motion carried by the foll.oving; vote: ..1� _ Allgll:Jt Y), 1974 X 3'768 A1)cet, t: stepWhn, V%r vr: and IM, '1.yor 1'�a3.1! r; Coulwilnnn Hickhold; 8. Ad : sed that Kilroy Indusnies h-ad filed an appl.i cat• i on f(w permit to er"ct n billboard l.^T'rur than 1r'nnimom Code size requiraments, making it subject to Cop icil approvQ, and that on this date, said uppl i cation hr_ d been withdrawn. 9. Presented c Bus ol_uti_on nroviling for the application to tho State Of California' Wr "nd o to develoi? , _ k facilitae , on Washing on StroW, betvren Palm Pnd Shple Avenues On outl rn California Edison Company r !' 1- ofomy. After discussion, by mutual consent of the Council, this (ratter wcs defcr•red until the next renular Council meeting to be held September ?, 1974. 10. Presented a rcoue t from Yellow Cab Company for increase in rates to cC?:nparsate For increased fuel costs. Mr. Robert Potterson stated th . City of LOF Angeles hRd recently granted a similar i:- '— c <_<e . Council_ inquired if the fares v. ottld be reduced if the cost of gr2ol_ine dro ;;)c'd appreciably. After discussion, Ivr. Patterson was requested to r nhn reports to the City Manager in the event gasoline prices dropped by 1C> or more. notion was made by Councilman Stephens, seconded by Councilman Rockhold, that Resolution No. 2580, oUitled: A RWOLU ION OF THE CITY CODICIL OF THE CITY OF EL S?EGUdD;), CAI,TFOR?;IA) ;':i "Ei ; US RE ;ISTTOY P0. 2161- (`'; ??!J;.T C",F CC:• �.T^' COl?1)'T�C %�T 1'n R -,_,L PEi•,IT •'.Toil '1 R, =SCIi" ,I:I;G FESO- LUTICN )TO. 2512 !A`.L lll1:G SAID F: SOLU'IOI; hO . 2161. which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was rdopted T,., the following vote: Ayes: Councilman Hanel, Stephens, Van Vranken Rockhold and ?,ayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen none. Councilman Van Vranken inquired if reduced fares were available to senior citizens. Mr. Patterson advised th t his company issued script for this purpose and it was available upon request From their office. Motion was made by Councilman haael, seconded. by Councilman Van ',)j „nl:en and unanimously carried th, : the City I•:•arap;cr be instructc:i to in= s s tiEate the manner in which the script co;ild be made avr: ilR01e to senior citizens in it Sebundo. Therea f uer, motion was made by V ayor F beer, s econdad. by Counci lwan Var Vri^nlen, and unanimuusly carried th^t the C;i ,;y Kan` Ecr branE to Cnimali's attention o y rcOuctiOn in C a:�7in� ccctc �ni that sai d d reY,orts be made quorterly. 11. Reported on the program of the City's Ai- chit.ectural Selection Committee and requested Council give su;ne thou_ ,;ht to settin<< a date for a study session to go over the material reCardinL the new Police building. 12. hcported that rep_)rt had been distributed to Council. and requestcd satting a We for a ntu`y se.ssi.On. w.'o Council memhwv.:3 indica ud Ui2y Iind not rccr_vad the ;'E',port.. Council agrned in set a dUr ibr . ^i.;ugy . escian n tar all mum burs h ?d r vLewed the rcport. CUT CLEW 11', E.; 14ADE Air POLT,G:•!^: 1. t'.-aL n claim tivQnst the City had been received from ;;:)1.-i.;wrn (>1 . Por'nia (kw C(Ur. algr J%m- Qy _q = f” -1> rar serv_ic_. at 52Y !: Augnnt 19; 107, X 3'769 Franklin /venue, and that said claim had been ref'erz�ed to the ins ur. ^nee carrier. Motion was ride by Councilman Stephenc, seconded by CounciLran Van Vranken, and unanimously c,)rried, that said clam Le denied and that the action of the City in referrinif came to the insurance carrier be approved. CITY ATTOTUTEY ALLEI} MADE REPO1,73 AS FOLLOWS: 1. Presented a resolution ordering; the canvr,.ss of the returns for the Special Municipal Election (' August 20, 1974, to be made by the City Clerk. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Van Vranken, that Resolution No. 2581, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COTPNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE CANVASS OF THE SPECIAL 14UNICIPAL ELEC- TION TO BE HT- ,:,I-,D ON THE 20 "1..I! DAY OF AUGUST, 1974, TO BE I,tADE BY THE CITY CLL'P,h OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUidDO. which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Stephens, Van Vranken, Rockhold and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. 2. Stated that the Office of Criminal Justice Planning had indicated that the resolution committing funds to Phase II South Bay Regional Communications Project had not been worded in accordance with OCJP's recently adopted for,-!iat. Presented a resolution reflecting these changes. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Rockhold, that Resolution No. 2582, entitled: A RESOLUTIOI; OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUI?DO, CALIFOR11IA) AUTHORI- ZING THE FILII';G OF AN APPLICATIOP, Oi'I BE- HALF OF THE SOUTH BAY REGIONAL PUBLIC CON1MU111ICATIOITS COMMITTEE FOR A REGIOI;AL COn- 71JNICATIONS ACTION GRAIN . , which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Stephens, Van Vranken, Rockhold and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen ITone; Absent: Councilmen None. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC 1dOI'1iS GLIC1-0,'.A1 4i4DE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Presented an Easement Deed granting right of way to the Los Angeles County Flood Control District for storm drain Project No. 3401, Unit 2, Line B. Stc:ted the document grants a permanent easement on two parcels and a temporary construction area easement on one other parcel. Recommended approval of the Easement Deed Cranting right of way requircir,ents for this Storm Droin Project. A,nt.1 on wac, made by Councilman Stephens, seconded by Mayor Fulmer, i.hat Elie i'olloY in ; resolution; be adopted: -E- AuCii-;t 1;), 197)1 X 3'7'70 RE ,C?LVE D, that a copy of that certain Easement Deed by and be"ween the City of El Segundo, Grantor and the Los Ant7l County Flood Control llistrict, Grantee, wherein the Grantor grants to the Grantee right, of way requirements for Storm brain Project No. 3401, Unit 2, Line I3, in, under, over and across the real property in the City of EL Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as follows: Parcel No. 7A - A permanent easement for flood control: Lot. 14, 15, and 16, 'block 32, El Segundo, as shoe -m on map filed in Book 18, page 69, of Maps in the office of the Recorder of the County of Los Ant eless. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Lot 14 lying southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Lot 9, said Block 32, said point distant along said line S. 890 59' 00" E. '78. 36 feet from the southwesterly corner of said Lot 9 said point being designated "A" for purposes of this description; thence N. 440 36' 36" E. 24. 93 feet; thence S. 890 59' 00" E, 34. 75 feet; �nence S. 00 01' 00" W. 17. 7L, feet to the southerly line of said Lot 14. The area of the above described parcel of land is 15, 438 square feet, more or less. Parcel No. 7B - A temporary construction area easement: That portion of Lot 14, Block 32, El Segundo, within the follmiring described boundaries: Commencing at said Point "A" 8s described above in Parcel TvTo. 7A; thence N. 44 36' 36" E. 24. 93 feet; 'thence S. 890 59' 00" E. 14. 14 feat: to a point in the westerly line of said Lot 14, said point being the true point of beginning; thence continuing along last said line S. 8911591 00" E. 20.61 feet; thence S. 00 01' 00" W. 17. 75 feet to the southerly line of said • Lot 14; thence along said southerly lino N. 890 59' 00" W. 13.50 feet; thence N. 440361 3G" E. 4.80 feet; thence N. 45023' 24" W. 14. 72 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 14; thence along said �,,reSierly lime NORTH 4. 00 feet to said true point of beginning. The area of the above described parcel of land is 282 square feet, more or less. Parcel No. 9A - A permanent easement to construct, operate and -maintain a covered storm drain appurtenant structures: and That portion of Lot 21, Block 10, El Segundo, as shown on map filed in Book 18, page 69, of Maps in the office, of the Recorder of the County of Los Angelo; within a strip of land 11 feet wide, lying 5. 50 feet on each side of the following described line: Beginning; in a point: in the southerly line of said Lot 21, distant along- said line N. 890 561 00" 7,V. 67. 67 feet from the south- easterly corner of said lot; thence N. 00 04' 00" E. 18. 00 feet. - ; - 11ii[; ist 1.�), l', (1, X 3'7'71 The area of the above described parcel of land is 1913 square feet, more or less. be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk, and as so on file, it is referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, does hereby approve said Easement Deed and does hereby authorize and instruct the Mayor and the City Clerk of said City to execute the same on behalf of said City and in its name, and to make delivery thereof in due course. Motion carried by the follotri n vote: Ayes: Councilmen ldagel, Stephens, Van Vranken, Rockhold and Idayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen P?one; Absent: Councilr,en None. 2. Reported that bids had been received for improvement o." portion of Push Street 1;etreen Grand Avenue and Mariposa Avenue, Project 74 -6, whieb bids were as follows: Frame Su11y- 11•Iiller Contracting Newman and Sons, Inc. Goode & Schroeder Paving Amount of Bid Co. 15,100.00 17,471.00 Co. $ 20,8141-39 Recorr2rended acceptance of the loin bid. I otion was made by Councilman P?a.gel, seconded by Councilman Stephens, that the follo�,ring resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo, California duly advertised_ for bids for improvement of a portion of Nash Street between Grand Avenue and Mariposa Avenue in accordance with Specifications 110. 74 -6; and 1MRE4S, the Director of Public dorks found that the bid o' Sully- 1-ller Contracting Company in total amound of Y15,100.00 was the lowest responsible bid; N0W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T1iL' CITY COUi4 IL OF `.I111E, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, that the bid of Sully - Miller Contracting, Company, the lowest responsible bi.d be accepted; and BE IT YJiMIER RESOLWM, that the Mayor of said City be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to execute the contract herein airarded for and on behalf of the City and in its nacre and the City Clerk to attest the sarle, affix the seal and make delivery thereof in due course; and BE IT YURTHE;; RESOLVED, that all bids received, except the bid. of Sully- Niller Contracting Company, are hereby re"iectcd and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to return the bid bonds of all unsuccessful bidders. Motion carried by thr! following vote: Ayes: Covnc i l.r.�en Na,;cl, Rocl;.hold and 1 layor P;oer; Counc .lmcn None; Absent: Coun—.i l Wien Nonc . Stephens, Van Vrankeri, Balmer; X 3'7'72 3. Presentp d on ngrPe:•nAt ,.et;aeen Ll,_,, Cite of E! Se un'o cil� O 1 Corpor•.. � L ion for lense o C vaLn1' ri ;h �, s, t- - Ura n� _I in;; IS Qii Oil Col•„n:°,Mo2: tin r i t, 1, ra (hts in to utilize ?0') acre fc,c ., of the City's prr2crlptive >• the Vust Basin at the rate of 29.00 per acre foot for the ba1fl71Ci'_ of tIl current year, ew0fnn :;' ZI: ber 30, , `/7J r , Notion was made L,`;. Councilri. -r Vhn Vranken, ceconded by Coanc:ilr: -an Stephens, that the f ollv-,ring resolution be adop,,ed: RESOD ED, thAt that certain Arreemnr.t for l,_.,.. of Water RinOic between tli:: Cit-, of El ,igdo Mill Oil Corporation, presented to this Council on this date, be alld the . ame is h rcly epnrovc d and that a Cter execution by cash of the above- nared parties, a, cony of said Qrowment be placed On Me in the Mice of the City Clert ; and I3J IT FU;'l 7-7 RE ,OI_,j>i',J), tna-t tI.^ of the City of El Scgundo be and he is hcruby authorined to execut o sa,i:' A,r rea ent for and on behalf of the City and the City Clerk to ut test the same. Lotion oarrlea, and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes • Councilmen Pagel, S'.r'y;hens, `ran Vrc'.lLJ:en Rockhold and ; -ayor Dallrcr; Hoes: Councilor n Yone; Absent: Councilmen ITone. MTFITdISIED DU3II7'SS 1. Planning Director Loverde advised that the Planning Cormission, a�.t.; its me ^tin`' held August 8, 1971' concurred Frith Council's ` .7es' ed changes in conditions of Precise: Flan No. 5 -70. The City Attorney then_ read the title of Une ordi rance a.doptir , with certain conditions, Kilroy industries Precise Plan O. 5 -74, entitled_: I 0RD1i_ _l!C_, OF T-K__ CITY OF mil, SEuL�r:DO C LIrCI,1. ,, ADOI - -ir.v i 711i CP ,lAI?; CCidlii- TIONS PPECISE PLI.II NO. 5 -74., which was read. Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, :Further readi rC of Ordinance M. 856 was waived. Follo:ring motion made by Councilm.nn "tephens, seconded by Councilman Nagel, Ordinance Eo. 356 was adopted by tho _bliowins vote: Ayes: Councilmen PT gel, Stephens, Van, Rocl_hold and Iayor }xalr:ier; Noes: Councilmen Absent: Councilmen 2. The City Attorney .read the title of the ordinance exec: ptinn the position of Administrative Assistant to City H naEer fr ;,I civil service requirenu ts, entitled: AN ORDIT'^.I;C; ; ()-. TiI � CITY OF F':, SJ'GLi ?IY, I, /. ',4KO UG :.M`. IOr 2.2 ' .0"10 OF TI -TL TT S CLT1;Ii I °FT- TC.11'i'J, CODE, WHICH SAID 02TIOT RQ ,TES TO OI"i' CER A1'i'.) L •�It)YJ; ";S P„:CL'7') ';'.) FF0J,' `IUI F ,i3IT v,hi ch wn s re" :.d. 11p:)n li':_)t: on (!u]." mc;de qnd unanimO:L'•l,; carried, further reading of Ordinance ,:o. P57 wys valved. ?'011.;,1,•ii?,•'; Iiot:i on J-v Courcily :.n I;jyl, ii')ckhold, Ordinance Ho. 107 wtls nOopted by Me lbllowi l: - MO: -9- August 3y, 100i X Ayes: Councilmen Tarcl, fii,ep} ens, Van Vranken, RoclJiold and Mayor P�21mer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent; Councilmen None. RATIFICATIO:; ATP APPRMIAL OF WAI ^_T:TS Motion taa.c ra(Ic by Councilman 11a; *el, seconded by Courci 1ar,n Van Vranl :en, that Warrant bers 411231E to 1,1EN18, inclus:i_ve, totali.n­ dram in p<;ment of demands, a list of which had been presented to the Council as Demand Reli.ster Sumr,, ry Nos. 3 and 4, and certified icy the Director of Finance ax confor;:iin;; to the Budget approved by Ordir nce A'o. 853, be ratified and approved. Moticn carried by the folluvring vote: Ayes: Councilmcn Nagel, Stephens, Van. Vranken, Rockhold and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. NEW BUSIT•;I SS 1. Councilman Nagel asked the City Attorney to make reco;Ainendatiens regarding responsibility for removal of political signs after an election. 2. CounciLnan Stephens requested information regarding lifting the moratorium which had been placed on the D:osaic Tile property. ORAL COMMI MICATI01M 1. Mr. Robert Dein, 533 Hillcrest Street, stated he did not agree that Council should appropriate money for the baseball teams. At the hour of 9 :20 o'clock p.m., the Council recessed to an Executive Session in the Mayor's office. At the hour of 9 :25 o'clock p.m., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. No other business appearing, to come before the Council at this session, it was moved by Councilman Stephens, seconded by Councilman T;�;el, that the meetine adjourn, the hour of adjournment being 9 :J0 o'clock p.m. b,otion carried. APPRO VPD : E. L. &1lrner, TSayor Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes City Clerk -10- A,i�;ust 19, 1971, 3'7'73