1968 APR 08 CC MINX 2456
E1 Segundo, California
April 8, 1968
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said
City on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those present
joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
followed by invocation by Councilman Floyd Carr, Jr.
The meeting was then called to order by Herman L. McGill, Mayor,
the hour being 7:00 o'clock p. m.
Councilmen Present: Carr, Frederick, Nagel and Mayor McGill;
Councilmen Absent: McElhaney.
The minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held March 25, 1968,
having been read and no error or omission having been noted, it was moved
by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Carr that the minutes of
said meeting be approved as recorded. Motion carried.
At this time, Councilman Frederick presented a 15 -year service pin
to John H. Allen, Assistant Director of Public Works and commended him
on his service to the City.
At the hour of 7 :05 o'clock p. m. , Councilman McElhaney entered the
Council Chamber and took his seat at the Council table.
1. The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore
fixed for the reception of bids on cement mortar lined and coated steel pipe
for the Rosecrans Avenue water line, in accordance with City's Specifications
No. 68 -2, and inquired of the Clerk if she had any bids in her possession.
The Clerk replied that she had two (2) bids, together with Bidders' Bonds
for 10016 of the amount bid, unless hereinafter otherwise noted. Motion was
made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Nagel and
unanimously carried that said bids be opened, examined and publicly de-
clared, which bids were as follows:
Name Amount of Bid
American Pipe and Construction Co. $46, 132. 02
United Concrete Pipe Corporation $48, 500. 10, plus tax
Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman
Frederick and unanimously carried that the above bids be referred to the
Director of Public Works for checking and report at the next regular
meeting to be held April 22, 1968.
2. The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore
fixed for the hearing on Precise (Specific) Plan No. 5, by Airport Industries
Office Building, Inc. , to construct a twelve -story office building with parking
facilities at the southwest corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Palm Avenue,
and inquired of the Clerk if proper notice of the hearing had been given, to
which the Clerk replied that affidavits of mailing and publishing of notice of
this hearing were in her possession.
Mayor McGill inquired if any written communications had been re-
ceived, and there being none, inquired if anyone present desired to speak in
favor of the proposed Precise (Specific) Plan No. 5.
Mr. Marvin Taff, Architect, 955 Sherwood Forest Lane, Beverly
Hills, explained the design of the building and parking facilities. He then
made himself available for any questions the Council might have.
Mr. Floyd Bryar, 1630 -32 E. Palm Ave. , stated that he believed
this plan was an excellent use of the property and would increase the value
of the surrounding property.
The Mayor then inquired if anyone wished to speak in opposition to
the proposed Precise (Specific) Plan No. 5. There being no response, the
Mayor then declared the hearing closed.
After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Carr, seconded
by Councilman McElhaney that the hearing be reopened.
Mr. Floyd Br-var. stated that he was in favor of removing on- street
parking on the north side of Palm Avenue but that he was opposed to
widening East Palm Avenue west of the subject property to Washington
Street as he felt this would be unfavorable to the residential properties in
that area.
The Mayor then declared the hearing closed.
After discussion; motion was made by Councilman Frederick,
seconded by Councilman McElhaney that Precise (Specific) Plan No. 5, be
adopted and that Resolution No. 2218, entitled:
which was read, be adopted.
On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Frederick, McElhaney and
Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilman Nagel; `
Absent: Councilmen None.
Motion was made by Councilman McElhaney, seconded by Council-
man Frederick and unanimously carried that, at the beginning of construction
of the building at the corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Palm Avenue, the
City remove on- street parking on the north side of Palm Avenue from
Sepulveda Boulevard west to Washington Street; that the present on- street
loading zone adjacent to Robb s Restaurant be deleted and that the City
request the State to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Sepulveda
Boulevard and Palm Avenue, to be synchronized with existing lights at
Maple Avenue and Mariposa Avenue.
The following written communications received from persons, firms
or corporations hereinaftet named. were read to the Council and were dis-
posed of in the manner indicated:
1, PLANNING COMMISSION, enclosing copy of its Resolution
No. 680, denying r equest for proposed zone change from R -1 to P on
property located at the corner of Holly Avenue and California Street, re-
quested by Bri' es Mar_lafac to � ing. Ordered filed pending expiration of
appeal period,
2. PLANNING COMMISSION, enclosing copy of its Resolution
No. 681 denying request fog- variance to divide property at 311 W, Acacia
Avenue, requested by Oscar T. and Shirley Robison. An appeal had been
received and the matter has been set for hearing before the City Council
on May 13, 1968,
- 2 _.
X 2458
3. APPLICATION for rubbish collection license from Wayne F.
Ellis, dba Bin & Barrel Disposal, 1847 Santa Fe Avenue, Torrance.
Motion was made by Councilman Nagel; seconded by Councilman McElhaney
and unanimously carried that the above application be approved.
1. INTER -CITY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE. Councilman Carr reported
that he had attended a special Board meeting of the Inter -City Highway
Committee, which meeting had been called to receive a report concerning a
traffic control survey of the South Bay area; that it was the consensus of
the Committee that coordinated traffic control on the South Bay area's main
arterial streets would soon be necessary and that substantiating data is
being collected. It is hoped that a uniform method of recording the necessary
data can be established for all cities. Councilman Carr recommended that
the City of E1 Segundo be prepared to adjust its traffic control data to the
standards to be proposed by the Committee's report.
The survey reported that the City of E1 Segundo has an excellent
traffic control data collection system and Councilman Carr commended the
staff of the Engineering Department on this system. It was felt that very
little adjustment would be necessary to bring the system into conformity
with the proposed over -all South Bay plan.
McElhaney reported that topics of the last meeting of this association were
'dangerous drug use throughout the region' and 'measures for riot control'.
There were a number of police officers in attendance representing several
cities in the area. The police personnel brought out two very important
items; 1) that more community involvement is needed if the use of dangerous
drugs is to be slowed down and 2) that one of the biggest stumbling blocks
to effective control of drug usage is the courts, because of the leniency of
many judges. It was brought out that there are adequate laws on the books
if only they were enforced by the judges. Councilman McElhaney urged the
citizens of El Segundo to become more aware of what the judges are doing
and how they are handling these cases so that only those judges are placed
on the bench who are interested in effective law enforcement.
As to riot control, it was the feeling of those in attendance that the
police departments in all the cities in the area are well equipped to handle
any problems of this sort that might arise in the South Bay area.
Another meeting on these subjects is planned for the near future.
1. Reported that bids had been received on office supplies and
stationery as follows:
Name Amount of Bid
Bayless Stationers $ 834. 91
Boise Cascade $ 851. 67
Pioneer Stationers $ 921. 10
Stationers Corporation $1,080. 42
Recommended that the low bid of Bayless Stationers in amount of
$834. 91, be accepted.
Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman
McElhaney that the above recommendation be approved and that purchase
orders in total amount of $834. 91 be issued to said Company. Motion
carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen. Carr, Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and
Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
2. Presented a request from Alfa Romeo Corporation to place two
office trailers on property at 215 South Douglas Street for a period of 90 days
while permanent facilities are being installed. Motion was made by Council-
man McElhaney, seconded by Councilman Nagel and unanimously carried
that the above request be granted.
3. Requested permission to hold promotional examinations on
April 17, 1968 for Battalion Chief, Fire Captain and Fire Engineer; also
permission to conduct examinations for three (3) Senior Recreation Leader
positions. Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Council-
man Carr that the above requests be approved. Motion carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Frederick, McElhaney and Nagel;
Noes: Mayor McGill;
Absent: Councilmen None.
4. Presented a request from the Associated Student Body of the
El Segundo High School to hold a carnival on the City Hall Parking Lot on
May 10, 11 and 12 and recommended that if the Council should approve the
request, the following conditions be included:
a) Liability insurance in the minimum amounts of $100, 000 -$300, 000
property damage insurance in the amount of $25, 000 must be
provided with the City as an insured party.
b) Hours of operation should be established so that the carnival is
not open during school hours on Friday, May 10, and closes by
11:00 p. m. on all three nights.
c) All electrical work should be subject to inspection by the City
Building and Safety Departments.
d) Adequate portable toilets should be provided for sanitary purposes.
e) Arrangements for clean -up during and after the carnival should
be guaranteed by the Associated Student Body.
f) Arrangements for security patrol should be made. This can be
provided by a private security agency approved by the Police
Department or by off -duty Police Officers whose salary is
g) Carnival operation should be subject to all City licenses and
Mr. Jim Puffer, President of the Associated Student Body, addressed
the Council stating that this Carnival is being held for the purpose of raising
funds for the renovation of the War Memorial on the High School grounds. He
presented a sketch of the proposed improvements to the memorial and dis-
cussed the arrangements which have been made with the carnival company
for conducting this project.
Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Carr
and unanimously carried that the above request be granted and that fees be
waived on any City licenses which the Student Body would be required to obtain.
5. Requested ratification of approval given on April 4 to Bell Heli-
copter Company for helicopter landings on vacant property owned by Standard
Oil Company east of Sepulveda Boulevard and south of Mariposa Avenue on
April 8 and 9. Motion was made by Councilman McElhaney, seconded by
Councilman Frederick that said approval be ratified. Motion carried.
X 2460
1. Presented for the Councils acceptance a Grant Deed for perpetual
easement and right of way for public street purposes, located approximately
700 feet north of the intersection of El Segundo Boulevard and Douglas Street,
and recommended said deed be accepted.
Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman
McElhaney, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that that certain Grant Deed dated April 1, 1968,
executed by the United States Air Force, conveying to the City of
E1 Segundo, California, a Municipal Corporation, a perpetual ease-
ment and right of way for public street purposes, in, over, upon and
across the following described real property in the State of California,
County of Los Angeles, City of El Segundo, to wit:
That portion of the southeast one - quarter of Section 7,
Township 3 South. Range 14 West, in the Rancho Sausal
Redondo, as shown on map recorded in Book 1, pages 507
and 508, of Patents. in the office of the Recorder of said
County described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Douglas Street,
100 feet wide.. as described in deed recorded in Book D 438,
Page 867, of Official Records, in the office of the Recorder
of said County, distant northerly along said line 260 feet
from the northerly line of E1 Segundo Boulevard, 100 feet
wide; thence continuing northerly 590 feet along said
easterly line; thence easterly, at right angles to said
easterly line: to the in tersection with a line parallel with
and distant 10 feet, measured at right angles from said
easterly line; thence southerly along said parallel line
636 feet to a point in a line described in grant of easement
to the City of El Segundo recorded in Book D 1389, pages
826 and 827, of Official Records, in the office of said
Recorder; thence northwesterly along last said line 47. 07
feet to the point of beginning.
for public street purposes only, be and the same is hereby accepted
for and on behalf of the City of El Segundo; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she
is hereby authorized and directed to cause said instrument to be filed
for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County,
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carr,
Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and
1. The City Attorney read the title of Ordinance No. 688, entitled:
which was read.
Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman
Carr and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived. Following
motion made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Carr,
Ordinance No. 688 was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carr,
Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and
The City Manager was requested to investigate the possibility of
allowing the "Run For Your Life" Club to use a portion of the Imperial Strip
for its physical fitness program.
It was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman
McElhaney that Warrants Nos. 19870 thru 20115 inclusive, totaling
$164, 606. 86, drawn in payment of demands, a list of which had been pre-
sented to the Council as Demand Register Summary Nos. 28 and 29 and
certified by the Director of Finance as conf .rming to the budget approved
by Ordinance No. 665, be ratified and approved. Motion carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carr,
Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and
No further business appearing to come before the Council at this
meeting, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman
McElhaney that the meeting adjourn until Tuesday, April 16, 1968 at the
hour of 5:00 o'clock p. m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the
City of El Segundo, California, the hour of adjournment of this meeting
being 9 :00 o'clock p. m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
*—e Z;-,. el�aQr��
05-�nice U. Creason, City Clerk