1967 NOV 27 CC MINX-- 2393 El Segundo, California November 2 7, 1967 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those present joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, followed by invocation by Councilman Floyd Carr, Jr. The meeting was then called to order by Herman L. McGill, Mayor, the hour being 7 :00 O'clock p. m. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Carr, Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and Mayor McGill; Councilmen Absent: None. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held November 13, 1967, having been read and no error or omission having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman McElhaney that the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Motion carried. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS ' The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the hearing on revocation of encroachment permit granted to North American Aviation, Inc. on January 11, 1960, and inquired of the City Clerk if proper notice of hearing had been given, to which the Clerk replied that affidavit of proof of service by mail is on file in her office. City Manager Jones reported that the proposed revocation was necessitated by the planned widening of Douglas Street between El Segundo Boulevard and Mariposa Avenue, which would eliminate the area now being used for parking by North American Aviation, Inc. under this encroachment permit. The proposed widening of Douglas Street is nearing the end of the design stage and should be out for bid in late December or early January. North American would be required to vacate the parking area by the end of January. Mr. David Bond spoke on behalf of North American Aviation, Inc. stating that they have no objection to the revocation of said encroachment permit. The Mayor then declared the hearing closed. Motion was then made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman McElhaney that the encroachment permit granted to North American Aviation, Inc. on January 11, 1960 under Resolution No. 1902, be revoked. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 1. MR. J. P. BONDURANT, 131 Whiting Street, addressed the Council asking that something be done to relieve the storm drain problem in his area. The heavy rains of the previous week had caused storm water intrusion into the sewer lines. Mr. Bondurant then asked what the City intended to do to correct this problem. -1- X 2394 City Manager now studying the Master delayed until such time master plan. Jones reported that the Engineering Department is Plan of Storm Drains for the City and action has been as a recommendation can be made concerning this Director of Public Works Van Drie was asked to present his recom- mendations concerning possible interim solutions to this problem. Mr. Van Drie stated that construction of approximately 450' of 12' line, at a cost of approximately $5000, to provide drainage of one area to the sump at Holly Avenue and Valley Street, would give some relief. Pumping the water from one manhole to another or from one system to another was suggested by Mr. Van Drie as a possible alternative. Mr. Bondurant stated that the check valves which had been installed by the City to alleviate the problem were not the correct type. He felt that if proper valves were installed, it would help. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that the Engineering Department be authorized to purchase and install check valves appropriate to the problem. Motirn carried. MRS. HOWARD WRIGHT, 133 Whiting Street, addressed the Council asking relief from the storm drain problems in her area. After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman McElhaney and unanimously carried, that an appropriation of $5000 be authorized from the General Fund Contingency Account for construction of the 12" relief line to provide drainage to the sump at Holly Avenue and Valley Street. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Noise Abatement Committee. Councilman Nagel reported that during the week of November 13, hearing had been held in Washington, D. C. by the House Subcommittee on Transportation and Aeronautics on the subject of aircraft noise abatement regulations. Legislators from many areas of the country discussed the effect of aircraft noise on people residing near airports. Representative Charles Wilson of the 31st District asked adoption of his legislation which would provide federal assistance of up to 75% of the cost of soundproofing schools located near public airports. It was reported that legislation had also been introduced which would create a federal office of noise control. The director of that office would be authorized to make grants for the purpose of noise abatement as well as to set standards, review plans, help provide educational materials and develop a comprehensive plan of noise control. The hearings had been called on a bill which would authorize the Secretary of Transportation, Alan Boyd, to set noise control standards for the certification of new jet aircraft. The bill would provide the mechanism to assure that future airplanes would be quieter than existing ones. Motion was then made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman McElhaney that Resolution No. 2202, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING FEDERAL NOISE CERTIFICATION, A FEDERAL OFFICE OF NOISE CONTROL AND FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FOR NOISE PROOFING SCHOOLS NEAR AIRPORTS., which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said Resolution was adopted by the following vote: -2- Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and Councilman Nagel reported that he had attended the Acoustical Society of America convention in Miami, Florida on November 14 thru 17. Several sessions were conducted on the subject of noise control, the first such sessions to be held in many years. These sessions indicated that much time and effort is now being directed toward noise abatement. There is a movement under way for future meetings on noise abatement and Councilman Nagel felt that the Council should support these efforts. REPORTS OF OFFICERS CITY MANAGER JONES MADE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Requested the Police Chief to introduce two new police officers who had recently graduated from the police officers training program at the Sheriff's Academy. Chief Stroh then introduced Officers Timothy Grimmond and Allen Baumruck and welcomed them as City employees. Because of his outstanding work during this training, Officer Baumruck had been presented with the United California Bank award as the outstanding officer in the class of 74 recruits. 2. Presented a report which had been compiled by his office and the Engineering and Planning Departments concerning Lot 22 of the Utah Industrial Tract. The study showed that both Douglas Street, connected by a crossing at the railroad track, and another north -south street would be needed to accommodate future traffic in the industrial complex. Several alternatives had been studied and it was the recommendation of the City Manager that the City purchase all of Lot 22 at this time. This alternative would provide the right -of -way needed for the crossing and insure the City against financial loss in the event the Public Utilities Commission does not approve the crossing, since the lot could be resold for at least the purchase price. If the crossing is approved, the City could sell the portion of Lot 22 not required for the crossing (approximately 1. 2 acres). If the crossing is not approved within a reasonable time, the whole lot could be sold at market value. Utah Mining and Construction Company had agreed to sell Lot 22 (75, 359 sq. ft. ) to the City of El Segundo for $2. 50 per sq. ft. or a total price of $188, 397. 50. Appraised value of the lot as shown by the appraisal letter from American Right of Way and Appraisal Contractors is $2. 75 per sq. ft. or a total of $207,237. 25. Motion was made by Councilman McElhaney, seconded by Council- man Nagel that Lot 22, Tract 26557 be purchased from Utah Mining and Construction Company for a total price of $188, 397. 50 and that terms of the escrow be presented to the Council for approval at the next regular meeting to be held December 11, 1967, and that City funds for the purchase be approved as follows: General Fund Reserve Loan from Water Fund $ 58, 000. 00 130, 397. 50 Total $ 188, 397. 50 Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. -3- 235 X 2396 3. Recommended purchase of water meters from Hersey - Sparling Meter Company as follows: Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman McElhaney that the above recommendation be approved and that a purchase order in amount of $3, 003. 62 be issued to Hersey - Sparling Meter Co. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and 4. Presented a request from TRW, Inc. to install eight 10' x 52' trailers on the west side of TRW Building #61 at 815 Lapham Street, for a period of one year, said trailers to be used as a snack bar and eating facilities for TRW employees. Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman McElhaney and unanimously carried that the above request be granted, subject to regulations of the Fire and Building Depart- ments. 5. Requested authorization to sell at public auction property owned by the City which is no longer needed for municipal purposes as well as lost or abandoned property which has been accumulated by the Police Department, the owners of which cannot be located and which has been in the possession of the Police Department for the amount of time as required by law. Motion was made by Councilman McElhaney, seconded by Councilman Carr and unanimously carried that the above recommendation be approved and that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized to publish Notice of Public Auction and a list of articles to be included in the auction, said auction to be held beginning at 10 :00 o'clock a. m. on Saturday, December 9, 1967. 6. Reported that eight (8) applications had been received for the position of City Attorney and requested that he be authorized to schedule interviews for qualified applicants on December 4, 1967. By general consent, a personnel session for the purpose of interviewing applicants for the position of City Attorney was scheduled for December 4, 1967 at 7 :00 p. m. 7. Reported that since the State Legislature had increased the cigarette tax and had set forth the formula for districution of the tax to counties and cities, the California Finance Officers Association representa- tives had been meeting to explore several formulae for such distribution. which would be more acceptable to a majority of cities. El Segundo Finance Director, Harry Weber, had been selected to participate in these meetings. The method which they are recommending to the League of California Cities is one which is based 50% on sales tax and 50% on population. It was felt that this was a fair compromise and would be acceptable to most cities and counties. CITY CLERK MADE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. As previously requested, presented a schedule for acquainting the public with the new IBM Votomatic machine which will be used in the Municipal Election to be held April 9, 1968 and recommended that notice be published in the El Segundo Herald and the Daily Breeze, stating that the machine will be available for public instruction in the office of the City Clerk during office hours. The City Clerk would also be available to attend meetings of service clubs or political organizations to demonstrate the voting machine. -4- Unit Price Total 15 5/8 "x3/4" meters, less connections $ 34. 69 $ 520. 35 12 1" meters, less connections 76. 15 913. 80 4 1-1/2" meters, less connections 142. 47 569. 88 4 2" meters, less connections 214.14 856. 56 $2,860. 59 Plus tax 143. 03 Total $3,003. 62 Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman McElhaney that the above recommendation be approved and that a purchase order in amount of $3, 003. 62 be issued to Hersey - Sparling Meter Co. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and 4. Presented a request from TRW, Inc. to install eight 10' x 52' trailers on the west side of TRW Building #61 at 815 Lapham Street, for a period of one year, said trailers to be used as a snack bar and eating facilities for TRW employees. Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman McElhaney and unanimously carried that the above request be granted, subject to regulations of the Fire and Building Depart- ments. 5. Requested authorization to sell at public auction property owned by the City which is no longer needed for municipal purposes as well as lost or abandoned property which has been accumulated by the Police Department, the owners of which cannot be located and which has been in the possession of the Police Department for the amount of time as required by law. Motion was made by Councilman McElhaney, seconded by Councilman Carr and unanimously carried that the above recommendation be approved and that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized to publish Notice of Public Auction and a list of articles to be included in the auction, said auction to be held beginning at 10 :00 o'clock a. m. on Saturday, December 9, 1967. 6. Reported that eight (8) applications had been received for the position of City Attorney and requested that he be authorized to schedule interviews for qualified applicants on December 4, 1967. By general consent, a personnel session for the purpose of interviewing applicants for the position of City Attorney was scheduled for December 4, 1967 at 7 :00 p. m. 7. Reported that since the State Legislature had increased the cigarette tax and had set forth the formula for districution of the tax to counties and cities, the California Finance Officers Association representa- tives had been meeting to explore several formulae for such distribution. which would be more acceptable to a majority of cities. El Segundo Finance Director, Harry Weber, had been selected to participate in these meetings. The method which they are recommending to the League of California Cities is one which is based 50% on sales tax and 50% on population. It was felt that this was a fair compromise and would be acceptable to most cities and counties. CITY CLERK MADE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. As previously requested, presented a schedule for acquainting the public with the new IBM Votomatic machine which will be used in the Municipal Election to be held April 9, 1968 and recommended that notice be published in the El Segundo Herald and the Daily Breeze, stating that the machine will be available for public instruction in the office of the City Clerk during office hours. The City Clerk would also be available to attend meetings of service clubs or political organizations to demonstrate the voting machine. -4- 239.7 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS VAN DRIE MADE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Reported that bids received on November 13, 1967 for the con- struction of a reinforced concrete embankment wall on the west side of Center Street 100 feet north of Pine Avenue had been checked; that his office was in receipt of a letter from Mr. Conel Layne requesting that his bid be allowed to be withdrawn for reason of error in bid calculation and he recom- mended said request be granted. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Carr, that the bid of Mr. Conel Layne be withdrawn and the certified check submitted with the bid be returned to Mr. Layne. Motion carried. Motion was then made by Councilman McElhaney, seconded by Councilman Frederick that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo, California, duly ad- vertised for bids for the construction of a reinforced concrete embankment wall on the west side of Center Street 100 feet north of Pine Avenue, in accordance with Specifications No. 67 -3; and WHEREAS, said bids were received by said City Council on November 13, 1967; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works found that the bid of J. W. Nicks Constr. Co. in total amount of $8, 615. 00 was the lowest responsible bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, that the bid of J. W. Nicks Constr. Co. , the lowest responsible bid, be accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of said City be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to execute the Contract herein awarded for and on behalf of the City and in its name and the City Clerk to attest the same, affix the seal and make delivery thereof in due course. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: 'Councilmen None. 2. Advised the Council that the City is no longer using the Galion Road Roller purchased in 1953 for use of the Street Maintenance De- partment and recommended that this equipment be advertised for sale in the Western City magazine. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman McElhaney and unanimously carried that the above recommendation be approved. 3. Presented for the Council's consideration specification for the collection of garbage and rubbish in the City of E1 Segundo and reviewed the changes suggested. After careful consideration, it was moved by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman McElhaney and unanimously carried that this matter be deferred to the adjourned meeting to be held December 4, 1967 to allow the Director of Public Works an additional week in which to study the specifications for changes which may be necessary. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The following written communications received from persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were dis- posed of in the manner indicated: -5- X 2398 1. RUTH HOPP, CITY TREASURER, requesting that the following warrants be cancelled as said warrants are outstanding. unaccounted for and unpaid: #15552 Robert Sefton $ 2. 52 #16936 Lawrence Balch 2.13 #16977 Easterday Supply Co. 195. 73 also requested that Warrant #16977 be reissued. Requested that the following warrants be cancelled as they were not used: #17765 Floyd Carr, Jr. $150.00 #17772 Auten F. Bush 150. 00 #17796 Barnes Delaney 164. 55 Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Council- man McElhaney, that the above warrants be cancelled and that a new warrant be issued to replace Warrant #16977 in amount of $195. 73 to Easterday Supply Company. Motion carried. 2. COMMUNITY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, Hawthorne, California, being a request to conduct its annual solicitation of funds in the City of E1 Segundo beginning December 2, 1967 from 6 :00 to 9 :00 p. m. , for its world -wide medical, educational and welfare program. Sound cars playing pre- recorded Christmas carols would be accompanied by authorized personnel with proper identification. It being the consensus of the Council that sound trucks would not be pleasing to the public, it was moved by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Carr that the request to solicit funds in the City be granted, but that the use of sound trucks be prohibited. Motion carried. 3. JOHN A. LAMBIE, COUNTY ENGINEER, being Notice of Annexation to Athens Lighting District. The location of territory involved not being contiguous to the City of El Segundo, this communication was ordered filed. 4. APPLICATIONS to sell balloons during the Christmas Parade on December 7, from Robert Dourant, 1771 North Vermont Ave. , Los Angeles and Isadore Berman, 1630 Cortez Street, Los Angeles. The Council being desirous of keeping the Christmas Parade on a spiritual level rather than commercial, it was moved by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Carr, the applications be denied. Motion carried. 5. GREATER LOS ANGELES CHAPTER, NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL, requesting the Council to adopt a resolution in support of its efforts to reduce traffic tragedies during the 1967 holiday season. Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman McElhaney, and unanimously carried,' that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Christmas season marks that time of year in which we celebrate a holiday dedicated to "Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men's; and WHEREAS, the prevailing spirit of Yuletide fellowship is often marred by the occurrence of needless traffic accidents, turning a time of joy and happiness into one of heartbreak and despair; and WHEREAS, the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the National Safety Council reminds us that more fatal traffic ac- cidents, including more pedestrian deaths, happen each Christmas Eve than at any other comparable time of the year, with darkness, speed, alcohol and pedestrian errors the causes of the high toll; and sm f WHEREAS, fears have been expressed that the season's highway toll may reach an all -time high unless drivers and pedestrians take extra precaution; and WHEREAS, the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the National Safety Council is asking all organizations to eliminate the serving of alcoholic beverages at traditional office Christmas parties as a practical attempt to eliminate a definite source of death and destruction on the highway; 23-9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the E1 Segundo City Council fully supports the holiday safety program and urges all our citizens to do everything in their power to prevent accidents during the holiday season; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the El Segundo City Council supports the program of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the National Safety Council and urges all organizations having office parties and celebrations for the Christmas season to abstain from the use of intoxicants which contribute so substantially to holiday traffic accidents. 6. WILBURN E. BAKER, CHAIRMAN, SISTER CITY COMMITTEE, requesting that the City Council allocate funds not to exceed $1, 000 to con- struct a permanent float and use it each year for the annual Carnival at Guaymas, Mexico. It was proposed by the Sister City Committee that the same Queen and Princesses selected in 1967 be retained for 1968, and re- quested the Council to assume the expenses incurred to send the Queen to Guaymas, the Sister City Committee paying the expenses of the Princesses. Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Council- man Carr, that the sum of $1, 000 be allocated to the Sister City Committee for the construction of a permanent float for the annual Carnival in Guaymas. Carried by the following vote: Ayes! Councilmen Carr, Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. It was then moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Council- man Carr that the expense of sending the Queen to Guaymas for the Carnival be paid by the City. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Mayor- McGil1FR, Noes: Councilman Nagel; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, McElhaney, and 7. MRS. JAMES S. McCONNELL, being letter of commendation to the City of El Segundo and especially to the Police Department for services rendered her during the six years of residence in El Segundo. A copy of her letter having been given the Police Department, the communication was ordered filed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Acting City Attorney Allen read the title of ille ordinance es- tablishing fixed water meter installation charges, entitled: which was read. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING "THE CODE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, 1958, " BY AMENDING SECTION 32A. 4 RELATING TO METER INSTALLATION CHARGES., -7- X 2400 Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, the further reading of Ordinance No. 673 was waived. Following motion made by Councilman McElhaney, seconded by Councilman Frederick, Ordinance No. 673 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and 2. Acting City Attorney Allen read the title of the ordinance im- posing documentary stamp tax on sale of real property, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING "THE CODE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, 1958, " BY ADDING ARTICLE IV TO CHAPTER 30 OF SAID CODE RELATING TO IMPOSING A DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX ON THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. which was read. Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, the further reading of Ordinance No. 674 was waived. Following motion made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Frederick, Ordinance No. 674 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and 3. Councilman Nagel moved that the following persons be named to the Noise Abatement Committee: carried. Volney J. Stefflre William Rusch Ace Beall 944 Cedar Street 146 Richmond Street 318 E. Sycamore Ave. Motion was seconded by Councilman McElhaney and unanimously It McElhaney, $174, 615. 86 sented to the the Director No. 665, be RATIFICATION AND APPROVAL OF WARRANTS was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman that Warrants Nos. 18190 thru 18282 inclusive, totaling drawn in payment of demands, a list of which had been pre - Council as Demand Register Summary #13, and certified by of Finance as conforming to the budget approved by Ordinance ratified and approved. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Mayor McGill; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, McElhaney, Nagel and No further business appearing to come before the Council at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman McElhaney, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that the meeting adjourn until Monday, December 4, 1967 at the hour of 7 :00 o'clock p. m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of E1 Segundo, California; that this meeting be adjourned in memory of Victor Floyd Gangawere who passed away on November 15, 1967. The hour of adjournment of this meeting was 10 :00 o'clock p. m. Motion carried. FAJ � Respectfully submitted, / unice U. Cresson, City Clerk Mayor -8-