1966 NOV 28 CC MINX 2236
El Segundo, California
November 28, 1966
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City
on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those present
joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
following which an invocation was given by Councilman Floyd Carr, Jr.
The meeting was then called to order by Herman L. McGill, Mayor,
the hour being 7:00 o'clock p. m.
Councilmen Present: Carr, Frederick, Nagel and Mayor McGill;
Councilmen Absent: McElhaney.
The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
El Segundo, California, held November 14, 1966 and of the adjourned regular
meeting held November 15, 1966, having been read and no error or omission
having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by
Councilman Carr that the minutes of said meetings be approved as recorded.
Motion carried.
At this time Councilman Carr presented a 10 -year service pin to
Loyd Vickery of the Water Department and Councilman Frederick presented
a 10 -year service pin to Pierre Connolly, Library Custodian. Both were
commended on their service to the City.
The following written communications received from persons, firms
or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed -
of in the manner indicated:
1. PLANNING COMMISSION, enclosing copy of its Resolution No. 651,
granting variance request to move lot line to conform with zoning line, for
property at 707, 711 and 715 W. Acacia Ave. , by Guy Bartoli. Ordered filed
pending expiration of appeal period.
2. PLANNING COMMISSION, enclosing copy of its Resolution No 652,
denying variance request by Kemal Shaby to be granted relief from parking
requirements for additional storage space to be constructed within an existing
building at 225 Arena St. An appeal had been received and hearing before the
City Council had been set for December 12, 1966.
use of the longevity program for salary increases. Ordered filed.
4. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB, being request for permission to hold
if in connection with the March of Dimes fund raising program.
Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Carr
and unanimously carried, that the above request be granted.
5. MRS. FLORENCE FARRELL, 123 E. Oak Ave., suggesting a
method for publishing the "Pipeline" newsletter; also requesting that the City
clean the Main Street sidewalks once a week. Ordered filed.
to the Council to attend the "Meet Your Representatives" night on Wednesday,
December 7 at Redondo Beach City Hall. Ordered filed.
7. MR. RAYMOND H. TUFTS, 510 Hillcrest St., being a commen-
dation of the Fire Department Rescue Squad for their help on two separate
occasions during the last year. Copy having been sent to the Fire Department,
this correspondence was ordered filed.
At this time, the Council commended the Fire Department on the very
fine rescue work which is done by these men.
8. ANGELES GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL, being request for permission
to conduct their annual cookie sale from February 10 to February 27, 1967.
Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Nagel
and unanimously carried, that the above .request be granted.
9. MOBIL OIL CORPORATION, being request for cancellation of
request for franchise. Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded
by Councilman Nagel and unanimously carried that the Mobil Oil Corporation
request for franchise be cancelled.
10. TOM ROBERTSON, 228 W. Grand Ave., being a commendation
of the Engineering Department, the Street Inspector Henry Wassenaar, and
the Vernon Paving Company for their work on the Grand Avenue improvement.
Copy having been sent to the Engineering Department, this correspondence
was ordered filed.
11. CHARLES L. ROBINSON, Insurance Consultant, estimating an
additional 37 -1/2 hours ($750. 00) to complete the study of Group Insurance
proposals which had been received at the November 14, 1966 City Council
meeting. Motion was made by Councilman Carr, seconded by Councilman
Frederick and unanimously carried, that the request of Charles L. Robinson
for approkittaaldly 327,`-4/2 additional hours for the . completion of the study
of, G;tou3.-Insusr.-ftc >e ,proposals be approved.
request for permission to solicit funds in El Segundo from December 3 to
December 18, 1966. Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded
by Councilman Nagel and unanimously carried, that the above request be
Mayor McGill requested that the Council consider appointing a
committee to study and make recommendations regarding both the develop-
ment of Sepulveda Blvd. and the problems in the business district of Main
Street. It was the consensus of the Council that such a committee was needed
but that action in the matter should be deferred until reports were received
from Standard Oil Company concerning an economic survey it is conducting
on property east of Sepulveda and from the Commercial Affairs Committee of
the Chamber of Commerce. Each Councilman agreed to submit the names of
several people they felt to be qualified, willing and available to serve on such
a committee.
By general consent, a news release was approved whereby the public
would be made aware of plans for this committee and anyone interested in
serving could contact the Council.
At the hour of 8 :20 o'clock p. m. , the Mayor declared a 10- minute
recess. At tthe hour of 8:30 o'clock p. m. , the Council reconvened, the
following members being present: Carr, Frederick, Nagel and Mayor McGill.
1. Reported that the City Manager had met with the representatives
of the Museum Committee and the Golden Anniversary Committee and were
shown the empty building at 124 W. Grand Ave. as a possible site for the
museum. The building was quite satisfactory to everyone concerned and the
X 2238
rental had been set at $85. 00 per month. An expenditure of $395. 00 would be
necessary for heating, lighting and electrical work in order to make it
suitable for occupancy. After discussion, motion was made by Councilman
Carr, seconded by Councilman_ Frederick, that action in this matter be
deferred until the next meeting.
2. Recommended 'hat the amount of $700 be approved and transferred
from the Contingency Account to the appropriate overtime budget account to
cover the cost of overtime expended in the maintenance of City buildings,
which projects are in addition to the regular janitorial work Motion was made .r.
by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Carr, that the recom-
mendation of the City Manager be accepted and that $700 be transferred from
the Contingency Account to the appropriate overtime account. Motion carried.
3. Presented the fol owing recommendations from the Police Chief:
a) That new recruit police. personnel attend the Los Angeles County
Sheriff's Academy rather than the Ri,%erside Academy. Since there is no
tuition or lodging involved at the Sl- eriff's Academy, this would result in
considerable savings to the City. Monies returned to the City by the Peace
Officers' Training Fund would then actually be defraying part of the officers'
salaries as intended by the fund, rather than being used to cover school
tuition costs. The Sheriff's Academy training is administered by police
personnel and is presented in a mariner to give the trainee an understanding
that law enforcement operates and functions as a quasi - military organization.
Motion was made by Councilman Frederick., seconded by Councilman
Carr and unanimously carried, that the recommendation of the Police Chief
be accepted and that effective immediately, new recruit police personnel be
trained at the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Academy.
b) That the salary rFsolut -on be amended to: 1) exclude overtime
pay for basic recruit training in excess of eight hours per day; 2) exclude
overtime pay for officers promoted in rank who are required to attend
in- service classes; and 3) change the pro?iciency compensation schedule
for marksmanship. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Council-
man Carr and unanimously carried that, effective December 1, 1966,
Resolution No. 2172 (The Salary Resolution) be amended as follows:
Amend Part ?', Section 5, subsection (H) Overtime Pay: Police
Department, Item 1, of said Resclution, to _read as follows:
"1. Departmental iin- service training and specialized training
schools, except that:
a) Officers promoted in rank and who are required to attend
in- service classes to gain the knowledge necessary to per-
form their new duties and responsibilities of said position,
shall not be compensated in overtime pay for the hours
spent in train_ng over and above a normal eight hour day; and
b) Overtime pay shall not be paid to police personnel who spend
more than the efgrt hour day in a basic recruit school
learning the duties and res-por_sibilities of their new career
in law enforcement. "
Amend Part 1, Section 3, sub-section (C) 8. of said Resolution, in
part, to read as follows:
Compensation for
"Class S ---ore Crat of Possible 480 Proficiency per month
Marksman 350 - 400 $ 2. 00
Sharpshooter 40i - 440 4.00
Expert 441 - 473 8.00
Distinguished Expert 474 - 480 16. 00
In addition to the abo-, e, each ofi'icer selected to serve on the pistol
team, not to exceed eight (8) mernbers of the department with the highest pro-
ficiency in fired-rms, under rules approved by the Chief of Police, shall receive
an additional $5. 00 per month during the time they serve on the team. "
X 2239
4. Recommended that an amount of $1, 310. 00 be transferred to the
overtime account of the Police Department from the Contingency Account.
Motion was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Frederick
and unanimously carried that the amount of $1, 310. 00 be transferred from
the Contingency Account to the Police Department overtime account.
5. Recommended that an amount of $2, 100. 00 be transferred to
the overtime account of the Fire Department from the Contingency Account.
Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Nagel,
and unanimously carried, that the amount of $2, 100. 00 be transferred from
the Contingency Account to the Fire Department overtime account.
6. Recommended that funds in the amount of $700. 00 be appropriated
for lighting the handball court in the rear of Fire Station #1. Motion was made
by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Frederick and unanimously
carried that $700. 00 be appropriated for lighting of handball court in the rear
of Fire Station #1.
1. Presented for the Council's consideration a Grant Deed for per-
petual easement and right of way for public street purposes for the additional
right of way required to construct a cul de sac street improvement at the
western extremity of Imperial Avenue, said property owned by Henry H. Kyle
and Donald F. Tanner.
Moved by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Frederick,
that the above mentioned Grant Deed, dated September 6, 1966, conveying
to the City of El Segundo for public street purposes the following described
land, to wit:
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Hillcrest Street
(formerly Avenue) 50' wide, and Imperial Avenue (formerly Belleview
Avenue) 60' wide, as shown on map of Tract No. 1685, Map Book 21,
page 98; THENCE South 890 58' 10" West, a distance of 695. 15'
along the centerline of said Imperial Avenue to a point in the north-
erly prolongation of the westerl� line of Lot 5 Block 12 of said Tract
1685; THENCE South 00 01' 00' West, a distance of 30. 00 feet
along said northerly prolongation of the westerly line of Lot 5 to
the northwest corner of said Lot 5; THENCE North 890 58' 10"
East, a distance of 8. 20' along the northerly line of said Lot 5 to
THENCE North 890 58' 10" East, a distance of 46.78' along the
northerly line of said Lot 5 to a point; THENCE southwesterly along
a curve, concave to the southeast through a central angle of
50 54' 21" and an arc length of 6. 071 to a point of tangency with a
curve, concave to the north; THENCE southwesterly, westerly and
northwesterly alonff said last mentioned curve through a central
angle of 850 16' 34' and an arc length of 46. 14' to the point of
intersection with the northerly line of said Lot 5; said last point
of intersection being the true point of beginning.
be accepted and the City Clerk directed to effect recordation of the same as
prescribed by law.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Frederick, Nagel and Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilman McElhaney.
2. Presented for the Council's consideration a Grant of Easement
for water line purposes required for the installation of a City water line for
X 2240
fire protection service to the western extremity of Imperial Avenue, said
property owned by Henry H. Kyle and Donald F. Tanner.
Moved by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Frederick,
that the above mentioned Grant of Easement, dated September 6, 1966, con-
veying to the City of El Segundo for water line purposes, the following
described land, to wit:
The easterly 10. 00 feet of the westerly 37. 50 feet of Lot 5,
Block 12, Tract 1685, Map Book 21, Page 98 of Maps as
recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles
County, California,
be accepted and the City Clerk directed to effect recordation of the same as
required by law.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Carr, Frederick, Nagel and Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilman McElhaney.
3. Presented for the Council's consideration a form of Agreement
between the City of El Segundo and the Los Angeles County Flood Control
District, approved by the City Attorney as to form, obligating the City to
finance any deficit of construction funds in Project No. 618 -A, up to an
amount that shall not exceed $14, 000.
Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Nagel,
that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that that certain form of Agreement between
the City of El Segundo and the Los Angeles County Flood Control
District, presented to this Council on this date, be and the same
is hereby approved, and that a copy of said Agreement be placed
on file in the office of the City Clerk; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Agreement obligates the
City to finance any deficit of construction funds in Project No.
618 -A, up to an amount that shall not exceed Fourteen Thousand
($14, 000) Dollars; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of
El Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said
Agreement for and on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to
attest the same.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Frederick, Nagel and Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilman McElhaney.
The matter of disposition of the sump property at Main Street and
Walnut Avenue was discussed at this time. Motion was made by Councilman
Nagel, seconded by Councilman Carr, that the Planning Commission be
directed to initiate proceedings for the purpose of considering the granting of
a variance for use as a parking lot of the sump at Walnut Avenue and Main
Street. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Frederick and Nagel;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilman McElhaney
Abstaining: Mayor McGill
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It was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman
Nagel that Warrants No. 14466 to 14543 inclusive, totaling $107, 052. 00,
drawn in payment of demands, a list of which has been presented to the
Council as Demand Register Summary No. 14, and certified by the Director
of Finance as conforming to the budget approved by Ordinance No. 656, be
ratified and approved. Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carr, Frederick, Nagel and Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilman McElhaney.
1. Councilman Nagel inquired as to the status of the proposed
pedestrian overpass at Pine Avenue and the Pacific Electric railroad tracks
and stated that he would not be in favor of delaying action in this matter
beyond July, 1967.
2. The Mayor initiated discussion regarding the sidewalks in areas
along Sepulveda Blvd. After discussion, the City Engineer was instructed to
study the situation to determine whether or not the 1911 Improvement Act
might be applied.
1. MRS. RICHARD BONN, 404 Hillcrest Street, addressed the
Council thanking them and all the City employees involved for the good job
they did in adjusting her driveway.
No other business appearing to come before the Council at this
meeting, it was moved by Councilman Nagel F seconded by Councilman
Frederick, that the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjournment being 9 :10
o'clock p.m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Eunice U. Creason, City C17erk