1965 APR 26 CC MINX
E1 Segundo, California
April 26, 1965
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City
on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to .order, those present
joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
following which an invocation was given by Reverend Robert Hammond of
the Christian Church.
The meeting was then called to order by Herman L, McGill, Mayor,
the hour being 7:00 o'clock p. m.
Councilmen Present: Frederick, Kimport, McElhaney, Nagel
and Mayor McGill;
Councilmen Absent: None.
The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of E1 Segundo, California, held April 12, 1965, having been read and no
error or omission having been noted, it was moved by Councilman
Frederick, seconded by Councilman Nagel, the minutes of said meeting be
approved as recorded. Motion carried.
The following written communications received from persons,
firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and
were disposed of in the manner indicated:
1. PLANNING COMMISSION, enclosing copy of its Resolution
No. 615, granting a variance request, with conditions, to divide into three
R -1 lots, property at 738 W. Mariposa Ave., requested by Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Orlowski. Ordered filed pending expiration of appeal period.
notice of proposals for the annexation of Lennox Territory by the City of
Inglewood and for the Garcia Annexation by the City of Hawthorne. Ordered
3. ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, being a request for
permission to conduct a rummage sale on May 15 and 16 on the church
property at 361 Richmond St. Motion made by Councilman Kimport,
seconded by Councilman Frederick, the above request be granted.
4. FAITH ASSEMBLY CHURCH, 945 Pepper St., being a request
for permission to hold weekly street meetings on the corner of Main St.
and Grand Ave. The Council feeling this might set a precedent, motion
was made by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman McElhaney, that
no action be taken in this matter. Motion carried.
5. ALAN CRANSTON, State Controller, being an estimate of ap-
portionments of vehicle license fee revenues for fiscal year 1965 -66,
E1 Segundo amount $92, 500. Ordered filed,
6. CITY OF GARDENA, enclosing copy of its resolution regarding
tax levies by the Southern California Rapid Transit District. Ordered
7. GEORGE RENFRO and nine others, being a letter of commen-
dation of the Building Safety Department for its cooperation and courteous
service. Copy having been sent to the Building Safety Department, this
correspondence was ordered filed.
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8. MR. CHARLES H. LUNDQUIST, President of Unimerc, Corp.,
reporting progress in readying Douglas Street and Park Place for dedi-
cation to the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed.
9. WILLIAM J. PROBERT, Assistant City Manager, Pasadena,
transmitting copy of letter to Senator Rees from the City of Pasadena,
opposing Senator Teale's proposal to elect the senators at large, and
requesting other cities to take the same action. Also, the Pasadena
Board of City Directors authorized its City Attorney to act in concert
with other city attorneys of Los Angeles County in presenting an amicus
curiae brief if and when the court exercises its prerogative to redistrict
subsequent to the July 1 deadline, and asked that other cities take similar
action. Motion was made by Councilman McElhaney, seconded by Council-
man Frederick, that the action of the City of Pasadena be supported.
Motion carried.
10. MRS. HANS ESSELE, 1203 E. Acacia, regarding policy in
transporting emergency cases to the hospital. Mayor McGill requested
the City Manager to review the policy for the care of such emergencies.
After discussion, Dr. McElhaney was requested to contact Mrs. Essele
and explain the City's policy to her, after which the communication was
ordered filed.
1. MR. ALAN WEST, 301 Virginia Street, Parade Chairman for
Little League Baseball, thanked the Council for its cooperation and help
with the parade held April 24, 1965.
2. MR. JACK W. MORGAN, Attorney, 421 Oregon St., addressed
the Council asking that they delay their decision in the matter of J. and J.
Salvage Company in order to allow him time to prepare a presentation.
It was explained to Mr. Morgan that a hearing in this matter had been held
before the Planning Commission and also before the Council, at which
hearings J. and J. Salvage had been adequately represented and that in
order to allow Mr. Morgan to present anything further, it would be ne-
cessary to hold another duly advertised hearing. The Council did not feel
that this was necessary and stated that if Mr. Morgan wished to make any
remarks at this time, he could do so, but that it would have no bearing on
the case, since the case had already been presented and the Council was
in the process of weighing all the testimony and making its decision.
Mr. Morgan apologized to the Council and stated that he had been contacted
only two hours earlier by the J. and J. Salvage Company and was not aware
that hearings had already been held in the matter.
1. NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE. Councilman Nagel re-
ported that he had attended the hearing in Sacramento concerning Senate
Bill No. 335. He stated the bill had been frozen in committee at this time.
The hearing on Senate Bill No. 336 regarding the condemnation of airspace
around airports was scheduled for April 27, 1965 and Councilman Nagel
reported he planned to attend.
The meeting of the E1 Segundo Work- Action Committee with the
Department of Airports was held on Friday, April 16, 1965 with Mr.
Lloyd Hinton, Los Angeles Sound Abatement Coordinating Committee,
presiding. Mr. Burt Lockwood, Representative of the Department of Air-
ports, reported that the Department was planning to construct an experi-
mental earth abutment approximately 12 feet high at the north boundary of
the. Continental Airlines hangars.
Mr. Hinton reported that Mr. Bob Baker, Chief Pilot for American
Airlines, has made a simulated study of Boeing 707 take -off envelopes, to
determine if reduction of power on take -off would reduce noise, if low
climb -outs involve a safety factor and if reduction of power on take -off
would result in less fuel consumption. Mr. Baker has been asked to attend
the next meeting to discuss this study.
It was reported at this meeting that efforts are being made
toward a suitable engine suppressor and that very favorable data had
been received from a company which has a patented device called a
Modul Acoustic Suppressor. There have been favorable reports on such
a unit which is now in operation. The Airport Commission has pledged
$20, 000 toward the development of a mobile force for this suppressor
which would make it portable. The initial suppressor will be purchased
by the airport and if it proves effective, a regulation will become effective
making it mandatory for use on all engine runs during any time of the day
or evening.
1. Reported that bids had been received for the purchase of two
sedans for the Police Department, which bids were as follows:
Escobar Ford Agency $4,732.00
Trade -in: Unit #33 $1,116.50
Unit #36 $1,118.50
Total Bid $2,499.00
Hessell Chevrolet $5,200.00
Trade -in: Unit #33 $ 800.00
Unit #36 $ 800.00
Total Bid $3,600.00
In view of the fact that the Escobar Ford Agency submitted the
lowest bid, it was recommended that a purchase order in the amount of
$4, 732. 00, less trade -ins, be issued to them.
Motion was made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Council-
man McElhaney, that the low bid of Escobar Ford Agency be accepted and
that a purchase order in the amount of $4, 732. 00, less trade -ins, be
issued to them. Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Kimport, McElhaney, Nagel
and Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
2. Presented for the Council's consideration a comprehensive
report from the Police Department covering the overtime pay. It had
been determined that the present rate of expenditure for overtime would,
if continued, exceed the amount budgeted for that purpose. The City
Manager stated that he had instructed the Police Department to take what-
ever steps were necessary to insure that the budget was not exceeded,
so that at the present time, the long - standing policy of the Council of
maintaining a definite number of vehicles in service at all times, is not
being followed. In order to return to the desired level of service,
additional funds would need to be appropriated for the current year or an
adjustment made in the present procedure of filling vacancies and pay-
ments of overtime.
After discussion, motion was made by Councilman McElhaney,
seconded by Councilman Nagel, that a committee be appointed to study
the problem and report at a later date. Motion was unanimously carried
and the Mayor then named Councilmen McElhaney and Kimport, City
Manager Sailors, Police Chief DeBerry and Deputy Police Chief Wood to
this committee.
3. Reported that the Drill Tower at Fire Station #2 had been com-
pleted and that dedication has been set for May 8, 1965.
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4. Suggested that Parcel B, being Lot 3 and the southerly 10 feet
of Lot 2, Tract 10058, on California Street, be readvertised for sale and
that a minimum of $15, 000 be set. Motion was made by Councilman
McElhaney, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that this matter be taken
under advisement until the next regular Council Meeting.
5. Reported that notice had been received from the State Finance
Department that the present census is 15, 800. This is an increase of 400,
which would mean an increase to the City of $6, 000 to $7, 000 from State
subventions and grants.
6. Reported that he had been informed by the owners of the pro-
perty on Pine Ave. between California and Kansas Streets that the terms
of the proposal approved by the Council at its April 12, 1965 meeting,
were not in agreement with the understanding of these property owners.
It had been their understanding that the work package to be proposed to
the Council would include sidewalks as well as curbs and paving. In ,view
of the fact that the sidewalks are not to be included, the property owners
have reduced their offer to $325. 00 each.
After discussion, this matter was taken under consideration until
the next regular meeting to be held May 10, 1965.
1. Presented for the Council's consideration, an ordinance
adopting by reference the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1964 Edition, title of
the document being "The Western Plumbing Officials Uniform Plumbing
Code, 1964 Edition. "
The City Clerk stated that three copies of said Uniform Plumbing
Code, 1964 Edition, duly certified by her to be true and complete copies,
are on file in her office, open to the public for inspection and use.
The City Attorney read the title of said Ordinance, entitled:
Thereafter said Ordinance was introduced by Councilman Frederick.
The City Attorney then suggested said matter be set for public
hearing on May 24, 1965, after which it was moved by Councilman Frede-
rick, seconded by Councilman McElhaney, the matter of adopting the
Uniform Plumbing Code, 1964 Edition, be set for public hearing on
May 24, 1965. Motion carried.
2. As previously requested, presented for the Council's con-
sideration an Agreement executed by the Holthes for the extension of the
present contract, one year to January 31, 1968, for the collection and
disposal of garbage and combustible and non - combustible rubbish hereto-
fore made on February 1, 1962. Moved by Councilman McElhaney, se-
conded by Councilman Frederick, the agreement be approved and the
following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that that certain form of Agreement ex-
tending service for one year, between the City of E1 Segundo
and Holthe Disposal Service, presented to this Council at this
meeting, be and the same is hereby approved; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor be and
he is hereby authorized to sign said Agreement for and on be-
half of said City and the City Clerk to attest.
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Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Kimport and McElhaney;
Noes: Councilman Nagel and Mayor McGill;
Absent: Councilmen None.
3. As previously requested, copies of Assembly Bill No. 1218
were distributed to the Council, and at this time the contents were re-
viewed. This Bill is an act of the Legislature to permit cities or
public agencies to incur obligations to be paid for over a period of time.
The City of Redding had asked support for this Bill. By general consent,
the communication was ordered filed.
4. As previously requested, the City Attorney had prepared a
resolution proposing certain changes in the City Code. Councilman
Nagel moved, seconded by Councilman Kimport, that the following re-
solution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the terms and provisions
of Section 34. 153 of "The Code of the City of E1 Segundo, Cali-
fornia, 1958 ", the City Council requests the Planning Commission
to process in the manner prescribed by law, proposed amendments
to said Code as follows:
(a) Amend Section 34. 10 of said Code by deleting sub-
section (3) thereof.
(b) Amend Section 34.61 of said Code by deleting sub-
section (25) thereof.
(c) Amend Sections 34. 10 (10) and 34.28 (11) by adding
a provision permitting a sign endorsing a political
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Frederick,
and Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Kimport, McElhaney, Nagel
5. Presented for the Council's consideration a resolution pre-
pared by the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County regarding
proposed Annexation No. 31 (Sepulveda Annex) to County Sanitation Dis-
trict No. 5, said area being located at the southeast corner of Mariposa
Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard.
Moved by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Frederick,
that Resolution No. 2122, entitled:
which was read, be adopted.
On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes; Councilmen Frederick,
and Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Kimport, McElhaney, Nagel
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1. Reported that the four bids received at the last regular Council
meeting for the construction of the grade crossing at Douglas Street had
been reviewed and checked and that the Vernon Paving Company, Inc.
bid of $10, 995. 05 was the low bid, being 376 below the engineering esti-
mate. Mr. Allen recommended that said bids be held over until the next
regular meeting, pending receipt of easement document from the Santa Fe
Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman
McElhaney, that the bids for the construction of grade crossing at
Douglas Street, received April 12, be held over until the next regular
Council meeting to be held May 10, 1965. Motion carried.
The matter of appeal from the decision of the Planning Commission
in their Resolution No. 607, revoking the Conditional Use Permit of the
J. and J. Salvage Company, was considered at this time. The Council
having fully considered all testimony received, it was moved by Council-
man Nagel, seconded by Mayor McGill, that the decision of the Planning
Commission be upheld, and the appeal denied. Carried by the following
Ayes: Councilmen Kimport, Nagel and Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilman Frederick;
Abstained: Councilman McElhaney;
Absent: Councilmen None.
The following bills, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read. Warrants Nos. 8968 thru 9064 inclusive:
General Fund - - - - - - - -
Water Operating. Fund - - -
LibraryFund - - - - - - - -
Special Gas Tax Fund - - -
PensionFund - - - - - - - -
Water Consumers Fund - -
Trust Fund - - - - - - - - -
- $ 83, 449.40
- 4,939. 74
- 2,627.48
- 198.00
- 313.25
- 74.51
- 602. 00
TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $92,204.38
Moved by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Frederick,
the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of
the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Frederick,
and Mayor McGill;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Kimport, McElhaney, Nagel
Mayor McGill stated that with the appointment of a new Planning
Commissioner, it was felt that a joint meeting between the Council and
the Planning Commission would be helpful. It was moved by Councilman
Nagel, seconded by Councilman McElhaney, that such a meeting be held
on May 3, 1965 at the hour of 7 :00 o'clock p.m. Motion carried.
No other business appearing to come before the Council at this
session, it was moved by Councilman McElhaney, seconded by Councilman
Nagel, that the meeting adjourn until Monday, May 3, 1965, at the hour
of 7 :00 o'clock p. m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City
of E1 Segundo, California, the hour of adjournment of this meeting being
9 :45 o'clock p. m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted:
City CierK