1960 JAN 18 CC MINx 938 171 Se-undo., California Jamiar7, l` , _jn,'.n An ad ' iotirned ref-ill-ar rieetin- of the City- CoT,nc-4j" or cit.!- o-_4' E' Se-imdo was !,,e] c! in +--',,e Cots(-? '• r111 ­-'-(-!r of '`)c' Ci-.,- T'a7.1 of said Cit.- on the al,ove data The ­ieetir.- was ca-Lied to order by 1'ennet',, P. "e-ifiel-rI., a7'or, t!ie ':i.o?,r l,e-in- n 1 o'cl-oc'. TIOT T� T C �k7 "resent: FredericT,, (7or1o.­ and ,al-or rerfiel.rl - Co— icil.ren V,,se­t: 7'a' er and ',7eschlik. -11e '!a-or stater! the re -Mar mieetin- of JTanilar- e- a!', ;o•irnerl 1—t-il- this late for the T-1,rnose opL or- i-a­ces ir . " -. rof,117ceO a' said neef_-im­. Ci-'.-• Cler' read 41,-',e title of Ordinance '-o. -7c e 4 1 ­1 A)7 01"'1)T-A-CF, OF TTT1 CTT",' OF ET, SE. CT' -; 1)0 C '7 r-, (TTIE CO"1';RE,TE`-STVE 70_ I'Tr_ or, SAITD CITY T,Y THE -1AP I 7_11or. motion diil�' made and imanirioTisl-- carried, t h e �Ilr`er realdlir- of Ordinance '-o. was waived. Fo`.o,v!-*!,,­ motion. m.ade ! y Councilman Frederic!- .1 secorrl7 e,! Co1,nc4TI7ia:, rorr7o­Y Ordinance '_'o. 175`' was ado"ted .ote: '1"es: Co,mcilmen a,,-or Te�,f ocs: 4 j_,j C -1 - I ".)S( Coilrc-41--en Frederic'!., Gordon arc! 1. r11 'one 71_11�er and "'escl-10-. li,e Cit.- Cl-er'l, rearl til-e or Or('1ira-nce i'o. 0!')I" ' "CL' OF T­ CIT7 OF 7T. S I 7r1T­'j)O V _17"" F) I rDT I T C7 11r) T-TT-7 OP,1DT'__A1,CE) Or S_M) CITI A—F"DT IT(7 17TTE 71AP i - I - I T TITT-, PET- CO­T,-U.'_-IM. T' 7 the o'-.i(--n m-ar,e a­_I ,ran v irios1_­ t carrier?, l C)r_ rea-lin- or _i7ja!,ce 170. cc(" ­.,as ­ai--e1!. ol 7o­,-41n- r1otion -arle CQ c 1_-,1a,7 Gordon, seconded Frer7er-i(-' Orr!4_ja-_(,e -0. �cr) ,.,as adr, e rl e -o- e: e S' sr:. - : ;1_o-­-c4_.'­c­- "al-er a-,d X 939 p ro-ress e a-- c'. fer 'r,),-- 1;ail- Lssl,� o 7:a-- Se Ti e a r s o 'j-71 f s m 0 or e -o,,Tc a,ove o-Ffer Carrier! ';-,- the follo,,-:inr' vote: .11 uo-n- cil- rien Fre,leric, T' Co?-incilrien "-.o?-ie: A',scn!-. Co--,-rcil!-ier T-,a!:er ancl ' -T ,o ot';ier :-,,-,tsiness ap�)ear=7 to I)e f--ra,,,sac'L-.e,-' at it 7.:as - o-•e -? Co7lncil,-an C-or�llon, seconued Ccwncii- Fre(leric;' t-,e r:ieetin- a,-l'-':o-,!rn, tote lioTir of Olcloc!- 'lotion carr-i.(-,,--', -a.-or 1-1 l,esl-elc'-,-.F,,1..,- sv'•.r,,ittedl, -2- Cil-I Clerl,