1960 JAN 11 CC MINX 930 E' Se- ,,,ndo, California January 11, 1960 A re 7ul ar meeting of t1,e City Colznci l of the Cit., of El Se- undo, California, was held in the Council Chamler o-f the Cil.v 'sail of said City on the al -ove date. Prior to call-in- the r.,eetin^ to order, those present. joined it -,Ied in^• al_:1e�;i ance to _II C' F� a^ Of the ?,.lite(' SiF' OfV Ar',erica, af`l.er i,'hich a ?7ravcr was offered by it. Floyd Wallace. The mee -.ins ,:as then called to order ')-- Nenneth :,. he oar 'eir.7: )r O'clock enfiEl, :a, or, F.ri. I :O L L CI'- I. I_, Coi ?.ncilnen Present: ',aker, Frederic! :, Gordon, ' esca,?, and .:a-.or ?'eIIfielci: n.= i ":1C ".1ni?tes Of t',e rCr ",'1ar meetin^• of the C7.':;`,- C01,nci1 'Ile (]_' Cf 1'l Se^' ?hCiO, Ca- LiierT "!J.a. lr" )'Ce:1' -or , �•C(. rear! an,, a coffee .�_o .,a�ri. , c :ar;e .rs it was r.:ovedl 1 ` "o CO,..UlC11." an r iCT' -C' , seconded, Co "inert -nap al-el -, ":E' t.Iin,ii -.es Of said r,cei.in^ c a ^T�roved as corrected. ' :otion carried. S2ECI:1L 01 DERS OF ''T'SI':E SS The 'favor arnol -tnced that this x..as the time and pi-ace heretofore fixed for the hearing; on appeal. of 'Ir. and '•irs. Victor :1ra7,iar fron the decision of the Plannin^• Co=ission in its Reso- lution 1 :0. 415, denying- request for variance to exceed allo:vahle percenta.^-e of lot coverage in an P -1 zone, at c;1-9 Virginia Street, and irguired of the Clerk if proper notice of the hearin- had been ^iven. The C1erl: stated affidavits of publication and mailing notice of this hearing were in her file; that the file of the I']_annir_g Cor.,mission as well as of the Cite Council to date were in hor possession, after w1hich the :Mayor stated the files in the matter ,,,ol'Id Ise made a part of the hearing. The 'IaN,or inquired if any written corununications had beer received pertaining to said natter, and the Clerk advised that petitions si -ned 1) 60 residents of EI Se(*?,ndo protesting a -ainst the decision of the P larning Commission, had been filed With her, and said petitions were read at this time. A]. so a letter was received from ',Ir. Thoc-2as Odatev, designer of subject i o use, Wl.ic'z :Letter was read. The a --or inquired if anyone rresert desired to sneal: ir, favor of '^e proposed variance. ,! follo,,ainT persons s- ,ol-e: 111-o nce. ,r. I_arr -- Shiner, ?53 Vir^'inia Street, :r. A. '1. Di_llarcl, X15 r^i_ria Street, '.r. J. :e,ctor., nID,? Vir -ini_a Street ". as well as .` r. and i_ctor :lral� ian " d resent desired to spea'. i Or 'osition to Irartin- the 'fronosed variance, and t;he foll_ow- ir^ ­ersons s,-)o' e: '1r. ; :al!. Vir% er, X25 : i.nia Street, conar' 1:' p3.1 e, 51 Virginia Street, .r. L. :alsbon, 9. , '.'i.r^i::i.a S'rect, ir. :Zo'er? ::cCarti,-, ;.7_ .Vest .'acacia :',ver.l,e, a?ci r, r, :'a(i "e"'., '. ^1 .'est Acacia Aven,.le. . ftcr all. f-,cstimor -- had I %een received, it was moved 1 -_- Co- nci_I -,ar Frederic]-, secon -<ed 1,y Coi?ncil_mar. `'a'..cr, the 'hearinI ' closed. o'-.ion carried. -1 -- X ';o`.•c'.C1 ?,r Cn!Tncil- r,.-mr Gordo­, seconded '-iy Co` cilnan I' al'er, t'he acti -O. ^. Or t ,e �'_l.annin- Cot- ,ir',1SS10n ])e Overru l_eC., an.c7 t.lat esoli•.t­ on ?;o. 1 c,)', entitled: A i:- SOI,? "TIO'" OF TIIE CITY COT" ,CIi, OF T'T° CTT "' OF E' Si n'-':DO, C LLIFOI:';I A, CIT:TAI'" V, ";:TA':C , ;" ST1Ai:T TO T1'11 ii "'E�1T_ OF V. `.'ICTOii ATIA T _1''l) 'i�'�_ F" 0'I m1r :I; 1) 71 ,.ISI01_' . .' .I'.:' ,) En ED n. T IT. E C T '- � 11L_'';_ "T' ;' (70' ';IS. IO_. IN ITS I:ES01 T"IO'. ';0. "_l5 , %ras read, I e adop,.ed . On rn i ca ! , , Sa1:1 '.1Qt1Cn Carded a ^.Ci Sa7 C. resol..lt _On_ 1'; aS -Oilowin- vote: - e .:a: , o 1(t "a-or c 'er .or:> _ :, :Oes: C' o .,cil_rler. Frederic': az d :osclrll :. �. 711e '.a)-or aIIhOi'JhCC'ci t'. ?at'. this was (-,'he time a ^d - _Lace erc..- n;"nre .fLi:eci for tllc 1- ieari' ?7 On pro;,oseJ c'h ar,-e of 7o ?1e from .c. -one 1-21 - or "'ronert -' located o - th ('asterl side of- a.' :'. ., r('(?� , ^�'.:`t:.(':_ . (aripnsa .:Ve_i,e anti : 1P.e :ivcn"(? and 7'et:Jeen *gal :ve-.'? ^, as r( co r.len(ied i71 _ ^1 an.-- r,- Ccvi- a"r': :(,i,i.re i of the Clerl: if I)roper r.nt,icc of e hcarinT 11 ad ':)eeil ^riven. The CJerl: advised t. ii at aff_'._ '•.av1L QI r—':11Cat1on I 'A' c S:lallln ^; i:CticeS Were ill her fl_'_e an-,1 t'.1at t',1e f Ile of t'1e riannir , CO;,u- Jission as weli as the C1t.y Co „nc1` to c'ate i•.ere in her - )ossesslon., after whicl1 the 7.,a­ or i1:110L'nC(':l lle f 11 eS in file t ".latter ,PO1?l Ci ';e r.ladc a -art Of the The 'ia!'Or inquired if ,•:rlttcn coinmunlcat10ns had 1`een receives; or the prorosed chan7e of ::or.e, and there ':)einl* noi'c, inq--ired if arvone nresent desire(, to sI)eal. ir! favor of said r)ro- nosed s-one chap -e. ilr. :Marl•: Siemal, of the Thunderhird ITO! el., states! there i�.as a reed for addit.i.onal roor..s in the hotel which r;Qiij d req -,.ire a than -e of -',one. ;'r. tom' .Q <. cl `.-,ral lace and Itr. IT. E. ' rQrt also spoke in favor of the 1,ror)OSe( I ;-,one shank. The Nab, or inquired if anyone Wished to sneal: i_n onno- si t ion to said proposed zone chat, Te, and there ])ein- none, it Was :coved �- Cmincilrlan Frederic]:, seconded 1)�; Councilman T�a]:er, the 931 heari.n^ ? e closed. 'Motion carried. Thereafter, Councilman Frederick in,trodl!ced Ordinance :;o. 55`, entitled: tii: ORDI'_:: T(1t OF TIIE CIT OF EI. S- EGT:i'DO C.iT IFOIZ ?.I.1, :L IL': nI':� 0 IM A . CL �:o . 51)7 (TIIE M,' ' ;%II .'. SIVE : ­01,T11-(" OI:DI': A ”' CE) OF SAID CITY T'). TTIE 0'::Ii r I` AP TT'E,_ LI': CO': ; :1I1 ;i U. , ,,:as read. ri' ;?.e ;ia "Or a''no"mce:] t'lat this Was , "he tine an(, place ;,oret.nfnre rl;:ecl for the '.?eari -.1- on propose, i Wlcienln^' to a (lentlh o j fee' ~, the C -2 :orhe or tlhe easier'; si_cte of Sepulveda "oi.i.levard rQ'�i I:ar „`OSa c ;VenL?e t0 Li Se^'' ndn I',milevar(T, and inquired of tlhe C' er' if, ro„er r_otice of t'1c ',earir. 'lad 1)een �*i.ven. I'Ile Merl, a- I'vised ;]1at, of fic':avi's of mai_' i.n - ant'. n_ ul,.-Jication of notice of l,earin-- rrere in 'ler I)Qssessi-on, as ,:'ell- as the files of „lle Plannin^' COi1:?1SS10^ a ^C] the Cltt.- CO "nCll. to Gate, after ,•which tale ',a' or stated the '41 es 1r. ''1e :.'. after Would he tuade a -)art of this hearing^. -2- X 932 the 'ia?-or ind ► tired if ark written COI: ? ?:',I?IllCatlOnS received ^Crtai2`i:-- to tae nr0' >OSed i..'idenil'^; of the -� 70T:C, aI ;I t.lere .lone, ing?iire0 IA an "one 1_`resen- :ICS' T to sUeal: iIl favor of i;aC TDr0.'osed extension of C -2 O O ?;C re-s, >O.1C Cci. The .savor iilCl;i_l "I'eci ii an-ono ;`rose ^.t desired to speal: in o,,T'�osi;,ior to tie I,rol)osecl o= C - ro -er`�- as a'?ovc S' -a`ed, and :'o one rest ondia�7, it was mover: • Crrinci!_;"Zan i.al-er, Secor_(Ied 1`, Co- ncil_? :?an Gordon, tae hearin- e C7.ose(i. notion carried. Taereafter, Co rtc _r, °,Iar. Pa',er introduced Ordinance ':o. was read. 1 SL'T '`D0 Ci, .T FO ::' :I A, .i:TE "llT':G O l)I'.A',C2 .;0. 50; �r1iTL CO'; °i;LTTL? :SIB': :OI; I' :C O : :DI :'u1CL} OF STUD CTTY 1:Y XtAU:l)L'T T.TE EO :;I' :C 'IAA ITTFI, C0'-T I, ";ICATIO'-S `L',e follo ?;ink written comm i nicatior_s received front the Tersors, Firms Or cor ^orations hercinaf ,er named, were react to t ie Council, and i, ere disposed of in she i:Ia2_ner indicated: 1. LOS A' :GLEES CO? ?:TS' BO' ;D :1 :Y COI; :ISSIOi :, bein- notice ,hat tie %it tof In- I —ewood has filed with said Commission a proposal - or annex cation of I'l:edferr_ Territory". Ordered filed. . LOS X :CELLS COT­-,TI' T}O';',DAY CC'�1711SSIO ., Ineing notice t'_-at. the Cite o: In-lewood has filed with said Commission a prorosal or annexati "crl of "Grevil -ea TerritorvIT . Ordered filed. ? LOS A11%C'ELES COI -_,TY MTI- DA -' CO_`P,1ISSIO' , ocing notice til, L.:Ie Cit-: of In -&et -rood has filed with said Co:Imi_ssion a proposal For annexation of I'Century Territory ". Ordered filed. 21;;. C:1RL FOSSLTTr , �. i ST ?: ASIi MT is - CI:'AL '.:':;TLI:• DISTP.IC= re^'ardin- annexation of the Imperial Strip Territorl- to the City of I,I Sof--undo, which stthsegttcntly removed said annexation from the '•Tetronolitan '.,'ater District of Southern �aliforr_ia; statin- that the T.oard of Directors of the West, T'.asin 'i ni.ci: -al ':,ater District is pre ?pared to undertal :e proceedings for t'ie concurrert- annexation, o:`' said territory to the 'lest T)asin '_,Iuni- ci ','ater District an,- i to ti-)e :.:etro -Iolitan Water District of So,Lt'',err California. Also, tile cost of annexation, ar:Ionntin^7 to a —;roximatel -.r ")"00.00, tras as!-eci to I e ass-med by the Ci L,., of on reco :..r e dati_o~ o.� t:7c C_i"t�- I n-4 -veer, is was roved GOrd07 ?, seco' e,' -- ('.n• ncii_I'a?' FreCeric' , .1at I —e SIt:--1 C a " "'r0 ^r4 a+;eci to CC`.'Cr :-.'?e COSts O: a't'.._._ :£li.7 o;, Or "The Strip TCrritor-�•I' to the `.:CSI 71asin 'iunicipai •,,'ater District ,. n a•, 'ro- .•eel. Ga_ r4 c::'. i- t,':ie vote: "'M11- .c:i_li"ie :: -a'�er, Frederi "c] :, Cordo^, ' esch?,': e7 i" e c s son t, X $ . .ECi"t2'11 I0: _ :1::i t, ' i�.. C C ' .�.`ISS T 0, ,rese n ` n rr 1,s ;esc .i t;_on `:o. S ror tie consideratior- of tie Co-'nci1, sa-ic resol ,ition coveri n7 cnm?)lction of the CI ­,'-?1o,ise Venti 1 ation rro4ect, a. ^d -pro-osed constr*.zction of sof;;';al1 1imhtiz-7 on the srla -1 ,;a„ field. Ordered filed. - '.it.in- Street, L'1 Se, _-.ndo, rencrtin- storm tva er damw7e to his lone on January 10, Street, ."I Se—ndo, re or �- i ' daria7e to '1is ho, -,c cll•e to storrl water o-r Jan�7ar,• 10, J. - .IO'_,1)?T'I1 :.T, 1�7. �hi'v122^ Street, re ^orti:'!_ da7';a -e to his ?lode and rental ,,Mits from store lvat.er on Jan„,.ar-.- 1 i r The Co r.ci'. clesiriaT to l e of :ztraost service :;o t.'les0 C-i_ti_,c : -s, req �este(1 tl.e Cit,.- En�;ir_eer to :instal] caeca: valves in '.is area as Soo- as ;)ossi: 1c, so :,hat the groper' -. ..i :1'� '.;e better -^rotecte(1, and rom-estecl the Cit -- ' :ana,7er to contact: t:ie C,I; t f s Ins -.ra acs carrier to re-_ ort the da..a.-7e. :1177=5 OF OFFICE S %. "D S: ECIAL C(DI tE. ITTT T�S CITY .. :'C,AMER S :IjLO'IS _ifiDE :IEPO;TS AS FOLI.O','S: T. TI-at .for so .,-le t;irle t1e Los An -el.es Departme :it of a;;er a _ci Power has :)een ne,7o - iai.in� for the purchase of Cit -J- owr,.e(i T.et $, 71oci. , Tract 7.:1IS5, located westerly- of Nil.lcrest r( c'.; ? ('t free '.Ia-�'.e and �Ja ?_ ��enues; t'.lat a local I;ealt,.- Poard a- „?ralsai of t%e lot, !vas made in the ar'ount of ?20, 0'J0; that the Dc- �artrler_t o . :ater and Po.:er had made a2, offer of $�,, 000. r�e_.era-_ co_:sent, tae offer of file Department of :: ater and Pwver was not accel-.tcd. 2 . That a request had been received frorl 1 :orair Cori). , 'cca`c:l on East ' -ari- _)sa ovenue I. ctween Lairport and :.ash Streets, for )cr.•,ission Lo 'lave a siis�)ended traffic control ins Lai 1 e to err'' o--ees Of sa_i_c,, co:-� a.- ; to -a-;­ access to 'Mari ^o ,a we2:71e a:. w :;'.e c'_ose of :e shift, 3 : ' 17 , � :.a `-, cost of s*.ich ._-s -a. -1 a, i0: 't-mr! d 1'(- liaid for t'.�e •-orair 'or--). , ':u'� the traffic :;l"na.- .:n ^.� :1 `C QCS' `••'_�:('.'l, CC' :Si.r".Cteel d::(1 i,:1C i,_l:, , a ”; a' o-)cratior: of tae si- ,-ia-. ;o?'.l_cl l)e r:eccssar- a_ roe :i ,ate o-,-.e :,ol.'_r a :la- wncl .vo -,!1c ,'e 0 7:era od or: a '-ire cloc? :. 933 ovecl Co .ci'_na :: Cor;ion, seco--..leci .-tI Co: ncil_nan : iesc;ltl'-, .:e a' o,re ref zesty l)e a; proved. :otion carrio-` V �. :Ienortec Off- Street : arl-in7 -, ro, -cct; ar ro : :irlate'_l one i.ird of t :ie ,)iu' -er of ar?:i.I- sl:aces have -)een S"- 'O' -°'- for as of __l_s : :a'=. e. )'_ i'lc'.l',ers o_ file Co'.'_: cil., ..r. Reid n ' i -e C'' :er of Cc. ere ^, :10 - resc.r'; cc'. a letter fro,; t'.e Lntcr- , ;lfler CC?rT`ora' -.10?, a;:c1 o t71cr 1n ores'Le(l 7arties in the Tt C _. t:_._ co _„ -I- of of of= -s ;root earl i. arrcl.;7i:.- s� c' a rleelir;,�. t'te Co-,l icil ` i,at a ,,e^-:' in frith to; - '_eve' i.nd,,Str 4 .a? st _i; s Cnrie - -cl state-; that ' C a'.(. t'1c C':a;-ll>er of Cor::.ierce in X 934 r T' at three rltotations oen rece_,e:, for ;c a. S' El' .: fC' _ %Eras t'.le r' P "i. COi ?Si ",r "Ct ea s'_•orr• drain in :ari -)osa :,venre a' Dontlas Street until t'le rer',aincier of the drain is co,rml -eted, and reco:-- -iencled that, t7�o < ?:le`''er ftirnis':eci !, ? s':er Cor —,ar_T !�c ''- urchasecl a t'�e rise of ` �, . 1. 2`� each, sin.cl: 4-1 'ie ta' „tla i_o =� shoi: *c.a saic' i:as , ; ?1n hi -'lest mm ,d n- ca -aci - ". _':ovecl Colt.icilr a Fr _1eri.C' seeor.,le:: Cor nci" ` ar a ?)o':e rccm7-,me- Pdatio” '.,e aTirroveci. Carr:,_e ? ite follo,vi . vote. se: t: Cor r_ci'_neri ??a'-cr, Fro,'Cric':, Corclo:., 'tench enfie'_c' ..one. C That; the Cit :,as een riot...ficc of the a'; ' ai "tc rir1 <O e* rec "1_oc'° 04' 'Or,Man- ..'ells, :os. 1.', 17 and 2'), ant, t!ie '� irec';or of "uiTciin^- a­1 Safet.^ 'las inr :-;_cater: that the City- orclin- a: con ., ;' ,, d an e rcco,erdcd a' . .., or sa s e a,—rover'. :ovecl b-- Corlr,ci_-.,a_,. Frederic' -, seconded Cot.rci1,,an ic - 01_10,,,4;-- reso_,�l c a'.o ''� :x.15, there ',,as !:eer. ! resez:ted to this Coizncil at this ,,zectin^' a cor,'n rrnication frori !,Toc!: Oil. Coi,,,pany arlvisin�- of t:ie abandonr,.c -t of said CorrFan-. -ts oil- 1 %,0115 nanecl and ;:norm as ".Toe',: Oil_ `,'e. %1s :os. 1_r, 1i and any' red,test:i_n- exoneration as to any liability accriiin- With respect to said, wells under its ?;lanl-et ''ond 961')15% r:ith Indemnity Insiirance Corr -;and- of 1.orth Ai- ,erica as si,rety: and ,.- :,.1E:'.l7:1S1 the Director _11c Cit-- of El- Se unu 7o leas ,.. ecn a'andonecl in coin -liar: rer-r at ions !'overnin' site': satisfaction of T_�vildin- and Safety of ac'vised that said we'-Ts Have -e r :l_ t h Ci',N- ordinances and a'.)andonrrcn;,, and to iris Tili. ^., FO: X That 'le Iliac! reccntl-- r.1et rd t', a coru ittee O= ;ile Clarl'-er of Cor:r.ierce, headed ':r. P. L. 7redericl_s, in tl]e interest of the newly annexed Zi::_�erial_ Strin Territor "- ld1t.. tl:e Z:_Ie,a of sij-. ,'•es�`.e''1 T!ses Or that area. The C,--u:�' er ofV CGr''s'1CPCe was informed tha'• an`- plan -_ea ''_se Gf t"lis strZT, '-Or recreation and par!: purposes s'lot'.1(1 'he 11a:1Cl ee, Lhe :'arl: Coru :iissZGn. CT ^: C;_.r I•: .iADE ::E 'O :TS AS FOLLOT:S. l:ed?!ested a ^T:ro-vaT of the CourcZ. ',O '.lave sa= _aries of t'le 'vnicinal I;1.ection T'oarcl as fo1_1o!•:s: Clerl�s an(! .T1,.rl7es $15 • CIO Ins-r)ectors 1 S • 1) 0' _ o'_lin- Places ' ;) • 0, ''ovecl ':�' Covncilnan Gordon , secorcted by Coui cilriar.. T a1 er, t'le al;ove request be approved. :iotion carried. 2. e(I-'.es:,ed a)')rOval. Of t ::e COL1?1CZ1. t0 CO Si.i� ZC,ate the O �:1 re CZ „CtS !:1' ll'. I!1C CI for is n-_at `T'.�1C?_T a]- Election t t-er ^rocinCi;S. ` ovecl ' Council.n an Freder= c':, secon!'ed I),, Comicilnan csc',,,, 'ne <1-ove renrie st ':e an °�ro�. ed. io %ion carried. vi J�` .�1 ���. �:.� T'C`TT `�)f_'. i..?'�'L;:.1 :1J in I GI.S 1.. . ''rnser ec for the Co-�c - _ , - consi:lera-ta_on a resol tt- ".n ascc`r::a4 n i n.r” a (lC :crr ir_ r— t')e ?)re�.'a�.11:l rates of !'.'<1 (a ' O �- l �. 1 �- �, c` n!lC. Tllereaf:;er, it e- a: T -D s e C:i_ of �e , Coui c.1 * -a:' �Frcciericl:, seco�n('.ec' T Ce'•.lc,.? -ar. a':cr, f On CT F T .C7 r irCT ��.. i- `�_ fir. -gym -TTY n 1. .7I. i) ), C.1L FJ. ,.T r., i:J I` ;ll DIST 1Z II' "1'; G P: EVAILI 'G RATES OF �E TO ?';' :'.:� l) C,' �- T^ 0 ".T:;� T:. 'li, C.TT7 rm` in , carr'_ec1 a:.(: SaZ(i resol.11.tion hTdS ad0'): %e(1 ­011.owin- vote: Counci irrien ,a' er, Frectericl.., ar ci : iaz'or ".enfieI(i; ;oes: COU.T1Ci1_T7"tei: .'one: Al sent: Cornci lrle^. '-,on(-. Gordon, :esclml, 1. City :'itcorne,,, " ITS}1 read the ti ,ic of Ordinance ';o. 555, entitled: OF T'TE CITY OF TEL SEGT�;DO, IF0 '.' "I :, :'►`:_: E'. 1TI OI; TO , TITJ S"'T.. CITl OF �I. SEGT,;DO OF Cie ^T:'►I:" ;I':l AT;I TED 1; ::ITO DT,:, ;SIG:; A=, D AS tT "r_.: -n-•.� f r' »nT.� -�vtT R:'i." -T miT LL; ..I <•.,��.. :...�i0... I'. CO.;FO].,:....CI; .,I� . �r Ti: O.ISIO';. OF A TTTE- iTI �';'. , ;ATIO'T 0 %CT OF T. -non motion nade and unanii'lO:tsl" carried, the f-!rt:,er reaciir- of Ordinance ';o. 555 -.ras v aivecl. 935 936 Foj.lowinT motion j-iade 1,y Co-ncilman I'a*-er, seconded Co,incilman ordon, Ordinance '.-.o. 555 v.,as adopted ')-.- file C fol-lowin7 Vote: - A-.-es: Co-ncil,meT, naj1:er,, Frederic!:, Gordon , esc7ink and '-_at-or ",enFic1d; A`)sent: coy, ----c J-1i, c.- ..one. 2. Citv attcrne­ read t-lie tit-le of Ordinance .0. N 0:-11)T­A7-,1-E Or, ­:j, CIIP�l - Or -T F)Er-.,':_.D0 'A-71017 TO T A " 7 ". T:'E SAID CT T1 OF 771, SEC,7_'_DC 01' CIE', :iI- TET—IT,01171 DESIC,'_..'TED AS -CT` " 10 1YII T" C077FO".­:.,V. IT-7 T11­1� -1!`10NrTSTO'_'S OF THAS OF T'--' '7-u_'TTO")' ACT OF 10.3"l -ion rotion d. t riade and ,n,--i. carried e r-lior roadti.-- ol. Ordinance _o. 5 was .%,a`%re d. l'o-1.1 -win- i104_ j. 0 1-, riac-le Co-,ncilriar ­csch,.17:1 seconded a,!O-J;od t"Ic C "O'c: --1cric1:1 Gordo'?, 00s: Colir-cil -10--_ 7,,onc; so:` Cor-,�ci-1,rie- ",,,si rcaf-11 the title of Ordinw-.ce 0. T I': CIF 7117 CITY OF "I, _DE%'(71_t_­A7)0 "'T T: 'IT TT CO ]).-I l� OF T SZCIOT - .,T,.,.. '�- 11.'17. ',1 - I ­- OF: A:-") "'-- A. .0 T') S'"CTI O•- T" "r- - ­ TT (" !)1­(7 F0­1 I A71) "T'(7T,'T, ATT07S. 1.7, - 7 40� 7,.n, carr- r-acli— o? Orflina­ce ­.o. i�rIE -let 11 j,.aOc Co,_ncili.ian Frcclericl:, seco. cc! Or,!_Jra­cc ­o. 557 ,.:as a(!o;)te0 t'-.c fol_lor:- C ',-, n : Co. cif e - an-1 "a--oA- O(Is .�­crica ..-%-ia' 4 C) 11 I_e ­a'.-�tcr Of ''ic in:)!_ica'_-,iori o' "or",. 1 4- j - or a co--", 4 1-ormit- to oncroac'-. ii- c— cor.-lai- , _o -)o-.---' ns Stre?t t'lis Cit C. 0 r -,i --rosc`e, nt t'ic 7_as` , rc7.i'_ar -1. c c. ecor,,!Orl - '.,,as :iovorl Co­nci_7:--a7-i Cor.-Io:- - t' -,, i t -i t e:'., and Pesoill- al -er, lv_t -,on .-o -ra-. X 937 i `— "SOI.T"TI!T- OF T, ?E CITY COTT "CII. OF T ?117 CT T" OF EL SErt�?;I)G, C.'a.IFOn "I<i, (7, ,- ,� :.T.I,;r TO `;OPT'I :l';E?:ICA li'I ATIO' , I`_ "C. , a CERT.J CO'IDITIO?,'aL E�: 'Al OACTI1E';T PIT TO El• CROACI' TT ^M. :1 CERTr1I" T'OR"IO ?: OF I)OT l;I :'1S ST"' T `:'IT ?II' SAID CITY. was reac?, -e arjo- ,'ec1. 0 roil cal l _ sarl . r:o`,ior carried an -' said resod r7::i_on was ar,o ^_cri t.11e ;fires: C,o n.cir er. ..a' -er. 7rerleric, , Gorc'o z, esc' T� aml a <. or enfie :1 oes: Co>> ^cil_ne:� ' -one: , t T se? : ollrciliie^ _�:or.e. '', I I T'S : t,e °01... C?Q rje'la` ?C;S at'ln^ ' a l the a)T-,ro` ,il Or' the c, ce on rir.a-ce a-i:1 "ecor-ls, were rear! TZe- -4 Ster - De,,,a:,,ls `-os. �, ref tO nf'-501 inClT`Sl. e: General Fiirc' 76 1 .4 1!� !'rust Fl,ncl - - - - - - - - - - - - - '(?- c,4 T -'„nil — — — — — — — — — — — — a'. r '7`� e--i -seer - ater I)e art° er_ . - De;.a-Trls ''os. ?' to 2(",121 Incl- psi -e: .`a`;er �,reracin^ FT,nd - - - - - - - - TGT.II. c 7,0 , 'loved '. Colmcilman 7al :er, seconded ?;z, Councilman ,esch1,1 :1 t'-,e demands '•e allowed and warrants ordered drawn on an , nair' o-�t of t'ie res )ecti;-e fnncls coveriwT the same. Carried _' ,Tes: Corncilnen ,,a,-er, Frederick, Gordon, '' escllu.l and a:w-or "enfield : oes : Councilmen, None ; lbsent: Comn.ci'_mer `.one. ::o other business appearin- to t -e transacted at this :r.eet.in. -, it was moved ' v Councilman 'Jeschnl:, seconded I)�. Coiincil -man Frederic';, t'.,e meetinr7 adjonrn until- the horr of 7:01 otclocl- p.m. on Mond -, JanT ary 1c, 7_960, the hoTTr of arljovrnrient of this meetin,- I)ein- 10:00 o?cloc'. p.m. :a--or Respectfully sTibmitted, Cit-�r Cl.erl-